Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, you are one of our dearest friend. <<<<<<<<<,hugs>>>>>>>>>> to a beautiful Lady/:heart:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    It's been a day or two since I was on here, so hello to all.:flowerforyou:

    Marie, Your new eating plan sounds interesting. You will have to keep us posted.

    BirdieM, Sorry to hear about your MIL not likely to be coming home. It took great tenacity and strength of character to toss all those goodies you described.

    I have only found one "trigger food" so far since I started on my journey. I discovered that I like ginger snaps, and can be happy with one or two for a serving, BUT I discovered that Newman Oh's Ginger sandwich cookies are from the :devil: :laugh: :laugh: The only binge I have been on since I started in April was hitting a bag of those pretty hard 'til they were G--O--N--E, then I made a vow to not buy any again til I reach my goal weight, which is probably about a year away, realistically, since we lose more slowly at the end of the journey from what I have read.

    I have given Mai Li a new nickname. She is the "bathroom bouncer."-- you know, like a bouncer, who guards the door at a nightclub. This morning she parked herself in the doorway of the bathroom while I was taking a bath. This prevented Pepper from coming in and napping on the bath mat as he usually does. He just sat on the other side of her, looking sooooo sad:sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: Of course when I finished, Mai Li had to move so I could get out, but it was funny to watch those two stare one another down. She was gonna keep the riff raff out of mom's bathroom no matter what.

    As for Bradley, while all this was going on, he was snoozing in the living room--worn out from the hour long walk we all went on this morning. It was not warm, just in the high 40's, but it wasn't raining, so a pleasant outing.

    Hope everyone has a good Friday the 13th!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning Seniors,

    What are your plans for Thanksgiving. Jerry and I are going over to Alice and Jim , I am to make the dressing and a carrot cake. Kathy and Ricky and her family will be there. Looking forward to have this family get together. .........Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone! TGIF!

    Sandy - we all love you! You are SO close to your goal - i think you need to record that pound on your ticker! You ROCK!

    Marie - how are you feeling with your new diet?

    Barbie - did you dehydrate any of the apples? I did some of that this year with what i got from my 2 trees. Certainly not 5 boxes!:noway: Congrats on your weight loss! You're amazing. Good luck with the eating out tonight - i know - it can be awkward. I've done it most of my life just 'cause i don't eat meat - but that's not as tough as when you eat "clean". People freak out enough when i tell them THAT! lol

    Barb - that's such a cute story about Mai Li! What a funny little dog! They all have their own personalities. We have the 2 dashchunds in our office now - the 8 year old and the baby. She's constantly standing on his head and pouncing all over him trying to get him to play. I'm amazed how tolerant he is - he loves her:heart: I'm so impressed that you only had the 1 binge. It seems like once i start i can't stop for a few days.

    My nieces hubby is on his way here from SW CO today. I'm fixing 1 piece of macadamia crusted halibut for us to share tonight - and a broccoli/cauli/carrot casserole.

    Tomorrow i have scrapbooking so i'm "practicing" for Thanksgiving - trying out a new sweet potato casserole recipe and a new dressing - sausage and chestnut - at least i won't be tempted by THAT! lol

    Happy Friday the 13th everyone! We're expecting snow anytime - so i don't know about dog walks today or tomorrow - don't mind the snow and the cold but the mud - YUCK!:grumble:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli< Snow? hope it is a pretty one. We are to get our first frost next week if the weathman got it right................Jerry used that Shampoo on Sammy....Jerryy said it was great. , compareing to what we by at the grocer stores. Is it available localy?
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi Marie - glad you liked the shampoo! The best place to get our products is from a catalog called Revival Animal Health. Their number is 1 800 786 4751.
    They say we're going to get some snow - but it's not that cold - i think it could be mostly rain. We'll see!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat, You were asking about my diet. go to.......... click on chart and there is a ;ist of foods that I eat. I have lost 2 lbs so far. But I have put my scales up for we are not surpose to weigh untill 8 weeks. Here is how I am measuring my lost. I am wearing size 10 undies and bought som 9's. The 10's ae confortable and the nines are a little snug but can wear them , As soon as the 9's get confortable I will buy sonme 8's and so on down the line.[ Don't laugh Jeffrey]
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from sunny Saskatchewan! I keep saying that I am going for a walk but never get there. Perhaps this will be the day that it happens. I had a long day at work yesterday as well as Dr. appts. I had a hard time staying awake on the couch, eventually falling asleep hard. I woke up at five and went to bed. I forgot to turn my alarm off but didn't even hear it so slept until about 10. Today I will make myself stay awake until bedtime (at a decent hour). I am home alone today mostly wasting time although there is so much I could be doing. I should eat something for lunch but so far haven't decided what.

    Take care all, I hope to get back later this evening. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau
    Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johnson
    With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
    The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice:
    If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.
    Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. > Census.
    While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION. The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.
    AND REMEMBER, THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION.. No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.
    Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.
    Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are
    supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.
    For more advice on avoiding identity theft and fraud, visit <;


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, When will your last day at work? I know you are looking forward to it. I am so happy for you.And this cruise trip when is it? You are a night owl. always been one. I remember you and debra always posted after I went to bed. But did enjoy reading the next morning,

    We are to have our first Frost next week. Gonna have to get our plants in.

    Have a good day.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - thank you so much for the usefull information re: the census!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We had a lovely dinner with friends last night. I watched what I ate all day and made sure I got a lot of exercise so I'd have some calories available for dinner. The company was great. We love the family and their thirteen poodles. Dinner was roast chicken, a vegetable dish with zucchini, onions, peppers and turkey sausage, and baked yams. It was delicious. Just before we left, the daughters cut up fresh oranges and pears for dessert.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: marie, I read a little bit about your diet and it was all positive so I'm glad you found it.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, if I leave the bathroom door open, I get help from all the pets (not all at once, since Haifa won't come in if the dogs are there:laugh: ) mai li sounds so cute

    :flowerforyou: Marie, our plans for Thanksgiving involve boarding the dogs and driving two hours each way.......some friends from California will be in Washington visiting his mom and they've invited us to have Thanksgiving with them. They have a new baby and didn't want to try to come over here with the baby so we'll go to see them.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, your dinner for tonight sounds delicious.....we used to have a dehydrator but not any more so we're just making applesauce.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm happy to hear that you're getting a lot of rest.:noway:

    We had a lot of wind today......I had to keep walking at the dog park because when I stood still it felt like the wind would knock me over.

    Jake leaves tomorrow for an overnight trip to Vancouver (:sad: :sad: :sad: boo hoo, I wish I could go and maybe connect with Barb). We're a one car family so the dogs and I will be staying home with no trips to the dog park.
    time for bed so we can get up at 4:30
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How do you make your applesauce? Sounds so good having your freezer stock with good wholesome food. I can't have apple sauce yet but at the end of my first 8 weeks I can. The ideal behind this first 8 weeks is getting my body ready for more carbs.

    So glad you are getting out to socialize with your friends. I don't eat out to often but can manage to make the right choice Getting them to leave off this and adding that. Its our choice when we eat out.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Didn't get a chance to post yesterday, had a busy day. Went to a benefit from our Church last night that had a silent auction as well as a live auction. Dinner was chicken and with all the walking around I did, I didn't gain an ounce. :laugh: It was a fun night and I bought some nice items. The theme was the 70's so I put together an outfit with wide legs that I ironed some flowers on the bottom of the leg and I tie dyed a shirt and wore a flower in my hair. The music was great and friends were great. :heart:

    This morning is obedience class for Daisy, check out her new haircut showing her eyes. I like it but think I will let it grow back out, I like her eyes covered.

    Will try to respond to everyone's post later, have to get myself moving.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How cute Daisy is with her eyes so pretty.
    Glad you had a ball last night. Wish you took a picture of you in you outfit.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie, I core and slice apples using a Universal Gourmet Apple-Potato Peeler Slicer (I don't peel them) then I cut them into smaller pieces and put the pieces in a big pot with 2 cups of water, bring the water and apples to a boil in a covered pot, then lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes with the lid on and 40 minutes with the lid off.

    I freeze the applesauce in glass jars, plastic containers, canning jars, and freezer bags,

    At first I used a little brown sugar and cinnamon, but now I cook them plain. If someone wants brown sugar or cinnamon they can add it later.

    When I first wanted to make applesauce I read several cookbooks to find out how to do it. It was very interesting to find that my mother's cookbook from 1943 suggested almost no sugar and the more modern cookbooks suggested quite a bit of sugar.

    I have two pots simmering on the stove and I'll be getting on the exercise bike. The temperature was 30 when I walked the dogs early this morning. Now it's up to 35 so I decided to do my exercise indoors today.

    I'm home alone with no car so I'll have a lot of time today to do the stuff that I've been putting off.
    hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbiecat, . I loved apple sauce. Can't have it now but can in 5 1/2 weeks. Looking forward to it.
    But you know what I am not drooling on all the goodies at Holidays gathering Just had a big salad with all the free stuff I could find/ Quite good.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! It is hard to believe it is the middle of November with the gorgeous weather we are having. It is frosty in the morning but gets nice as the day progresses. We got up early this morning as Neil wanted to take us out for lunch (which actually means I pay, but whatever). We picked up our groceries right after breakfast so it was nice to have that done early. Dave went to help my son put the Christmas lights on his evergreen tree in his front yard. They really needed a bucket truck to get to the top so he was a bit disappointed but at least it will sparkle. He had to climb the tree a bit to get it as high as he could. The cats must have been having a glorious time watching out the front window. Neil had brought home a recipe for cookies (unbaked) that they made in his program so we had to get those made this afternoon, not diet friendly. We both had a little sleep in front of the TV. I was reading and he was watching racing. When Dave got home we switched to football. Our University team was playing and lost, last game of the season. I am not so much for football but get more interested in these important games. I enjoy hockey or curling much more and of course, love figure skating.
    My two sisters and I are thinking about taking a trip to Winnipeg by train to see my Uncle and Aunt. We haven't seen them for a few years and would really like to do this. As kids we traveled on the train so much and we thought it would be fun to do that again. I am supposed to be looking into prices, times, etc. We will stay in a hotel as I don't want to put a stress on them and now that they are in a seniors condo. I don't expect they have room for extra. We will visit there, of course. The train station used to be downtown Winnipeg but I have no idea if it still is or not.

    Someone asked about my retirement date, I think it was Marie. I actually should be done but due to my illness I wasn't able to finish what needs to be done. So, I went in Thursday and will need to go in one more day. I did bring some work home but haven't touched it yet. The extra time that I have to work will be paid out in holiday pay. They are having a Retirement Tea for me on the 26th so I better be done by then. Next week I have a 3 day conference to go to which I am quite excited about. A large part of it is to do with infant-child bonding during hospitalization, etc. Half of my caseload has been children in hospital, sometimes for more than a year so this is very relevant to me. I am not sure if I told you but I am going to work casual starting in Feb. only for the hospital children. If there are no children in hospital I won't go in but if there are some I will go in one half-day a week. Hopefully I can get it done in a half day.

    All the talk of apple sauce makes me want to make some. I love the smell in the house when I make apple sauce and Neil really likes it. I have a nice pork tenderloin in the freezer which would really like some apple sauce to accompany it to the table. Yes, I do add a bit of sugar (no surprise). Speaking of dinner, I better get some cooking. Have a lovely Sunday.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :wink: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, sounds like you are soon to be a retiree. Is Neil still planing on going into a retreat home? He seems so happy to be with you all. Every once in awhile I see Neil's whale goes by on my computor. I took a picture of it and Alice has set my computer up so if I am not on it all of my picturres flash by. Sure enjoy it.
    I gave Alice Neil's box of pecans. We only got a 5 gallon bucket full this year. Where 6 or 7 years ago we got about 5 buckets full. But this year crop was better Pecans.

    I am doing fine on my new programs. but I always do for 2 or 3 weeks. I am hoping this time is better, I got an E-Mail from Mo wishing me a Happy birthday. Its nice to be thought of from Sunny Africa. She didn't have anything to say. Of course I wrote back with a bunch of questions.

    a lovely trip you and your sister have plan. I always wish I had a sister. I got 3 brothers instead.

    Have a good weekend. Marie:heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey guys, a good Sunday Morning to you all. It is misting rain here and surpose to be colder tomorrow. with the north winds. Time to pulled out the sweatshirts. Still doing great here, I am happy with my new plans. I seems to have more energy. See you later.
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