Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    lol - Birdie, i'm with you! motorcycles scare me - no worries about me hopping on with Nancy! I'm an old truck driver - i like driving big things:laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey my trike scare me. Haven't been on it since i ran into the ditch. :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • callie - elli - birdie; you crack me up. i learned to ride a motorcycle when i was 48 - woke up one day and decided "hey, I think I'll learn to ride a motorcyle". where ThAT idea came from, no one - not even me - can figure out; but hey - the rest is history. I actually feel safer on a bike then in a car - its a little wierd and hard to understand but that's the truth of it. Motorcycles aren't dangerous really - its the cars that are dangerous because you have to look out for them as they aren't programmed to look out for you - so, it's definitely a challenge.

    birdie - i work in civil/criminal law and i ride to the office every day from May through October, then i take the bus to work. Sometimes, I've even appeared in court in leathers - one day the judge listened to what i had to say and then stayed quiet - kind of had me wondering what was going on - then he says "i really like your chaps" - and granted me the case; i had a car but since i wasn't in it for almost 6 months of the year i decided i really didn't need it; i gave it up along with all the cost that goes with it and bought a house instead - i have 4 wheel drive truck that sits in the driveway when i absolutely have to drive, but otherwise i'm on the road on one of the bikes.

    Jeff: I don't mean to be rude, but can you tell me what your SIL is. I notice you make mention of it and I gather someone close to you may not be well. I don't mean to pry but since you are already talking, I thought I would ask.

    Nancy :glasses:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Nancy - Sister In Law. sil

    I actually had a little motorcycle when i was in college - it was ok, but since i've always lived out of town i'm better off with a car or truck. It's good you have a truck for when you absolutely need to drive! I DO ride an ATV! I think you're right though - the scary thing about riding a bike would be the CARS out there. I don't drivers all know how to watch out for motorcycles.

    OK Marie - it must be time to get back on that tryke! WHEN your weather is good!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! What a sensational day I had at the conference. We had two amazing speakers, both child psychiatrists. The focus of the conference is infant attachment. I likely told you that but pretty pumped here! It is always so nice to go to a conference and it is more than what you thought it would be. When I got home I had a message on the machine from a friend that lived across the street from me when we were growing up. I haven't seen her for at least 30 years. She is in the city so I am hoping to connect with her. She is a year or two older than me and after my Dad died she taught me how to drive. I should tell you that not long before that she drove her Dad's car through the end of the garage (lucky it wasn't attached, it caused enough mess as it was). I guess it was a good lesson as so far I have refrained from doing the same! :wink: I will give her a call soon, while I am preparing dinner. I am making stuffed peppers. I haven't made them for years so hope they turn out ok.

    Today is the last day of my 50's!!! How did that happen. It seems like yesterday that I was wishing I didn't look so darn young starting my first job after nurse's training. There has been a lot happen in my life in between. Now to get used to being 60! :noway: I will not hesitate to use the senior's benefits. I think I have earned them!

    Jeffrey -- So sorry to hear the news of your sister-in-law. I hope she doesn't suffer too much in this stage of the disease. I think hospitals are very good at pain control and helping people maintain dignity as best they can. Take care of one another.

    I must get dinner started as it is alreay 5:30. I don't think these stuffed peppers will make themselves! Why did I promise Neil stuffed peppers today??? Nancy, Neil is my son and you will hear me mention him often. We are attached at the hip. I do have a husband but he isn't nearly as entertaining as Neil!

    Must run. Thinking of you all. Keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My day started with a 7AM spiritual meeting followed by two hours of line dance and a yummy lunch(ground turkey with onions and peppers and a little Thai curry sauce and a big salad with 1TBS of dressing,) and a lot of dog walking.

    At 2:45 I got a phone call to tell my that Jake was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital in Santa Barbara where he is attending a five day event called "Beyond Courage". Apparently he was testing the limits of his newly acquired health and energy and his implanted cardio defibrilator went off. I've had several phone calls including one a few minutes ago from the cardiologist who did an angiogram to see if there was any damage but all was fine so he'll spend the night in the hospital and go back to his event in the morning.

    The really good news is that I didn't eat to calm myself down :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Alright already you guys. A 4 hour drive with an old friend and you all are practically baking a wedding cake??? Good grief!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The "friend" and I have a lot of "history" from long ago. It is not impossible that something could develop, BUT since that time, he has been married and divorced, and so have I, and I think both of us are a little hesitant to get ahead of ourselves. For myself, the biggest problem I see is that he is one of these neatfreaks whose house looks like no one lives in it, and I am "domestically challenged" and pre-disposed to clutter.

    Besides, with all these doggies, can you IMAGINE what our house would look like?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, the one thing I know about your pedometer is that you will find it in the last place you look!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am sorry that due to the late hour, I have to quit for now.

    Everyone have a good rest of the week.:flowerforyou:

  • Happy birthday to Gayla!
  • Good Morning! TGIF!

    We have a busy weekend here again! Then Thanksgiving! Thank you all for asking about Diane, my SIL (sister-in -law). We have been very close through the years. She is 52. It will be tough on me. I made a promise to her 2 years ago that I would be there through it all with her. I will keep my word.

    On a lighter note, the girls are coming home next week. Amanda on Saturday and Sam on Wednesday. It will be great to have the house full again.

    Gayla! Happy B-Day! (early! not my normal late!) I hope you have a great day!

    Barbie I am glad Jake is fine. Those calls are scary! Big time!

    Barb I have a lot of rice for "throwing"! Roflmao!

    Elli I last night I would have gladly shared my workout! LOL I was dead! Plyometrics for an hour then ran 3 miles.

    Nancy not a problem on asking about Diane. I noticed that you got the definitions on the cyber slag for sil, mil, etc. Thank you for asking.

    Marie you doing ok kid? Been kind of worried about you. A little quiet for you lately! I read your post, and I am glad that you are doing well. Don't sweat the memory stuff. I have the same issues at times! I have the attitude that I just don't care! LOL

    The "Kompressor" is a car. C Class Benz. That thing will just fly!

    Not too much else to report right now. I will keep you all posted on the weekend activities! Wish you were all going! (so I could stay home!) LOL

  • HI PJ!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Belated Birthday Gayla! Sounds like that conference was really great. Infant and childhood bonding is pretty important stuff from what i understand.......I have a long story about a friend who adopted a child from a Russian orphanage who was later diagnosed with RAD. Scary stuff. Have a blast with your old friend! You drive if you go anywhere!:happy:

    Jeffrey - Diane is lucky to have you on board with her. I know it's not an easy time.......I'm so glad the girls will be home for the holidays. I'm having a housefull also - including both boys and their wife and gf. Plus niece and husband and a few others. a house full of young people - i love it!

    Barb - ok, ok - we'll quit asking about romantic involvements. I don't know HOW one would live with a neat freak - but i suppose if everything else clicked it could be worked out. Nice to have someone to hang out with though.

    Hey Marie! Are you back on that tryke yet?????????

    TGIF!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday all!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :laugh: No Elli I am not back on it. The weather has not been nice. It is raining here today. But have got my Tai Chic tape out. It is so relaxing even if I don't follow all the way thru. How is the snow, all gone now. As you know I am fascinated by snow, Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY , Gayla, and welcome to the 60's! Hope you have a great year, as I did the year I turned 60!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - yes, i know you're fascinated by the snow! I'll put up new pics with each snowstorm. It's not quite melted yet - still quite a bit on the north sides of buildings. I tried walking with the dogs yesterday and it's still pretty mucky out there! It's supposed to get up in the 50s today!
    I was just reading about tai chi - how it's supposed to be REALLY good for you. I think maybe i'll get a dvd and try it! I also want to try zumba - i think that's what it's called. Barie? do you know anything about it? You're our resident "dancing queen"!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :noway: Barbie: You must have been scared! I’m glad Jake is all right and that you didn’t binge over it!!!:flowerforyou:

    :wink: Barb: Never mind the clutter….I HOPE HE LOVES DOGGIES!!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey: All SILs should be so lucky to have such a loving and caring BIL! Hang in there. These things are never easy.:cry:
    However, I hope you and your girls have a great weekend!

    :noway: Marie: I couldn’t believe the weather forecast for the country today! :noway: It’s actually colder in Texas than in RI. Very strange.! :noway: Hope you stay snuggly warm.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: TGIF everyone and will try to hop on this weekend if I get a free moment!

  • Jeffrey - OK...i'm all clear on the SIL, MIL, BIL, FIL, lingo; i'm sorry to know that she is not well;

    calie - when you are back on the trike, le me know - we can ride the road together :laugh:

    gayla - happy birthday to you; i've got a few more years to go before i also enter the 60s; not sure i wanna go there, to lol

    nancy :glasses:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayla!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: How nice to be able to see a good friend after 30 years. I hope you are all better now and can enjoy the wonderful day of your birthday.

    Barbie, I am so sorry about Jake, hopefully he is out of the hospital now and feeling good. How are you holding up, did he get a chance to call you so you could hear his voice yourself??

    Birdie, if he doesn't like doggies, then get rid of him immediately. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    By any chance was he born in August, most Virgos are neat freaks, as is my husband.

    Jeffrey, I agree with Birdie, you are a great BIL and a man of his word. Enjoy those daughters, they are also lucky to have you as a dad. :heart:

    Beth, nice to hear from you even though it was only one line. :laugh: Same for you Phoebe. :bigsmile:

    Nancy, where are you today, check in with us and say hello. :drinker:

    Marie, too bad about your weather, we actually have a beautiful day for a change. Daisy is at the groomer but will probably take her for a walk later. Your Tai Chic tape sounds great, keep up the good work, since it makes you feel so much better. :love: :love: :love:

    Elli, you are having a big crowd again for Thanksgiving, you must be a great cook. Our Thanksgiving will be with just 5 of us. I ordered a Turkey dinner from the Country Club so none of us has to cook.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did I apologize but know that you are in my thoughts even though sometimes my thoughts are scattered. :noway:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marie - yes, i know you're fascinated by the snow! I'll put up new pics with each snowstorm. It's not quite melted yet - still quite a bit on the north sides of buildings. I tried walking with the dogs yesterday and it's still pretty mucky out there! It's supposed to get up in the 50s today!
    I was just reading about tai chi - how it's supposed to be REALLY good for you. I think maybe i'll get a dvd and try it! I also want to try zumba - i think that's what it's called. Barie? do you know anything about it? You're our resident "dancing queen"!

    Elli Mine is Tai Chi for Seniors by Mark Johnson. very relaxing. It is supose to help your balance .You will need a fastcer pace than mine. We have got to run to the store and will put it on after we get back. after a light lunch. Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    ....Birdie, if he doesn't like doggies, then get rid of him immediately. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    By any chance was he born in August, most Virgos are neat freaks, as is my husband....


    Even though you said "Birdie" I know you meant me. He didn't seem to mind these three pests. At one point we stopped at a rest area and he took the "reins" ( AKA leashes:laugh: ) while I was in the powder room, and said he thought Bradley suffered from "separation anxiety" because he was so attentive to the door I had disappeared behind, while the others wandered in the grass. No doubt, he is still a little anxious as it has been only a little over 3 weeks since Bradley joined us, but it has been such a smooth transition, it seems like he was always here.:smile:

    Sorry that I spaced last night in my post and forgot, so "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAYLA!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jeffrey- I suggest you make a pilaf with all that rice you are hoarding so it doesn't go to waste--just make sure it doesn't go to "waist"!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I have to get ready to leave for work so "adios" for now.

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