Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone - more snow today. I was going to make a home depot run but i lent out my pick up and can't get stuff in the little car. Oh well - going to neighbors this afternoon for birthday dinner for another neighbor.

    Still not doing great with the food thing - don't know WHAT my problem is! I better get it together soon though!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good Morning,

    It is sunny and cool, but still great for November. I should really put up my Christmas lights while the weather is still warm. :tongue: I just can't seem to to it before Thanksgiving. Hard to believe the holidays are so close, weren't they just here last week???

    Elli, the picture of your snow is beautiful, there is nothing as pretty as a fresh falling snow. Glad you have it though and not us. :laugh: Have you been writing down your calories or are you just guessimating?
    We have to go back to the beginning and record everything like we used to do and drink as much water as we can in one day. That is how we lost all our weight remember? Now I think both of us think we don't have to record our calories or we are just "too" busy to take the time to do it. We were exercising regularly, while now we do it when we can. We are bad girls and need to get back with the program. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives, let's make the most of it. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Marie, you are our rainbow, so colorful, so beautiful and someone we wish we could see everyday.!!
    Keep up the good work, you give us strength and motivation. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Birdie, I hope your MIL is doing okay. She is so lucky to have you in her life. Your faith is so strong, I know you can get through anything. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, hearing about your relationship with Neil is heartwarming. I hope everyday your strength is returning and you will soon be able to do whatever you want without getting tired. How wonderful you are going to still work with children in the hospital. You are a special person who gives and gives,
    God Bless you. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey, I hope both your mil and sil are holding their own and you were able to take your trip. You need some time for relaxing, I hope this trip will help. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, I bet you are missing Jake something awful. You do it all don't you? You cook, you can food, you knit, you walk the dogs,you exercise, you watch your food, I am soooooooo sooooo jealous. :tongue:

    Beth, still training for the race?? How is everything going since your return? :flowerforyou:

    Weaklink, hope you are also doing well. If I have to go back and look at posts, I highlight and copy my own posts and then go back and look. When I go back to the reply I just paste what I have already written. What ever works, right??

    Ellen, Phoebe and whoever else I am missing, keep safe. :love:

    Marie, I think you need to post a list of all of the names of everyone in our group, so that those of us with bad memories don't forget anyone. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - thank you for the pep talk Sandy - you're right - we get so close to goal and think we don't have to record calories anymore. On my "bad" days i don't enter everything. I'm trying to do better! Drinking my water is never a problem, but today IS the first day of the rest of our lives and it's going to be a great one!

    Yes Marie - this is our last week snow storm. It IS pretty. This morning it's COLD here , -4! I'm so glad i have heaters in the dogloos for Billy and Bonnie! It's supposed to get nice though.

    My friend Angela who works with me called me last night - she's pretty sure her almost 16 year old daughter has h1n1. It sounds like she's SOOOOOOOO sick. I think Ang probably won't come to work today and take Jamie to the Dr. I hope so.......Well - she just made a liar out of me - she just pulled in.

    Everybody stay warm and healthy and have a great day!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    I havent had time to read anything on here since last week... So Hi to all I will get back with personal responses later. We have been working 12 hour shifts thanks to Ida and a Nor'Easter that blew in and did millions of damage to the base. here is the link to see some of the thigns that went on...
    more later
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Back from Atlanta! it was great! The weather was perfect! Amanda is good and doing very well. Today I am a little blue missing her and her sister. But I suppose that is normal. Day and I stopped at the casino on the way home yesterday and won about $400 so that was good! It is good to be back home but boy do I miss the girls...

    Sandy my SIL is doing as well as can be expected. It appears that they have found more tumors in the pelvic area. She is stage 4 and this round of chemo will need to be adjusted. It is not having effect. This is her 3rd round of multiple chemo treatments. Please keep Diane in your prayers everyone. There are tough days ahead. The MIL is being her obnoxious self. Enough said there! LOL

    Barbie the applesause sure sounds good. I love the stuff!

    Elli the snow is beautiful (to look at), but I hate winter! I can't get outside to do the things that I like.

    Beth it was great to ready your post.

    Barb glad things are going well for you.

    Birdie you doing ok?

    Gayla I really enjoy your post. I feel like a neighbor!

    Marie is the family all getting together for Thanksgiving?

    I have started running again. It has been years since I have done that. So far so good. Doing about a mile right now, daily. Fairly decent time. so far I am holding up. I will probably try for 5 miles late this week when the weather breaks a little. This weekend we have to go check on the mom's again and then to across the state to Samantha's Senior Receital (vocal). So Saturday will be the day from heck again. then Thanksgiving! Amanda is coming home Saturday! sam will be home a week from tomorrow. I can not wait!

    We will have the MIL and BIL here for Thanksgiving and the girls. Day and I will cook the dinner, they will eat and run. LOL That evening we will probably go to our friends house for another meal. They are really family and we love them dearly. That is about it for now. Glad everyone is well!

    Take care and remember the season! Be Thankful! We are all blessed...

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon Elli, Beth and Jeffrey.

    Elli Look like you guys are in for a rough winter. Hope it is not too bad. Sammy would freeze his butt off there. Me too.

    Beth that ada relly made a mess of things. I didn't realize you were on the coast line. Or are you? Lots of water. Take care.

    Jeffrey so nice to get such a long post from you. You have a wonderful family life. Enjoy them while you can. And we are going to have a nice dinner with our kids. Just hoping I don't overeat.

    Barbiecat. I have miss place my pedometer. Don't know what happen to it.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Hmm, I just lost my post, hate that. We still have wonderful weather here. Of course, this time of year, any day without snow is a good one! By the way, Elli, your snow looks gorgeous!! We had some running around to do today, interrupted to have lunch with Quinn at the restaurant. Last night Gregg and Sasha were here for dinner. I made baked beans with the leftover ham bone from our Thanksgiving in October. There was actually a lot of ham on it making the beans extra good (but not low calorie). I made a salad to go with it which helped a bit. I wish I had my Mom's recipe for baked beans. I don't think she put molasses in hers as the colour was so light, almost a pinky colour, maybe a pinky beige. Sounds strange but they really were good and a completely different dish than the darker ones that I usually make. Gotta love beans!!

    Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist, cleaning time, I hope he doesn't find anything else. Then we have to go to the lawyers to finalize our wills and guardianship for Neil which we just had redone.

    Beth -- That is a lot of water!! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Marie -- Enjoy your dinner. I am sure you will do fine.

    Elli -- I hope Angela's daughter is doing ok, I know H1N1 is no picnic!

    Jeffrey -- Sounds like you had a nice weekend and have a great family holiday coming up. enjoy! I will send up a few words for Diane for strength, pain control and health. I know you are right, there are tough days ahead.

    I can't remember what else I was going to say. People keep suggesting ways of doing the post so that you can check back and I never remember to do it, not that I don't know how!!! Sorry folks, hope you are all well.

    Take care and keep smiling. gayla :smile: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    I made it to the gym tonight! That makes me happy! Having a good food day as well.

    Jeffrey - i'm so glad you got to go to Atlanta! AND win money! right on!!!!!!!!

    I'm glad you all liked my snow pics - it's melting now and we're not supposed to have anymore for a bit.

    Gayla - Jamie ALSO has bronchitis! Poor kid- she's REALLY sick. I'm so glad you're on the mend! They put her on tamiflu.

    Beth - OMG - that's a LOT of water. The picture that really got me was the little whitecaps around the pine trees!!!!!!!!!!!

    Marie - i think you're right - i think we could be in for a snowy winter! Billy and Bonnie sure are liking their heated pads!

    Have a good night everyone! I'm off to read now. :heart: elli
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody, It's cold and rainy here. Bernie keeps going out hoping that the weather will get better. Haifa is older so he figured out after two trips outside that the weather wouldn't change so he went to sleep in the guest room. the dogs have been sad because we weren't able to go to the dog park:sad: Jake got home about 5 PM yesterday. He drove most ot the way home in the rain.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, we mostly eat applesauce with oatmeal but you're right that it would go with a pork roast.......I'd send you some but it would never make it through the mail.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I hope you'll keep on with this sounds like a good one and one that needs to be followed for a long time to be truly effective and continued as a lifestyle change. Have you looked in all your pockets for your pedometer?

    :flowerforyou: Elli, there's snow in the mountains near us but not down at sea level where we year it snowed here the day after Thanksgiving so we might get some soon.......I continue to wish you the best at getting back to your old good eating've done well before, so I know you can do it.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, there are Christmas lights up on a lot of houses and buildings here already. Last weekend the Christmas craft fairs began and will continue every weekend until's hard to stay focused on Thanksgiving with all that going on.

    :flowerforyou: Beth you are always so makes my retirement seem so lazy:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: glad to hear from you in the midst of all your work

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm glad your weekend in Atlanta turned out well and that you won some money, besides
    starting to run again sounds great........having your family together for Thanksgiving sounds even better.:bigsmile:

    I think I have just one more day of applesauce making after today. It has been fun, but enough is enough:laugh: :laugh: I have other things I want to do with my time.

    stay warm and dry........hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday or what is left of it. :tongue:

    Barbie, you are still working on the applesauce? You have a lot of patience but in the end it will be worth all your hard work. :drinker:

    Elli, so glad you had a good day as I did. I did 43 minutes of Wii Active and 45 minutes on my elliptical.
    I have recorded my calories and had a good day. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives, let's do it again. (Tuesday are not good for me but will try to get some exercise in somehow).

    Gayla, sounds like you are feeling better, so happy to hear that. Don't feel guilty about retirement, you deserve some time for yourself. Besides you plan on working at the hospital which will make you happy.

    Jeffrey, happy that you had a great weekend with your girls. As you know my son just moved to Arizona and I miss him so much already. No matter how old they are they will always be our kids. :bigsmile:

    Beth, your pictures were amazing, there was an awful amount of water. I hope things are getting back to normal and you have time for us and your family.

    Marie, I agree with Barbie, check your pockets for your pedometer, remember Barbie said she washed her once. :laugh:

    Time to go rest now and enjoy some of my shows. Will check with you in the morning.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i can't remember if i told you before - Daisy looks SOOOOOOO adorable! I feel so much better today after even 1 good day - it's amazing isn't it? Yep - today's going to be another 1. Even if you don't get to exercise - just stick with the healthy eating plan. I usually try and do yoga on Tuesdays but i have book group tonight and if i go right from yoga to book group i don't get to eat then i'm STARVING when i get back home. So maybe i'll just go to the gym b4 book group. I'll do something...........

    Barbie - applesauce and oatmeal! That sounds delicious! I'm going to try it. I still have some apples from my trees down in the basement. I'm happy for you that today's your last day! Hopefully your weather will clear up so you can get to the dog park! I haven't been able to walk my poor dogs either - the snow and now the mud. They look at me so sad.:frown: poor little buddies.

    ok - off to work! have a great day all.
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Looks like everyone is well! Pretty quiet here today, just working. Nothing new to report, and that is a good thing!

    Worked out pretty good last night and then followed it up with a 1 mile run. My time was greatly improved yesterday. It is real nasty here today. Chilly with a stiff wind. I will probably use the elipical machine tonight instead of running outside.

    Pretty boring stuff from me today!

    Everyone be well and happy!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning,

    I don't know how you guys up north handle this cold weather. It got down to 40 something this morning and I am freezing my tail end off. Wish I had a nice bowl of hot chili this morning. I do have some veggie soup I made yesterday, the only thing it needs is hot corn bread which I can't have. Will toast me a low carb to go with it at lunch time. They are telling us it will get into the middle 30's tonight.BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. thats is cold. Got to check out chili on my [lsn. I have been going to their webb site and learn a lot . Still going strong on the plan

    Stay Warm!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greeting to all my Golden Sneakers friends!
    I am at work, so just a quick HI!
    Marie:flowerforyou: , Elli:flowerforyou: , Jeffrey:flowerforyou: , Beth:flowerforyou: Gayla:flowerforyou: , Barb:flowerforyou: , Ellen:flowerforyou: , Barbie:flowerforyou: & Jake:flowerforyou: !!!

    As many know my MIL is in the hospital, from a stroke, and I have been cleaning out her apartment. As soon as I found out she, most likely, won't be coming home, I threw out all her desserts, cookies, candies, ice cream etc. If, by some miracle, she comes home, I will be more than happy to go out and buy the junk and put it back. But for now, I need to do....what I need to do...and my husband is absolutely thrilled with the results of my weight loss:blushing: In fact, he said now that the treats are not calling to him...HE would like to try to lose some weight! In fact, he told me the other day, when I was looking for some clothes that WEREN'T too big....that I have absolutely no idea just how much of a difference the 26 lbs has made!! Wow...that was worth a lot! :bigsmile: But even if he didn't notice...I NOTICE and am having the time of my life looking a potential outfits that were just out of the question 26 lbs ago.

    Have a great day. Will try to check in again if I have the time.:smooched:

    **sniff **sniff am I not a friend??

    OMG!!! I'm just looking back on the posts as I have had so little time to post....and I just saw this.....big OOPS!!! You are a friend:embarassed: :love: :love: :love:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: was just kidding you Birdie, I knew you just missed me. :bigsmile:

    Jeffrey, when all is quiet that is good. :happy: Take it while you can.

    Marie, I hate cold weather, but living in the Midwest I don't have much choice. :grumble:

    Elli, I didn't do much today but did try to watch my calories. Tomorrow is another day, unless I get up the energy to work on my elliptical. :glasses:

    I won at cards but it was a long day, again I am going to the couch to relax. I think I will go downstairs and work with Daisy first and maybe then I will do the elliptical.

    Hope your day was wonderful.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love living in the north. I love my two new winter coats. I love to knit with wool, I love the snow. If I had my life to live over I would be born and raised in Northern Minnesota or Saskatchewan or some other snowy place where I could learn to ski and skate and drive a car on snowy roads.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the scale went down another pound this morning, but I'm sure it won't be gone tomorrow. We went out to lunch today at our local Vietnamese restaurant and splurged on a yummy chicken curry which even with eating only half the rice came to 1,000 calories. Even if I walk, ride, exercise off enough calories, the sodium will contribute a bunch of water weight :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: When we were driving home I saw all the signs for seasonal goodies (pumpkin muffins, egg nog latte, etc,) and realized that I wasn't interested in any of them, but I'd go out for another meal of chicken curry with very little encouragement :laugh: :laugh: at least my splurges are healthier these days.:smile:

    We had a sudden very cold storm this afternoon and I thought we'd never make it to the dog park, but the weather reversed itself suddenly and dried up so the girls and I got to go and we stayed for almost an hour.........I needed to walk the steps and burn the calories.

    A friend sent me a videotape of a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home workout and I discovered that I can put it on in the guest room and do the workout while Jake needs it quiet in the house to work or may phone calls.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jake bought the DVD of Star Trek today and we have a friend coming over in a few minutes to watch it with us.
    hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Quick update as I have to get ready for work. I lost another lb.:bigsmile: .... and another 1.5 inches.:bigsmile: So total weight lost in 3 mos is 27 lbs and 18 in.:blushing: I am so amazed:bigsmile: I can't believe that I am losing this fast without doing anything "Over the top" especially at my age! Praise be to God for giving me a new focus, this website, new friends and a new life! 1200 calories a day plus exercise calories and that's it:happy: I eat whatever I want, HOWEVER when you have a lower calorie count you automatically make wiser choices:wink: I stay away from junk food and only eat "healthy " foods, THAT I ENJOY! The way I feel losing weight is so much happier then any eating, or food has EVER made me! I read the posts yesterday and will try to hop on and read the new posts as well as comment today if things slow down at work! It's been so busy!
    Hanging in there "One day at a time".
    God Bless!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Congratulations Birdie, you are doing a great job on losing weight and making healthy choices!! :flowerforyou:

    I have decided it is time to post my one pound loss. Although my weight tends to go up and down on a daily basis, most morning are the same at 131.6, so for my own vanity I am posting to encourage myself to do even better. :bigsmile:

    It is cold, rainy and dreary, a good day for staying in bed. :noway: I hope to get in some good exercise today and play bingo this evening.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hoooray Sandy! hooray Barbie! hooooray Birdie!!!!!!!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: you guys are all doing SO great! Birdie - WOW! 27 pounds in 3 months without cruel and unusual suffering! That is AWESOME! Eating healthy is SO much better! Last night at book group we got to talking about food additives and packaged, processed yucky food.........just made me feel pretty good about the way i eat MOST of the time:tongue: !

    I had another good day yesterday - made it to the gym, ate sensibly.......hopefully i'll start losing the pounds i had put back on BEFORE the holidays. But really - Thanksgiving is just one day! I'll give away or freeze most of my leftovers, or turn them into dog food! I just found out that 2 of the people i thought were coming now aren't - and i've ordered a 20+ pound turkey (organic, free range) so i'm pretty sure i'm going to have a LOT leftover. I may have company all weekend though - so i can feed it to them. Sorry - i seem to be thinking "outloud" :laugh:

    My kids have very close friends - the husband is in Iraq right now - he called and told his wife of 6 years that he's no longer in love with her........:sad: he is her LIFE (they have a 4 yr old too). It's just too heartbreaking - my son and his wife keep calling me for advice on helping her through it......i'm friends with these other kids too - right now i just want to shake him! I'm so mad!:angry::grumble:

    Sorry - didn't mean to dump on you this morning friends! Let's all have a good healthy day!
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