Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    You are right Barb, I did mean you and not Birdie. Sorry Birdie, wasn't trying to fix you up with Barb's friend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This getting old really stinks, I can't even remember from one minute to the next sometimes. :glasses:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - Daisy is SOOOOOO cute! I agree with you, if Barb's friends doesn't like dogs ditch him immediately! lol, but it sounds like he did a pretty good job with them at the rest area!

    Thanks Marie, for the tai chi info! If i make it to Target this afternoon i'll check them out! Since i'm becomming such a home body i need to start doing some workouts at home!

    It's still Friday - almost the end of the work day though! yippeeeeeeeeeeee:happy:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i'm an ok cook, i just LOVE to cook and have lots of people over, especially in my new kitchen! I'm making this dressing with chestnuts and sausage that my meat eating friends say is really good - i'm going to try and revise it a little for us veggies as well! lol
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli , I was looking at your pictures.Don't which is prettier you Kitchen of the snow storm. No really i love your kitchen.
    And one of your bathrooms. We used to have a tub like that , it is buried somewhere out in the yard. Our kitchen sink, I don't remembet what happen to it was a white ceramic one with a drainage tray bulit in it. Wish I had it back.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Gayla, Happy Birthday to You :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I hope you have a fabulous day and that it's the beginning of a fabulous year
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jake will be in the hospital for one more day so they can monitor the new meds they put him on. Today someone from the workshop brought his cell phone, clean clothes, and the book he's reading. I've talked to him several times and he says that this is a blessing and has been a good experience for him.

    I'll write more later after I take the dogs to the dog park. They missed it yesterday because of the rain.:cry:
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Another quick note... hope y'all can see it.. its a news story about my squadron
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Great Article, your squadron did a great job holding the water and cleaning up. You make us even more proud. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ditto what Sandy said. Beth. That was a big job. Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We had a wonderful 45 minutes at the dog park this afternoon. It rained later but we got the good weather and some very nice dogs for the girls to run with.

    :bigsmile: Jeffrey, I’m so sorry to hear the news about your SIL… are so strong and balanced and reliable for your family… sounds like your new exercise program is helping you stay balanced….do you have a lot of clothes that are getting loose? Did you figure that this would be your final weight and buy a bunch of stuff? How great that your girls will be home for Thanksgiving.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, I bought some Thai Curry sauce at the grocery store and made my own curry with lean ground turkey, green pepper, and onion…….no rice and not as tasty as the restaurant stuff but yummy and satisfying. Is that pesky pound staying off? Don’t worry about forgetting things; it’s just because we know so many things that it’s hard to sort through all of them to get the info we need. Daisy is really cute……I noticed that more than half the pictures on your profile are pictures of Daisy.

    :bigsmile: Nancy (Motorcycle Diva), my accountant bought herself a Harley for her 50th birthday a few years ago. She had never had a motorcycle before but she just knew that she’d love having one. She took driving classes and found a whole new way of life. I’ve ridden on the backs of several motorcycles with friends but the ride just doesn’t do for me what it does for them. A few years ago we drove across South Dakota right before the Sturgis Rally. We were traveling in a RV and we got to meet a lot of people on motorcycles and towing trailers with motorcycles.

    :bigsmile: Marie, I’m so glad to hear about the great results that you’re getting from you new eating plan….someone said that the best plan was the one that you’ll follow and it sounds like your plan is comfy for you to follow and getting great results. Jake has done tai chi and he loved it. He said the besides being good exercise, it was spiritual like meditation.

    :bigsmile: Gayla, I’m glad your conference was so satisfying……..the stuffed peppers sound great. I just made a not for myself to buy the ingredients and make them when Jake gets home.

    :bigsmile: Barb, I can’t imagine living with someone who’s too neat. Imagine a house without dog hair and without dogs on the furniture. I’d hate it.

    :bigsmile: Elli, I’ve never tried Zumba but I have friends who rave about it and say that it’s fun and good exercise.

    :bigsmile: Beth, I read the article. What an amazing job you did. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I’m enjoying my evening at home…….tv…..exercise bike……….playing with dogs. Tomorrow I’m going to go to five holiday craft sales around town. I never buy anything but I love to look.
    Hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks to all of you for the wonderful birthday greetings. I am officially a senior now!!! I will be taking advantage of the freebies whenever I can. :laugh: Dave bought me a new chair for my computer desk, the other was tired (like me, but so far he hasn't replaced me). :wink: I am sure there are days he thinks it would be a fine idea. Dave and I went out for dinner at a lovely restaurant that gives you a free dinner on your birthday. I had chicken stuffed with seafood, I kind of wished it didn't have the seafood as it wasn't as good as it sounded. All in all it was a nice meal and even though we chose not to have dessert we likely overate. Tomorrow Gregg and Sasha are having us to dinner. I expect Quinn and Margaret will be joining them in the prep. I know it will be wonderful and we always have fun when we are together.

    Barbie -- So glad that Jake is ok. What a scare for you both. I know you are anxious to get him home. I hope he will get some rest for a bit.

    Jeffrey -- thinking about you as well. I hope your sil found some comfort today.

    Beth -- You are amazing as always.

    Barb -- Of course we women are always looking for a love story!!

    Sandy -- Your catered dinner sounds like a nice option. You are the luckiest person, do you always win at bingo?? I have only gone once and I was so busy talking that everyone around me was watching me cards. I ended up having 3 small wins and I think the women were glad I didn't go back. The woman that insisted I go didn't ask me to come back. :wink: I did tell her it would be my once in a lifetime experience. I do like the casino though but seldom go.

    Marie -- Trike or no trike I think it is awesome that you are out walking. Perhaps one day you will feel comfortable enough to give it another try. I have never had the guts to get on Neil's. Not exactly true, I got on it but felt very off balance and quickly got off, never to return.

    Phoebe -- Nice to have a message from you on facebook. Thanks for the wishes.

    Birdie, Elli and all the rest, hope you had a great day. Back atcha tomorrow. Neil is calling me that Figure Skating is on TV. Must run. TTFN, Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, glad you had a nice Dinner for uour birthday. Nice that your kids fixin you a party.

    I tried to get on Facebook but never understood how. Alice tells me I am on it but I haven't a clue how to get there. Maybe next time she is out she will show me. Don't know why I am s o dumb about these things!!!!!!!!!!!! But I enjpy it here of MFP. I have made aa lot of friends here. And a lot of them are on Facebook.imcluding most of my family.

    Barbiecat, Give Jake a great big hug for me when he gets home. Glad he has people their that care for him. Take care of yourself.

    Good night all Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Marie, Jake is on Facebook all the time......his son and granddaughter in California are on it....he loves it.....I have absolutely no interest in it at all.:laugh: :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good Morning, it is a beautiful sunny morning but a little chilly. :flowerforyou:

    I am on face book and I know Gayla is because we play the same games. :laugh: I like it because most of my family is out of town and that is how we stay connected. :heart: It can be addicting though and I spend way too much time on all the games. They are games that have to be taken care of each day, like farms and restaurants etc. I know it takes up too much of my time, but it keeps me happy and busy.

    Daisy has class today so I will check in later this afternoon. Have a great Saturday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning Sandy and all the rest.
    Tell Daisy to get smart.
    Sammy used to love to go. He likes playing with all of the puppies. More than learning anything. I can't believe he will be five year old next March. He still act like a puppy.Still loved all of his toys. And can pick out each one by name.

    Hi Birthday girl. Hope it was a nice one.and welcome to the sixties. Your life has just began Lets all post our birthdays here so we will know when your special day is I will make a list and post them all together. and your spousd too.

    See you all later.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Beth: That article is pretty impressive! Lots to be proud of!! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: Sandy: I like to play computer games, too, when I get a chance. They say that it’s a great way to keep your mind active!!! :bigsmile:

    :smile: Marie: I think you do real well with MFP! :flowerforyou: I wouldn’t worry about Facebook! I know people MY AGE that don’t even know how to turn on a computer!!! :noway: You’re way ahead of the game and certainly not dumb….in ANY way! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :smile: Gayla: Glad you had a great BD! :smile: As far as the freebies….don’t hold your breath. :ohwell: Most of the discounts, around here anyways, start at 62 or 65 :grumble:

    :smile: Barbie: Glad you’re in touch with Jake and he’s been doing well! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great Saturday everyone! The sun in shining in RI and the weather is mild! Love it!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Birdie, MFP means everything to me. especally the Senior Golden Sneakers. I fell in love with MFP a year ao when I first join. So that time there was no senior thread so I started this one. Jeffrey was one of the first ones to join me. The +50 wan't posting st that time. I think they have been but lay off for a spell for some reason. But we needed one for us Seniors. I love it here and you all made it happen.
    Thanks you all.

    I am waiting for the Texas Longhorn game to come on. And of course the Dallas Cowboys tomorrow.. Week ends is made for football.

    I had my walk and pick up some pecans out of our yard.. So thats my exercise for today. Food wise is going great today.
    I'll still have not run into my pedometer yet , so I guess I will order me a new one. I missed it. It made me walk around the house more and get things done.about time to get me a 5x5 meal in. Jerry just mopped the kitchen and want let me walk on it for 30 minutes. So I will have to wait.

    Hope you all are haing a lovely Saturday. It is nice here, Still in a sweatshirt tho. Nice to walk in. I will have to eat soon or my liver will kick in and feed me a bagel and my blood sugar will go up.==or least they say it is the same as eating a bagel.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Today is a busy Figure Skating day on TV. I am a bit of an addict and follow it quite closely. I have been lucky enough to have gone to 4 World Championships and hope to go again in the not too distant future. In a few hours we will be going for dinner with the young'uns.

    Marie -- You likely get more support and friendship here than on Facebook. Of course, you get only as much out of anything as you put into it. I tend to use it more for playing games than socializing. It is fun to see what friends are up to though. I like to mix it up with games, some word and some number to try to keep the old brain cells stimulated.

    Birdie -- Here most senior discounts start at 60 and some restaurants are 55. The train trip we are planning has a senior fare which also starts at 60. Every little bit helps I guess. If they tell me I am too young, well, that wouldn't be bad either. :wink:

    Barbie -- I hope Jake is back to himself. I know it has been a stress for you both.

    Sandy -- I hear you about spending too much time on Facebook games. I am sort of in and out but I do also play on Pogo so, yes, games are an important part of my life I guess. Like you, I love playing cards but haven't had time to seek out a group yet. Perhaps I will do that over the next year. I am also planning to audit a University class (free to senious and alumni) if I find something I am interested in. I am thinking of something that has nothing to do with my degree but rather just an interest.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the good news is that Jake is out of the hospital and back at his workshop........:sad: :sad: :sad: the bad news is that he can't communicate with me while he's at the workshop so I won't hear from him again until late Sunday night or early Monday morning.

    I went off on a little shopping excursion this morning
    went to four local holiday craft fairs where I bought nothing but enjoyed talking to talented crafters and enjoying their beautiful creations. Then I visited three clothing stores and finally found a sweatshirt that I liked that came in my size :bigsmile: now I have two sweatshirts that fit.

    I spent 30 minutes on the exercise bike while talking on the phone to my 86 year old cousin who is losing her sight. She trusts no one, looks on the gloomy side of everything, and is convinced that things will only get worse. I have been talking to her every Wednesday night for more than seven years. Today she was extra lonely so she called hoping to find me at home.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, thanks for mentioning figure skating. I'd forgotten that the season had started so I found some skating to watch tomorrow and set my DVR to record it. How great that you have actually seen world championships in person

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I agree with you about MFP.......this is the first time I have shared on message boards like this.....I started on MFP just to find out how many calories were in something and now I can't let a day go by without checking in with all of you and finding out how you are doing.....everyone on this thread is like family to me.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, the only computer game I play is spider solitaire.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I guess if I had any family, I might be more receptive to Facebook.......I know how popular it is

    It's getting colder here.....a good evening for herb tea and knitting
    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    .......I am waiting for the Texas Longhorn game to come on. And of course the Dallas Cowboys tomorrow.. Week ends is made for football.......


    All this time I thought "Weekends is made for NASCAR"--how surprising to discover I was mistaken!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Actually their season is almost through, so then, I confess, I will probably look for some football to distract me!! I usually watch the Superbowl, but often that is the only game I will watch all year, along with the Rosebowl.

    Sorry your pedometer seems to have walked off without you!! :noway: :noway: You can bet if you order another one, the first one will decide to come out of hiding!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Bradley the Yorkie is very good at letting me know when the doggies have been home for too long by themselves. He likes to get into things and scatter them around.

    I have a wastebasket with a swinging top in my living room. Having it covered always kept nosy little noses out of things they didn't need to get into, but now that Mr Bradley has arrived, that is no longer the case.

    A couple of days ago I came home and found the top off the basket. The swinging portion was laying next to it, but the main part of the lid was nowhere to be found. It was plastic, so I didn't think anyone had EATEN it, :noway: regardless of their level of hunger:laugh: :laugh: Nevertheless, I couldn't find it, so I figured it would turn up eventually.

    Today I had to go out on my patio to get the cover for my gas grill, which I keep forgetting to give to the friend that I sold the barbecue to at the beginning of the summer. ( I love to barbecue, but I DON'T love shagging propane tanks, and it seems lately I am always at someone else's place cooking on THEIR grill, so I decided to eliminate mine.)

    Anyway, outside I went, and there, laying next to the grill cover, was the garbage can lid. This means that a little doggie had to get it OUTSIDE by themselves by going through the doggie door with it. :noway: I have the feeling he probably had it around his neck and it didn't come off 'til he was outside!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Tonight I came home from work and church and my little "Snoop Doggy Dog" had decided to knock over the straw basket that I keep my newspapers destined for recycling. Maybe he is really smart and had to scatter them all over the floor to READ them???!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Despite these little surprises, he is a very sweet boy and has adjusted very well to the routine and his "brother" and "sister."

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.:flowerforyou:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Barb, I love dog stories and the visual of Bradley with the top of the basket on his head trying to get through the doggie door, makes me laugh. :laugh: These pets sure make us crazy sometimes don't they? I don't know if I told you about Daisy last week Saturday when we went to 5:00 Mass. We rarely leave her alone ( which is my husband''s fault, because he thinks she needs someone with her all the time) and now that my son has moved to Arizona we decided it is time. We were gone an hour, I made sure I closed all the bathroom and bedroom doors so she couldn't get the tp and drag it around the house but when I walked in the house there was some red paper on the floor. When I got to the kitchen there was a chewed up empty box. I immediately panicked since the box contained Cold-Ezz which is an over the counter lozenge to help prevent a cold. I knew I had taken two of them, we searched and found 5 empty wrappers and one whole pill, which meant she had eaten about 15 pills with the wrapper.
    I called the vet who in return gave me the hot line for poison control for animals. The reassured me that she was not in any danger of dying but she could get an upset stomach from the zinc in the pill. We had her on Mylenta and Pepcid AC for a few days but she is fine. We now know we have to clear all the counter tops and whatever else has potential danger.

    We are going for dinner with three Nuns along with my step son and his family today. One of the nuns had a birthday this week and we are celebrating. We have my other son coming over to "puppy-sit" since we will be gone a few hours. :bigsmile: He is also going to put everything from my computer on an external hard drive and reformat my computer so that it is like new again. I would buy a new one but I have two hard drives on this one for all the DVD's I make. I just don't think I need a new one yet, I just might like to get a new bigger monitor.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

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