Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • Good Morning All!

    Campbell59 it is nice to have you here! For your ticker just to your home page where you made your ticker, the directions for the paste are there. Good luck!

    Marie no snow (a few flurries a couple of weeks back) yet! See me smile!

    Sandy good job on the 2 pounds!

    Elli is your snow gone yet?

    Barbie anything special on for the day?

    Pretty quiet here. We are still planning on leaving for Atlanta on Thursday. I may be off line for a while but i think I am going to take one of the laptops with me. I want to stay in touch! I think I am going to go into serious training very soon. I have it in my head that I want to do a Senior Iron Man competition or a Triathalon. I will probably need to drop another 15 to 20 pounds. I am going to see my doctor about that and plan accordingly. There are a couple events next year that I would like to try. I will keep you all posted. What is the saying? Old dog new tricks??? LOL at me! Amanda has put together a Veterns Day program at her school. They have invited local vets and have a real neat program that ties all of the classes and subjects together. This is the first time they have ever done anything like that and she is really nervous. I told her that her heart was right and that the kids will do fine. The thought and the effort speak volumes.

    Thats about it for now. Everyone have a great day. Any new words? LOL


    Jeffrey (LOL)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Campbell and welcome to our group. What a lovely bunch of babies you have there.
    I am fixing to head out for my morning walk with my dog, Sammy he is a Jack Russell.

    Jeffrey, Man you are really getting into it aren't you. You are doing so great, Keep us informed on all these plans.

    On this new plan I am on they reequire you to do 30 minuets of exercise and I spend About that much on serveral walks a day. Had a nice breakfast of southwestern eggs, canadian bacon and 1 low carb flour tortilla toasted. For a snack I will have string cheese and cup of tea. Lunch will be a low carb tortilla with Ham and cheese and a salad, Mid afternnon snack will have 100 calories Emerals cocoa roasted almonds and tea. Supper will be Cheese burger on a low carb flour tortilla. Fried califlower and salad.
    Bedtime snack will be 3/4 c cottage cheese with black olives. 3:00 AM feeding will be Kios greek yogurt
    And plenty of water.

    Have agood day everybody.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Your menu reminds me that I have been busy reading posts instead of eating breakfast!! Have to go and take care of this soon!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I have been too busy being especially happy this morning as I have now entered the "ONE-derful ONES"--where the first number on the scale is a ONE :drinker: instead of a two:grumble:

    Campbell59--Welcome. You have quite a "herd" of Shih-tzus--judging from your profile.:laugh: :laugh: Aren't they just the greatest!!

    I have three little pests- Mai Li, the Lhasa, is pictured in my avatar; Pepper, my current Shih tzu is black, and has pictures posted in my profile; the greyish cream Shih tzu in my ticker was my first "baby" --Dreyfus, who passed from cancer in August of 2008. Most recently, I added "Bradley"-- a 13 year old Yorkshire Terrier, who is a big boy for a Yorkie--14.5 lbs!! I have reached the conclusion he has some Silky Terrier in him as he is way too BIG to be a Yorkie. He is a smart little guy--came from a home where he had never had a doggy door and taught himself how to use the one here just by watching the other two!!

    Do you ever take all of yours for a walk at once? I do manage to get all three of these guys out together on 3 leashes. Fortunately, the only "loose cannon" in the bunch is Pepper. He is quite a bit younger than Mai Li, who is 11, and Bradley, the "senior statesman" of the group. We do fine until Pepper decides to run around all of us in a big circle and try to get one of the other dogs to play. On a leash this maneuver does NOT work well!!:laugh: I am sure I give my neighbors many laughs as they look out their windows!!

    Speaking of "walkies"--Mai Li is making it clear that the time to go out has come, so everyone have a great day!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This morning we got five big boxes of apples and a box of pears from a friend and spent a good part of the day making applesauce.......we put pears in one of the batches. My freezer is looking a lot fuller now with frozen cooked pumpkin, squash soup, and now applesauce. i got a lot of my steps walking between the stove and the freezer.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm surprised that Sammy didn't like the new sounded delicious....I know my dogs would have loved it if I weren't too self-centered to fix it for them.:laugh: Sometimes I drink herb tea in the evening when my mouth really wants something and I don't want to add any more calories

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I agree with you, my scale says a slightly lower number than my ticker but I won't post it until I'm sure it will stay. Congratulations to your son on his new job and new life and hugs to you for being a brave mom when he goes.

    :flowerforyou: Campbell, welcome to the group. Your dogs are darling. They must be a pile of fun.:bigsmile: To add your ticker, go to "My Home", then "Tools" to make your ticker. Then "copy" the code for your ticker and go to "My Home" then "settings" then "change forum signature" and "paste" your ticker code on the signature and it will show up every time you post. You can add other stuff to your signature like your name, your goals, a favorite quote, whatever.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, how exciting about your new ambitious fitness goals. We already think of you as the Ironman so it is only fitting that you should try such a competition.

    :flowerforyou: marie, your menu for the day sounds tasty. How does it come out in calories?

    :flowerforyou: Barb, congratulations on your latest weight loss and getting down to a number starting with 1----you have worked so hard toward this goal. I was a bad mom today and didn't take my girls to the dog park because I was making applesauce and the weather was cold and nasty.

    You all help me stay focused. thank you for being there.
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just popping in before a very busy day to say that I dropped another 2lbs.!:bigsmile: I am now in the 60's! Been 15 years since I've seen that! :bigsmile: So that makes it 26 lbs since Aug 14th and I really am not doing anthing extreeme! Just keeping calories to 1200 plus exercise calories and for the most part staying away from junk food. Last night I removed half my wardrobe from my closet because the clothes are just too big! :noway: Poor me:laugh: :laugh: I have some clothes that were tight and can now fit in them but some are so old that they have shoulder pads so big that I look like a football player:laugh: :laugh: I feel your pain, Vicky:laugh: :laugh:

    Lots to do, so must get going but also want to thank all our Veterans for their valued service to our country. My appreciation runs deep for your selfless service!:flowerforyou: God Bless you all! I love you and I love this country!!!

    Will try to post later but may not have time!
    Thinking of you all....even before my coffee!!!:laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat, i sdn;t know how many caloriesis it is. We don't don't count calories im Metabolism Miracle diet.. For the first 8 weeks we j just count carbs. We get five carbs every 5 hours and that encluded a carb and snack at 3:00 in the Morning. We have a list of foods we can eat. This is to rest our pamcress and liver. The author says if we don't eat every 5 hours our liver will feed us eaqual to a bagel. And I beieve that for my blood sugar can be normal when I go to bed and go up during the nigh. we are not to weigh the first 8 weeks. the second 8 weeks we will add more carbs like 11 to 20 a meal. And I haven't looked at our maintance program yet. But I am not cravings sweets or more carbs and I am sleeping much better.She says when we get through with the plan we will be able to eat like a normal person and not gain weight. I think the author may be on to something. She breaks it down into Metalisam A and Metalbolism B. The A's are normal a, the B's have a low Metabo;ism. Why we can't lose on other diets .
    But I am please with it so far. Sunday when we went out to eat. I had a grilled chicken and grilled veggies and a salad and I cut my roll into 4 pieces and just ate 1/4 of the roll.To keep my carbs down..

    I haven't got my menu work out yet. Its ihas been almost 5 hors since i ate this mormomg at 3 so it is time for breakfasst, almost 8:00 Am now.. Will be back to post my menu later after I eat. Oh i did find a good snack yesterday. Sliced radish and string cheese. almost like eatin Apple and cheese.

    All of your foods you are getting in your frezzer sounds wonderful.

    Birdie, You are doing just great and such a kind person. A pleasure to know you.

    I'll be back
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Morning everyone! Happy Veterans Day to all our Veterans. Beth - I hope you have off today and do something nice for yourself!

    Birdie - you are doing fantastic! Keep up the great work!

    Marie - your metabolism diet sounds interesting and something that could really work for you!

    Jeffrey - really? ANOTHER 20 pounds?!?!? You ROCK!

    Barbie - when my kids were little i used to spend so much time in the fall freezing stuff from the garden, plus all the meat we butchered........i'd end up with 2 full freezers. Now i have 1 freezer in the basement that's about 1/3 full:laugh: You're doing such a good job stocking up for winter! I'm sure the dogs will forgive you. I don't know about yours - but mine don't really like to walk in the rain. The outside dogs don't mind the snow - but not so much the rain!

    We've been having such beautiful weather so we've been going on hour long walks after work. I guess it's supposed to start getting crummy on Friday tho. Oh well - it IS November!

    Happy day everyone!
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    We have a lot going on right now. MIL is acting out, and my SIL is in the hospital. She is really struggling against the cancer right now. We are still planning to leave for Atlanta in the monring. I will probably take a laptop with me but my posting will be eratic.

    Everyone have a good day and keep getting fit!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! It is a bit cooler today but we do have sunshine and no snow so happy to take it! I made the mistake of telling Dave that I was going to clean the fridge today so I guess I should work on that before dinner. It really needs it. Things just accumulate in there.

    Today I am thinking of my Mom who always found Remembrance Day so difficult. Her brother was one of the soldiers executed as a prisoner of war just after D-day. It seemed so long ago when I was a kid and I didn't understand her fresh grief. Now I understand that it wasn't really very long ago in the 1950's and that the pain never goes away. We shall remember. :heart:

    Jeffrey -- I am glad you are going to talk to your Dr. before losing more weight. You look great in your picture. I do also think that you have wonderful goals. So sorry that life is hard right now. I hope things settle for you and your loved one.

    Elli -- I, too, used to freeze a lot more than I do now. Hmm, the freezer is one more task I need to get to soon. Are your family all coming home for Thanksgiving?

    Marie -- You sound happy with your new diet. Do you have to eat during the night?? I don't think I would do that. Once I was up eating I don't think I could go back to sleep. Is there a group here that is following this plan?

    Birdie -- Way to go on your loss. You are doing great

    Barbie -- Wow, you are an applesauce maniac!! Neil loves applesauce. He asked for a hug the other day and when I hugged him he said "I have missed that so much". Glad that I can hug him now, such a simple thing but so important to him.

    I am still coughing a bit but essentially better except for the stiff and sore muscles it left behind. I was planning to go for a walk today but so far haven't got there. I see my Dr. tomorrow and expect to get a clean bill of health. Neil got immunized for H1N1 yesterday. His arm is a bit sore but otherwise fine. Not sure if Dave will get immunized or not, so far it has only been available for children and high-risk adults. Of course, I got the live kind so don't need it.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hello to all my pals,
    Another beautiful chilly day on the North Olympic Peninsula with sunshine and frost on the roof in the early AM. I was a good mom and took the dogs to the dog park. Jake made applesauce this morning while I went to line dance then I made more while he was at the dentist. I'll make more this evening while he goes out to meet a friend.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey----good luck on your plans to lose 20 more pounds.....if anyone can do, you can....of course, you'll start to hear people tell you that you're too thin and shouldn't lose any more weight.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your diet sounds interesting and full of healthy foods......I hope it works for you.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, glad you're feeling better and glad that you and Neil are hugging.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, when Jake bought the freezer for me about 10 years ago I had no idea what I would do with it. :laugh: We rarely ate meat and I was so busy at work that I didn't have time to do things with vegetables. The first thing I froze was heirloom pumpkin from the farm we had for a few years. The next house we lived in had two apple trees and I learned how to freeze applesauce. This is the biggest project I've ever done.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on your weight loss and the discarding of your too big clothes. My closet is pretty empty now, too.

    I don't have a personal loss to remember on Veterans/Remembrance Day but I am grateful to all who have served us so bravely.
    hugs to all of you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, No there isn't any that I know of. that is on this site that following the plan. the point of eating everyfive hours and snacks so often is that after 5 hours you liver will feed you equal to a bagel, That sounds weird to me but I know for a fact I can go to bed with a normal blood sugar reading and wake up with it being high. And I haven't eating something every five hours.There was a girl that started it on one of the threads but she left. But she got me started looking into it. I do E-Mail her and keepin touch. AS far as my sleeping, I have never slept better and no problems going back to sleep. I used to lay awke for 3 or 4 hours unable to go to sleep. But not no more. That and curbing my appetite is the only advantage i have had so far. There is forum on Met B that is really nice. they are such a big help.But I am loving it so far. Been getting my 30 minutes of walking in.And eating 8 or 9 times a day. Just my speed.I really think this author got something here. It is a low carb and low fat diet. The lighter veggies don't count, neither does lean meat and low fat cheese. I haven't missed my sweets. At the end of 8 weeks new things will be added, She said our pancreas should be in good hape by then to handle more carbs. This book just came out this past summer so it is really new. I got my book yesterday and have a list of menu to go by.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    I feel I have missed so much but have been busy. My son left this morning for Arizona, it was a tearful good bye but he is excited about his new adventure. He did live in Arizona after he got out of the Navy and he loved it then. It will be a new place for me to visit and at least it is warm year round. :bigsmile:

    Gayla, glad you are feeling better. My husband went to the doctor yesterday and they tested him for the HI, thank goodness it was negative. He does have a sinus infection along with some other symptoms but she put him on an antibiotic so hopefully he will feel better in a few days. I love that Neil missed your hug, it only proves what a great mom you are. :heart:

    Barbie, I hope you have lots of recipes using apple sauce, it sounds like you and Jake have made mounds of it.

    Marie, you new diet seems to be working for you and you seem to really like it. If it approved by your doctor and helps with your blood sugar than go for it. :wink:

    Campbell59, welcome to our group. We hope you stay with us and we will give you all the encouragement you need and more support than you know what to do with. :bigsmile:

    Jeffrey, I am not sure where you can lose another 20 pounds but if you get your doctor's approval than good luck to you. You sound like your life has changed more than 100%. Have a good trip and try and relax.

    Elli, you sound back on track and I bet that your weight will be melting off quickly.

    Birdie, you are a wonderful person with deep faith, I admire that. Your positive attitude will always be appreciated and will make others feel great about themselves.

    Went to bingo tonight but did not win. I am tired now and going to bed. :yawn:

    Talk to you in the morning.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everybody,

    Had a wonderful night sleep . slept till 8:15 this morning. Time to get started eating for today. No plans for today. read some more on my book.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good morning,

    It is a beautiful sunny day with temps in the 50's. Great November, better than our summer. :flowerforyou:

    Glad you are sleeping well Marie. I think a good night's sleep is important for our general health.
    There are nights I go to bed so tired and just can't fall asleep, last night was different and today I feel rested. :smile:

    I have a meeting today, then I am picking up the 4 year old so her mom can set up for the benefit we are going to tomorrow night. It is a Church benefit with the theme being the 70's. I wish I would have saved some clothes from that era. :laugh:

    Have a couple of errands to run before my meeting, will check in later.


    PS. I am keeping off the two pounds I lost but still don't want to change my post until after the weekend. :laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning friends! Sandy - that's AWESOME that the 2 pounds is staying off! I'm so proud of you! (ok, a little jealous too - i'm still struggling, but i know it's ME and the choices i'm making).:grumble:

    Marie - i could never get up in the middle of the night and eat and fall back to sleep. I'm not a very good sleeper - sometimes i wake up like 5 or 6 times in a night and read a paragraph or 2 and then go back to sleep for a's crazy. The nights that i only get up once or twice and don't have to read myself back to sleep feel like a mini vacation! :laugh:

    OMG Barbie - MORE applesauce????? I used to put up sweet corn like that - get a truck load and spend the WHOLE weekend freezing it - that used to last about 2 years. Always enough tomatoes to last the year also - frozen and dehydrated. Good times! I

    Gayla - so it was your Uncle? The POW - your Mom's brother? That's tough stuff........My mom's brother was also a POW but was released. I'm glad you're feeling better - try not to do TOO much too quickly though. That's what i've heard from people who had that - they think they're all right and get up and go back to their regular routine and have a setback. Keep on hugging Neil though!

    Jeffrey - i'm a little worried about 20 pounds - will we be able to see you if you turn sideways????? It's good you're talking to your doc before you do it.

    I think someone asked me - sorry, i can't remember - and i haven't figured out how to check posts without losing what i've written - if my family is coming for Thanksgiving and YES! they are! I ordered an organic, free range turkey - the only turkey i've ever cooked before was one we raised! I hope it'll be good. I'm a little nervous - first big (20 people) Thanksgiving in my new house! woo hooooooo:happy:

    My Soldier/kid and his wife are talking about requesting transfer to Germany IF he gets into the CID (he says it's like the FBI only in the Army?). We'll see - all i know is i have to spend as much time with them as possible! lol

    OK - going to work now! Have a great Thursday everyone!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    The simplest way to go back and look at other posts is just open another browser window with MFP and pull up the post you are replying to and you can go where you want to without harming the post you are preparing. Another option, to avoid any chance of posts disappearing as they are being created, you can use a word processing program or notepad or wordpad to compose in and then use the copy and past function to move what you have written into a thread reply window, and add your emoticons (funny faces)

    Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds very ambitious. I always order the type of turkey you mention, and I think you will like it.

    And if your son and family move to Germany, look at it this way--now you have an excuse to make a trip to Europe!!:wink: I have a friend whose son plays basketball in France in the European League. She gets "April in Paris" every year, since they go there for Spring Break (she is a teacher). She misses him, but jokes about how he can't come home because then they couldn't justify going to France every year!!:laugh: :laugh:


  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greeting to all my Golden Sneakers friends!
    I am at work, so just a quick HI!
    Marie:flowerforyou: , Elli:flowerforyou: , Jeffrey:flowerforyou: , Beth:flowerforyou: Gayla:flowerforyou: , Barb:flowerforyou: , Ellen:flowerforyou: , Barbie:flowerforyou: & Jake:flowerforyou: !!!

    As many know my MIL is in the hospital, from a stroke, and I have been cleaning out her apartment. As soon as I found out she, most likely, won't be coming home, I threw out all her desserts, cookies, candies, ice cream etc. If, by some miracle, she comes home, I will be more than happy to go out and buy the junk and put it back. But for now, I need to do....what I need to do...and my husband is absolutely thrilled with the results of my weight loss:blushing: In fact, he said now that the treats are not calling to him...HE would like to try to lose some weight! In fact, he told me the other day, when I was looking for some clothes that WEREN'T too big....that I have absolutely no idea just how much of a difference the 26 lbs has made!! Wow...that was worth a lot! :bigsmile: But even if he didn't notice...I NOTICE and am having the time of my life looking a potential outfits that were just out of the question 26 lbs ago.

    Have a great day. Will try to check in again if I have the time.:smooched:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - i'm sorry about your mil - but i'm proud of you for getting rid of all the junk! And that's so great that your husband is so supportive and happy with your weight loss. 26 pounds is HUGE!

    Barb - thank you for the easy solutions to looking at posts WHILE posting! I'm SO computer challanged! lol

    Hope everyone is having a good day. It's beautiful here but supposed to start snowing sometime tonight after midnight. I have the feeling it will just be rain down this low........and mud:huh: oh well. I'll just have to deal with it! Not a big deal.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Greeting to all my Golden Sneakers friends!
    I am at work, so just a quick HI!
    Marie:flowerforyou: , Elli:flowerforyou: , Jeffrey:flowerforyou: , Beth:flowerforyou: Gayla:flowerforyou: , Barb:flowerforyou: , Ellen:flowerforyou: , Barbie:flowerforyou: & Jake:flowerforyou: !!!

    As many know my MIL is in the hospital, from a stroke, and I have been cleaning out her apartment. As soon as I found out she, most likely, won't be coming home, I threw out all her desserts, cookies, candies, ice cream etc. If, by some miracle, she comes home, I will be more than happy to go out and buy the junk and put it back. But for now, I need to do....what I need to do...and my husband is absolutely thrilled with the results of my weight loss:blushing: In fact, he said now that the treats are not calling to him...HE would like to try to lose some weight! In fact, he told me the other day, when I was looking for some clothes that WEREN'T too big....that I have absolutely no idea just how much of a difference the 26 lbs has made!! Wow...that was worth a lot! :bigsmile: But even if he didn't notice...I NOTICE and am having the time of my life looking a potential outfits that were just out of the question 26 lbs ago.

    Have a great day. Will try to check in again if I have the time.:smooched:

    **sniff **sniff am I not a friend??
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The applesauce adventures continues. We saw the apple lady this morning and she said that she'd given nine boxes of apples to someone else. I think we're about half way through our six boxes now. We'll have a wonderful winter of apples for snacks, oatmeal and applesauce in the evening, applesauce in our Isagenix shakes, and the best of all
    pumpkin/squash apple soup.:bigsmile:

    Today was my weigh in day and I lost another pound (actually it's the one that has been gone for a week but I wasn't willing to post it until it was gone for awhile) which puts me one pound away from my original goal which may be a good one and four pounds from my new goal . With the holidays coming up, I want to redouble my efforts to stay focused so when I'm faced with holiday parties I don't undo all my good work.

    We've been invited to dinner at a friend's house tonight. We're eating later than I'm used to and even though they know a bit about how we eat, there's no guarantee that the food they serve will really fit in with how I eat. So........instead of stressing over it, I decided to keep in touch with MFP friends and tell my brain to "shut up" :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, that is so sad about your MIL...........good for you, getting rid of the tempting food in her will make things so much easier for you right now.....isn't it nice to lose some weight and feel so different about the clothes you wear.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Ellie, what a great adventure for your son if he should get the transfer to Germany and what a challenge for you.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I look forward to hearing about your new diet works for you, health wise and for weight loss
    did you say that there are portion sizes or just certain foods you can eat?

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope you are continuing to feel better

    :flowerforyou: Beth, are there other races coming up? Are you getting into a good eating routine now that you're in the states? I'm sure the food tastes better now that you have some control over it.

    I finished knitting the hat to go with my winter coat and it looks great. Now I have to do the scarf.

    Hugs to all my friends.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
This discussion has been closed.