Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey good morning. Just dropping in to say hi to everybody. A fly bye. Be back later
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Just a quick up date. Sam finished first runner up again this year. She won the talent and was Ms. Congeniality. So she did very well. We are very proud of her. Not too much else to report right now. I have a lot of work to do, but more on that later. Everything else is as normal as normal is for us! We are planning to go to Atlanta in 2 weeks to see Amanda. It is a surprise visit for her. Remind me to tell you all about the "tree house" our friends are building. Got to go for now!

    Have a great day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Great job Sam!! You made your daddy proud and all of us as well. :heart: Jeffrey, you need to post some pictures of your girls and we are still waiting for the before and after of you. :wink:

    Caught your "hi" on the fly Marie. :laugh: Check in later and let us know if that water pill worked. :tongue:

    It is sunny but very cold here today. My card game was canceled so I will probably be hanging around my computer all day. :glasses: At least I can get in more exercise since I have the free time, so that is a good thing. :bigsmile:

    Been trying really hard to watch my calories, I just would like to see these extra pounds go away, even if it takes a month or two. I am wondering if my body has other ideas. :grumble:

    Have a good day, stay healthy and active.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello everybody.

    Beautiful day here in Texas. Nice and warm.

    Gayla, Let us know what the doctor says today., Hoping you are much impved by now.
    I pack a box of pecans to send to Neil but got to the post office and they wanted $32.00 to shipped it.Thats was just too much. and that was snail pace too. You can buy pecans here cheaper than that. already shelled. so I didn't shipped them. Sorry Neil

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you are all feeling fine. I am still working through this flu process. I did see my Dr. today and of course, he is not sure but did send a swab to be checked for H1N1. If it isn't that then I guess there is another terrible flu bug out there. The labs have been so overloaded that mostly the diagnosing has been done looking at symptoms. I now have bronchitis so he did start me on an antibiotic for that. I do feel like it is getting better. I am hoping that it is gone in the next couple of days. I nearly forgot to tell you that I have had a large weight loss, the 4 that I had put back on and another 6 on top of that. I have never experienced no appetite before. Today I actually feel a bit hungry so I expect the appetite is coming back soon. I won't record the loss because I know it often comes back on after a person gets well. Thanks to you all for your concern, I really appreciate your concern. :heart: Someone asked how Neil is managing -- He is doing fine, Dave has really stepped up for us and even doing a bit of cooking.

    Marie -- Thank you for thinking of Neil. He would have been thrilled but that is a crazy amount for postage!! Sometimes the thought is enough, thanks so much.

    Jeffrey -- Glad your daughter did so well in her pageant. Good for her!

    Elli, Beth -- I know I wanted to say something to you but my foggy head will not clear.

    Sandy -- Sorry your game was cancelled. Hope you had a fun day on the computer. My computer time has been very limited.

    Birdie -- So sorry about your mother in law. I hope she gets well soon.

    Barb, Barbie and everyone else who I have sadly forgotten. The thinker isn't thinking for me but I am thinking of you. Time to close.

    Talk to you all tomorrow. Take care and keep smiling. :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Elli, I read about the dog food and it looks wonderful but more work than I want to do. Also, Jake is in charge of choosing dog food and he's very happy with what we have now (a mixture of expensive dry food and a half a can of wet food.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you are so right about eating out of the bag. It reminds me of all the undisciplined eating I used to do. I make a huge effort to put my food on a plate and take it to the table to eat.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations to Sam on her success in the pageant.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, the Leslie Sansone DVD I got was pretty easy with possibilities for more vigorous arm movements or higher steps to increase your heart rate, but otherwise as simple as walking. It started slow, then stretches, then faster, then a slowdown and more stretches. I know that there are a lot of Leslie Sansone DVDs. some of them are power walking which is more challenging.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope the antibiotics will help. Take it easy so you get well soon. How great that you have Dave to take care of stuff while you are recovering.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, there's nothing worse than forgetting to use the facilities before heading off for a walk...... a run would be worse. When I go for my walks, I always stop drinking water at least an hour before I leave the house and then use the facilities at the last minute. Even so, you did a great job.....congratulations.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, this could be the beginning of new resolve and will wishes for healthy eating.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, it's good to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I don't do well sitting still either. i drive Jake crazy because I'm up and down all day.

    It's my turn on the bike now, then early to bed since we got up at five.
    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!

    I am going to bingo tonight, but seem to have a free day. :bigsmile: I think after my workout I will try and work on transferring my old VHS movies on to DVD's. I have so many to do and have been slack on working on them because I am too busy playing games on face book. :laugh:

    I finally lost a pound but again will not record it until I know it is gone for good. :tongue: I have had a good week on exercise and calories. I am patting myself on the back. :glasses:

    Hope everyone is well or getting better, their worries are few and there is love in their lives. Life is good.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat, Are you going for 115 lbs now. You can do it if anybody can. Amazing job you have done.

    Sandy. You stay busy. Good on that lb lost.

    Gayla, Congrats on your weight lost. Hard way to do it. Hope today is a better day for you.

    Jeffrey, I am really proud of Sam. Got to see her picture. Please hurry.

    Birdie, You are doing so good. How is your MIL?

    Beth, How are you doing ? Are you still planning on being in Texas for Thanksgiving?

    Barbs, How are things up there?

    Elli, I love your wonderful snow and beautiful home.

    I have fanally rested up from my trip. My hips were giving me lots of problems Mon. and Tues. But got better last night and had a good night rest No pain there this morning. But I will never be free of pain somewhere. But it don't hurt to walk now. I feel I am back to normal now. Got washing to do and going to make a veggie soup with some left over roast I have frozen. See you guys later Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Sandy - you go girl! You lost another POUND! That's AWESOME as low as you are! I'm doing all right - not GREAT, but still way better than i was.

    Barbie - thanks for the input on the Cocos Canine Cuisine. I'm still working out some details with my accountants and trying to make a decision. I seem to take awhile with decisions of this magnitude. My Dad and i are disagreeing too. Ultimately the decision is mine - but i like for him to be on board!

    Gayla - i SO think you have the h1n1. Let us know when you find out. Don't worry about writing to each one of us - i'm amazed you did as well as you did with the brain fog and all! TAKE CARE of you. I'm so glad Dave has been taking care of Neil AND you!

    Jeffrey - congratulations to Sam! That's so cool. Some pics please??????????

    Marie - i'm glad you liked the snow pictures. It's mostly all gone now - we're supposed to have weather in the 70's for the next few days! woo hoooooooooo:happy: Maybe all my mud will go away. I think i need 2 more loads of rock!:indifferent: I'm so glad you're hips are better this morning! You're such a trooper! Sounds like you overdid though on your trip. Take CARE!

    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    I am behind again at work! LOL Worked until 10 last night and still behind. I just posted a pic of Sam! All is good here. Just busy. We are still planning to go to Atlanta next week to surprise Amanda but the last 2 trips we had planned had to be cancelled due to Days mom, so we are reluctant to get excited about going (but we are! LOL)

    Sounds like everyone here is doing well and that makes me smile.

    Todays challenge... Learn one new word! and use it in your next post!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey, Sam is a beauty. she will knock their socks off. She must take after her Mom.

    Now Jeffrey you know I can't spelled the old words , how am I going to spell the new words. I just read an article if you spelled the first and last letter and just used anything in the middle most everybody know what you are saying and don't know you mispelled it. Thats a + for me.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    lol - Marie, you crack me up! I read that same e mail - about if the first and last letter are good we can usually figure out the word.

    Jeffrey - she's ADORABLE! And i imagine she has an amazing personality to go with her amazing looks! What did Marie mean - she must take after Day?!?!?!?!?:happy: OK, so you must be SO proud and happy, just don't get all "mawkish". That's my word - i had it in a crossword puzzle.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Jeffrey, no wonder you are such a proud dad, Sam is beautiful. :bigsmile: These ladies are funny aren't they? Taking after mom, dad's no slouch either. :laugh: Maybe you need to post closer pictures of you and Day so we can judge for ourselves. Sounds like the new job keeps you busy, but better than not working at all. You can handle it, you mastered discipline.

    Marie and Elli, I also read that email and was able to read the whole thing just by the first and last letter.
    Our brains are much smarter than we give them credit for. :laugh:

    Gayla, hope you are feeling better. Did you get the results back yet?

    I did not work on my computer as planned. I have been busy doing nothing and getting nothing done.
    It has been a stressful day so far, but will get better. Some days are like that. ( sough, a low soft sighing sound.)

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from sunny Saskatchewan! It would be a perfect day for a walk but I am happy about getting out to the curb with some garbage. No, I don't have any results which likely means my Dr. doesn't either. The other possibility (and more likely) is that it didn't get done and may not get done. Until I know different I am treating it as H1N1 as it likely is. I am feeling a bit better today. I wish the first Dr. would have given me antibiotics and perhaps I would be over this by now. The drugs continue to make me a bit nauseated but I can live with it. I was in bed before 10 last night which is a small miracle in itself. My energy up and went!! :wink:

    Neil just got back from a bike ride (telling you how nice the weather is). My cousin is conducting a Men's Choir performane this weekend and I really, really want to go. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the tickets aren't sold out before I can make a decision if I am healthy enough to go out in public. I believe it is war time music which will be great. Growing up in a musical family this music really takes me back to my childhood. We spent many, many hours with family gathered around the piano and often the music was from the second WW. One of my Dad's cousins played by ear and if you just sang a bit of the song she would play it. Now that really is a gift! I, alas, am not a good singer (and no, I am not just saying that -- proof that some Welsh people do not sing). Or, should not sing because I do sing, just poorly. :laugh:

    I better go before I find more nonsense to talk to you about. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lol - Marie, you crack me up! I read that same e mail - about if the first and last letter are good we can usually figure out the word.

    Jeffrey - she's ADORABLE! And i imagine she has an amazing personality to go with her amazing looks! What did Marie mean - she must take after Day?!?!?!?!?:happy: OK, so you must be SO proud and happy, just don't get all "mawkish". That's my word - i had it in a crossword puzzle.


    Just kidding Jeffrey, Elli. I know Sam must have taken after both of them. She has wonderful parents and both are so darn good looking.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: A lovely day today with the usual stuff----line dance, dog park, exercise bike, TV, computer, and fixing a batch of apple squash soup from home grown squash and apples (grown at someone else's home, not mine :laugh: :laugh: ).

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sandy, I've never transferred VHS to DVD----what sort of special equipment do you need. You are such a techno expert. I am in awe of your skills. :bigsmile: I am in agreement not to record a pound until it's been gone for awhile. But congratulations, anyway.

    :flowerforyou: Marie , I'm glad you are feeling more like walking. Your soup sounds good. Yes, I have lowered my goal to 115. I don't know if I'll get there but "nothing ventured, nothing gained" If I want to wear a slinky dress like Jeffrey's daughter I'll have to lose a lot more weight:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I am the laziest pet feeder. My mother used to poach lamb liver for her cats. I had a friend who cooked sweet potatoes and other fresh vegetables and meat for her elderly greyhound. They might have liked your "do it yourself dog food"

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I used to have one of those daily calendar that had a new word to learn every day. I haven't done that in a long time. Jake learned incommunicado today when he found out that the training he's going to in two weeks suggests that he not call home and not bring his computer with him for the five day retreat.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad you're feeling. better. I hope you get to go to the choir performance. It sounds great.

    I asked Jake to take my picture knitting on the bike but we keep forgetting.:laugh:
    Time for my snack and then back on the bike
    hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    I just had to add a little comment about the dog food issue. I am not a dog person at all, nice to look at but way too allergic to be around one. Anyway, back to my little story. Years ago we lived next door to an elderly couple who owned a beautiful Collie. I should have said were owned by a beautiful Collie. This dog had one little quirk, he only ate from a spoon. Yes, his "DAD" fed him every mouthful while Laddie (said dog) perched on a special table. They rarely went away but when they did we watched out for the dog but did not spoon feed him. We left fresh water and food every day and chatted with him. Every day the dog food sat. The owner's said not to spoon feed him and that if he got hungry enough he would eat. They were never gone more than a couple of days but thought it was odd that the dog wouldn't eat from a bowl. You all may know this as a common thing but it was a new one to me. Dogs like people have some unique personalities.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    My little Pepper doesn't like to eat out of a dish. He likes his kibble in a pile on a towel on top of the ottoman that sits in front of my favorite chair in my living room. I discovered this little quirk when I accidentally spilled his food on the floor and he couldn't eat it fast enough and when I put it back in his dish, he ignored it.

    He also prefers to eat when I am sitting nearby in the chair. SPOILED?? My little goof? Whatever gave you THAT idea???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Mai Li, on the other hand, will eat anything that doesn't try to eat her first!:noway: :laugh: That is how she earned the name "Piglet Girl."

    Bradley is not a big eater, but a frequent eater. Likes to have a doggy snack as soon as he gets up in the morning. The norm around here is one meal a day for doggies, but they are good at letting me know when a little "snack" is in order.

    I am 2 lbs. from where I hoped to be by Saturday for that luncheon, so cross your fingers that I make it.

    Good night all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Thursday Morning.

    We are in fir another nice day. The sun is coming up. I finish my first cup of coffee.

    My graitude for today:

    :flowerforyou: Jerry and I have escape the flu bug so far.
    :flowerforyou: My kids are all doing fine.
    :flowerforyou: For all the extra nice people here on Senior Golden Sneakers:
    :flowerforyou: For Mike and his brother for keeping this web site up
    :flowerforyou: Aor all of MFPERS I have met some wonderful people here.

    :heart: :heart: You all make my life more pleasant.:heart::heart:


    interesting article on calorie counter this morning Be sure to read
  • Good Morning!

    Pretty quiet here again today. And that is good! My MIL's "irascibility" has been less than normal lately so that is good! (That was my new word!) Sam and Amanda are good. Amanda's car damage was $6,000. Thank heavens for good insurance. Not a lot else to report on right now. Been working out and maintaining the weight. I should get a little busier and lose a little more before the Holidays. It is supposed to be very nice here this weekend so I will probably work outside and get the yard stuff all finished up for the year. It should be the last mowing.

    Take care one and all! And thank you for the nice comments on Sam. Sam is just like her Daddy, Amanda is just like her mother! Just an FYI LOL!

    Be safe and happy!

This discussion has been closed.