Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • Good Morning!

    Another nasty day here. But it will improve! Work is good and the In-laws are quiet! Whoo Hoo!

    I have been increasing the training again. And I have lost another inch but no weight loss, so that was good. I have been looking at competitions for next year and have found a couple that look like fun. Not too much else gong on. I am going to make a big pot of chili today and I am lookin forward to that. I have a tough workout tonight and running so I will need fuel! I want cookies, but I need fuel! LOL

    Everyone have a great day!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Have a little time at work so thought I'd drop in:wink:

    :bigsmile: Marie: 40degrees and you’re freezing your …you know what…off??? Boy you’d never make it in RI! :noway: :noway: Although we’ve had relatively mild weather so far, when it gets cold and damp….you’d freeze more that that off!! :laugh: But I agree with Barbie, that the snow is beautiful, the air fresh and crisp and invigorating. I wouldn’t live any place else either! :love: Stay warm.:wink:

    :bigsmile: Jeffrey: A workout followed by and run and then the elliptical?? Wow! I’ve been doing just the treadmill and that’s a stretch!!! :ohwell: It must be great to be in such good shape!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    BTW Cookies are good….but fuel get’s us to where we want to be :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Sandy: I can’t imagine winning so much at bingo! :angry: You’re really lucky! I hardly ever win money.:grumble: I guess that’s why I don’t go!! :ohwell: But then again, I suppose I’d have to GO in order to win!!??:laugh: :laugh:
    BTW I wish I only had 3 lbs to lose! Be careful that you, Barbie Elli and Jeffrey don’t disappear!!:noway: You're all doing so well!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: Elli: glad you’re getting to the gym. :flowerforyou: There’s something mentally rewarding about taking good care of yourself.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I’m so sorry to hear about the young girl whose husband is in Iraq!:cry: I’m especially sorry for the child! :frown: How do you explain such a thing to a 4 yr old? You’re right…it is heartbreaking.:brokenheart:

    :bigsmile: Barbie: I’m glad that Jake is home! :flowerforyou: That’s an awful lot of applesauce for 1 person to eat!! :laugh: :laugh:
    Congratulations on the lb. lost! I wouldn’t worry about the chicken curry as you are doing so well! There’s nothing wrong with a healthy, yummy meal that’s a little over in calories….once in a while!:tongue:

    :bigsmile: Gayla: My mom use to make baked beans from scratch in a pressure cooker, and they were light. She would put Salt port and brown sugar, I think! That was a long time ago but they were very good!:tongue::tongue: :tongue:

    :bigsmile: Beth: Just looked at the pictures of the storm!!! :noway: :noway: Wow! That park bench’s seat was almost covered! Hope everything dried out!

    :bigsmile: Barb: How are you doing???? How’s the “bathroom bouncer?”

    Got to get back to work. Have a blessed day everyone:love:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake is off on another trip related to his business :sad: :sad: so we got up at 5:00 so he could be picked up by the airport shuttle at 7:30. His plane doesn't leave until 1:30. This is a personal growth retreat and the participants are asked to leave their computers at home and turn off their cell phones while they are there so we won't be having the usual four or five phone conversations a day that we usually have.:sad:

    The good thing for him is that the event is in Santa Barbara, California where the weather is a whole lot better than it is in NW Washington.

    The good thing for me is that I can eat fruit, salads,veggies, hummus, protein shakes, and keep my calories down and have the house to myself to keep my exercise up.

    I went to line dance this morning then came home and fixed a lovely lunch of salad, hard boiled egg, and veggies with hummus. Now the dogs want to go to the dog park.......but we won't go until I'm sure that Jake is safely on the plane. It's cold and windy but that won't keep us home.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, we have big shoulders, so feel free to dump on us.

    gotta go
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake is off on another trip related to his business :sad: :sad: so we got up at 5:00 so he could be picked up by the airport shuttle at 7:30. His plane doesn't leave until 1:30. This is a personal growth retreat and the participants are asked to leave their computers at home and turn off their cell phones while they are there so we won't be having the usual four or five phone conversations a day that we usually have.:sad:

    I'm so far behind in posting, that by the time I get to congratulate you on having Jake home.....he's gone again!!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Take care!
  • Hi all - I don't know if you have to be a certain age to join, but I'd like to be part of your group. I'm 57 and hope that qualifies me :smile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Nancy, You are not too young, never. We have some your age here. I just happen to be the oldest one around. And welcome, tell us all about yourself. we are just homefolks. all one big family.We like to know what everyone is doing? Get to know their family and all of their animals. Welcome to the Seniors Golden Sneakers. :heart: Marie
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I took this quote from your profile for I need to learn that.

    realized that I really don't need to eat everything at one time
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi all - I don't know if you have to be a certain age to join, but I'd like to be part of your group. I'm 57 and hope that qualifies me :smile:


    Welcome Nancy!!!:flowerforyou: The more the merrier!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, Nancy
    It's great to have you here with us. I hope you'll check in with us every day and share your success and your challenges. This is a great place to share what's going on. We are all on the same journey and want to be there for each other.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The girls and I just got back from the dog park. The wind wasn't as strong as it has been, but it was cold (in the low 40's) and after 20 minutes all three of us were ready to come home.

    :flowerforyou: Jake called when he boarded the plane. He may call when he lands, but once he gets to the site of the event, he's supposed to shut off his cell phone. We modern people are so spoiled :laugh: :laugh: I'm old enough to remember when there was none of this phoning all the time and people went away for a few days and nobody heard from them until they got home again.

    :flowerforyou: with line dance, dog park, and the exercise bike I was able to treat myself to a Wasa cracker with peanut butter......yum yum........if I do two miles with Leslie Sansone, I'll have another treat.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, what's really wrong with the yummy meal I had yesterday is that when I drove by that restaurant on the way to line dance, I started fantasizing about going back again today for more :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: Barbie:heart:
  • thanks - i'm 57 years old, work in civil/criminal law with my daughter, who is 23. My son, who will turn 21, is now just thinking of going to college - OK!! I'm born and raised New Yawk but moved to Colorado about 30 years ago and while having the opportunity to live in just about every state, this is where I will always want to live because the weather is perfect all year long. I love change so the little snow we get is good. I don't own a car but do have motorcycles in the garage - some women have to have shoes or purses; go figure!! Harley Fatboy, BMW K1200 LT (or the beast as they call it - the biggest one they make) and my run around town: Yamaha VStar Classic.

    I've got about 30 pounds to lose and thought I would share the journey this time, so here I am.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A very quick hello to you all. I can't begin to catch up but do want to welcome Nancy to the group. You will find all the support in the world right here, a wonderful bunch of men and women. I had a brain draining day at the conference, it was excellent and has already given me a few ideas for my work. I am looking forward to the next two days. I went to bed early last night and will do so again tonight.

    I almost forgot to tell you that we continue to enjoy above normal temperatures and are enjoying mid 40's F. I, too, love where I live and wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I love to travel but when I get back to this flat prairie land something inside tells me I am home. Yes, you are free to remind me of that statement in January when I am whining about 40 below!! That said, I do look forward to a break in the winter with our Feb. holiday!

    I have read your posts and am thinking of you all. I will respond on the weekend. Very soon I should really be finished work and will write a better post!!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • Lafla - i am happy to be here. While reading your post, I couldn't help but wonder if you live in Minnesota - 40 degree below zero and all. No sticking your tongue on any metal objects while outdoors when its that cold, huh; :noway: Just got back from having dinner with two friends; one is done with the dating scene and the other isn't dating at all; oh well, its always nice to sit in the middle and just listen; sometimes its just better to stay quiet :laugh: Hope you all had a wonderful evening - until tomorrow. :yawn:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    thanks - i'm 57 years old, work in civil/criminal law with my daughter, who is 23. My son, who will turn 21, is now just thinking of going to college - OK!! I'm born and raised New Yawk but moved to Colorado about 30 years ago and while having the opportunity to live in just about every state, this is where I will always want to live because the weather is perfect all year long. I love change so the little snow we get is good. I don't own a car but do have motorcycles in the garage - some women have to have shoes or purses; go figure!! Harley Fatboy, BMW K1200 LT (or the beast as they call it - the biggest one they make) and my run around town: Yamaha VStar Classic.

    I've got about 30 pounds to lose and thought I would share the journey this time, so here I am.


    Welcome Nancy--

    You will find this to be a friendly and supportive group. Since you mentioned your age, I will also suggest another thread for Women 50+ under fitness and motivation. There are at least two of us on here who also post on there (me and Barbiecat).

    Let's see, you have kids, and you love motorcycles, should we christen you our resident "Motorcycle Mama?":laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That was my feeble attempt at humour. I recall a song by that name...seems like a line in the chorus was " And we'll see the world on my Harley.....if the chain don't break!!"

    Someone asked me how Mai Li, my canine "bathroom bouncer" was doing. She is her usual pesky self. She still thinks she is bossing Pepper and Bradley around, but they mostly ignore her:laugh: :laugh:

    This past weekend I drove about 50 miles from my home to visit a friend I recently re-established contact with. He has a 6.5 pound Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, who was a little taken aback by having 3 "invaders' coming into his house, but everyone adjusted quickly when we drove to the beach in a crew cab style pickup. The back seats fold down flat, but even so, Mai Li took up about all the back seat, which left enough space for Pepper or Bradley to sit with their head between the two front seats, and then the little one to sit on a pillow on the console. That left Pepper or Bradley (depending upon who was located where) to sit on a pillow on my lap. Bradley was my first choice for lapsitting as he is lighter than Pepper, who caused my thigh to go to sleep when he was parked there.

    We were able to drive on the beach for several miles, and stopped so all the doggies could run around in the sand, but it was a short interval, due to the sand blowing down low, and it was getting in their faces.

    Since I hope to be spending some more time with my long time friend, whom I had not seen in about 18 years, I am glad we won't have to spend our time refereeing a giant "canine smackdown" aka dog fight !:laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, I am sorry you thought that something important was freezing off. I am not fond of freezing either, so I am glad that we only deal with freezing temperatures for about 2 and half months each year.

    Did you figure out what happened to your pedometer?

    Hope everyone is getting ready to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with their families and friends, (except for our Canadian friends who already got that out of the way in October:smile:)

    So long for now!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HI Barbs, No I have not found my pedometer. I have check everywhere but one place and that where it is hiding from me. :sad: :sad: :sad: It will show up sooner or later. But I missed it.
    Sounds like you and your animals have a time. Glad to see you getting out and enjoying yourself.
  • Good Morning Everyone!

    Welcome Nancy! Nice to have you with us. I have always wanted a Harley but I am not allowed! LOL I got rid of my Corvette about 9 years ago when my daughters were beginning to drive. One of these day I will get another! I do have a Mercedes Kompressor (supercharged) that will flat fly! It is pretty fun to drive. Welcome again!

    Marie I have been looking for you pedometer but I can't find it either! LOL It will turn up soon. Anything else new with you?

    Barbie congrats on the weight again!

    Sandy my wieght moves around about 2-3% constantly. I just pick one I like! I think my issue is with salt intake. I eat very very little salt and when I do my body retains fluids and gives my a little spike in weight but it leaves rapidly too. You are doing great!

    Gayla enjoy the weather! It will get nasty soon enough. I always figure that one warm day during this time of year gets me one day closer to next spring!

    Barb glad that you are getting to visit your friend. Those things are important.

    Now for the update(s). My SIL is not doing well. Her oncologist basically told them that there was not really anything more that they could do. It is spreading rapidly. They are looking at some additional chemo treatments but he did not hold any hope. The oncologist suggested that they start going to counseling. So yesterday was pretty rugged here. She is holding hope but knows the score. The MIL is still quiet! Another good day on that front. We will probably pay for that soon! LOL

    My triathalon training is progressing. I ran 2 miles plus a very tough core workout yesterday. I will probably run again tonight and do either another core or cardio/leg workout. So far the left knee is holding up and I am happy about that. I have not been on the scale in bit but I feel like my weight is down and dropping. Usually I am dead on it. I will probably not weigh in for a couple of weeks. My new clothes are starting to get loose. I know my wife does not want to hear that. LOL

    Everyone enjoy the day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Welcome Nancy, hope you enjoy our group and get the motivation that you need to stick with your new goal. :flowerforyou: Although I haven't been there I hear Colorado is beautiful. I am from the Midwest, a Chicago suburb. We are heading into our winter and I am not looking forward to it. :noway:

    Jeffrey, so sorry about your sil, may I ask how old she is? I pray that they keep her comfortable and give her some peace in her last days. :brokenheart: I am not sure what a Mercedes Kompressor is, is it a car? I think I have the same problem when I eat anything salty, that is when I go up in weight. I will keep that in mind, thanks Jeff.

    Marie, you have been quiet lately, are you feeling ok? I feel something is bothering you, but I hope I am wrong. :heart:

    Barb, it is great that you reconnected with an old friend. Good thing he likes dogs like you do, could romance be in the air? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie, I was glad to read that you were tempted to go back in the restaurant, now I know that you are indeed human. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have my meeting today, so will check in later.

    Have a wonderful day!!

  • weaklink - thanks for the welcome, Motorcycle Mama works but Motorcycle Diva works better :tongue: I haven't heard the song mentioned but the song Born to Be Wild somehow always followed me - could never figure that one out :devil:

    Sandydur - thanks and I know I will enjoy being here. I have a feeling this is quite a lively group. I've been in Chicago - visited it when I was 14 - stopped there for a little while on my way to California from New York; it has the same weather New York does. What's different about Colorado is that we rarely get wet snow - the heavy, slushy kind - we tend to get 'powder' snow, so it melts fast which is nice.

    Jeffrey - hello there, nice to meet ya. I had to laugh when you said you weren't allowed to have a Harley. laugh: I understand - I really do. Most women seem to want that activity put to a stop real fast considering what goes with a motorcycle - I think she may want you around - safe and sound and all. I went to Sturgis this year and if you watch the cable program "Full Throttle", you can get an idea of what goes on when you ride; it's interesting that this program is on the air this year because I was at the Full Throttle when this program was being aired and when I saw it, it really surprised me to see me there.

    Hi Barb - how are you doing today? I would love to write more but I need to go to work for a while so I will check in with you guys later.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey everyone - happy almost friday! woo hooooooo! Sheesh - i missed 1 day and there is so much to catch up on!

    Jeffrey - so sorry about your sil - :frown: I too, hope she can find some peace and comfort in her final days, weeks, months..........very difficult stuff. I lost my sil 5 years ago - her daughter just got married this past september. it was very bittersweet - we were really close. I'm so sorry........... On another note - your workouts wear me out!:laugh: wish they could burn some calories for me!:laugh: and yes - what IS that mercedes whatchamacallit???????

    Oh Barbie - i'm sorry you're without your Jake yet AGAIN! I know - we ARE so spoiled with all our latest and greatest communication devices!

    Sandy - I'm glad you asked Barb - 'cause i was kind of wondering about a possible romance in the air as well??????? Barb??????? any comment???????????:tongue:

    Marie - i was wondering about you like Sandy was too......are you doing ok?

    Gayla - you sound like you're feeling lots better - i'm relieved! My friend Jamie seems to be feeling a little better - she's been home from school all week trying to recover. That swine flu is some nasty stuff. Now her mom (Angela, who works with me) says her throat feels a little sore - uh oh.......:sick:

    Barbie, Birdie - thank you for your support and wide our friend's husband (in Iraq) says he wants to "work on things" but i'm just worried about both of them (ptsd?) and, like you said Birdie - their little girl who has some challanges hard. My own 2 are being such an amazing support system for her - i'm proud of them - but very happy they both keep checking in with me for advice and thoughts.

    Nancy! Welcome! You and i are neighbors - and it gets even better - we're the same age, and i moved to Colorado from'll be 40 years in 2010! And Born to be Wild - gotta love it. It's from Easy Rider! Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper - i bet that's why it's followed you all these years! I kind of got the impression you're single as well? And, like you i've done WW, Atkins, etc - it's the story of my life! I'm struggling along right now - this is a great group. You're going to like it here!

    Yesterday i came down with BPPV again - it happened 15 months ago - i don't think i was on here yet. Anyway - it's vertigo caused by position of the head - inner ear stuff - and it SUCKS! I look up, or turn my head to the side and my world spins round, then i get nauseaus and headachy:sick: Last time i had it i actually fell down at my yoga class:grumble: I started doing these exercises - it seems somewhat better today - if it's still bothering me come monday i'll go to the doc - they do this repositioning maneuver. it's CRAZY!:tongue:

    Whew - i was long winded! Have a great day all!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, what's really wrong with the yummy meal I had yesterday is that when I drove by that restaurant on the way to line dance, I started fantasizing about going back again today for more :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: Barbie:heart:

    :noway: :noway: Think big red sweater:laugh: :laugh: ! Fantasize about your great new look!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi again. Sandy and Elli, I am feeling fine. I am so invole in my new way of eating. I guess I keep my mind on it. Also Have join their forum so I can learn more about it.
    So far on this way of eating:
    ....I am sleeping better
    ,,,,My blood sugar is in grreat control
    ....My craving has diaapeared. Not hyngry anymore. I have had no sweets, no bread except the low carb tortilla. I eat on at each meal.
    ....I feel better
    ....I love the food.
    ....My nerves are a lot better
    ...All in all I am one happy woman.
    ....On the downside my menory is the same. Can't remember nothing much.But that comes with the territory of getting old. I guess.

    Goning to cook chicken in diet orange soda for dinner tonight. Will let you know how it turns out.

    Thanks about thinking of me.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Another slow day at I can post! You'll know when I get busy! I'll...seem to be...MIA:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy: Sounds like you have an interesting but challenging career! No Car??? :noway: I can’t even imagine it! But the shoes and purses thing…I’m with you. :wink: I replace them when they fall apart!!:laugh:
    My 28 year old daughter would go nuts with the bikes! :love: She has her license but never had the opportunity to own one. As for me….I’m afraid of them, :embarassed: even though they’re fun, they are also dangerous! Be careful!!

    :flowerforyou: Gayla: By the time you’re retired…you won’t have to worry about being “brain dead” anymore! You’ll really have cause to celebrate!!!:flowerforyou:
    BTW…ANY post from you …IS a good post!:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Barb: Glad you reconnected with your friend. Sometimes I will meet up with friends that I haven’t seen in years…and once we start talking, it’s like no time has past at all!! :happy: :happy: HMMMM something else in the air???:blushing: :love:

    :flowerforyou: Marie: That pedometer will show up eventually. I just hope it doesn’t show up in the washing machine!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey: So sorry about your SIL! :frown: There is no easy way to go through something like that accept to be loving and supportive. Maybe the triathlon training will become a good diversion from the stress! I will pray for you all.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy: As challenging, weather-wise, as RI can be (even though I love it) I would find Chicago a bit much!!! :noway: Hope you have your thermo underwear ready!!!:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Elli: I had the vertigo thing last year and it was scary. :sick: I kept feeling like I was falling into myself. :noway: Pretty creepy! I hope it gets better! Whatever you do….don’t get any ideas about a bike ride with Nancy!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
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