Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sandy and all of the rest of you.
    So Daisy can get in trouble by herself. Sammy never has given us any problens like that. Or I forgotten. but I don't remember him gettin into anything. I think he just sleeps all the time while we are gone. We left him here 3 nights last Thanksgiving when we went to Kansas to visit Jerry brother and sister. My Daughter came by once a day to feed him and play with him. He made it just fine. He had Caliecat to keep him company.

    How is the rest of the gang?????////
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone- sounds like we're all having a good weekend.
    Barbie - i'm so glad Jake is out of the hospital - hope you hear from him soon. I was looking at your ticker - your perserverance just AMAZES me. I wanna be like you!!!!!!!!

    Beth - i haven't been able to open the web page for some reason but i'mgoing to try again after this. As always - thank you for your service!

    Gayla - so glad you're back to your "young"! self! My young friend Jamie is also better after her bout with h1n1.

    Marie - you're doing so great with that new diet! I hafta say - i pretty much love my kitchen too - i should keep my self OUT of it more often though!:laugh: of course, i can't do that NOW - getting ready for Thanksgiving and all. Gotta get to town and getsome stuff bought pretty soon! Just waiting on a neighbor tocome by and borrow the tiling supplies.

    Sandy - i have my 1 little inside dog -Hercky. He has a dog door so can come and go as he likes. I never realized, before i had wood floors and a big mud mess in the yard how much DIRT he brings in!!!!!!!! I'll do something with that yard next spring. But i'm SO lucky - likeSammy, he justsleeps most of the time - never got into chewing up much other than his toys. Is Daisy crate trained? I know when we moved out of our house during the remodel i crated Hercky - he seemed to be really happy with that!

    Have a great Sunday all!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Between Figure Skating and Football I am really getting my exercise!! :noway: Our team is in the Western Final so we will be cheering hard. I didn't buy or make any nibblies to go along with the game which is likely a good thing. Neil thinks I should whip up some cookies but I don't think that is going to happen. We had to run into the city today with a batter charger for my son's car so decided we should do groceries today instead of tomorrow. It was so busy for a Sunday! I hadn't made a menu so hope I bought enough stuff.

    Your animals are surely making me laugh. I remember coming home after being away for a few days and finding a lot of wrong colour fur in our basement. We had a cat door and I guess a stranger found his way in. Our cats were very territorial I think. We loved having the cats and they were so easy to leave, you could leave out the dry food and they just ate what they needed. Someone could check in every few days and replenish the food or water.

    Elli -- I, too, am glad to be back to normal (whatever that is). I still have this crazy cough and think I should check in with my Dr. again. It isn't frequent but several times a day. So glad your young friend is better.

    Marie -- Are you watching football today?

    Sandy -- Your dog is a riot!! :laugh: She really keeps you entertained.

    Barb -- Your dog story also had me laughing. He is quite creative!!

    Barbie -- so glad Jake is out of the hospital. I expect you would like him to be home where you can see for yourself that he is ok. I hope he gets home tonight or at least that you can talk to him tonight.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, Here is a list of our currant Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. Marie

    Marie Nov. 7.
    Gayla Nov 20
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our currant Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Pleade add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Jake October 10, 1945

    This is a great idea, I hope you'll all add your birthdays.:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It feels like all I've done today is walk dogs but that's probably not true:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, On the last dog walk (I walk them separately up the hill because they're a handful together) while I had Sasha outside, Brandy managed to grab one of the half finished bowls of cat food off the kitchen counter and finish it off.:laugh: I usually remember to push the bowls far enough back and I'm not used to being home alone with no adult to supervise the dog that's left behind. They aren't quite as creative as Bradley but they are evidence that dogs are great roommates.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what a scary thing to happen to Daisy. I'm so glad she came through it OK. That reminds me of the time that Bernie, the cat, pushed my computer flash drive onto the floor and the dogs chewed it up. fortunately all the data on it was something that was still on the desk top computer so other than being seriously irritated and forced to spend $$$ to buy a new one, there was no harm done. Another time the same thing happened to the cord we use to download photos from the camera to the computer.........yes, I'm more careful to put things away now......enjoy your dinner out.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, we have bigger problems when the dogs and cats keep each other company because Bernie teases the dogs and they chase him all over the house

    :flowerforyou: Elli, thank you for your kind words.....I know that I don't have friends and family to go out to dinner with or to cook for so it makes it easier for me to stay focused on my eating plan.....also I'm retired so I don't have a job to steal my energy and add stress to my life.....and I don't have a new kitchen to lure me into cooking and I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I recorded the ISU Grand Pix Skate Canada on my DVR and I'm going to watch it while riding the exercise bike as soon as I finish writing this.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It feels like all I've done today is walk dogs but that's probably not true:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, On the last dog walk (I walk them separately up the hill because they're a handful together) while I had Sasha outside, Brandy managed to grab one of the half finished bowls of cat food off the kitchen counter and finish it off.:laugh: I usually remember to push the bowls far enough back and I'm not used to being home alone with no adult to supervise the dog that's left behind. They aren't quite as creative as Bradley but they are evidence that dogs are great roommates.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what a scary thing to happen to Daisy. I'm so glad she came through it OK. That reminds me of the time that Bernie, the cat, pushed my computer flash drive onto the floor and the dogs chewed it up. fortunately all the data on it was something that was still on the desk top computer so other than being seriously irritated and forced to spend $$$ to buy a new one, there was no harm done. Another time the same thing happened to the cord we use to download photos from the camera to the computer.........yes, I'm more careful to put things away now......enjoy your dinner out.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, we have bigger problems when the dogs and cats keep each other company because Bernie teases the dogs and they chase him all over the house

    :flowerforyou: Elli, thank you for your kind words.....I know that I don't have friends and family to go out to dinner with or to cook for so it makes it easier for me to stay focused on my eating plan.....also I'm retired so I don't have a job to steal my energy and add stress to my life.....and I don't have a new kitchen to lure me into cooking and I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I recorded the ISU Grand Pix Skate Canada on my DVR and I'm going to watch it while riding the exercise bike as soon as I finish writing this.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It feels like all I've done today is walk dogs but that's probably not true:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, On the last dog walk (I walk them separately up the hill because they're a handful together) while I had Sasha outside, Brandy managed to grab one of the half finished bowls of cat food off the kitchen counter and finish it off.:laugh: I usually remember to push the bowls far enough back and I'm not used to being home alone with no adult to supervise the dog that's left behind. They aren't quite as creative as Bradley but they are evidence that dogs are great roommates.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what a scary thing to happen to Daisy. I'm so glad she came through it OK. That reminds me of the time that Bernie, the cat, pushed my computer flash drive onto the floor and the dogs chewed it up. fortunately all the data on it was something that was still on the desk top computer so other than being seriously irritated and forced to spend $$$ to buy a new one, there was no harm done. Another time the same thing happened to the cord we use to download photos from the camera to the computer.........yes, I'm more careful to put things away now......enjoy your dinner out.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, we have bigger problems when the dogs and cats keep each other company because Bernie teases the dogs and they chase him all over the house

    :flowerforyou: Elli, thank you for your kind words.....I know that I don't have friends and family to go out to dinner with or to cook for so it makes it easier for me to stay focused on my eating plan.....also I'm retired so I don't have a job to steal my energy and add stress to my life.....and I don't have a new kitchen to lure me into cooking and I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I recorded the ISU Grand Pix Skate Canada on my DVR and I'm going to watch it while riding the exercise bike as soon as I finish writing this.

    Enjoy your evening.........:heart::heart: :heart: hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Jake October 10, 1945

    This is a great idea, I hope you'll all add your birthdays.:bigsmile:
  • Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Jake October 10, 1945

    This is a great idea, I hope you'll all add your birthdays.:bigsmile:
  • hope you are all well.. just popping in, home for a few, very very short days.. so much to do it is overwhelming. dr. appts, etc. anyway, stay ell, be careful and have a great week, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, Marie, sorry to miss your birthday, I had a reminder set up, so I just forgot.. love ya
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945

    This is a great idea, I hope you'll all add your birthdays.:bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945

    I got rid of all the quote upon quote clutter with some selective erasing :smile:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945

    I got rid of all the quote upon quote clutter with some selective erasing :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbs. Thats was a big help.
    Don't know how you done it but look nice..
    Beth, you will always be our friend. Hey guys if you don't wamt to give your bith year that is fine. Just so we have the Month and the day. Thanks for being so promp.

    I have some errons to do today. so I better get up and get started.

  • Sandy, And all Seniors, Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945

    I got rid of all the quote upon quote clutter with some selective erasing :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Here is a list of our current Seniors. If I left anyone out let me know. I have it save so the first of december I will post it at the top. You can click on quote and add your Birthday then Hit reply Please add your birthday to the list

    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945

    I got rid of all the quote upon quote clutter with some selective erasing :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Great Idea Marie, even if we are the oldest members. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My son did my computer and in doing so somehow lost all my pictures from 2009. :cry: He feels really bad so I am just going to let it go. I am sure others have pictures of what happened in 2009.

    Dinner was good and the company was great. The nuns enjoyed themselves and had fun. If only my step son would stop drinking. :angry: :angry:

    My husband is still not feeling well so I better call the doctor back and see if I can get him in today.

    Will check in later, enjoy your Monday.

  • Good Morning Everyone!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! We ran our butt's off! Everything went well. Seen the mothers for thier b-days and made it to Sam's receital. We were inthe car 11 hours on Saturday. We started at 7:00 in the morning and got back home at 2:00 on Sunday morning. I am beat! I think I am more tired today than yesterday. I got my workout in last night and it was all I could do to motivate myself to finish it. I had strength training about 300 pushups and chin ups and some weights, then my ab workout, about 350 drunches of different types and then a 2 mile run. Actually I felt better after the workout than before. Amanda is home and still sleeping! LOL some things never change. Sam will be home on Wednesday then the circus starts! Day and I have to work all week with the exception of Thanksgiving.
    We still do not know who all is coming for Thanksgiving Dinner. We are planning for about 10. I think we are going to start making the pies and such tonight. Anyway that is about it from Indiana for now.

    I did add my b-date to the list. Everyone have a great day!

This discussion has been closed.