Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~~~ November



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    I hope I don't forget. we are headed out to the casino early tues morning.. I t will have to be change Monday night. I know if I forget you will help me out. Marie

    You bet I will...................:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning friends,

    I guess I got this diet thing down pretty good. . I am into my 4th week. Their forum has help a lot getting to chat with others that is on the same diet. Four more weeks on Step one and I get to weigh. Then I will go into step 2 till I reach my goal And then go into their maintance plan. I can visualize myself that far along. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Christmas is just around the corner. I don't do no shopping . everybody get checks or gift cards. I usally get the grandkids a gift card card at one of the fast food place. For they loved their hambugers.

    I didn't tell you guys that Jerry went the wrong way to Alice house Thanksgiving and we got into Dallas/Ft. Worth airport and had to pay 2 dollors to get out. Plus we were late and had Alice worried. We had to stop real quick and my dressing spilled out a little. Jerry is not a very smooth driver.Their was plenty left in the crock pot for dinner.

    Have a nice Sunday
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning friends,

    I guess I got this diet thing down pretty good. . I am into my 4th week. Their forum has help a lot getting to chat with others that is on the same diet. Four more weeks on Step one and I get to weigh. Then I will go into step 2 till I reach my goal And then go into their maintance plan. I can visualize myself that far along. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Christmas is just around the corner. I don't do no shopping . everybody get checks or gift cards. I usally get the grandkids a gift card card at one of the fast food place. For they loved their hambugers.

    I didn't tell you guys that Jerry went the wrong way to Alice house Thanksgiving and we got into Dallas/Ft. Worth airport and had to pay 2 dollors to get out. Plus we were late and had Alice worried. We had to stop real quick and my dressing spilled out a little. Jerry is not a very smooth driver.Their was plenty left in the crock pot for dinner.

    Have a nice Sunday

    Here I am in my wig
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Great picture. Your wig looks good too!! :flowerforyou: Sorry to hear of your travelling "adventure." I guess airports will do anything to make a buck these days!!:laugh:

    BTW, you said you only do checks or gift cards for Christmas...maybe I should send you my mailing address!!!:laugh: :laugh: Of COURSE I am KIDDING!!!!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I spent the day reading my book. My sister wants to read it so I thought if I got it done before my library time is done she could read it too. This evening we watched our team play the final game to win the cup. After looking like they had won it was ruled too many players on the field!!! One more play and you guessed it, a field goal for the other team and they won. A real heartbreaker but it did look like the fans had a good time. Of course, we watched it on TV.

    Marie, you look smashing in your new wig! Does it feel comfortable? Your car must have smelled wonderful with stuffing in it. Yummm. Sorry you got lost.

    Sandy, A great new picture of you as well. Is your husband a night hawk as well? Dave is quite rigid with his bedtime of 10pm and lights usually out before 11. I am going to try to get out of this night hawk habit!!!

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla
  • hope you have all finished your turkey leftovers!! we had a great Thanksgiving and time off. Should be returning to work soon, they were a little slow Friday, so they said call them Monday. I've been putting things in order. We will take off from around Dec. 20 or near there, and be off until Jan. 4. We have lots of things planned, dr. stuff and car stuff. So we won't be bored.. I never am!! I don't think we will be doing any decorating for Christmas this year, we planned to put our two shepherd's hooks by the driveway with garland and little lantern birdfeeders on them, but we can't find one of the poles.. it just disappeared.. so we will just have to skip it I guess. I took the plunge and ordered a new computer. My old one is misbehaving so much, I am using my laptop for now. I do want to work on the old, just to see if I can fix it.. but I don't want to spend any more money on it.
    Marie, what's this I hear about a wig for you? It looks great in the photo, it will keep you warm this winter!! I know how easy it is to get lost, Jim doesn't trust me to drive a route that he is not sure I can follow without messing up..LOL.. he is right to be concerned, I once almost drove us to Des Moines IA, and we weren't going there!! I got on the wrong freeway, and didn't realize it.
    Gayla, happy retirement to you, and enjoy yourself!!
    take care all, see ya near Christmas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, your wig looks great. Is it comfortable? Is it warm? Is it too warm for Texas?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I love your new look fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Barb, when you have dogs, you can never be bored......Bradley is such a charming addition to your family.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, glad you checked in......good luck on your computer challenges.....we had to buy a new computer last spring and even though we got a good one and didn't lose any important files, it took awhile to get used to safe on your travels.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, last night I went out to a meeting at seven and Jake was dozing on the couch and when I got back at 8:15 he was in bed asleep with the lights out....I ended up setting up the hide-a-bed in the living room so I wouldn't disturb him because I like to read for awhile before I go to sleep.

    All is well here. Jake continues to work on shampooing the carpets.......he's going to shampoo the hall the last thing before he gets into bed.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ,

    Good morning all.

    Hello stranger , so nice to hear from you. Its been awhile. Busy working . Glad you are going to have some time off for Christmas.

    Nice to hear From Gayla Barbiecat and the rest of you, too.

    It is going to rain here tomrrow so we are we will not go to OK to the casino till Thurs.

    Everuone have a womderful day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey everybody - just checking in quickly so you guys know i'm not "mia"! Had a fabulous, long THanksgiving weekend with WAY too much eating........i'm paying for it now!

    Marie, Barbie and Sandy - LOVE Your new pictures! Marie you look fabulous in that wig! Barbie and Sandy you both look so YOUNG and fit and terrific!!!!!!!! Your guys look pretty good too!

    Gayla - congrats on your retirement - don't be sad - you'll still be going in a little bit! Probably just enough!

    Barb - love the Bradley stories! My son's dashchund was so mad at being kept in the "little" house during thanksgiving dinner he pooped on the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd put a "grrrrrr" face there if i knew where they went!

    I'm back on track this morning - fruit and cottage cheese for breakfast, salad for lunch, veggies and rice for supper. I've GOTTA get this weight off! I feel disgusting! I kept walking a lot with the dogs, and got a dance dvd that's kinda fun - back to the gym this afternoon too - after the dog walk!

    Happy Monday All! elli
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    When you are posting, there is a link on the right side of the page across from the title of the thread "Add Smiley." The "grrrr" and all your other favorite emoticons are hiding there. After you click on the link, you have to click back into your post where you want the symbol to post, and then click on the "face" and you will get your little expressive faces back in your post. :wink:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Elli to get the smileys just click on add amileys after you go to reply. :love: :love: :love:

    Glad you had a nice thanksgiving. But sorry you overate. and had that miserable feeling.
    For once i stay good Thnksgiving. My tummy was satisfied without the dressin, sweet potatoes and all the desserts. I wasn't going to let Barbiecat beat me.

    Any more snow? One of our malls had some shipped in and spread out on their parking lots. I bet it melted pretty fast.

  • Good Day All!

    Well I weighed in today and I actually lost a pound. I was very happy with that. I guess the secret is pecan pie! The girls got back to their lives in good shape. It sure is quiet here. It was a pretty rough weekend with the MIL and SIL and their respective issues. But having the girls home made up for all that. Not too much else going on now. I am back looking for a job again. My contract expires at the end of the month. We did a lot of our Christmas shopping on Friday. I am glad that it is out of the way! Just a little more to do.

    I have skimmed the post and all seems well with the group.

    Gayla CONGRATS! On retirement and a life well done!

    Marie the photo looks great!

    Sandy clean them out on Tuesday. Where you heading?

    Barbie and Jake enjoy the new car(s)!

    Everyone else stay happy!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just have a few minutes because I am determined to put up my inside Christmas decorations today. :tongue:

    Jeffrey, you read the post wrong, Marie is going to the casino not me. :laugh: December is too busy for me to go gambling, I am just not caught up. :grumble:

    Marie, I love your new wig, you look like your are 70 again. :laugh: Seriously, it looks really good, hard to tell it is a wig.

    Elli, we probably all cheated a little, except for Marie over Thanksgiving. Just get back on that horse and keep riding.

    Phoebe, great to hear from you, glad you are getting some free time to get things done.

    Barb, did I tell you my youngest son's name is Bradley?? :love:

    Better get back to decorating, I put an awful lot of effort in to doing the inside, including my main bathroom. Tomorrow I will tackle the outside, but have to go buy some lights first.

    Have a good Monday.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Greetings to my MFP friends! I have been so, so busy that I haven’t even had time to read the posts!:noway: :noway:
    Just missed posting and wanted to assure you that I am still here, kicking and doing well!:wink:

    Thanksgiving Day went off without a hitch!:smile: I enjoyed my family more than the food! :love: My food was good :flowerforyou: and I tried to send as much food home…as I could, to avoid any “after” the holiday weaknesses. (Don’t trust the old bad habits!):noway:
    I worked 10 hours on Wednesday, :smile: had Thanksgiving Day at my house on Thursday :smile: and had to work a 10 hour day Friday! :smile: Saturday I simply crashed! :yawn: Just didn’t even have the energy to get online.:ohwell:

    Sunday I exercised, went to mass and then to the Nursing Home to see my MIL. Came home and prepare my CCD Class that I will teach tonight!:happy:

    I have been exercising; drinking my water and tracking my food religiously…just don’t seem to have the time to talk about it!:ohwell:
    So, when I get a chance, I’ll catch up! :wink: Just couldn’t let another day go by without checking in and saying hi!:love:

    Hope everyone is doing well! :flowerforyou: For those who are not, hang in there.:love:

    I love all the new pictures!!! :love: Everyone looks great & happy! :happy:

    The bird is still chirping in the background!:laugh: :laugh:
    Got to run!!!:bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Barb, did I tell you my youngest son's name is Bradley?? :love:
    Have a good Monday.



    I hope your Bradley is not as adept at getting into trouble as mine is!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I thought I was going to have to go "rescue" my Bradley from outside the doggie door. He went out, and Mai Li parked herself in front of the sliding door--which is where the doggie door is located, in a panel at one end of the door. So when Bradley tried to come back, she did her best imitation of a "guard dog" and refused to let him in!!!:grumble: :laugh: This is NOT unusual for the "Diva Girl"-she tries to pull the same trick on Pepper, but it doesn't work with him any more. Bradley is no fool. He just waited a minute or two, and she apparently got bored with her little game and he came back in and gave her a long look as if to say. "I'm back INSIDE.--so THERE!!":laugh:

    They said it was going to be sunny today, but someone forgot to tell the weatherman that the fog was not going to let up, so it is still overcast, it's after 2p PST and I am going to have to face the fact that we will not be taking a walk in the sunshine:glasses: after all. Phooey!! :grumble: I missed out on a beautiful walking day yesterday because of the other things I needed to do.

    Have a good afternoon, all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am trying to post the birthdays listHelp me someone. Somehow it is getting everything we posted after Birdie last entry. Barbs you are good at this. We like a few names I had to delete it line by line and my conputor is gtill copy the whole post. Birdie last entry is on page 10. Thanks for any help.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Well thank you Barb and Marie for telling me about the emotion faces - not too difficult really, is it?:laugh:

    Jeffrey - i have a dead critter story for you! About 10 days ago on the way home from our walk my dog, Bonnie disappeared for awhile, which is not at all unusual. When she reappeared, she was carring a small, triangular shaped skull that i assumed was a deer. THEN........a few days later she brought home a pretty long leg, with a cloven hoof on the end, thereby confirming my suspicion of a deer. TODAY less than halfway through our walk she appeared with ANOTHER leg and carried it for the next 30 minutes!!!!!!! Sheesh! I think she's trying to put the thing back together in the yard!!!!!!!!!!! She's SO proud of herself!

    Well - i finally have a good day under my (expanding) belt. Thank GOD! I'm REALLY having a tough time - but today was good. Tomorrow will be as well. I didn't make it to the gym 'cause my neighbors needed me to meet their kindergartener off the bus 'cause they got held up in town or something.....anyway - hopefully yoga tomorrow!

    Gayla! How's retirement going?????????? I got a call tonight from a woman looking for a doula - i suggested she interview a few of us before she makes a decision. I haven't done any births since before my house project so i'm hoping she chooses me! We'll see.......if it's meant to be it will be!

    OK - i'm heading to bed - watched my other friend's girls at 6:am this morning :yawn: g'night all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is our new thread. Hope you all find us.November thread is now closed.

This discussion has been closed.