TEAM FIT continued - November!



  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    i would love to sit that close to Phantom! but our seats aren't that close. they're not bad but i wish i had money to get the expensive ones. but it will still be awesome!!:glasses:

    Pays to be a local. They have all kinds of discounts for locals in Vegas these days.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Yesterday was my mother in laws birthday and she wanted to go out to eat at a baffet:noway: . I got what I wanted but I only got a bite of everything that I wanted. :bigsmile: I think it was a good Idea!?!?
    Friday-6 glasses of water 60 min cardio
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Friday total: 3 glasses of water, 45 mins cardio.
    Weigh-in: no gain or loss this week.

    Ariel, I hope you find a fabulous purple shirt to wear! I love purple too!!!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. :heart: We are waiting until Christmas to go home, so we will have Thanksgiving with other Marine Corps families that are also staying here. We've been invited to 2 different friends' homes, so I'm not sure what we're gonna do.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!:glasses:
    So Phantom was last night and I had a fantastic time! I cant say it was the best one i've seen because i dont think i can top seeing it on Broadway in NYC, but it was def. my 2nd fav!! The guy who played the phantom was AMAZING!!! I cried my eyes out when I saw it for the first time in New York, and I dont mean like just streaks of tears, I mean straight sobbing! lol. The 2nd time I saw it was in 2005 and I cried too but only a tiny bit. But last night I was almost sobbing again! The guy who was the Phantom was so sincere at the end when Christine leaves with Raoul, he was like crying so hard and it was so heart wrenching!! But I started crying right before that, when Christine say's to him "pittiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me the courage to show you, you are not alone!" And then she kisses him, thats usually always where i start crying. And sure enough! lol. But i was getting goosebumps litterally almost the whole time! I love it! I am so sad that its over and that I may have to wait another 4 years to go again. :cry: I hope not! They should make it a once a year thing. lol. But i swear, next time I am going to make sure I have the extra money to get orchestra seats!! I want to sit right under the chandlier! lol. Our seats weren't amazing, but at least they werent nose bleed.

    Oh, and New Moon was excellent! I dont know if any of you wanted to see it or not, but if so, I recomend it. For the most part it sticks with the book, so I liked that. But they did have to leave a lot out to make it fit in one movie so..... But still good.:flowerforyou:

    And I lost 1 pound last week. I dont know why but i was kind of dissappointed about it. I was hoping to lose 2. But oh well. I did still lose so thats all the matters. I'll try extra hard this week.:ohwell:

    Oh and amm114, I'm sorry, I dont know you're name, but the story on the purple shirt i found...... i found one i liked at dillards but i wasn't 100% sold on it so i put it on hold, and i never went back to get it because we were going to ross after the movie yesterday so i was sure i would find something there, but sure enough i didnt find 1 thing i liked! I was so pissed because it took so long, I didnt have enough time to go from one mall to another to buy the shirt, so i got stuck wearing i shirt i already had.:cry::cry: :sad: But, i hadn't woren it in like 3 years, so i tried it one, and it looked really good on me! I was really suprised. It was the first time I've gone out and I didnt feel like i was fat!! I can't begin to tell you how good it made me feel, and to know that i'm about 75% there! I'm not stopping until I'm there! But no purple shirt for me.:ohwell:

    Have a good Sunday!! GO CARDINALS!!!!:laugh:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    -It was a cool fall day. The colorful leaves blanketed the grass
    and the wind swept my hair against my cheek as my comapion
    and I walked. My legs grew tired, my mind tells me to keep going
    and enjoy this beautiful day!

    Sat- 30 min, 6 glasses of water
    I got my transcripts today and they were all A's. 4.0 student lol. And on top of everything else I have a interview tomorrow. It might not be a vet's office, but a boarding kennel would be good experience to start with I guess. What do you all think I should wear. Everyone I know tells me not dress pants or anything. But then what? Need the advice!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Ariel - glad you had a good saturday. 1 pound is great

    amm - no change - I would take it. Sorry you won't be going on for thanksgiving but at least you have friends to spend the day with

    joline - great job on the buffet and not overeating. good luck on the interview. I am not sure on what you should were since I have always worked in business environments I always were suits to interviews. so my personal advise would be slacks and a nice shirt even if it is a vet but I don't know for sure

    Saturday - 20 min workout
    Sun - 0 workout
    Monday - 20 min workout

    I did not keep track of water this weekend but I don't think I did too good.

    Down 1 pound from last week. I was kindof bad this weekend so I will take it.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    happy monday team!:smile:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend.
    Today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    Have a fantastic Monday everyone!!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    SUNDAY- 80 minutes of cardio, 8 glasses of water:flowerforyou:
    ya know i dont think we should have a smoking smiley on here being that this is a healthy website maybe thats just my opinion

    ohh my weight is the same 169
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Had a great first day at my new job. I am going to be way more busy than I was so not sure how much I will be able to chat during the day

    Monday - 40 min workout 10 glasses water

    Where is karen???
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    I'm not sure where she is?
    MONDAY-30 minute workout, 6 glasses of water? I think!:indifferent:
    remember my interview................................
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!
    AND I START TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile::wink: :happy: :tongue: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    KIM-Glad your first day was good:drinker: ! Hope we still here from you everyday!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!!:happy:

    Can you believe thanksgiving is in 2 days?! where has this year gone!? It went so fast! but i'm glad because its making it seem like this whole weight loss journey isn't so bad and its as long as it is. As long as I keep up what I'm doing, I could be to my goal of 150 by February or March! it still seems so far away but I know it will go by qucik! I just really hope that I can get there before my birthday, which is April 8th. I know I can lose 25 pounds by then!:flowerforyou: I just cant give up! And lately I've wanted to! I dont know why but when i exercise for a 2nd time at night, i'm really tired and slow and i just dont want to do it at all. But i force myself to be strong and not to give up... I just dont see why its harder now than before? lol. oh well. its worth it in the end!:laugh:

    yesterday: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    I think karen said she was going to be gone for a little while? But I can't remember completly if she said that last week or if i'm remembering from when she went on vacation earlier this month...... or whenever it was.. lol. she'll be back though!:flowerforyou: :wink:

    Have a great tuesday team! keep it up! you are all doing so great!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :smile: :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • DownSizin
    Hi TEAM FIT!!!! :smile:
    Hey, everyone! I have missed talking to you! Sorry I haven't been here in a while....I've been trying to sort out insurance benefits for open enrollment with both mine and hubby's companies. Usually, it's not bad, but his company was bought out and everything was online instead of sent via snail mail. It was crazy trying to sort through it all! I spent last week and all weekend online and my brain is FRIED!!! :frown: I'm so glad that's over and next year will be better! :happy:

    I have updated the spreadsheet and I'm sending it out. Everyone has been doing a great job of losing or maintaining which is awesome at this time of year!!! NOW is when we have to stay strong! We've been working hard and we need to remember how hard we have worked when we get tempted with all the Thanksgiving goodies! :wink: Let's not gain - let's all MAINTAIN! :drinker: Drink the water, if you can't make it to the gym, atleast walk. Okay?

    If I don't talk to you before Thursday, I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving! :happy:
    :heart: :heart: Remember our Troops and their families over this Thanksgiving Holiday and always. Pray for their protection and if you see one, THANK THEM FOR THEIR SACRIFICE & SERVICE! :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good evening ladies.

    Tuesday - 60 min workout 10 glasses water

    I have not been doing very well in my calories. I think I am staying within the range but I am eating unhealthy. Hopefully once I get in a new routine with the new job I will go back to normal.

    joline - congrats on the new job. what did you decide to wear???

    ariel - don't give up. the being tired at night could be that you are just tired from the long weekend, but it could also mean that you are in a rut with your routine. maybe you are getting bored with the routine or something. try chaging things up, add some great music, do something different for a while and see if you are still that way. I was getting that way towards the end of my 90 days, but now that I have changed things up I am good again. 10 days will be tomorrow so I will let you know the results

    karen - glad you are back. understand the insurance - why is it so confusing. thanks for your support with the weightloss and the spreadsheet - I agree - we can all hope for maintaining.

    Thursday morning lets all say a little chant that we are not going to overindulge. get a little of all your favorites skip the stuff you could really do without eat a little dessert and exercise. go for a family walk or play a crazy interactive family game.

    I am thankful for each one of you. Hopefully I will get time to get back on tomorrow night before to tell you each Happy Thanksgiving, but if not - Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!!:smile:

    I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Where has this year gone?! WOW!:glasses: :laugh:

    Yesterday: 70 mins of exercise and 9 glasses of water
    today: 70 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    I told myself that i wasn't going to over eat tomorrow and that i was only going to have 1 slice of pie! but i dont even know if i'm going to have pie now because my favorite is pecan and no one else in my family likes pecan pie. :cry: So I wont have any. I was going to go buy one from Marie Calendars but then I thought about it and was like "if i go buy a whole pie and i am the only one whos going to eat any of it, then i'll end up eating the whole thing!!" So I've decided to stay away this time. lol. Hopefully at Christmas time i can have some. :happy:

    If i dont talk to you all before then, like Kim and Karen have said, I wish you all a very happy and safe Thanksgiving! And please say a little something for our troops! God bless them and keep them! Have a great Wednesday everyone!!:glasses: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • DownSizin
    Happy Wednesday, TEAM FIT! :flowerforyou:
    Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I am - mentally, that is! I am going to do what Kim suggests. I am not going to over do it. I'll have a little of my favs (pecan pie, like you, Ariel!!!) and watch portions. I've already planned a 'group dog walk' after doing dishes. Clean up will get me up off the couch, and we have two dobers who love to walk, so they'll keep me moving. :laugh:

    Jolinne - Sorry I missed your big news in my last post! I scanned the mails to get spreadsheet info and totally missed your NEW JOB. CONGRATS!!! :smile:

    Kim - A new job can get you off track. You'll get back to it in no time. Stay focused on healthy food! :wink:

    amm - Enjoy your Thanksgiving with the other Marine families. :smile:

    I won't be on here tomorrow - I'll be in the kitchen all day, so THANK YOU EVERYONE for being here daily to motivate me! THANK YOU for your friendship and enjoy your time with family, friends and loved ones this Thanksgiving!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good Morning Ladies

    I got my 40 min workout in this morning.

    Guess I am lucky with the Thanksgiving food front. It will only be my husband and 16 month old so I can only overdo it if I overcook. I am planning to make a bake chicken because we can't eat a whole turkey and my husband likes dark meat so turkey breast would not work. Then I am going to make a small batch of sweet potato casserole no marshmellows, green beans with garlic, and these copper pennies (carrots) that my husband likes. Then 1 4 pack crescent rolls so I will only get 1 and then I have to make a pecan pie. Hopefully my husband will eat most of it. I do plan to make mimosas for breakfast because we always get special beverages for holiday breakfast at my house (or at least we started once we all got of age)

    Ariel - if you want to take a roadtrip to Vegas I will save you a piece:happy:

    Karen - enjoy your cooking in the kitchen. I wish could cook for my whole family but my sister gets that duty in Dallas this year.

    AMM - we are supporting you, your family, and all of the other marines and military that are protecting us. GOD BLESS each and every one of them.

    If I get a chance I will post tomorrow just to keep me accountable if not I will try once I get finish with my crazy Black Friday sales.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    I got my 40 min workout in this morning.

    Guess I am lucky with the Thanksgiving food front. It will only be my husband and 16 month old so I can only overdo it if I overcook. I am planning to make a bake chicken because we can't eat a whole turkey and my husband likes dark meat so turkey breast would not work. Then I am going to make a small batch of sweet potato casserole no marshmellows, green beans with garlic, and these copper pennies (carrots) that my husband likes. Then 1 4 pack crescent rolls so I will only get 1 and then I have to make a pecan pie. Hopefully my husband will eat most of it. I do plan to make mimosas for breakfast because we always get special beverages for holiday breakfast at my house (or at least we started once we all got of age)

    Ariel - if you want to take a roadtrip to Vegas I will save you a piece:happy:

    Karen - enjoy your cooking in the kitchen. I wish could cook for my whole family but my sister gets that duty in Dallas this year.

    AMM - we are supporting you, your family, and all of the other marines and military that are protecting us. GOD BLESS each and every one of them.

    If I get a chance I will post tomorrow just to keep me accountable if not I will try once I get finish with my crazy Black Friday sales.

    You are only about 4 hours away from me!!! lol. At least I think..... i've never been to Vegas so I dont exactly know how far it is from Phoenix, but thats what I've heard. lol :laugh:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    I have some catching up to do! (Both on posting what I've done this week and with my exercise routine in general!!)
    Saturday: no exercise, 2 glasses of water
    Sunday: 90 mins yoga, no cardio, 3 glasses of water
    Monday: no exercise, 2 glasses of water
    Tuesday: no exercise, 1 glass of water :embarassed:
    Wednesday: 45 mins cardio, 3 glasses of water

    I have to say, you guys are so nice!!! :smooched: Not just to me, but to everybody on the team. Everyone is so supportive. No drama or petty-ness... AWESOME!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone and good luck to those of you braving the Black Friday sales!!! I like to shop, but not THAT much... I will be sleeping in. :bigsmile: My husband is cooking tomorrow (he can cook circles around me) and the best part is, he's making apple pie!!! And there's ice cream in my house again... lead me not into temptation... :devil: I WILL go to the gym tomorrow and the rest of this week.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone

    So I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I had a great day. I got up and exercised 40 min then cooked breakfast and started on all of the lunch items. We had lunch and then went for an extra long walk to the park so that my son could play. Then walked back. I did go to Michaels for there Thursday sales but that was it. I did not even venture out this morning for Black Friday sales. I may go a litle later but I really wasn't in the mood and nobody had anything that looked that great for me.

    I got up and worked out this morning and just had breakfast. It is a nice day outside so we may take a bikeride.

    Thursday - 80 min workout, 8 glasses water
    Friday - 20 min workout so far

    Hope everyone hung in there. If not, don't worry just get back on track.

    Oh ariel - I only had one piece of pecan pie and my husband had two so I still have over half the pie left.
    AMM - there is a reason I don't keep ice cream in the house. I can taste how wonderful your husbands apple pie and ice cream must have been - yummy
    Karen - hope you got to enjoy Thanksgiving and didn't spend the entire day cooking
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!

    Well i logged what i ate yesterday and i am so mad! lol. i was bad and had two pieces of pie!! i had a slice of lemon meringue and apple. lol. and i only exercised for 25 mins yesterday. i'm going to make sure i exercise at least 70 mins today and i have to exercise saturday now since i didnt do 70 mins yesterday. i hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving! :flowerforyou:

    btw, what do you all think of the new layout? i dont really like it.....