TEAM FIT continued - November!



  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Thursday: 45 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water
    Friday: 45 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water... and I lost 2 pounds!! :happy: I'm halfway to my goal weight!

    Why don't I notice a difference in how my clothes are fitting? I have lost a total of 7 lbs but I can't tell other than what the scale says. Still can't fit into those darn jeans I bought 1.5 years ago. I don't know where my weight loss is coming from! I guess I should have been measuring myself each week at weigh-ins.
  • DownSizin
    Good morning, TEAM! :smile:
    I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! It sounds like you did...I sure did! I did some major cooking Wednesday and only had the turkey to do Thursday morning. I was all delicious and I overdid it on dessert. :sad: I haven't exercised since Wednesday, so I'm not looking forward to seeing the scale but I'm going to the gym this morning to get back on track.
    I usually don't do the Black Friday sales...I don't care for crowds and the one time I braved it before, I didn't enjoy it because the shoppers were so rude. It wasn't fun, so I just don't do it anymore.
    We spent yesterday putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house. I guess I got some exercise in with the cooking and still, I was bad and I really need to get back to the gym!
    I'll be updating the spreadsheet later today. As for the new layout, I don't like it much...probably because it's new. It's going to take some getting used to.

    Everyone enjoy your day! :happy:
  • DownSizin
    Hi TEAM!
    I have updated the spread and am sending it today. Enjoy your over - I need to get back to my WORK OUTS!!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Team!

    So today was weigh in and i didn't lose any weight but i didnt gain any either.... so i'm okay with that, this week was weird with the holiday and all. so starting tomorrow i've gotta get back on board and focus!! i'm going to start the couch to 5k in 2 weeks with my sister and my roommate. so i'm excited!:bigsmile:

    hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!! Back to work tomorrow.....:sad:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good Morning team!!:smile:

    Hope you all had a nice weekend! I haven't exercised since Thursday so I am ready to get back into things!:bigsmile: I want to work really hard this week since last week was so weird. I want to try to lose at least 8 pounds by this time next month. And I'll be starting the couch to 5k in two weeks! So I am excited to try something new out and hopefully it will keep me from going on another plateau.:noway:

    What do you guys think about those new reebok shoes? I thought they looked cool and i'd like to try them out. I thought they might be good to use when i am doing the couch to 5k. I asked my boyfriend for them for christmas :blushing: :laugh: I was reading reviews and peple were saying they didnt lose any weight or any inches but it def. helped tone that area up. any thoughts?

    well have a fantastic Monday everyone! be strong this week!! :flowerforyou: :glasses: :drinker:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning everyone.

    So I was good on Thursday and Friday but I was bad Saturday and ok on Sunday. No exercise Sat or Sun and definetly went over on calories on Sat. I was going to get back on track this morning, but I overslept. I am going to walk at lunch and hopefully get in a workout tonight, plus being back at work makes me stick to my calories - even though I just saw an Einstein Bagel bag go by for a meeting - yikes.

    Good news - I lost 1 pound since last weeks weighin so I am back down to 133.

    Ariel - maintaining is great. Get back on track this week with exercise and calories. I haven't actually seen or researched the Rebok shoes so I can't help

    Karen - thanks for the spreadsheet. We have a little over 3 weeks til Christmas so get back into it for 3 weeks so that you have a wonderful Christmas without regrets

    AMM - you are doing great. I normally lose in my bra first - so have you seen any changes there? Your body is probably shifting and you just haven't seen the changes yet but I am sure it is happening. Keep up the workouts and calories and you will see the changes
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Oh - do we want to start a December forum tomorrow morning. Who ever logs in first go ahead and start a new one. Karen that will probably be you since you are the first time zone.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hehe yes i want to keep this group up!! i like you guys!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: :tongue:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi everybody!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I sure did - and I'm scared to get on the scale!! :frown: Maybe I'll wait until Friday to weigh myself. I'd love to keep this group going for December - count me in! :drinker:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    lmr9 - welcome back. if you don't want to weigh in don't that way you aren't upset if you did go overboard, but make sure you stick to your calories, water intake, and workouts for the week

    Hey - I say we all make a committment to keep all 3 this week - 8 glasses of water, workout at least 4 times this week, and no going over calories (but eat at least half your exercise calories). Let's see if we can all drop 1 pound this week.

    Who's in???:smile:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    I'm in Kim!! I am really ready to push myself this week to make up for last week!!:wink::drinker: I'll have to find a way to get in at least 1400 calories today, since i didnt get to eat lunch. i had a job interview during my lunch hour and i didnt bring anything to eat. so i'm hoping to can make up for it later but i have a feeling i wont be able to eat that much later on.... lol:laugh: i'm going to try though. and i will make sure i get at least 1400 calories the rest of this week! plus i'm going to exercise for 70 mins every day! even friday! i dont know about the weekend yet, they are usually my rest days, but i will do at least 30 mins on Saturday and Sunday! I really want the last 25 pounds to come off so I am totally driven!:drinker: :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • DownSizin
    I'm in for December!!!
    Welcome back, lmr!!! We missed you and hope you had an awesome vaca/holiday! :happy:
    amm - I agree with Kim, you are probably shifting and haven't noticed it yet. Don't get discouraged - you'll start seeing/feeling it any day now! :flowerforyou:
    Ariel - I can tell you are very motivated to lose the last 25...go for it - you can do it!!!! Good luck on your prospective new job!!! I have seen the new Boks - they look great! I'm wondering if they work, though. . .
    Kim - Congrats on your 1lb...that's GREAT during Thanksgiving!!!

    Okay, I'm comitting to 8 water, 5 workouts and all cals+wo cals this week. I'm like you, lmr, I'm not getting on the scale until this weekend. I know I bombed last week and through the weekend!!! :sad: The great thing is, I have all of you to help me get back into it. LOL...

    Have a great day, everyone...B strong! :happy:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys! i made a new thread this morning.... i wasn't sure if someone else started it though.....

    but here's the link! :flowerforyou:
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Sorry guys ive been working like crazy!!!!
    ive been drinking nohting but water and ive been counting my new job as my workout because it is very physical
    i just havent had the chance to log on!!!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    For the rest of November...
    Saturday (28th): 45 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water
    Sunday (29th): 45 mins cardio, 2 glasses of water
    Monday (30th): exercise day off, 3 glasses of water