No sweets til Christmas~



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    My score: Dewdrop 4 - Sweets 0.
    Almost gave in at the backery, but then thought it was not worth it. :smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Samantha, 9.5 minute speech = eek-1.gif

    Sugar free shouldn't count.......

    Warning: Rant ahead Gaah.gif

    I had to go to several drug stores last night looking for a particular Christmas DVD. WHAT is up with five aisles of Christmas candy, cookies, cakes, drinks, Christmas PEEPS, for cryin-out-loud. It was all I could do to keep from buying Almond Roca or Butter Cookies in 200lb tins, or Dove Bars Minis, - - - oh.

    How hard it is to be nice when I want to be naughty.

    That said:

    Cheryl - 4 Tongue.gif
    Sweets - 0 - Take That! Rite Aid, Bartells, Walgreens, and Fred Meyer

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Samantha, 9.5 minute speech = eek-1.gif

    Sugar free shouldn't count.......

    8-10 minutes did a 9.5 minutes then had to stand up there while they asked questions. Glad it was something I know about cause if not I would have been really really nervous. I did it about embryonic stem cell research. Sounds exciting right?!?!?!
  • supermom1114
    Samantha, 9.5 minute speech = eek-1.gif

    Sugar free shouldn't count.......

    8-10 minutes did a 9.5 minutes then had to stand up there while they asked questions. Glad it was something I know about cause if not I would have been really really nervous. I did it about embryonic stem cell research. Sounds exciting right?!?!?!

    That sounds really interesting, I used to want to be a geneticist and do research into adult stem cell research instead of embryonic. I hope you did well!! And I agree, sugar free shouldn't count! =)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Seriously, people-- candy and crap everywhere I turn today-- went to Wal-Mart-- oh my-- everywhere. Went to the grocery store. Had to pass the bakery. I was tired and hungry-- dying for something sweet-- past the ice cream, cookies, candy-- oh my gosh.

    And I went to produce and bought one perfect golden delicious apple-- go me.

    Score Marla - 5, Sweets -0 (I think-- or did I lose count?)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yay! I made it through my first day without eating anything sweet (junk that is)! I know the first days are the hardest. I really want to eat something though... I have some sugar free dark chocolate but I know if I eat it the craving for sweet stuff will never go away! Ah. I'm doing my best. lol

    I know what you mean about sweets everywhere. I've been tempted with it so much today!

    Are yall keeping score from the get go of the challenge, or is it a restart the scores daily thing?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Marla- that was my yesterday, way to conquer!

    Lisa- we are keeping score for how many days since we started, as people join, their score is kept from the day they join. Good job today, it does get easier!

    Sam- I eat sugar free gum and Breath Savers all the time and I'm not about to count them.

    Today is in the bag, even though I promised the kids cinnamon buns. I bought the roll that has 5 buns, 1 for each of the 4 kids and hubs (who was on this healthy eating wagon, but I noticed the tire marks on his back here of late). There won't be any left to temp me. Sad (or good?) that I was planning in the grocery store how to avoid sweets for some unknown date when I would make them in the future. :laugh:

    Lori- 5
    Sweets- ZERO
  • supermom1114
    Yay!! I stuck it out and went my first full day without sweets! Lots of temptations here too, left over pecan pie, red velvet cake, hershey kisses, ghiradelli dark chocolate.... and after running errands this morning I was home the rest of the afternoon besides picking up my son for it all to tempt me... but I kept busy, worked out for 45 min (my 1st 30 day shred workout and a workout from Wii EA Active) and studied the rest of the day. Had a healthy dinner and already brushed n flossed my teeth so I know I'm not eating anything until breakfast tomorrow! Yay!

    Carleen- 1
    Sweets- 3


    Congrats to everyone else who stuck out their temptations and made it through sweets free!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey ladies...looks we're all doing great so far!

    Shuntae- 5
    Sweets- Nada, zip, zilch, ZERO

    I do know I'll be having a planned treat on Dec. 23; we are having a double date at the Cheesecake Factory. (Yes, I do know how bad this is and I have the full intention of working out like a madwoman to enjoy it.)

    supermom- I was also thinking about going to Starbucks this morning, but luckily for me I was running late and didn't have time. I know I can change up the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha to have skim milk and no whipped cream, but it's still not so good for me.
  • supermom1114
    Hey ladies...looks we're all doing great so far!

    Shuntae- 5
    Sweets- Nada, zip, zilch, ZERO

    I do know I'll be having a planned treat on Dec. 23; we are having a double date at the Cheesecake Factory. (Yes, I do know how bad this is and I have the full intention of working out like a madwoman to enjoy it.)

    supermom- I was also thinking about going to Starbucks this morning, but luckily for me I was running late and didn't have time. I know I can change up the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha to have skim milk and no whipped cream, but it's still not so good for me.


    you are a woman after my own heart hahahah I LOVE White Chocolate Peppermint Mochas!!! My hubby used to work at starbucks way back when and he use to bring me one on days he got off of work before I did... so its kind of a nostalgic thing as well as a LOVE for it.. A tall with no whipped cream and nonfat milk I think is still like 370 cals.. ugh... good thing we stuck it out!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey ladies...looks we're all doing great so far!

    Shuntae- 5
    Sweets- Nada, zip, zilch, ZERO

    I do know I'll be having a planned treat on Dec. 23; we are having a double date at the Cheesecake Factory. (Yes, I do know how bad this is and I have the full intention of working out like a madwoman to enjoy it.)

    supermom- I was also thinking about going to Starbucks this morning, but luckily for me I was running late and didn't have time. I know I can change up the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha to have skim milk and no whipped cream, but it's still not so good for me.


    you are a woman after my own heart hahahah I LOVE White Chocolate Peppermint Mochas!!! My hubby used to work at starbucks way back when and he use to bring me one on days he got off of work before I did... so its kind of a nostalgic thing as well as a LOVE for it.. A tall with no whipped cream and nonfat milk I think is still like 370 cals.. ugh... good thing we stuck it out!!!

    I had one over the weekend (the slightly less horrible way we talked about), but only because I ran 9 miles earlier in the day. So worth it...not on a normal day, though. :tongue:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey ladies...looks we're all doing great so far!

    Shuntae- 5
    Sweets- Nada, zip, zilch, ZERO

    I do know I'll be having a planned treat on Dec. 23; we are having a double date at the Cheesecake Factory. (Yes, I do know how bad this is and I have the full intention of working out like a madwoman to enjoy it.)

    supermom- I was also thinking about going to Starbucks this morning, but luckily for me I was running late and didn't have time. I know I can change up the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha to have skim milk and no whipped cream, but it's still not so good for me.


    you are a woman after my own heart hahahah I LOVE White Chocolate Peppermint Mochas!!! My hubby used to work at starbucks way back when and he use to bring me one on days he got off of work before I did... so its kind of a nostalgic thing as well as a LOVE for it.. A tall with no whipped cream and nonfat milk I think is still like 370 cals.. ugh... good thing we stuck it out!!!

    I had one over the weekend (the slightly less horrible way we talked about), but only because I ran 9 miles earlier in the day. So worth it...not on a normal day, though. :tongue:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Marla, Marla, Marla! What are you doing to me? I spent a good 3 hours at the mall tonight...Hickory Farms had these yummy looking little meltaway mints, the salesgirl asked if we'd like a sample...NO THANKS. Walked past Laura Secord...that store always looks so ridiculously yummy...KEEP WALKING, BRENDA LEE. Wal-Mart is crazy- you can't walk 10 feet without encountering sweet temptation. Argh. Sugar free gum to the rescue. I guess. lol

    Brenda- 3
    Sweets- 0

    This challenge will either save me or kill me. It all must seem pretty silly to someone who isn't addicted to sweets, but for those of us who can barely go a day without them...I actually got a little testy that I had to leave Wal-Mart without cookies. :mad: :tongue:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    BrendaLee, I am also addicted to sweets and sugar as well.

    Today is in the bag

    Amanda -2 (although not in a row)

    Sweets - 1
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla, Marla, Marla! What are you doing to me? I spent a good 3 hours at the mall tonight...Hickory Farms had these yummy looking little meltaway mints, the salesgirl asked if we'd like a sample...NO THANKS. Walked past Laura Secord...that store always looks so ridiculously yummy...KEEP WALKING, BRENDA LEE. Wal-Mart is crazy- you can't walk 10 feet without encountering sweet temptation. Argh. Sugar free gum to the rescue. I guess. lol

    Brenda- 3
    Sweets- 0

    This challenge will either save me or kill me. It all must seem pretty silly to someone who isn't addicted to sweets, but for those of us who can barely go a day without them...I actually got a little testy that I had to leave Wal-Mart without cookies. :mad: :tongue:

    Well, Brenda-- to quote you, "When you look back in a (month's) time, will you be saying, 'I'm glad I stuck it out?'"

    Yes, you will, my friend-- temptation sucks-- but, oh, the feeling of empowerment when you win a battle. Bravo!!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've struggled today, but it's safe to say that I won't be eating any sweets! The Biggest Loser is on, and it's 10:00 here. I never eat past that time especially through the week, so I made it!

    Lisa - 1
    Sweets - 0 :bigsmile:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Marla, Marla, Marla! What are you doing to me? I spent a good 3 hours at the mall tonight...Hickory Farms had these yummy looking little meltaway mints, the salesgirl asked if we'd like a sample...NO THANKS. Walked past Laura Secord...that store always looks so ridiculously yummy...KEEP WALKING, BRENDA LEE. Wal-Mart is crazy- you can't walk 10 feet without encountering sweet temptation. Argh. Sugar free gum to the rescue. I guess. lol

    Brenda- 3
    Sweets- 0

    This challenge will either save me or kill me. It all must seem pretty silly to someone who isn't addicted to sweets, but for those of us who can barely go a day without them...I actually got a little testy that I had to leave Wal-Mart without cookies. :mad: :tongue:

    I have to admit I've been feeling a little cranky when BF starts talking about all these cookies he wants, and that stupid pumpkin pie. We got this!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Last night I gave up the coffee. The sugar and milk laden coffee that would make your teeth hurt. I am now a green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey per cup girl. Take that Dixie Crystal!

    Ivy - 1
    Sweets - 0
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Samantha 4
    SWEETS a big fat ZERO!!!!

    I got on the treadmill when I really wanted that sweet thing too! 3.5 miles!!! 600 calories burned!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Woo-hoooooooooooooo-- would you look at those scores, my friends--

    Ain't no stoppin' us nowwwww-- we're on the move!!!

    So proud of us all-- every day it gets easier, yes? Onward and upward, my peeps--

    You raise me up, people.:heart::drinker: