Women - Farting, Pooping, and more in front of men...



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I've farted in front of my bf from the get-go (probably from just a few weeks into the relationship)

    I've used the toilet in front of him from probably about a month after we moved in together (2 years ago) I prefer to shut the door while pooping because I don't like him seeing the face haha! but if I had to go and he was in the bath or something (we don't have a separate toilet room) I'd just go anyway, as long as he wasn't looking right at me!

    TBH it really doesn't bother me at all. I mean, I'm so comfortable with him it doesn't matter, I know he won't judge me for it. Why should I be less of relationship material because of this?

    Note: We've been together 7 years in October.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    All I'm going to say is don't ever end up in a position where you can't fend for yourself and have to rely on your partner for intimate care.

    Now, after that, I will say that I do prefer to be on the discrete side, but it has nothing at all to do with keeping the romance.
  • Spicydeene
    Spicydeene Posts: 37 Member
    I wouldn't feel comfortable pooping around him - but farting, please! It's completely natural and I'm not running into another room because I need to fart! We fart, on average, 20 times a day, better get used to it!
  • sandrajune72
    I have to admit, it took me about a year to feel comfortable farting in front of my man, but now, we just laugh about it! He thinks it's hilarious! The way I see it is if you can't totally be yourself around someone you are in a long term relationship with, then who can you be yourself around? :drinker:
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Wtf? Us women don't fart or poop.



    We don't burp either!!! :laugh:
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Will you or your hubby hate your kid when you have to change his/her diaper for the first time? Lighten up!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm just curious as to what's going to happen in 50 years when the both of you are wearing diapers?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is something I've always wanted to know. Maybe I missed out on some big life lessons growing up.

    How do you NOT fart?

    I mean... I can sometimes try to stifle it or muffle it a little. But when there's a little, or not so little, bubble of gas that urgently wants to come out, I am not running the show. It's going to come out. I'm not going to run out of the room every time I feel a little thunder down under.

    What's the BFD? I farted, and farting is a natural bodily function, and I'm going to own it. And you know what else? It feels GOOD.

    Married almost 11 years, together for 13.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    We fart, on average, 20 times a day...

    FINALLY. Something I'm better than average at!
  • prez1923
    prez1923 Posts: 11
    I can understand why the opinions vary on this so much. It really depends on how you were raised and neither are bad, just different. I happen to have been raised in a house where bodily functions happen and you move on. Well, you may laugh a little, then move on, but you get my point.

    However, if I met a woman that did not like us to fart, burp, etc. in front of each other, then I would honor their position as best I could. But after a while, its going to happen. I'd say excuse me and move on. If they made it more of a big deal, then they would either get over it or move out. Because being a prude is not any better than thinking an accidental fart is funny once in a while.

    My ex-wife used to call it her "fart list". You are either on it or not. Many people who were on it, wanted off it. Funny little joke we used to share.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Us ladies don't do any of those things :noway:
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Wtf? Us women don't fart or poop.




    however, if we did, i would imagine it would look like this:


    too much?

    ^^^Baaahhaaa, Exactly...but with more sparkle!!!!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I am a hardcore romantic at heart. My best friend always tells me that she's always struggling to find a good relationship, yet, I always seem to "fall in love" and have long lasting relationships and she can't figure out why. Why? I still believe in chivalry and a lady should be a lady.

    She expressed to me just before leaving for France to accompany her boyfriend (whom she sees only 1-2 times a week...they do not live together) that she was terrified about having to actually live with a man for a week! Oh the horror!! lol!

    I don't fart, poop, or let myself go when I'm living with or even just dating a man. Ok, yes, of course I have to "relieve" myself and use the ladies room, but I don't find it funny, let alone "hot", to fart or let my partner know I'm about to go take a *kitten*. With that said, my lover knows that I do all of the above, I just choose not to do them in is presence. AND I have made it clear that I will not let myself go. I think this attitude has made my current relationship probably the most romantic, sexiest, hottest, and trustworthy relationships I've ever had.

    Your thoughts?

    LOL! I love that you're my friend! :laugh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Shhhhhhhh women don't to do these things. Come on. This is how rumors get started.
  • dorkusmalorkus
    well my husband grabbed my hand and farted on it. were rock solid and he gets upset when i dont tell him when i fart. we're pretty open with each other. so much so that farting and pooping doesnt matter. everybody does it. so how is that going to make a guy love a girl any less? its an arbitrary subject. didnt you read the book? is there a guy out there that expects nothing to come out of the basement so to speak? sure its not sexy and it stinks but its good to laugh at each other and yourself. a little humility and ability to let loose and still be confident of yourself does wonders.
  • dorkusmalorkus
    Shhhhhhhh women don't to do these things. Come on. This is how rumors get started.

    haha, yes. i dont fart, i whisper in my panties
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am a hardcore romantic at heart. My best friend always tells me that she's always struggling to find a good relationship, yet, I always seem to "fall in love" and have long lasting relationships and she can't figure out why. Why? I still believe in chivalry and a lady should be a lady.

    She expressed to me just before leaving for France to accompany her boyfriend (whom she sees only 1-2 times a week...they do not live together) that she was terrified about having to actually live with a man for a week! Oh the horror!! lol!

    I don't fart, poop, or let myself go when I'm living with or even just dating a man. Ok, yes, of course I have to "relieve" myself and use the ladies room, but I don't find it funny, let alone "hot", to fart or let my partner know I'm about to go take a *kitten*. With that said, my lover knows that I do all of the above, I just choose not to do them in is presence. AND I have made it clear that I will not let myself go. I think this attitude has made my current relationship probably the most romantic, sexiest, hottest, and trustworthy relationships I've ever had.

    Your thoughts?

    I REALLY wish i had as much free time as you do to post BS like this.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I've been married a long time, and I don't intentionally fart in front of my husband. One or two may have slipped out accidentally over the years but I would never do it intentionally. It's easy and simple enough to get up and leave the room. I dislike it when people fart around me and I find it very rude, so I don't do it around others. Yes my husband loves me deeply but does that mean he wants to smell my farts? Of course not. I for sure don't want to smell his!!

    As far as pooping, why would that even come up?? We respect each other's personal space and don't go barging in on the other in the bathroom. I go to the bathroom in private and so does he.

    I also don't change my sanitary pads or pick my nose in front of my husband. Who wants to see that?
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Shhhhhhhh women don't to do these things. Come on. This is how rumors get started.

    LOL I teach, mostly middle school, and every year there is some kid, usually a 6th grade boy, who actually asks me if girls fart. Of course I say YES and explain that girls and women are full human beings who do all the necessary human being functions. There are always one or two girls who are appalled that I would tell the boys that girls actually fart. LOL!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am a hardcore romantic at heart. My best friend always tells me that she's always struggling to find a good relationship, yet, I always seem to "fall in love" and have long lasting relationships and she can't figure out why. Why? I still believe in chivalry and a lady should be a lady.

    She expressed to me just before leaving for France to accompany her boyfriend (whom she sees only 1-2 times a week...they do not live together) that she was terrified about having to actually live with a man for a week! Oh the horror!! lol!

    I don't fart, poop, or let myself go when I'm living with or even just dating a man. Ok, yes, of course I have to "relieve" myself and use the ladies room, but I don't find it funny, let alone "hot", to fart or let my partner know I'm about to go take a *kitten*. With that said, my lover knows that I do all of the above, I just choose not to do them in is presence. AND I have made it clear that I will not let myself go. I think this attitude has made my current relationship probably the most romantic, sexiest, hottest, and trustworthy relationships I've ever had.

    Your thoughts?

    How old are you and have you had a baby yet?

    Of course, one can be very discreet about the pooing thing but after a certain age and especially after childbirth, sometimes you really don't have control over gas.

    I certainly try not to do that in front of, really, ANYONE, but it can't always be helped.

    I've lived with someone for 7 1/2 years.