Women - Farting, Pooping, and more in front of men...



  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    For the ladies who swear to never fart or poop in front of their partners, what happens when you get sick and have explosive diarrhea all over the place? Someone is gonna have to take care of you and they're probably not going to like what they see and smell.

    Especially if it's coming out of both ends! Come on, we've all had those 24-48 hour viruses before.
  • Chapter3point6
    I'm cracking up that all the ladies in here are talking about how they fart all over their men but the last time there was a burping thread it was full of "OMFG NO I NEVER BURP THAT IS SO VILE!!!!"

    Better to BURP and taste it than FART and waste it. :smile:
  • Chapter3point6
    For the ladies who swear to never fart or poop in front of their partners, what happens when you get sick and have explosive diarrhea all over the place? Someone is gonna have to take care of you and they're probably not going to like what they see and smell.

    Especially if it's coming out of both ends! Come on, we've all had those 24-48 hour viruses before.

    They send their man to visit his mom for a few days. :laugh:
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Everyone farts and poops!! Everyone should accept that and I highly doubt your relationships are so fabulous because you don't fart or poop in front of him. Maybe it has to do with communication or dedication? Ya think? Sorry, I know it's rude, but I was a bit offended that apparently my relationship will fail if I don't act like a princess in front of him.

    This pretty much sums up how I feel.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I try really hard not to fart in front of my boyfriend.


    And then I fall asleep. :grumble:

    I feel you. Apparently I hotboxed my BF the first weekend I stayed at his place. Again, the 5 shades of red when I realized how much I fart. Eventually I will be comfortable enough to fart in front of him...but pooping is another story. No one else needs to be around when that happens. Yeah, it's a bodily function, but I'd prefer no one else to hear it.
  • juliebibby
    I'm so glad I can fart and poop infront of my man...
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Just as a note to the ladies who plan on having children one day:

    Be prepared to fart and poo while giving birth in front of your husband, the doctor, and nurses in the room. Think about it. All that pushing is going to push out more than just a baby.
  • GmanKG
    GmanKG Posts: 18 Member
    Ha, ha, ha farting is just another symptom of the eternal struggle between men and women. Whilst we men use it, quite rightly, as a source of entertainment, self-expression, and male bonding (which begins in our youth) we have the women branding it rather more along the lines of an antisocial, embarrassing by product of indegestion.

    Preposterous but over time you too will change!
    j/k ;)
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Eventually there will come a time when it just happens. The best thing to do is that you both laugh hysterically and then go back to normal. Seriously. Everybody farts. As for pooping, you don't HAVE to announce that you're going to drop the whale into the ocean! Just say you're going to the bathroom! ::facepalm::
  • this_is_my_year
    this_is_my_year Posts: 38 Member
    In the past I was in a relationship where neither of us would do anything like that because my partner had issues with it, we were uptight about that kinda thing and that led me to feel a lot of shame tbh. Ashamed of natural things the body does.
    Now I'm in a relationship with someone else where we're both much more relaxed, I feel that my current relationship is waaaay more healthy and loving because of a more relaxed attitude to things. My partner farts like theres no tomorrow sometimes but that has never once lead me to love him any less, so why should a man not love his partner because she does that in front of him?

    Being comfortable with each other is one of the most valuable parts of a relationship. By all means get all dressed up and have posh dinners etc etc but if a woman farting is a dealbreaker then you have issues.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I wonder how your man is going to take it if you decide to have kids. When you are laying on the delivery table spread eagle and **** is coming out because you are pushing so hard, I'm sure he will be surprised... :noway:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Just as a note to the ladies who plan on having children one day:

    Be prepared to fart and poo while giving birth in front of your husband, the doctor, and nurses in the room. Think about it. All that pushing is going to push out more than just a baby.

    This exactly.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I must inform one of my female dogs that she is not being ladylike now but farting near me and then leaving the area and making my partner think it is me!

    Now I must go to the bathroom and smack myself for even reading/posting on this topic! LOL
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    How many "long lasting relationships" do you have to have before you figure out that you still haven't had a "lasting relationship"? Perhaps niether you nor your lovers know how to really accept each other - for life? :-(
    But when you do find that one, you will probably fart when you have to, and poop while he's in the same bathroom, and just laugh about it. Romance is more than the crap they write about int he novels or the crap they put up on the movie screen. Real romance is a life long commitment called "marriage". Hope you find that one day!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Eventually there will come a time when it just happens. The best thing to do is that you both laugh hysterically and then go back to normal. Seriously. Everybody farts. As for pooping, you don't HAVE to announce that you're going to drop the whale into the ocean! Just say you're going to the bathroom! ::facepalm::

    ^^THIS. You're going to fart, you have to poop, and you can STILL be a lady while doing all those things in front of your guy! If you fart, just say excuse me. Chances are he'll laugh because guys for some reason find it funny. My BEST relationship (the one I'm in now and living with) started with me thinking I shouldn't fart. But we got comfortable with each other, one slipped, and we just joked about it. Since then, if it happens it happens, no big deal is made unless we're joking around with each other. As for the poop, Kitty is right, you don't HAVE to be like "I'm taking a dump!" just flust, make sure the bowl is clean, spray, and wash your hands. It's no ones business what you do in the bathroom.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I live with a man who is SO anal, his farts and poops are scheduled.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    If you can't do these things in front of a man I really wonder how fun and exciting your sex life could be =(
    I must be a pretty nasty lady if you consider taking a *kitten* taboo! DAmn

    Um...what? What does sex have to do with *kitten*? O_O
  • tausha_k
    tausha_k Posts: 53
    When I first met my husband, I tried very hard not to fart in front of him. But after holding it in, I got some really bad gas pain and I had to fart. He told me to go ahead. I will NEVER not be able not to fart in front of my husband. Eating healthy (veggies) and garlic just creates bad gas. As far as pooping, this is still private. We like it that way :)
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hey, what's all this talk about farting?


    Girls fart you say?

    Ah, of course they don't. Only skeevy stoners fart.

    win. a marriage that shares d!ck and fart jokes will last.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think it's rude to make a big deal about it in front of anyone, woman or man. My female friends certainly don't appreciate me taking a big ol' fart and laughing about it.

    But anyway, sometimes you gotta fart, sometimes you gotta poop. Your SO should be aware of it...