Women - Farting, Pooping, and more in front of men...



  • jaredmtyler
    It seems like your system is working for you if you have successful, long lasting relationships. Are you in one right now?

  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    Just as a note to the ladies who plan on having children one day:

    Be prepared to fart and poo while giving birth in front of your husband, the doctor, and nurses in the room. Think about it. All that pushing is going to push out more than just a baby.

    Yep, having a baby changes everything and I mean EVERY-THING!! Nothing is sacred and life is SO much easier that way. :)

    YUP! When I gave birth, there was only two woman in the room. Myself and my mom. Before my son came out, I crapped. When he came out, I peed. When I was nursing him, I had so much gas, I released the devil. You think I cared? Nope. Because I'm honest. Farting and pooping is NATURAL! Even your daughter(s) will do the same, and find it hysterical.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I agree with OP. I've been with my husband almost seven years and some things a woman should just keep private.

    7 years of holding it in? I feel sorry for you.

    She has to be floating in teh air by now :laugh:
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    My son just farted and I laughed.
  • Chapter3point6
    I'm a lady and I don't fart I windy and I don't poop I poo. ;)

    When I was dating my husband no, I didn't windy in front of him. After 13 years of marriage I do windy but NEVER poo in front of him. :)

    Personally, I would be more annoyed if my wife used the words windy and poo than to witness either of bodily functions.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Well from what I actually read (not all of the thread) I am doomed to be single forever because I figure its a bodily function and just let it go. Perhaps itS from being raised around all boys but I don't think its something you need to 'hide' from someone you are pivot with... you can still be a lady and fart.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Meh....been with my husband almost 12 years. For a long time, we both were very discreet about farting and pooping around eachother. But for many years when you share one bathroom, you can't really escape it lol. And I sure as hell will not make myself feel like *kitten* cuz I'm holding out for a ton of privacy.

    Now, we have two bathrooms, so that helps...and we've given up on the whole "don't fart in front of eachother" thing...it happens. We don't have farting wars or anything but the human body just sometimes does what it wants lol

    Saying a woman shouldn't do things to which she can't always control is silly. There are bigger things to worry about in life.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Everyone farts and poops!! Everyone should accept that and I highly doubt your relationships are so fabulous because you don't fart or poop in front of him. Maybe it has to do with communication or dedication? Ya think? Sorry, I know it's rude, but I was a bit offended that apparently my relationship will fail if I don't act like a princess in front of him.

    Why would this offend you? It doesn't offend me. I didn't automatically assume that my relationship would fail. =/
    -There is nothing wrong with keeping some things private! Is it for everyone.. Obviously not.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i like to talk about my bowel movements.
  • Icaw
    Icaw Posts: 58 Member
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member

    I dont fart all over people-in thier face, but I fart, just like you and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone else since the begining of time. Im a lady about it, hold it, run out of the room etc. But if i could, i would blow my husband out of the water, he does it to me- not on purpose though.....hes a lac-toad:laugh: ....look you can avoid the situation all day and say pooing in front of your loved one makes you uncomfortable, and I TOTALY get that, but to act like your booty dont stink is quite another thing. No one said you have to be a discusting pig- but dont act like your $---t dont stink, and your a lady with no *kitten*......please. im not gonna sit here and talk about my potty time in detail:ohwell: , but im also not going to act like it doesnt exsist.:huh:

    You know my family use to say about people who were all uppity- " A skunk never smells his own *ss". so im pretty sure your significant other has smelled your funk and heard you drop a log or two......get real.:smokin:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's not a relationship until you've talked at length about liquor-induced "peeing out the butt"
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    For the ladies who swear to never fart or poop in front of their partners, what happens when you get sick and have explosive diarrhea all over the place? Someone is gonna have to take care of you and they're probably not going to like what they see and smell.

    Especially if it's coming out of both ends! Come on, we've all had those 24-48 hour viruses before.

    I'm not going to say I've never been sick like that (though it's been longer than I've been with the BF), but I still go in the bathroom and close the door. I have thrown up a couple random times since we've been together.

    I will say that though some things can't be helped, and it's obviously different for every couple, I am not comfortable even peeing with the BF in the room. In the next room with a closed door between us is OK, though. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

    I will pee in the same room if he's in the shower and the second bathroom is occupied, though.
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    OH please I know some of you women throw some silent farts after your boyfriend/husband throws one just to look like you're blaming him. It's frickin natural. Lol.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just as a note to the ladies who plan on having children one day:

    Be prepared to fart and poo while giving birth in front of your husband, the doctor, and nurses in the room. Think about it. All that pushing is going to push out more than just a baby.

    I actually didn't do either of those things, but I threw up and peed across the room.

    It was only my mom and a nurse in the room at the time, though.
  • Chapter3point6
    It's not a relationship until you've talked at length about liquor-induced "peeing out the butt"

    :drinker: :laugh:
  • iamshells
    iamshells Posts: 46 Member
    Do whatever works for you! I love everything about my wife....yes she do have accidents from time to time, but I wouldnt mind if she farts in front of me! to me...love is an all or none situation.
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    My personal thoughts are, that a relationship is not dependent on being open enough to do these in front of each other, but rather respecting each other NOT to to do them. I am as broadminded as anyone and yes, there are moments when "accidents" happen, but to be so disrespectful as to do them in front of your partner what you would not do to a stranger visiting your home is just impolite. Strait laced I know, but respectful of others around me also.
  • scamacho7925
    Personally, and let me emphasize, personally I do not like my partner farting or telling me when he's going to take a sh%^. I find pooping and farting pretty disgusting and I understand it's human nature but it's a turn-off!!!! If we break up I don't want to remember the odor of his farts or how many times he pooped during the day. I want him to be comfortable around me, yes, but he can just say I'm going to the restroom and I'm sure I'll know for what if he takes a long time. Now if he needs to fart he can do it away from me like any person would and same for girls. If it's an accident well it's different but unless I find it completely neccessary I just tell him I'm going to the restroom and I can fart there and do whatever I have to do.

    Plus, if you are farting it's a sign you need to go and poop so just do it and don't disgust your partner.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I've been married for almost 33 years, together 35, and I still 'fluff' but not around him. It's not always easy, especially when you increase your fiber. I have to wear underwear under my running shorts so he cant hear me if I've forgotten to take Beano! However, if I run alone, it's kind of nice to just, let it go. lol