Women - Farting, Pooping, and more in front of men...



  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Someone was talking about clean eating here just a few posts ago! :)
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:


    So Youre Saying Ladies Cant *kitten*? But Guys can jack it off any time of day???
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I am a hardcore romantic at heart. My best friend always tells me that she's always struggling to find a good relationship, yet, I always seem to "fall in love" and have long lasting relationships and she can't figure out why. Why? I still believe in chivalry and a lady should be a lady.

    She expressed to me just before leaving for France to accompany her boyfriend (whom she sees only 1-2 times a week...they do not live together) that she was terrified about having to actually live with a man for a week! Oh the horror!! lol!

    I don't fart, poop, or let myself go when I'm living with or even just dating a man. Ok, yes, of course I have to "relieve" myself and use the ladies room, but I don't find it funny, let alone "hot", to fart or let my partner know I'm about to go take a *kitten*. With that said, my lover knows that I do all of the above, I just choose not to do them in is presence. AND I have made it clear that I will not let myself go. I think this attitude has made my current relationship probably the most romantic, sexiest, hottest, and trustworthy relationships I've ever had.

    Your thoughts?

    I say good for you. It's nice to know that chivalry is not dead. I know that's a very old fashioned kind of attitude to have but I'm old fashioned and I would have the same attitude in a relationship. I wouldn't date a man who didn't have the same kind of attitude.
  • Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:

    a guy who doesn't like that eh??? weirdoooohhh!!
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Sometimes when I know it's going to be a bad fart, I slip it out and ask him if he can smell burning...he takes a deep breath in and BAM! There it is. I disgust myself sometimes.

    He farted in K-Mart one day and took off leaving me standing there. A lady walked into it and gave me the worst look ever. He set me up and cackled about it for hours after.

    In saying that...there's a time and a place. I don't do it in public or when we're around other people.

    Hilarious! :laugh:
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    well honestly i think these threads can get wacky sometimes, but i have to be honest, i get so caught up that i get distracted from late night boredom snacking :wink: so i like it once in a while
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Hi Debby Downer.. My name is Lauren :)
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,529 Member
    I gotta admit... this thread had me tooting & giggling from start to finish!
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:

    a guy who doesn't like that eh??? weirdoooohhh!!

    why did you even bring the topic around to *kitten*? just drop it nobody cares if you fiddle your diddle now lets get back to farts and tofu
  • Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:


    So Youre Saying Ladies Cant *kitten*? But Guys can jack it off any time of day???
    BOOM< goes the DYNAMITE ;)
  • Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Hi Debby Downer.. My name is Lauren :)

  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    My inner feminist is bristling at this whole "ladylike" bullsh!t. You know what makes me a lady? The tw@t between my legs. The fact that I am smart, strong and driven. The fact that I have the ability to give life with my body. That I can bring a man to his knees at the bat of an eyelash, proudly call myself a doctor (PhD in engineering) and a belly dancer, and plan to take over the godd@mned world all at the same time. THAT makes me a lady.

    It's got nothing to do with whether I emit gas from my body or not. But have fun buying into all that patriarchal nonsense if it makes you happy.
  • Unfortunately, I take a bit too much pride in some of these bodily functions such as farting and pooping. I sometimes take things to far and try to have the strangest poop or the smelliest fart. idk there's a large handful of males at my school that look up to me because im not afraid to fart or talk about poop.
  • Kookie215
    Kookie215 Posts: 66 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Well some of us sane people do yes and farting is a natural part of healthy eating so we're not totally off subject here
  • Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:

    a guy who doesn't like that eh??? weirdoooohhh!!

    why did you even bring the topic around to *kitten*? just drop it nobody cares if you fiddle your diddle now lets get back to farts and tofu
    cuz who cares- that's the Exact point i
    can do w.e the **** i want infront of whoever the **** i want its you guys whoa re fkn weird not wanting to fart in front of people like they have the plague! llolol grow up children still laugh when yu hear the world penis??!?!? lololol
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Hi Debby Downer.. My name is Lauren :)


    This post IS in 'chit chat, fun, and game' afterall! ;)
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    Hardcore Punk, I am comfortable around my men and that includes farting and taking a **** even masturbating...oh welll:) just me i guess. Always have great best friend based romantic relationships.

    I can deal with farting or taking a dump in front of me, but masturbating in front of me. :noway:

    And I hope no ladies here post any videos of them doing such a horrid act! :angry:

    a guy who doesn't like that eh??? weirdoooohhh!!

    why did you even bring the topic around to *kitten*? just drop it nobody cares if you fiddle your diddle now lets get back to farts and tofu
    cuz who cares- that's the Exact point i
    can do w.e the **** i want infront of whoever the **** i want its you guys whoa re fkn weird not wanting to fart in front of people like they have the plague! llolol grow up children still laugh when yu hear the world penis??!?!? lololol

    **Had to edit myself. I was getting a bit tooooo silly! :P**
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Do folks find disgusting topics amusing? This is a weight loss website...

    Someone was talking about clean eating here just a few posts ago! :)

    LOL Yes! Clean eating really makes you gassy!
  • My inner feminist is bristling at this whole "ladylike" bullsh!t. You know what makes me a lady? The tw@t between my legs. The fact that I am smart, strong and driven. The fact that I have the ability to give life with my body. That I can bring a man to his knees at the bat of an eyelash, proudly call myself a doctor (PhD in engineering) and a belly dancer, and plan to take over the godd@mned world all at the same time. THAT makes me a lady.

    It's got nothing to do with whether I emit gas from my body or not. But have fun buying into all that patriarchal nonsense if it makes you happy.

    No lack of confidence here. Fight the power!