~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • gwainwright
    gwainwright Posts: 20 Member
    Here's an update on my progress:

    SW: 152
    CW: 143
    GW: 130

    So a loss of 2lbs again!! I'm feeling so much better in myself. I hope to keep it off over Christmas too. Good luck all you lovely ladies on here too! :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job everyone on the weigh in! :bigsmile: Keep up the great work!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Weigh in
    GW: 99

    Real good focus yesterday on my goals. The best part is, I've been diet soda free for --almost a week. Woot Woot!
    Sundays Goals:
    Eat clean - Met
    Work out - Met
    No Diet Soda - Met

    Everyone - Good job over the weekend. Now to conquer "moan-day"
  • supermom1114
    So I weighed in at 144 today.... I had just weighed myself on Friday as being 141.4.. did I really gain 2.5lbs in two days?? ugh I'm kind of discouraged at the moment. I know I didn't eat as well as I should have over the weekend, but still... =(
  • ButlerMom
    ButlerMom Posts: 23 Member
    I missed the weigh in yesterday...sorry...I lost one pound!!! YEA...considering I didn't get to exercise about 4 days last week!!
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Alright I weighed in today and I lost 1.2 pounds...I am now at 162.2. YAY!!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I ran 3.1 miles yesterday in under 40 minutes in 28 degree weather. I was hoping for about 36 minutes but I wore too many layers and overheated. So I ended up having to stop and take off a few layers. I then walked an additional 1.1miles for a total of 4.2 miles!!! I burned over 550 calories!!

    Are we starting a new thread for this week? Did we decide on a challenge?
  • jzbaby626
    Hey. Hows everyone doin today? Trying to get back on track after a bad week/weekend. Today I did 40 mins of Jackie Warners Total Body Circuit Training and the Walk 2 mile video with Leslie Sansone. Congrats to all you runners out there...running is my least favorite thing. Its not a part of my workout routine right now. I probably wouldn't be able to run a whole block. And I cant even try cause i have a 3 yr old here with me. Hope everyone one has a productive week! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :love: :love: :love: :love:
    It's cold here this morning 23 degrees when I walked the dogs in the dark this morning.
    I walk at the dog park for 20-40 minutes every afternoon but the rest of my exercise is indoors
    walking, dancing, stationery bike
    I do a cellular cleanse on Sundays so my weight on Monday morning is always artificially low after a day of no solid food, but it frequently results in a real one pound loss during the week.

    Since I don't work, don't have children or a family that invites me to food filled events, i have an easier time than most of you over the holidays.:bigsmile: Good luck to all of you as you navigate the food maze.:bigsmile:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Hi guys!

    I was 144 last week, 143.5 at the Doctor's office as of Friday afternoon that's the only time I got near a scale I went home to my parent's for the weekend and I don't trust her scale :)

    2 more pounds and I will NO LONGER BE OVERWEIGHT!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all,

    Glad to see everyone is still focused on their goals and consistently checking in. My workout is complete for the day. I attended exercise boot camp for an hour and then headed to the gym where I jogged on the treadmill and did weight training on my back. I know I burned over 500 calories today which means I am still on target for my 30 day challenge. I can't believe how committed I've been to this challenge. It has really motivated me to push myself.
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    supermom...That is most likely water weight - did you eat high-sodium foods? I personally think if you drink lots and lots of water and work out hard, the scale will go back down in a day or two. Good luck!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I missed the boat yesterday with weigh in, I will do it tomorrow morning. Must admit I'm nervous - the gym has been lucky to see my face twice a week recently and my diet hasn't been outstanding.
    Need to shake this off and get back at it.

    It's so great seeing all of your updates and positive determination. Thank you, Little Ones!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hey. Hows everyone doin today? Trying to get back on track after a bad week/weekend. Today I did 40 mins of Jackie Warners Total Body Circuit Training and the Walk 2 mile video with Leslie Sansone. Congrats to all you runners out there...running is my least favorite thing. Its not a part of my workout routine right now. I probably wouldn't be able to run a whole block. And I cant even try cause i have a 3 yr old here with me. Hope everyone one has a productive week! :flowerforyou:

    I've been interested in the Jackie Warner workout...how do you like? How would you compare it to the Biggest Loser or Jillian Michaels workouts?!? I'm always looking for a way to add to and adjust my workouts...I love the variety!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I got overwelmed at work and with running around (doing errands) that I got very behind on reading all the post. I promise to do a lot better next week.

    To all facing problems and set backs, hang in there it will get better

    To all having a good successful week - congradulations.
