~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????

    Friday Goals: :glasses:
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    P90x Workout (Legs and back) - Done
    Ab-RipperX (50% done)
    40 min Elliptical
    12 days of *Fitness* challenge first 3 days

    Saturday Goals::smooched:
    *Post on this thread
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    P90x Workout (KenpoX):love:
    30 min Elliptical

    Sunday Goals::blushing:
    *Post on this thread
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    30 min Elliptical
  • supermom1114
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    I'm feeling extra cheery today! ITS SNOWING IN HOUSTON TX!!!!! WHATTTT?!?! Sorry I LOVE snow and I'm so excited! I had to run to the store to get my son some snow clothes n stuff and I got myself some cold weather running gear. I promised myself no matter what when my mom gets home from work and can watch my son I'm heading out for a run. I don't know why I like running in weather, but I like running in rain and I've ever run in snow so I can't wait!!

    So today was my weighin for my biggest loser wii game... the scale said 141.4... on sunday i was 141.6... I was really disappointed but I know i'm building muscle and all. However to cheer my self up I took my measurements and DANG Im happy! Here are the comparisons(the previous measurements were taken sometime early nov not sure, I weighed 146.8)

    Measurement Prev Today
    Weight 146.8 141.4
    Bust 37.5 37
    Chest 33 31
    Waist 32 29.5
    Hips-LoveHandle 38 36.5
    Hips-Butt 42 40.5
    Right & Left Thigh 24.25 23.75
    Right & Left Arm 12.5 11.5
    Neck 13 12.75

    So an over all loss of 9.75in, I'm going to stay positive with that even if the scale didnt move

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi all,

    finished day 2 of Shred. the tops of my thighs are burning with every move I make....ooowwweee! did an outdoor 2.25 walk/jog....it is zero with windchill and flurries here in Iowa.....which I just love!! ok, does the 2nd and 3rd levels of the shred work your abs more? cuz, with my stretch and tone tape I am sore all over my body, and with Jillian's, just my shoulder area and thighs are, nothing else.

    My plan for the weekend is to eat *clean*, and walk/jog both days and continue with the Shred, and do a stretch and tone (head to toe) session on Sunday.

    Steph ~ good luck on your 5K and have fun!! what an amazing thing to accomplish!! cheering you on!!

    sr ~ 12 days of Xmas. how neat is that! thanks for sharing!

    supermom~ nice stats with the inches! you are doing wonderful!

    have a great day fafs gals and an even better weekend! take care of ** you **!:flowerforyou:
  • shel75
    shel75 Posts: 75
    Yes, I had a headache for three days in a row - just when I increased my exercise routine to six days a week. Some people say it is due to your body getting rid of toxins - hoping for a radical change from this feeling! :)
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey fit and fun sized I am 5'2 and 173 lbs from my last weigh in and would love to join this group. I am also new to MFP but it works so I know I will be faithful to this because of the results. My goal is to lose 25 lbs total as a start but intend to keep going after I have reached that goal. :smile:
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    did not make it to the gym but did wii fit run and step class and boxing so was great workout!!!!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hope that you all have a great weekend! Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    GAH I have been SO BUSY.

    Last night I crashed instead of running. Stayed within my calories but was EXHAUSTED.

    Today I did day 2 of week 9 of the G28K after a great nap. I feel awesome! I haven't weighed/measured in days but eating 1400-1500 calories and working out for a minimum of an hour a day I know I'm losing.

    This weekend I have a full-body workout, running, and yoga planned. Eat well and rest up, little ladies!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    It sounds like everyone is having a great week - well done!!

    I wish I could say the same. I have managed a good run on Monday (treadmill) an spin class on Wednesday and that's been it this week for exercise. Diet hasn't been horrible, but it hasn't been great. A few too many stresses going on in life just now, but I'm determined to push through them!

    The weather here is cold but beautifully clear. I'm hoping to get outside for a run or two this weekend and try to eat clean. Gotta get back on track!!

    I love the 12 Days of Christmas workout :)

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • supermom1114
    so i caved and had a piece of carrot cake with cream cheese icing at a baby shower I was attending tonight... ugh.. I did workout for about an hour n twenty minutes though, shred, EA Active, and Biggest Loser. I wanted to go on a run in the snow this afternoon but the heaviest snow was this morning n it barely piled up an inch on the ground before it slowed down n then began to melt.. however it snowed pretty much all day, just melted once it hit the ground. Still, just watching snow fall is so beautiful to me.. I love getting dressed up in sweats n gloves n jackets n all that.. so cozy! Anyways, I will be running some time tomorrow to start back up on the C25K program!

    I hope everyone had a great day!! Kick some *kitten* tomorrow Fun-Sized Ladies!!
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Hey fit and fun sized I am 5'2 and 173 lbs from my last weigh in and would love to join this group. I am also new to MFP but it works so I know I will be faithful to this because of the results. My goal is to lose 25 lbs total as a start but intend to keep going after I have reached that goal. :smile:

    Hello and welcome! MFP is a great tool and support group. Feel free to ask any questions, there will be no judgements here. And I'm guessing if it's something you're curious about there's probably someone on here with the same question - and several others with great advice!

    Stay strong!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I didn't eat real well yesterday with staying home all day to do homework. But the scale didn't move which is great! I have missed my exercise for the past few days - I have been super busy with the end of the semester right around the corner.

    I am eatting my usual breakfast: 1/2 cup of Quaker Oatmeal made with 1/2 cup of milk and 1 tsp of brown sugar. I am going to make a smoothie for the way to school to help get my fruit in. I will probably only have a snack in place of lunch today because I will be in class. I am going to pack some string cheese and carrots...yum.

    I am so proud of myself for really sticking with this and being conscious of what I am eatting. I can't wait to weigh in and see my results for the week.

    What is everyone doing this weekend to stay focused?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 20 of the challenge and I can't believe I am still going strong. Only 10 more days left and then it's off to find another challenge.

    Can I just say I am EXHAUSTED!! I worked my little tail off today at the gym. First, I completed my boot camp homework assignment which was to jog for either 2 miles or 4 miles. I jogged for 45 minutes which totalled 3.75 miles and 331 calories burned. According to the treadmill I was averaging a mile every 12 minutes, so, I am happy. Second, I took a kickboxing class at the gym and I'm so sore I don't know what to do with myself. I did a full 45 minutes and according to MFP burned 439 calories. I'm unsure of how accurate MFP is but I know I burned something because sweat was pouring from my body.

    Two of my weekend goals have been accomplished (complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class) and I will be tackling the third one later this evening when I attend my friend's holiday cocktail party (I WILL NOT OVER INDULGE).

    Everyone have a great weekend.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I had good workout i did wii fit run and did the biggest loser DVD I am feeling great!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello to everyone new.

    I've been reading the post daily, but haven't really had the time to respond.

    To those having a good week (and it looks like most are) - congradulations on your successes whether they have been with diet or with exercise or both.

    To those struggling - hang in there. This is a hard and stressful time of year in so many ways. Keep on trying and you will succeed.

    I've been trying to double my excercise time from 30 minutes a day to 60 just to keep up with the extra treats I haven't been able to ignore at work. Everyday is Christmas from here on. I've never seen so many people bake and cook. It's wonderful, but.................

    Have a nice weekend and good luck with check in tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    My only exercise so far today is walking the dogs and clothes shopping:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: but I found a pair of size 4 jeans and tried them on and they fit :smile: :smile: :smile: I didn't like the style and I didn't buy them, but just having them fit was exciting.

    I fixed stuffed peppers for lunch (my first time with the recipe) and they were a huge success. Hubby liked them and wants to have them again.:smile:

    Now it's time to get on the exercise bike.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    My only exercise so far today is walking the dogs and clothes shopping:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: but I found a pair of size 4 jeans and tried them on and they fit :smile: :smile: :smile: I didn't like the style and I didn't buy them, but just having them fit was exciting.

    I fixed stuffed peppers for lunch (my first time with the recipe) and they were a huge success. Hubby liked them and wants to have them again.:smile:

    Now it's time to get on the exercise bike.

    yeah on size 4 that is what I am striving for!!!! I love to hear your recipe on stuffed peppers sounds delish!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    I fixed stuffed peppers for lunch (my first time with the recipe) and they were a huge success. Hubby liked them and wants to have them again.:smile:

    Barbie’s Stuffed Peppers

    • 1 cup brown rice
    • butter or oil cooking spray
    • ¼ onion chopped
    • 1 tsp garlic powder
    • 10 ounces lean ground turkey
    • 2 sweet bell peppers (green, red, orange, or yellow)
    • ½ tsp Tabasco
    • an assortment of herbs such as oregano, parsley, and fresh basil, to taste
    • small can of tomato paste (or fresh tomatoes or canned tomatoes)
    Cook ½ cup brown rice ahead of time according to package directions
    Meanwhile, add oil and onions to a large pan over medium high heat. Sauté onions over medium heat in a large frying pan with butter cooking spray until they are soft then add garlic and cook for about one minute. Add the turkey, tomato paste, herbs, and Tabasco. Cook until turkey is no longer pink, about 10 minutes.
    Preheat oven to 400 F.
    Fill a large pot half full with water and bring to a boil. Cut tops off from bell peppers and clean the insides of each by removing all seeds. Add bell peppers and tops to water and return to a boil. Cook until tender, about five minutes. (Don’t let them get too soft or they will fall apart.) Remove peppers from water and dry on paper towel.
    Add rice to turkey mixture. Use a wooden spoon to mix. In a glass dish, stand bell peppers and use a spoon to fill each pepper with turkey/rice mixture and cover with pepper top. Bake for 15 minutes. Makes 2 servings
    Calories per serving 352 Protein 41 Fat 3 Carbs 41 Fiber 5 Sodium 139

    I haven't experimented much with herbs and spices so this recipe is pretty basic. I made the rice the night before so I didn't have to wait for the rice to cook when it was time to prepare the meal. I served the peppers with a big serving of frozen green beans which made a huge meal for well under 500 calories.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks for the recipe I will def have to try that one!!!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    I did it, went to chili's to eat and said no to the chips and salsa, no to all the Dr. Pepper with free refills and got a sensible 8 oz sirloin with the steamed veggies and fries, which I only ate about 1/4 of!!!

    I did my 60 min boot camp this morning, weights day...ow!! Then came home and hit my treadmill for a quick 15 min mile!!

    Off to a good start