~Fit and Fun Sized Week 2~



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Met my first weekend goals today...Lifted for an hour (full body, ow) with 10 min. running to warm up and 20 min. elliptical after lifting to total 30 min of cardio. I got new Sauconys today and I LOVE them!!! Had to test them out on the indoor track! :love:

    I had a healthy cheat day full of whole grains and fish and even a vegan pastry. Yum! I was so painfully hungry when I woke up this morning I knew it was time.

    Tomorrow I'm taking my new shoes out on the road for my final day of week 9 on the G28k program!
  • supermom1114
    So I got a great workout in, even though I felt so tired. However I didn't do good on my eating today.... ugh I'm hoping I didn't gain... weigh in tomorrow ladies!!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????

    Friday Goals: :glasses:
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    P90x Workout (Legs and back) - Done
    Ab-RipperX (50% done)
    40 min Elliptical
    12 days of *Fitness* challenge first 3 days

    Saturday Goals::smooched:
    *Post on this thread
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    P90x Workout (KenpoX):love:
    30 min Elliptical

    Sunday Goals::blushing:
    *Post on this thread
    Eat Clean, Eat no less than 1200 calories.
    No Soda
    30 min Elliptical

    I met Friday's goals. Bar none...a good day.

    Weighed myself on Saturday I was still hoping for 100.8.. and i wasn't. I think it distracted me or something. My hubby left for his weekend with the guys and he kitchen magically called my name by late afternoon today.... so
    1) I failed to post on Saturdy this maybe accounts for some of my lack of motivation for...
    2) Eat clean ....nope, had cookie dough (not even made into cookies...you've been there....)
    I did find Chocolate Frozen Yogurt in the Icecream isle... I gotta say this stuff tastes good and....can I call it healthy? Frozen Yogurt....hmmm 90cal per 1/2 cup. YUMMO!!
    3) No Soda ..... MET. I DID NOT DRINK SODA!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
    4) KenpoX ....MET
    5) ELLIP 30 (nope, but I did walk /shop for 2 hours.....maybe that counts?

    Its like 1am and I couldn't sleep (too much sugar in my body? not sure ....hubby's not home and maybe that's some of it too.
    So, Sunday (Today) I will eat clean again.
    I have already made my food journal entries (which will help a lot).

    -Have a good day... I'll check in later.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I MET MY GOALS, I MET MY GOALS.....WooHoo, WooHoo. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    First, I went to the gym to complete my boot camp homework which was to jog/run 2 or 4 miles. I jogged/ran 3.75 miles and then headed to kickbocking class. I attended the full 45 minute class and between jogging and kickboxing burned a whopping 770 calories.

    My final goal was harder to attain but I am soooooooooooooo proud that I did. My friend catered her annual holiday celebration and the girl can THROW DOWN. My goal was not to over indulge and I did not. She started the evening off with cocktails. She made Pomegrante margaritas w/the sugar rimmed glasses and everything and I did not have one single drink. I opted for a tall glass of cold water.

    In addition to the drink, she made about 15 appettizers......crab dip, salmon dip, shrimp w/kidney bean puree on a baguette (this was great and actually a very healthy choice....she had whole wheat baguettes and the kidney beans were cooked w/chives and sweet yellow onions), egg plant w/portabella mushrooms, mexican meatball served on a tortilla, flatbread w/bleu cheese and onion, and a whole bunch of other things I can't remember.

    I was so thankful she only offered appetizer sized plates so you couldn't pile the food on and I purposely sat the furthest away from the food so whenever I thought about getting up to get another helping I would take a sip of water and then remain seated.

    I also did not make a "to go" plate although she offered several times.

    I did enjoy myself however fellowshipping with good friends and watching the football game.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Sunday, December 6, 2009
    SW: 193
    FaFS SW: 176
    LW: 175
    CW: 173

    This Weeks Loss: -2
    FaFS Total Loss: -3
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    ChocolicKiss - great job on meeting your goals!

    sr88201 - Just keep aiming to achieve more goals today. :)

    songbyrdsweet - great job, keep it up!

    supermom - great job on the workout! :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Since I refed yesterday I can't use my scale weight this morning to check in. However, I have lost 1/2 inch off my abdomen (the poojy area right below your belly button!) and I haven't lost anything there in SO long so I'm still excited!! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My boot camp instructor has told me to get rid of the scale so I have temporarily relocated it to an undisclosed location so i will not be weighin in today but when I weighed in at boot camp on Friday I found that I had gained 1 lb but lossed 1% body fat. Despite the weight gain I am not discouraged b/c I believe I have gained some muscle. In addition, my instructor told me my body may have entered starvation mode and for me to increase my caloric intake to see if this will help. Thus, I have changed my goals on MFP to see if this will help. Despite not weighin in I will continue to participate in the "Fit and Fun sized" thread and offer words of encouragement whenever possible.

    FaFS = 129 lbs
    GW = 125 lbs
    LW = 129 lbs
    CW = 130 lbs
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I stuck to my nutrition goals well this last week, but slacked off some on exercise. I am particularly proud of myself on the nutrition goals because I dined out several times. I am down 2.8 pounds from last week.

    FaFS = 130.0
    LW = 130.8
    CW = 128.0
    GW = 110.0
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I stuck to my nutrition goals well this last week, but slacked off some on exercise. I am particularly proud of myself on the nutrition goals because I dined out several times. I am down 2.8 pounds from last week.

    FaFS = 130.0
    LW = 130.8
    CW = 128.0
    GW = 110.0

    Marilla, Great Job especially since you slacked a tad bit on the exercise. You are well on your way to being the bride you want to be (i snuck a peek at your profile). I have gained a pound this week despite the fact that I have been very consistent w/eating healthy and working out. My boot camp instructor thinks I may have entered starvation mode so we are trying to increase my caloric intake to see if that helps. I was just curious what your daily caloric intake is since we weigh about the same. I know our body comp is probably different and we don't have the same goals (my goal weight is 125lbs) but i'm interested to know what you're taking in.

    Anyone out there who would like to share please feel free. I'm just trying to figure out what will work best for me but interested to know what everyone else's caloric intake is prior to exercise and you can let me know if you eat all of your exercise calories.

    Thank a bunch.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I lost 1/2 pound this week which is about what I should loose each week. I went over on calories, but made up for it by increasing my excercise. Next week I plan to keep up the extra exercise, but get back on track with calories.

    So many of you did well last week. That is so inspiring for us struggling through this time of year.

    Do we have a challenge for next week yet?

  • jzbaby626
    F&Fs SW: 143.4
    LW: 142.0
    CW: 145.4
    GW: 115

    I think it is TOM related. :sad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :grumble: :noway: :noway:
  • jzbaby626
    Switching up my routine this week. Im gonna eat 5 small meals and see how that works out. Well its really more like 3 small meals and 2 snacks. Very discouraged, I feel like im never gonna loose this weight. Hopefully this meal plan will work better bc i wont be starving by dinner (i hope). Also im going to try not to eat back all of my exercise calories. Usually i eat them all back and then plus some. Its gonna be hard but im gonna try.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    LW: 130.6
    CW: 129.8
    GW: 115

    lost 0.8 this week I am happy with that.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    FaFS SW (11/30) 190.8
    CW 185

    - 5.8lbs
    goal -40.8 lbs
    46.6 to go

    Likely water lost for me this week. Only 3 really good eating days, and same for exercise. Gonna keep with my plan, and goal is to work towards 80-90% of lifestyle change.... and remain focused and positive!

    The calorie ques....I know I am a lot heavier than you, and MFP has me anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories a day. But, since being on here ( almost a yr ), I have noticed that I lose more wt if I am in the 1500 - 1700 calorie range. And I burn anywhere from 300 - 600 in exercise, depending on the day. I don't log my food that well, but stay healthy, within calories and am usually over on protein and fiber....and very low on salt. I sometimes eat all my exercise calories, and then I don't. I even go over some days, but it is not consistant. You might want to try and increase your calories 100-300 /day. I don't know...we are all different here. Just a suggestion....good luck and let us know what works out!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congrats to all of you who lost weight this week and especially to those of you who continued with your rigorous exercise programs. :smile: This is the first week since January that I haven't logged a weight loss......I don't log a pound lost until it's been gone for at least a week :laugh: however, I keep lowering my goal so maybe I'm finally where I should be. The weight I posted last week was 117, my scale today said 115.6 but I won't claim 116 until I'm under it for a week.

    I have been at 1200 calories a day since I started in January at 183. My eating has been consistently clean and nutrition dense so I've made the calories truly nourish my body. My weight loss was about two pounds a week for awhile and then slowed to one pound a week and now has slowed even more. At first I didn't eat my exercise calories, then I started to eat some of them as I noticed that I felt weak after a vigorous long walk or dance class. Now I eat at least half of them and sometimes almost all of them. My challenges are days when I have all day meetings and catered meals so calories in are high and calories burned are low. I've been known to ride the exercise bike or do a Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home" after 10 PM just to burn the exercise calories. :laugh:
  • jzbaby626
    strawberry smoothie = 1 of my new favs
  • romst19
    romst19 Posts: 100 Member
    Below is my weigh-in info. I've been MIA the past few days, so wanted to say great job to those of you who had a good week :) Also, that stuffed peppers recipe looks great - I have to try it out soon. Thanks for posting!

    SW: 138
    LW: 138
    CW: 137

    This Weeks Loss: -1
    FaFS Total Loss: -1

    Exactly a one pound loss...I am excited about it!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    FAFS SW: 138
    FAFS CW: 136

    -2 lbs!!!!!!!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Well , I lost 1 lb this week, which is pretty good for me. I have had a lot of muscle gained in the last 5 weeks so getting the scale to move regularly has been hard!!! :smile:

    I allowed my self a cheat today :blushing: , but still stayed in my calorie range for the day!!! I am going to do a healthy dinner so it will be all good!!!

    Congrats to all who took the scale down this week :flowerforyou: