Concealing & carrying pistols while running/working out



  • CaraMH
    I live in Alaska. For those who aren't familiar with AK, it's HUGE, and legal to carry loaded concealed weapons at all permit necessary. Need less to say, I walk with a .38 or a .45 strapped to my hip. AK is also known for meth heads and bears. :) It's not always comfortable, but neither is being attacked by a 2 legged or a 4 legged animal.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I live in Alaska. For those who aren't familiar with AK, it's HUGE, and legal to carry loaded concealed weapons at all permit necessary. Need less to say, I walk with a .38 or a .45 strapped to my hip. AK is also known for meth heads and bears. :) It's not always comfortable, but neither is being attacked by a 2 legged or a 4 legged animal.
    You're gonna need to throw a whole lot of lead down range to stop a bear. I'd go with a bazooka to be on the safe side.
  • geogie54
    Gotta tell ya... I am glad I live in guns ....phew!!!!!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Gotta tell ya... I am glad I live in guns ....phew!!!!!
    Yeah, luckily your government doesn't sell millions of dollars of military grade hardware to drug cartels in Mexico.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I would rather carry pepper spray (mace) than a gun or knife while working out or jogging. My reason is that IF anything were to happen, I would rather spray the person attacking me than shoot them or stab them. Any of these weapons can also be used on you if they are able to get them away from you & I would rather be maced than shot or stabbed.
  • gypsybree
    What about pepper spray or a tazer? I think those would be simpler and less deadly.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    My LC9 is my running partner. I carry concealed under my left arm (clip holster to side of sports bra). I prefer the cross draw and it is usually out of the way as my arms are slightly raised when running. There are some belly band type holsters that also work well. Gotta do what works for you. All hail the 2nd Amendment! :))

    You are awesome!
  • paleirishmother
    knife-wrench, it's practical and safe.
  • Tarek307
    Who is this guy? Chuck Norris or something?
  • Dunsirn
    Dunsirn Posts: 82 Member
    Guns don't make you safe. If guns make you safe, then the USA must be the safest place on Earth.

    It just means if you get mugged, someone has to die - probably you, I might add, unless you're the kind of person that has no problem killing another human being.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I am not a "gun" person so my answer is not to carry one. If my neighboorhood becomes unsafe and I fear walking or running guess I will invest in a Pitbull.
  • Shrinking_Stacey
    My LC9 is my running partner. I carry concealed under my left arm (clip holster to side of sports bra). I prefer the cross draw and it is usually out of the way as my arms are slightly raised when running. There are some belly band type holsters that also work well. Gotta do what works for you. All hail the 2nd Amendment! :))

    You are awesome!

    Why thank you :wink:
  • mad4beinhere
    mad4beinhere Posts: 63 Member
    Thank God I don't live in America, is all I can say.
    Sorry but true.
  • LupaNera
    I am living alone in the university area, mistly open field. Often I return home late so I carry a pepper spray and just keep my eyes open. I don't like guns. And here unless you are a guard or something you can't even carry one.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    If I needed a gun or knife to run outdoors, guess what I wouldn't run outdoors. I'm American and I don't get this and so I have to stand with Europeans and Canadians on this one. . I'm from New York City, Brooklyn at that and I used to live in the projects. I used to run around the projects and never once thought about having a weapon. Maybe you wouldn't need a weapon if you just used common sense when out on a trail or jogging. Avoid desolate areas, run in the daylight, keep your IPOD low enough where you can hear what's going on around you and know your surroundings. That has never failed me. Even coming from a large city where there have been incidents of joggers attacked, in most incidents common sense would have prevented it. Re gentrification is big in NY right now, In some of the city's up and coming communities, I can't tell you how many times I have seen some of the well to do yuppies who have moved into predominantly minority neighborhoods jogging late at night with IPODS blasting. I almost want to knock them in the head to just to tell them to learn some street smarts.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    WOW is all i can say to this!! This has to be the most ridiculous post i have ever read!

    Running with guns and knives? Mate.....i dont care how busy and hectic your life is with your kids...there is a way to solve this. ERRRR dont go running in the dark in the rough areas. Get a gym membership like normal people.

    And to all you people posting actual suggestions for seriously concealing a weapon.... ...feeding the problem!!
  • nikwhit2002
    nikwhit2002 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank God I live in NZ.
  • katiefly86
    Thanks for posting. I've been considering this as well for a very similar reason. This has been quite knowledgeable and also entertaining for this night shifter, lol!! I workout after I put my kids to bed, and before I come to work, and it's dark out. Thanks for all the great advice. Proud to be an American where I can choose to carry or not!!!
    Oh, and let's not forget that the gun itself is not dangerous, but rather the person behind it. If the intentions are criminal the person will find a way to get a gun!!
    Guns aren't legal there, but running nude is ok? *gasp!
    Take a look a Chicago it is one of the most violent cities in the world and it has the most strict gun laws in America conversely Texas has an extremely low crime [rate] and some of the most liberal gun laws.
    Never had nearly the problems in TX as I do in SC!!
  • Ellas_Time_4_Change
    So sorry you even have that option...Thank god I live in New Zealand!
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    Option 3 - move house! Seriously!!! Carrying a gun? Mental.