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  • boggs68
    boggs68 Posts: 18
    Tried to do my first actual run on my knee last night and it just wasn't feeling it. So I guess it will still be the power walking until I shed a few more pounds. I got about a 1/2 mile and it didn't like the pounding. So after a 5 mile walk, some ice and a good nights sleep it feels pretty good.

    It is hard recording all my calories and exercise daily, Cable company will be by in 6 more days to get my internet hooked up, looks like everyone is doing well. Looking for 3 lb. loss on monday to get me in the 220's. Havent been there in a while.

    Well back to work!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm half way through the work out week. I'm sore in some places...but mostly I just feel awesome. I've had to really ramp up my water intake. I used to get by on tea and water, but I'm just losing too much water during these workouts to continue that.

    Nutritionally I've been running deficit's of close to 900 calories, which tells me I have the room to start taking some form of a protien supplement. I'm in the midst of researching what to do there. But I'm leaning toward using this:


    with tomato juice as a recovery drink, and ditching the gatorade. What do you guys think?

    Insanity Day 2 tonight, then a quick turn with running first thing in the morning. Water, Water, Water.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Boggs, that's smart and keep working up to a run. I bet it sucks wanting to run, but patience will pay off.

    Kelynn et all I do work alot too, it's a way of life for me. Typical day is 7:30 to maybe 5:30 or 6, then stuff, more stuff, and cram in a workout somewhere. BUT, I do love weekends.

    Jessica, depending on the muscle group the soreness takes between 12 to 24 hours to show up. A really good leg workout will have you the MOST sore 1 to 2 days later, for example. AND... .soreness=progress if it's muscle rebuilding (not joint pain). I like sore.

    Chart tonight after church, can't wait to sum it all up.

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello group, I wasn't really into it today, but I did get an intense workout in..Ab ripper X, Shoulders/arms and 40 minutes on the elliptical and now I feel glad that I got it in!
    I really have to give it to those of you that work the long hours and still fit in exercise:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , that is just so awesome!!

    Iplay, I use professional strength whey protein,
    I either mix it with water, or fat free milk for even more protein.
    I add either frozen blueberries or strawberries and blend until smooth. I sometimes throw in ground flax, or a scoop of peanut butter, it is always very filling, full of protien and right around 300 -400 calories depending on what I use.

    I am hoping to finally get a run in tomorrow...heat wave coming, it is suppose to be 38*, sunny and no wind...woo-hoo:bigsmile:
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    HI ALL

    I am back from the Dr and I have to say its NOT good news! I have 2 discs that are really bad, 1 is basically pinching the nerves and causing my arm to be numb and the lost of strength and the 2nd disc is actually protruding into my spinal column and causing the other effects. So basic solution is I'm having surgery on Jan 26th to fuse the 2 discs with fake bones. I will be out of commition for at 1 month up to 3 months. I have to wear a collar is what he told me for at least a month and NO driving up to 3 months. I'm off work for the 1st month and can maybe go back after that.

    So this is a HUGE set back for me and I'm having a really hard time handling this news today. I'm trying to be postive but not always an easy thing for me. I'm really an independant person and this is so hard for me to get a grip on! So I guess I will be dropping out of this wonderful group and that hurts me. I wish everyone great success and many good things for all!

    Maybe from time to time I will check in and see everyone and see how all is doing!

    Tracy :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Oh Tracey! My:heart: goes out to you! I wish you all of the best! Please check in with us when you can!
  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30

    I've worked in the supplement industry for a few years and after looking at the ingredients I think you can do better. (Whey Protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate), Super Recovery Blend (Creatine Monohydrate, Taurine, L-Glutamine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine), Cocoa (Processed With Alkali), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Soy Lecithin, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose.)

    Creatine is good for holding water in the muscles and recovery BUT it stops working as soon as you stop taking it. Also it has been know to cause cramping. Alot of athletes take it, but I'd suggest doing some research before submitting your body to it.

    I've been using Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate mixed with milk or other foods. It cooks well.

    My son has been using various products including this, Met-Rx and GNC's Amplified Wheybolic Extreme. He says he feels much better using the GNC product.

    Anyway, the choice of protein is really up to the user. If you are using it as a recovery drink, take it with milk, soy milk, apple juice, etc within 30-45 minutes of your workout.
  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    Love the intensity of everyone. I've been to the gym every morning this week. Lifted weights Mon & Tues and did the elliptical for 20 minutes, today for 25. Today is my day off from lifting, but back at it tomorrow.

    I've been trying to keep track of my food, paying attention to how I feel after eating and throughout the day to see what affects me positively and negatively. Funny, I ate 19 hush puppies at Little Richard's BBQ yesterday and when I got on the scale I had lost 1/2 pound from the day before. Looks like my new diet plan.:laugh:

    Can't wait to weigh and measure again on Saturday. Will stay away from Mexican on Friday to keep from holding water.

    By the way, I am SOOOO looking forward to 59 degrees tomorrow!!!!! How does it go from 15 to 59 within a week??
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    HI ALL

    I am back from the Dr and I have to say its NOT good news! I have 2 discs that are really bad, 1 is basically pinching the nerves and causing my arm to be numb and the lost of strength and the 2nd disc is actually protruding into my spinal column and causing the other effects. So basic solution is I'm having surgery on Jan 26th to fuse the 2 discs with fake bones. I will be out of commition for at 1 month up to 3 months. I have to wear a collar is what he told me for at least a month and NO driving up to 3 months. I'm off work for the 1st month and can maybe go back after that.

    So this is a HUGE set back for me and I'm having a really hard time handling this news today. I'm trying to be postive but not always an easy thing for me. I'm really an independant person and this is so hard for me to get a grip on! So I guess I will be dropping out of this wonderful group and that hurts me. I wish everyone great success and many good things for all!

    Maybe from time to time I will check in and see everyone and see how all is doing!

    Tracy :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry:

    I can understand your frustration. I hope you get well soon.

    I had my own scare this evening. 25 Minutes into my workout I felt a sharp cramp behind my knee. So Immediatly shut it down. I stretched it out. A cramp is all it appears to be, that's what it feels like. I did a couple of sprints in the back yard after word to see how it would feel running, and it's fine.

    We'll see what it feels like in the morning.

    Up until then I was doing a lot better and keeping up with Shaun T. Damn It!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Oh Tracy, that is terrible news. Keep your spirits up and please don't feel you don't belong because of the inactivity. Be sure to visit and tell us slackers what you'd be doing with a clean bill of health. Should be an inspiriation to us all that we can workout and be active. Get well, and sure we can see you on the next 90 day challenge!!! It will be here soon enough.

    To all, I did get the charts updates so THANK YOU for all posting the data. I need to upload it tommorrow from my work PC because it will be better resolution.

    Met RX is my favorite protein powder. I've been using it for years and it is good. Strawberry banana with some grape nuts sprinkled in is all I need. Mmmm good.

    Some honors that I noticed in the stats:
    Debra for 10.3 hours of fitness last week!!! AND under cal all 7 days
    Nicolee516 with 19 running miles and 6 days under cal target
    Boggs with 8+ miles walking per DAY, not week
    Jessica with 23 miles running

    Great job everyone, and don't mean to single them out but WOW that is some hard work!!! Let's all stay consistent and bring our best each day. Great job to all!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Tracey I am sorry to hear of this set back but remember it is just a set back and you will be back at it soon. Take care of yourself so you have a complete recovery! I wish you happy healing and keep on posting us because we will surely enjoy it!
    This is my 13th day of fitness for the year! As they say no rest for the wicked! I must be a *itch!!!
    I was really busy today but I worked my P90X Arms and Shoulders to the max along with Ab Ripper (so far i hate it the most)
    I was under calories
    and I got in a little more protein!
    So once again I fullfilled my goal!

    Iplay, i use All the Whey brand whey protein! When Shaun t says use a recovery drink, I was told by a beachbody coach to use 1 scoop of whey protein with 8 oz. of non acidic jiuce because it did the same! It is an awesome calorie burner but be careful with all that you are doing it may stress your knees and like on me it was my back! I visited my chiro every week!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello group, just wishing you a good day...

    Nicolee and Jessica WOW, great job on your running, I'm going to try, no I AM going to go out for a run today...I'm going to try for 4 miles!
    Boggs, 8 miles walking everyday sounds great! Great job!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    HEY all, THANK YOU all for the words of encouragement, I will need them!

    So to the reason of this post with me having surgery I still want to keep loosing the weight so I'm wondering about the protein shakes and stuff. I'm afraid that I'm going to be sitting at home just eating everything in site. So I'd like to have suggestions on what I should be eating and so forth. I haven't had any major surgery, I mean I had my tonsils out when I was a kid so that doesn't count. So any help with this would be great. I have 2 weeks before all this happens so I have time to get stuff if I need to.

    So thanks to all!
    Its good to know I have friends online to chat with
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Raymond- I sure do appreciate you making this chart! I love it! It's so great to able to see the progression!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all...

    Three days in a row now I've been feeling blah. I have been eating well, but just feeling really lazy about the working out. Of course, it has been a very stressful, hectic week at work and my schedule hasn't allowed me to run- I think that's taking it's toll on me. I'm the director of a middle school program, and have been totally consumed- at work, and at home- with an extremely fragile student. I have spent hours in meetings, hours thinking, hours planning, hours laying in bed not sleeping, etc. all concerning this one student. So, I'm hoping that I can get some good healthy runs in this weekend and be back to my normal self for next week. It's frustrating to not feel right and not know why! :ohwell:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Kelynn, I set another goal for 2010 and it is to better manage stress. I actually need some stress to perform well in my job, but I am focusing very hard on leaving it at work. The hardest for me is keeping it out of my head at night, because it is easy to dwell on so many points when there is absolutely nothing you can do about it lying in bed.... right?

    Some simple advice for what works for me....
    1) Workouts help me expell stress and transition to a happy home person, so maybe it's better to try and fit them in
    2) I think difficult people are in my life to help me with patience and develop character
    3) I find reading my bible at night very calming, and helps set me at ease with life's stresses. It is not for everyone, but it really helps me.

    I do hope it helps and I'll be praying for you, and your special person.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I can't look at the charts here at work, but I'll look at home. Thanks for ramroding this outfit.

    The knee is OK, I completed my run this morning and it's not even sore. I'm looking forward to doing Insanity again in the morning.

    I've hit all my goals nutritionally. While I'm content with my excersise effort, I beleive the nutrition part of this is more important so I'm excited about that. No Pop was the one I was worried about...except tomorrow is Mt Dew Friday. Where I have 650 calorie splurge, 27% of my normal daily calorie goal....on ONE drink. I can't wait. (essentially I'll break even tomorrow)

    As for dealing with stress...this week has been a tough one dealing with child care issues...so it's been stressful for me also. I've been rolling around a blog post in my head all day about dealing with stress. I'll probably put that together tonight.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Kelynn, I set another goal for 2010 and it is to better manage stress. I actually need some stress to perform well in my job, but I am focusing very hard on leaving it at work. The hardest for me is keeping it out of my head at night, because it is easy to dwell on so many points when there is absolutely nothing you can do about it lying in bed.... right?

    Some simple advice for what works for me....
    1) Workouts help me expell stress and transition to a happy home person, so maybe it's better to try and fit them in
    2) I think difficult people are in my life to help me with patience and develop character
    3) I find reading my bible at night very calming, and helps set me at ease with life's stresses. It is not for everyone, but it really helps me.

    I do hope it helps and I'll be praying for you, and your special person.


    Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice, and the prayers- I really, really appreciate it. I didn't formally set a goal of dealing better with stress this year, but I certainly need to work on it. I could go on and on about my job, and I truly believe from everything I've heard and what I know that although I have a relatively "normal" job, the nitty gritty details of it absolutely make it one of a kind. It has just been a whirlwind of a week- including being invited to my first Board of Education meeting where I was the youngest person there by 25 years or so. I've always liked my job, but I've just recently started being one of those people I always teased about pouring their heart and sole into work- I just am really, really getting into it and really starting to want to make "power moves" and elevate my program to the next level. So, it has been an exceptionally stressful, exhausting, frustrating, and long week, but not necessarily a bad week. I'm really starting to think about where I want to go professionally within my current job and beyond. Anyhow, I could go on and on... but I won't:wink:

    More than stress management maybe I need to learn how to not to take work home with my mentally- which is hard enough as it is, and even harder when dealing with people... especially kids (and emotionally needy kids on top of that). It's not necessarily always stress that I bring home, I just cannot shut my brain off.

    I am certainly going to try to take your advice, Raymond. I need to do a better job of fitting my workouts in when my after school program is in session- I'm sure that working out would make me feel better. And, I agree with you about the difficult people in life- I think the challenges and the stressors in my life are to help me develop as a person and a professional.

    2 of my goals will be good when I report this week and 1 will not- 2 outta 3 ain't bad, right? :huh: Thanks for the charts- they're awesome!:smile:
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