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HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    My success story for the week:

    Weight 230.4 -.8
    Total fitness hours - 5.25

    Goal 1 - Body fat 51.9%, -.5% (That means I actually lost 1.5# of fat and gained .7 of lean mass!!)

    Goal 2 - 1195 calories burned during cardio f

    Goal 3 - 1.75" lost total, biggest losers .5" off waist, hips, and under arms.

    I'm very happy with this especially since I had a few days way over calories. I'm trying to experiment between eating at my caloric range before exercise and eating a little above the amount with exercise.

    Are any of you adding the exercise calories to your total calories and still seeing weight loss?
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Good Sunday morning, team :smile:

    Checking in or the week:

    Last week's weight: 158.6
    This week's weight: 155.4 (down 3.2 pounds!!) :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Days under my calorie goal: 5
    Days of strength training: 2 :ohwell:
    Running miles: 2.8 :ohwell:

    Total fitness hours: 1.5 :angry:

    I'm very happy with my progress, but I know I can step up my strength training and running miles (weather permitting), and therefore my total fitness hours will increase.

    Also, we just booked a cruise to Bermuda for April 25th. So, that's even more motivation for me to do well so I can look good! :smile:

    Happy Sunday, all :flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Weekly Checkin

    Current weight ............213.8 ( 1.6 pound loss )
    Fitness hours ............. 10 hours 14 minutes

    Cardio minutes ........... 302 minutes
    below calories ........... 7 days
    no snacks ........... 6 days

    whew, what a week, slow and steady......
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    Well Done Everybody!!
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    Here my results for this week:

    17. January 2010:

    181 lbs Start Weight -> Current Weight 176.5 lbs, down 4.5 lbs :bigsmile:

    Challenge goals for the next 90 days:
    1) at least 60 days at/under calorie target (tbc at 90 day mark)
    2) at least 03 hours exercise per week - yes, done (danced with the Wii)
    3) at most 01 day per week with carbs (= bread, pasta or rice) - no :blushing:

    i didnt stick at all to my low carb goal this week. I found Irish Soda Bread! my goodness it is so yummy brown bread....

    Still, I lost another 2.5 lbs. I am very happy about that.

    This coming week I will add some running in there. My colleague and I want to start running again in our lunch breaks.
    So I want to do at least 1 run this week, plus more riding, now that the snow is disappearing and I can get to my horse again! :happy:

    Kelynn! Well done on your 3.2 lbs loss! AWESOME :flowerforyou:

    Roll on week 3!

    Good Luck everybody!

    Hanni x
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    my post posted 3 times :grumble: , so edited this one and the previous... sorry
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Weekly Check in.

    Start weight: 273.8, that's -2.8 for 2010

    Three goals for this week:
    1. Complete Week 4 of Gateway to 8K (1/3 of that is actually done)
    2. While I don't want to give up on Insanity it is awefully taxing on the legs. So I'm going to devise an intense upper body work out and do that on non-running days.
    3. I've been indulging in taquito's from a local convience store the last two week. While I've come in under my calories while still concsuming them. They aren't exactly good for you. No Taquito's this week, or soda.

    I have a 5K race on Saturday. So I'll be taking friday off.
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey everyone. I haven't been able to exercise like I wanted to last week due to issues with my legs and back:sad: , so I didn't meet my goals for this week. I only exercised for 30 minutes on the treadmill (I had to stop 3 times to finish), but I did lose weight.

    I am going to try again tomorrow to get back at least to my schedule. I may have to change some of my goals but I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!

    So for this week it is:

    30 minutes on treadmill
    6 days w/o late night snacking

    SW this challenge: 214.4
    CW: 211.6

    Hope everyone has a good week.:flowerforyou:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Weekly Check in.

    Start weight: 273.8, that's -2.8 for 2010

    Three goals for this week:
    1. Complete Week 4 of Gateway to 8K (1/3 of that is actually done)
    2. While I don't want to give up on Insanity it is awefully taxing on the legs. So I'm going to devise an intense upper body work out and do that on non-running days.
    3. I've been indulging in taquito's from a local convience store the last two week. While I've come in under my calories while still concsuming them. They aren't exactly good for you. No Taquito's this week, or soda.

    I have a 5K race on Saturday. So I'll be taking friday off.

    GREAT job on the 2.8pound loss this week!
  • cpav65
    cpav65 Posts: 2
    I know I am very late in the game, and I only want to lose 25lbs, but it is a hard 25 to lose and I am having real issues with motivation. I am turning 45 in April, and do taxes for a living. Last year this time, I found an additional 15lbs I thought I would never see again, and I stopped moving. Never moved again the rest of the year, so, I feel horrible. I know I am at an age where it really matters and I can feel my body telling me "stop doing this or I'm going to give you a real wake up call"! I want to get back to running and tried to start the C25K program and failed miserably. Everything went wrong, from blisters to no sleep. Lost the motivation in the first week. But this is for me and my family. My happiness and health and I want to feel good again. So, I got up this morning and worked out with Jillian. I figure if I start moving again, then next week or this weekend, I can start adding the running back in. But I really need to be accountable to someone. So, back to the original question, is it too late to join the group? :flowerforyou:

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I know I am very late in the game, and I only want to lose 25lbs, but it is a hard 25 to lose and I am having real issues with motivation. I am turning 45 in April, and do taxes for a living. Last year this time, I found an additional 15lbs I thought I would never see again, and I stopped moving. Never moved again the rest of the year, so, I feel horrible. I know I am at an age where it really matters and I can feel my body telling me "stop doing this or I'm going to give you a real wake up call"! I want to get back to running and tried to start the C25K program and failed miserably. Everything went wrong, from blisters to no sleep. Lost the motivation in the first week. But this is for me and my family. My happiness and health and I want to feel good again. So, I got up this morning and worked out with Jillian. I figure if I start moving again, then next week or this weekend, I can start adding the running back in. But I really need to be accountable to someone. So, back to the original question, is it too late to join the group? :flowerforyou:



    Raymond is our techie- making charts for each of us and taking the time to keep track of everything for each of us individually- thus the small group. So, I think we'll let him weigh in here, if that's alright. :wink:

    Either way, I will tell you that the Fab Fours are another awesome group! I started posting with them, but had a medical issue come up and ended up taking a short break from tracking my calories, but followed their posts nonetheless just because I enjoyed them. I know Verda that posts here is also a member of the Feb Fours. They're a very supportive group of people. If you're interested, check them out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/76143-join-us-fab-fours-4-week-challenge-group-new Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hi everyone. I took the family for a weekend getaway to see a musical and have some fun. I did good on the diet and also snuck in a great 5:00 AM bike ride Saturday before we left. I did a quick read on the updates and they look great.

    Christine, clearly no issue to hang out here. Next 90-day phase will be starting 3/28, so that would be the best time to jump in on charting & progress pics. I also agree with Kelynn's comments about jumping in on another group for a couple months while you are ramping up on fitness. Of course, HANG IN THERE and don't give up!!! The body will reject the fitness routine initially but it has not choice but conform. Flesh heals, muscles rebuild, lungs get more efficient, etc...etc... So, all you need is persistence, good eating, and smart training. Then... help me with my taxes :laugh: :laugh: . Hang out here if you wish and we have a great crew that can help, and we can get you into the charting on the next round.
  • boggs68
    boggs68 Posts: 18
    Hey everyone,

    Looks like everyone did well this week. Unfortunately I missed the mark. Ended up gaining .7 lbs. Ended up going down to West Virginia for a basketball game and did not eat to well or get any exercise this weekend. So cinsidering a fun weekend away I am happy with only .7 gain.

    I am excited to get back to my normal schedule and workout routine and will only settle for a 5lb. loss this week.

    Here are my stats for the week.

    Weight 231.8 - .7 gain for the week.
    Averaged 3.5/miles a day walking.
    1 day of weight training
    5 workout hours for the week.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I had a good day!
    Got in my P90X Chest, Back and ARX after I ran 2.25 miles
    Stayed under calories (although I was over on the fats)
    Got in Protein in fact I was OVER!
    Also I got my house all cleaned and my laundry done.
    Life is GOOD!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Just got my first compliment from a out of town co-worker that is in town today, it was.."You've lost weight havent you? You look good!".

    It FELT sooo good!

    i think the folks that see me day to day Dont tend to notice it as much since they see us as we are gradually losing weight. But someone who hasnt seen us in a few months will notice it immediately.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just got my first compliment from a out of town co-worker that is in town today, it was.."You've lost weight havent you? You look good!".

    It FELT sooo good!

    i think the folks that see me day to day Dont tend to notice it as much since they see us as we are gradually losing weight. But someone who hasnt seen us in a few months will notice it immediately.

    That's fantastic Jessica, has to bring you even more motivation!! Keep it up!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just got my first compliment from a out of town co-worker that is in town today, it was.."You've lost weight havent you? You look good!".

    It FELT sooo good!

    i think the folks that see me day to day Dont tend to notice it as much since they see us as we are gradually losing weight. But someone who hasnt seen us in a few months will notice it immediately.

    That's fantastic Jessica, has to bring you even more motivation!! Keep it up!!!!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Just got my first compliment from a out of town co-worker that is in town today, it was.."You've lost weight havent you? You look good!".

    It FELT sooo good!

    i think the folks that see me day to day Dont tend to notice it as much since they see us as we are gradually losing weight. But someone who hasnt seen us in a few months will notice it immediately.

    Congratulations! It feels so good when people notice you losing weight. Keep up the good work.
  • boggs68
    boggs68 Posts: 18
    Just got my first compliment from a out of town co-worker that is in town today, it was.."You've lost weight havent you? You look good!".

    It FELT sooo good!

    i think the folks that see me day to day Dont tend to notice it as much since they see us as we are gradually losing weight. But someone who hasnt seen us in a few months will notice it immediately.

    Congratulations Jessica,

    It always makes it easier going forward when people notice your hard work paying off. great job!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hey Jess what a SWEET feeling!
    Did Insanity Max Interval PLYO today instead of P90X Plyo because it's HARDER and yes I can do it!
    I have yet to eat 1400 calories and I will make them be clean with protein!
    Have a good rest of the day!
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