HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Jessica- That's awesome! I love that feeling!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ran 2.25 miles then did my p90x KENPO
    So Far Way Under Calories
    I have had so far 3 servings of protein
    I have achieved all my goals except one day this week (that was calories)
    Good job team mates and I hope you are being a warrior this weekend!


    I just wanted to confirm what you desire in the post this week.

    Week 2
    no weight to post
    P90X/Insanity workout each day
    6 days at or under cal target (good job!)
    Met goal to eat more protein

    Week 1
    care to provide the goal data? I will update.

    I just want to be sure you are happy with the data. I have it set up as:
    P90X/Insanity daily (number of days)
    Days < Cal (number of days)
    Protein intake (Y/N field)

    Can you confirm please.

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Jessica, that's as good as it gets. Great job.

    To all a great job this week. I updated the charts and can't express how cool it is to see the progress.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm halfway through the work out week. Feelin pretty good, maybe a little tired. I stayed up to watch my Wildcats lasso the Longhorns last night, then I rolled out of the rack at 5 to do my run.

    I bought some whey protien today. I'm going to use it as a recovery drink on strength training days and see how it goes. This is my first fooray into the supplement world.

    Scale hasn't moved but my stomach is a little flatter, and my pants are looser...I'll take that over the weight loss any day.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Thanks everyone! oops...one second, someone just walked in my office.....

    OH MY GOSH!!! I just got another one a co worker brought his wife in today because she has an appt nearby..
    and she just flat out asked.."you've lost weight so how much have you lost".
    (Now SHE did know I have been trying I had told her about a month ago about MFP).


    This truly was heaven sent, these comments..because Monday I received an email from a friend of her weight loss and how she'se lost 11pds in 3wks, and this is a friend that pretty much talked SO negative about the way Im trying to do it, with running, eating right and also being a part of a team on MFP (this one). She basically told me how "that kind of stuff gets competitive" and I want to do this on my own, i dont want anyone telling me what to do blah blah blah.

    So...i was very down Monday night after chatting with her by email. But God knew what I needed and he sent it to me via 2 peoples comments! YAY!!!

    okay..Im off my soapbox gang...and i havent lost that much weight but its nice to have recieved these comments!:flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    I bought some whey protien today. I'm going to use it as a recovery drink on strength training days and see how it goes. This is my first fooray into the supplement world.

    I love whey protein :love: I have a vanilla flavor, and a chocolate peanut butter :love:

    And, Jessica... congrats on the compliments- you must feel great! :smile:

    I've certainly been eating more than I need to this week. I know we have a decent amount of males here, so we'll just say that this week during the month I'm always extra hungry :ohwell: I haven't really been eating junk, just too much. But, I haven't missed a work out, I've got my boyfriend working out with me now, and overall I'm feeling good. :smile:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jessica, way to hang in there, your in it for life...not quick fix! Competitive? I don't know about that, I get lots of motivation from this sire and group...and I know this may be sick in the head thinking...but it makes me feel better when I hear that someone else is kicking it with the same type of workout...I can feel their pain, appreciate it, and get moving if I am thinking about slacking!! You go girl!!!

    Kelynn....I hear ya on the food thing...I'm in the same boat......trying to make good choices, but never satisfied:sad: , I've been making myself move too, so hopefully a few more days and I'm in the clear.

    Went off schedule again today, seems to be that type of week, but I am getting my cardio in and that is what my main focus is, hoping to get out for a run tomorrow or Friday. I've had a migraine the last 6 days, but today I have some relief...so I'm good!:bigsmile:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    So...i was very down Monday night after chatting with her by email. But God knew what I needed and he sent it to me via 2 peoples comments! YAY!!!

    in another part of my spare time I lead some bible study groups and always comment that is a way God speaks to us, through other people. I am glad you realize it, and accept it too. That's cool. I always like Psalm 37:4 in these situations, "Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." What a promise! Off my soapbox too, but thought your comment was excellent!!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    Went off schedule again today, seems to be that type of week, but I am getting my cardio in and that is what my main focus is, hoping to get out for a run tomorrow or Friday. I've had a migraine the last 6 days, but today I have some relief...so I'm good!:bigsmile:

    That was my yesterday (without migraine). Blew off the workout, and then went slightly over cal too. I've discovered you are tough as evidence of your workouts, so know you will be back with a vengeance. I always have a problem on the "down slope" as I sometimes don't contain it to a day or two, and rather let it slide a week. Saddle up, we are all counting on you here. Good luck on your run!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Kelynn....I hear ya on the food thing...I'm in the same boat......trying to make good choices, but never satisfied:sad: , I've been making myself move too, so hopefully a few more days and I'm in the clear.

    Debra, glad I'm not alone! It's so tough, but for me anyhow, once I get one "good" day under my belt again, it's much easier. I tend to over-think it and that only makes it worse. I'm either in my groove or out of my groove and it's all or nothing for me :ohwell: When I'm "on" there's no stopping me and when I'm "off" it's difficult for me to adjust back.
  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    Hey everyone! Its been a good week for Jessica!! Can't wait for that to happen to me. So far only 1 person at the gym has commented positively, but he has seen me from the day I joined. He definitely thinks I've lost more than 4 pounds, so it goes to show the scale is NOT king! I love the way my clothes are started to hang on me. Not ready for a new size in pants yet, but maybe by the time this 90 day challenge is done I'll need suspenders to hold them up. :laugh:

    Raymond, Its not a soap box, its the Truth. Don't hide what you believe. You never know whose life you may touch each day. He is in all of our lives whether we believe or not. I bless you for your faith.

    Had a tough day today after my leg workout yesterday. Can't figure out if the problem is a very old injury acting up in my hip, or just over working the muscles and tendons. Otherwise all is going well and I keep losing despite going over my calories each day.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm just checkin' in! I did my 30 day flail today and I ran fartleks inner-mixed in my 6 miles today! Whew!:smile: I hope it will help me get faster for this weekend! On saturday, I have a race called the winter predictor, you actually predict what time you are going to finish the race in beforehand. You aren't even allowed to wear a watch. It's a 13k. 8.06 miles to be exact. HA! I am using as my long run. I am going to have fun without a watch. I NEVER run without my watch! I actually was a little unsure what time to predict, so I was on the conservative side, hopefully I will actually be faster than what I predicted!

    Everyone- I hear ya on the food too! I only really have healthy food in the house, but I sure do go overboard on it, especially on the carbs! Who would think that granola could be so good, but so bad???:noway: :grumble: :tongue:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Ran 2.25 miles then did my p90x KENPO
    So Far Way Under Calories
    I have had so far 3 servings of protein
    I have achieved all my goals except one day this week (that was calories)
    Good job team mates and I hope you are being a warrior this weekend!


    I just wanted to confirm what you desire in the post this week.

    Week 2
    no weight to post
    P90X/Insanity workout each day
    6 days at or under cal target (good job!)
    Met goal to eat more protein

    Week 1
    care to provide the goal data? I will update.

    I just want to be sure you are happy with the data. I have it set up as:
    P90X/Insanity daily (number of days)
    Days < Cal (number of days)
    Protein intake (Y/N field)

    Can you confirm please.

    Thank you Raymond! I was 100% except one day I was over on cals!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have had a tough few days! My brother inlaw died of a heart attack at the age of 59 and I have been pushing through my grief with fitness! Today was the funeral and I missed breakfast and then bombed lunch at the church then tonite I ate two slices of pizza after my hour workout! Just no will power today! I had lot's of compliments from people who have not seen me in years which was very moral boosting but then i turned around and blew the "diet" out of the water! I give thanks for being blessed with a new day and a new start! Well at least I got in my P90X workout and did good on the protein but today was over on cals!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Verda... hang in there. ::hug:: I know it's tough, and please allow yourself some extra freedom for the next couple days. I'm a very firm believer that sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get through today and worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

    Actually, that's kind of a good transition to what I was going to say even before I saw Verda's post. I have just felt SO overwhelmed the last few months. Some of you know, and others do not, but basically it started in September/October when I started having major stomach issues. They thought I might have Celiac's (allergic to gluten/wheat) but weren't sure. For a month and a half I did the gluten-free diet, which made me feel amazing, but was challenging to say the least. Then, when I was finally able to see a specialist he said he wants to do an endoscopy to determine if I have Celiac's or not, but of course... I have to start eating gluten (the stuff that makes me feel terrible) again. So, for the last month or so I've been eating gluten, and not feeling great. My endoscopy is Monday and I'm super, super freaked out about it :embarassed:

    Then, December was the 5 year anniversary of my Mom passing away- she had a heart attack at 49 when I was just 21 and I miss her dearly... more so as time goes on. On top of that, my sister has made some terrible, terrible choices in her life- she's living with her abusive boyfriend (she's moved out several times, but ultimately returns each time), has a drug problem, no car, and has been unemployed for a year now. It bothers me because that's not how we were raised, and that's just not my sister. I get so embarrassed, but I feel like it makes us sound like a dysfunctional family and I almost literally grew up with the stereotypical white picket fence out front, 2.4 kids and the dog. So, as you can imagine my Dad (now a single parent) is stressed out, trying to figure out "where he went wrong", etc. and that's killing me. Additionally, work has been incredibly stressful and I can feel myself about to explode most days.

    So, I confess that this week has not been my best. I was holding it together ok until tonight- I had already logged all my food and calories for the day, but I ended up going out to a local pub and having wings, nachos and a drink and totally and completely 100% blew it.

    Anyhow, sorry for the rant- I'm not normally a "share my life story with a bunch of strangers" type of girl. Guess I just had to vent. Tonight was one of those nights that I just had to do what I had to do to get through today- did it really help anything? No. So have I gained anything? No. Just ate a whole bunch of calories I didn't need. But, live and learn. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    I'm off my soapbox now... or should I say the big comfy couch that you always see in movies and TV shows at a psychiatrist's office :tongue:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks Kelynn and hugs back to you! I KNOW what you mean about a loved one choosing such a mess of a life and all we can do is "PRAY" for them that they would wake up before it is too late!! hang in there girl!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    We are alike in many ways
    our past, present & future.
    Sufferings, disappointments, failures, issues
    Goals & accomplishments.

    And I can see where we are all Gaining Wisdom & Knowledge because of this too


    Its too late to change the Past but the Future is still at hand!

    Tomorrow IS a new day!:drinker:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Keylnn..."so tell me..and how does that make you feel?" as the psychiatrist's would say ! lol
    Seriously...praying for you and your Dr results. And really, thanks for sharing:smile: .

    Verda:: Hugs to you too.
    And dont you worry about what you ate today, you are always such a powerhouse!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    "If you're going through hell, keep going. "
    ~ Winston Churchill

    "A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. "
    ~ Unknown

    "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
    Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
    But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
    Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"
    ~ Dr. Seuss
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Verda- I am so sorry for your loss. It's difficult, especially when it is so sudden! Give yourself time!

    Kelynn- I was wondering when your appt. was! I thought it was this week for some reason. As for your sister, as difficult as it is to watch her go through this, remind your dad (and you) that this is her journey and the path that she chose. That is in no way making him a bad father and that he failed her. He gave her all of the tools necessary, she is just not choosing to use them. That is her choice, and nothing he has done has made her do this. It is of her own doing.:flowerforyou: Hang in there!:flowerforyou: