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  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Raymond, I was wondering why on my chart that there was not my ninety day goal list? I sent you a message plus listed them on our thread so I am a little confused! But if you could, would you put down as for goals this;
    Do P90X daily with subbing Insanity on the Yoga day
    Be at or under calories
    Eat MORE protein
    Thank you Raymond for ALL this hard work!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Met my P90X goal by doing Insanity Pure Cardio instead of Yoga (will use Yoga on my day off which is Sunday):smile:
    Did not get in enough protein today!:huh:
    In my calories!:heart:
    I hope you all had a good day! I am 14 for 14 in days of fitness this year!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Boggs, that's smart and keep working up to a run. I bet it sucks wanting to run, but patience will pay off.

    Kelynn et all I do work alot too, it's a way of life for me. Typical day is 7:30 to maybe 5:30 or 6, then stuff, more stuff, and cram in a workout somewhere. BUT, I do love weekends.

    Jessica, depending on the muscle group the soreness takes between 12 to 24 hours to show up. A really good leg workout will have you the MOST sore 1 to 2 days later, for example. AND... .soreness=progress if it's muscle rebuilding (not joint pain). I like sore.

    Chart tonight after church, can't wait to sum it all up.


    WHOA! SO true! I was fine the next morning following my evening work out but as evening approached (24hrs after workout video) My muscles where beginning to feel sore!

    I felt like I had been in a car accident! lol
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Keylynn hang in there..it will all work itself out and your time for you will come back. I too started off not so well the early part of this week, my teen son is now going to night school and I have to drop him off and pick him up after I rush home from work and lately I've had so many obstacles get in my way and havent made it to the gym. But..oddly the scale is going down down down! I am still watching what I eat but havent really been burning them like I had planned. Im going to try hard and get a nice good runs in this weekend, so i wont be posting my results until Sunday afternoon. And although my scale dropped like 3pds..I dont trust it, its one of those wacky ones that likes to bounce around on me sometimes. So not unless it stays for a few days will I BELIEVE IT. Hang in there..life is tough but we'll get through it. And I start my morning off by having a morning devotional, reading my bible and meditating on what I read and thinking what it means to my life.

    Believe me, my week has been one big roller coaster too! Very busy at work also training someone new, and the big dozie is....my teen age son's girlfriend JUST told me yesterday she's pregnant!!! (17yrs). But I woke up today realizing Im not going to let it ruin my TODAY because God will see me through this, as he has everything else LIfe tries to throw my way. So remember it will work out and just learn as much as you can as you go through life's experiences. There's always something to be learned out of good times and bad times. Sounds like you are really growing in your line of work, so it sounds good! And your free time will come back, but do try and spend a few moments in some type of meditaion and ponder on what you may have experienced or learned throughout your day. And what you can do better or differently the next day.

    Tonight at midnight..TODAY is going to come to an end now and forever.
    TOMORROW is still full of possibilities.
    Make a difference
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello Group, hope everyone is doing well! I have a migraine today but I worked through exercise and now I'm just hungry!

    I did make it out for my run yesterday...yeah!! I was so Slow though...not sure what was up with that...might of been the slick road as soon as we left, my running pal Bella (lab mix) was so excited she took off and slide across the road....that made me pretty careful with all my steps, I ran for 44 mintues after a 10 minute warm up on the elliptical...and I only completed 3.3 miles...pretty slow mile, but at least I got out side, I haven't ran outdoors since December

    Hope you are all doing well, so far I have a small loss to report on Sunday, going to do the average over the weekend.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Boggs, that's smart and keep working up to a run. I bet it sucks wanting to run, but patience will pay off.

    Kelynn et all I do work alot too, it's a way of life for me. Typical day is 7:30 to maybe 5:30 or 6, then stuff, more stuff, and cram in a workout somewhere. BUT, I do love weekends.

    Jessica, depending on the muscle group the soreness takes between 12 to 24 hours to show up. A really good leg workout will have you the MOST sore 1 to 2 days later, for example. AND... .soreness=progress if it's muscle rebuilding (not joint pain). I like sore.

    Chart tonight after church, can't wait to sum it all up.


    WHOA! SO true! I was fine the next morning following my evening work out but as evening approached (24hrs after workout video) My muscles where beginning to feel sore!

    I felt like I had been in a car accident! lol

    For a long time my DOMS (delyed onset muscle soreness) would show up the morning after. Maybe I'm older, or maybe my muscles are just more used to working out. But lately, almost 23 hours to minute of completing a work out my muscles start to get sore if I've done something new or exponentially hard.

    Like this morning when I woke up my cramp from Wednesday night was back with a vengence. So, I skipped Insanity and went with upper-body weights. Sometimes, it's not apart of the program but I needed to do something! And I honestly enjoy banging the weights.

    Now it's time for 50 odd hours of recovery, and boy do I need it. Next week is a race week, so my work out schedule will not be as aggressive.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Kelynn- Hang in there...I know it's tough not to bring work home....I used to do it all of the time! At one point I actually thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Just remember, there are things beyond your control, and they are the ones to not stress about. Pick and choose your stesses, just like we pick and choose our battles.

    As for me, yesterday I did power yoga and ran 5, today just did my 30 day flailing..:tongue:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    BOY AM I SOOOOOOO GLAD ITS THE WEEKEND! And I have Monday off! I do plan on getting some good workouts/runs in this weekend. ahhh it feels so good to know Im going to have some time for ME! YAY!
  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    After working out hard all week, I feel flat this morning. Did 30 minutes on the walker, got through one circuit, then quit after 7 reps of squats on the second circuit. I've been tired all day, just wanting to sleep. I'm looking forward to relaxing for two days. My mind was so out of it this morning, I washed my hair two times before I realized it was wash hair, then body. :laugh: Just want to sit back and watch a movie for the night and pray the scale will be nice to me in the morning.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I got in my P90X Legs & Back with the Ab Ripper! So tired today! Skipped any extra cardio. I have not had a fitness break since Christmas day so it's no wonder!!!
    Under calories but really did NOT eat very good calories!
    Had protein 3 times today. Cottage cheese, hamburger, cottage cheese again!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    BOY AM I SOOOOOOO GLAD ITS THE WEEKEND! And I have Monday off! I do plan on getting some good workouts/runs in this weekend. ahhh it feels so good to know Im going to have some time for ME! YAY!

    Ditto... ditto... ditto. Couldn't have said it better myself! :bigsmile:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I managed to get to the gym tonight and had a great run that Im very proud of! So..guess its still there. I can do it! So can you!

    Talk to everyone tomorrow
  • Hello team! I'm weighing in now in case I don't have the time to jump online this weekend!
    Weight - still 189 lbs
    Goal 1 (days within cals) - 4
    Goal 2 (nights without snacking) - only 2 :s
    Goal 3 (days at the gym - extra workout) - 1

    Weighing in this morning and NOT seeing the number change is telling me I'm doing something wrong because I have barely seen the scale move and I should have at least dropped some water weight since I haven't been watching my weight for a good 5 weeks before we started this. So, I have made a major decision and decided to stop taking so many shifts on top of my clinical hours at the hospital! I am lucky enough to be in the position where I do not HAVE to work, but have been working like crazy to buy a house, so I'm going to take a break from work and use that time to concentrate on MYSELF! I'm a true believer that stress and sleep have a huge impact on weight loss, and I have too much stress because of time constraints and only sleep about 5 hrs a night which is not healthy!
    So wish me luck on my new lifestyle :P After this Thursday I am only working once a week and just concentrating on school and ME!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sounds like a few of you were tired yesterday, as was I..after my workout I just never recovered...I really challenged myself to a tough week and doubled my cardio...didn't really mean to, it just worked out that way. I sat down yesterday to watch the news and...I dozed off until midnight:laugh: , then I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep when I went into the bedroom...I was out minutes later, I must of needed to catch up on some rest...have a great weekend.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Im going to continue posting on Saturday mornings as I have been doing. Whether I got my miles in or not during the week, besides my weekend runs will just get added in the next Saturday post, so no loss. It is what it is.

    RAINMAN Im dropping the ozs from my weight so I rounded up the "goal" weight.

    (Saturday AM-Saturday AM).

    January 16
    188 Start Weight Jan1st
    175 Weight goal in 90 days (goal of losing 4.5 lbs per month for 2010)

    Challenge goals
    7.30 miles per week (goal is 18 mi per week)
    7 Days at or below calorie target
    14 Pant size (near 12, they zip but are tight)
    30 mins workout video. If also counting the time on MILES then total workout time would be 2hrs 15mins
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    hello everyone, I'm just checking in and to tell all that I'm still losing weight even with this stress and not exercising at all. THis is great news for me. Maybe I will be able to at least maintain my weight after the surgery. Anyway if its ok I will still weigh in and let you know that info. I think i still need to be accountable to something otherwise its going to go the other way real fast.

    So with that said I have lost another 2 pounds I'm currently at 229.

    Have a great weekend to everyone!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Thats great Tracy!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok...here's my check in for the week.

    Weight- 168.4 -down 1.8 lbs..
    Run miles- 15 (it's a recovery week, so that's what I wanted to run)
    Days at calorie goal- 7
    Hip measurement- 43- lost 1/2 inch!

    I guess al of that flailing is working!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Ok...here's my check in for the week.

    Weight- 168.4 -down 1.8 lbs..
    Run miles- 15 (it's a recovery week, so that's what I wanted to run)
    Days at calorie goal- 7
    Hip measurement- 43- lost 1/2 inch!

    I guess al of that flailing is working!

    Wow, Nicole great job- all 7 days within your calorie goal! :bigsmile: good for you!

    I will be checking in tomorrow :smile: It's 45* here!!! I can't wait to run... probably will even get to wear shorts!! :bigsmile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Ran 2.25 miles then did my p90x KENPO
    So Far Way Under Calories
    I have had so far 3 servings of protein
    I have achieved all my goals except one day this week (that was calories)
    Good job team mates and I hope you are being a warrior this weekend!
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