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HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Welcome Vhuber. I really like P90X, even thought I still really suck at push ups and pull-ups. I did it this summer and was impressed at the results. It does work which is cool.

    I don't rock, trust me. I've done alot of stuff, but don't let it get to my head. Only to convey I have tons of experience in the field and passion for helping others.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Nichole, and all you runners I want to find a way to get that into our weekly tracking too. I just need to get a table organized to make it easy, and flexible for each of us. Give me a few weeks to draft something up, I am pretty good at tracking stuff. Those are great goals too Nichole. I think the 10 mile to 1/2 marathon are the best races to do. They don't tear you up like a marathon and they also don't hurt as bad as blazing heart rate 5k.

    Thanks! I love those distances. I am like the energizer bunny....I just keep going, and going, and going!:laugh: 5k's do hurt! I used to do Triathlons as well, but work and kids demanded so much that I didn't have the time to get in all of the training! I would love to track my running as well on the chart. I do track it now..but it definitely would be cool. I like the idea of progress pics!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Do you have room for one more?

    I am diabetic and knew that I needed to loss weight for my health. Before starting MFP at the beginning of this year, I lost 20 lbs. After starting MFP in March I lost 22 more pounds by the end of April. My mom died on April 29th and it took a great toll on me. I struggled to get back to my exercising and eating right. I gained 7 pounds back since April 29, which isn't too bad considering, but I felt horrible. I have managed since 12/10 to exercise and eat right. I have lost 1.8 pounds and 1/2 inch off of my waist and hips since then. I would love to join your group if you have room. Thanks.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    I don't rock, trust me. I've done alot of stuff, but don't let it get to my head. Only to convey I have tons of experience in the field and passion for helping others.
    Rainman...I didn't mean that you let it get to your head....I meant it in the way that you worked hard and completed goals...you don't just go out and run a marathon, it takes training and dedication and a love for what your doing:bigsmile: , in that sense...
    You rock, in my book!:bigsmile: I am a newbe runner and a marathon stills seems far off...it's good to see others that have completed those goals, makes me think that maybe I could someday do it too!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    You bet Sherry, we've got room

    Thanks makeitallsue, I appreciate the kind remarks and think you'll love doing a 1/2. Like I said before it's a great distance to train and race.

    WoW, just finished the P90X chest and back and whew it's tough. I am doing a few workouts prior to the "official" start on Jan 1. I want to get past some initial soreness and jump right in. IF I did not clarify, I am planning for this group to kick it in gear at the start of the year. Consider this a recruiting phase. I am sooo excited, we are ALL going to rock in 2010.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yes rainman I am getting a little jacked up too!! I should be able to do the P90X , I lift three days per week and I have completed and still do the Insanity workouts (just did Max Cardio Conditioning and burned 620 cals in an hour)! But I plan to start on Jan. 4th so my rest day can be on Sunday! Talk later and I will try to recruit!!
  • I'm so excited about this group! I love that you're doing this little "recruiting" session before we officially start! I always do better when I have time to set my mind to it! I haven't started any major workouts yet, just working on my portion sizes and cardio workouts so that I don't scare myself off when I start to be more hardcore in the new year!

    vhuber - how are you liking Insanity? I have never even heard about it until last week when I saw an infomercial and thought it looked CRAZY! ( in a good way ) I am hoping to be able to do it next summer as sort of an end goal to maintain! Do you find it pretty manageable?

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey Raymond- you mentioned gant charts....what exactly are they?
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Gantt charts mean run, run far, and fast, and never look back :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Nah, they are a visual chart to show schedule sequencing and durations, work stuff. I won't pull them on ya :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I manage an R&D project so I use Gantt charts all the time, yeeeaaawwh.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey Everyone...I'm very excited about the new year!
    Family parties all weekend and not very much time for my usual workouts and I have had a terrible headache:grumble:
    I haven't done YogaX in 2 weeks and I think I will push the play button on that first thing in the morning. I have been having a rest week of sorts...but I'm ready to get back to normal routines!
    Look forward to getting to know everyone in the up coming year!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    I was able to go to the gym Sunday and I was still able to do a full hour on the Elip I was so happy that I don't have to start over. I burned over 600 cals and I felt a little sore after but it was good. So my plan is to get back to it this week but I have one more Chiro appointment today so we will see.

    Today will be a test of will power for me- we are having goodie day and ALL the food is in my office since its the only place it can go I have this HUGE table full of everything you could think of. I did bring my banana so lets hope I can stick to that!

    hoping for a good week! I have to meet my goal of 230 by the end of the year!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I am testing a few different chart layouts, but trying to get it just right. It's tricky to figure the right way to create an image file that is optimized for the MFP window. No worries, I am persistant.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    hey rainman the charts look good, would you input the info or what would we do?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Raymond- The nights no snack column, please elaborate on that one. Sometimes I do have a snack, a healthy one like yogurt with some granola, so I can get close to my calories for the day. Do you mean unhealthy snacks?
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Raymond- The nights no snack column, please elaborate on that one. Sometimes I do have a snack, a healthy one like yogurt with some granola, so I can get close to my calories for the day. Do you mean unhealthy snacks?

    It's my biggest vice, midnight snacks (usually unhealthy too). So, I threw it in there just for added accountability, mostly for me. Does anyone else struggle with this?

    I'll use this as a time to survey what everyone thinks about this latest layout (side by side). Maybe a good way to approach this is for each person to customize the additional data tracking. Example, I would have days at cal, nights no-snack, and run miles. Nichole may have run miles and others she chooses. Any thoughts on this?
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    BTW.. we still have room for a few more if anyone is interested.

    I thought someone would pick up on the 2010 Space Odyssey thing too, guess I'm the only sci-fi dork :laugh: :laugh: It was a classic movie in 1958 depicting life in 2010, and HAL was the robot. Since we have actually hit 2010 now, I thought it would be funny.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I'll update and post the chart. I'll have each of you post the data each weekend in a simple format that's easy to find.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    it all looks great! I'm so glad you are going to keep track of all this! I'm not a runner I can't even run 5 mins without my back killing me so maybe that can be a goal of mine, I love the Elip though that I can do lots off!

    I'm not much of a night snacker since I work alot and then I go to the gym then off to bed I go to start the next day! The charts are a great idea way to go on that!
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