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HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    I was so excited about the program I decided to sit down and figure out my goals.

    Current Weight = 232.0
    Current Body Fat% = 52.4% (My scale figures this and it is one of my challenge items)
    Weight goal in 90 days = 219

    Challenge Items:
    1. Body fat% decreasing each week
    2. Total calories burned during cario increasing each week (according to machine reading, typically treadmill 3-4x, elliptical 1-2x per week)
    3. Weights lifted increasing each week (Can't figure out how to report this since increasing my weigh will decrease my reps, thus causing total weight to possibly decrease. So my goal is to see an increase in my stretgth each week. Any ideas from anyone on how to report this would be appreciated)

    MidTerm Goals:
    Continue exercsing 4-5 days per week during tax season
    Make it past the infamous 3 month mark where I quit

    Long Term Goals:
    Body fat% = 20-25%
    Weight 160-170#

  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    I ran my best time tonight! I did 3 miles in 38:30. Prior to this time I was at 40:01 two days ago so I was so happy to finally be in the 30s! yay me! Then I walked 1.27miles to get the most of my evening.

    I'm SO happy I finished 2009 in this manner. Good bye 2009 you were good to me..welcome 2010!

    I CAN do this, I AM doing this! run, forest run!

    Now going to sign up for another run so I have another one scheduled on my list, probably see what i can find at least 1 month after my February 5k. :bigsmile:

    UPDATE: okay so there wasnt much to select from for 5k or 10k runs, so I ended up registering for a 1/2 marathon. I know its rather soon for me but hey, at least I know I can complete it by walking. I just want to get myself out there. And this will give me reason to continue with my goals.

    I registered for: 3rd Annual Angie's Half Crazy! Half Marathon April 11, 2010
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I ran my best time tonight! I did 3 miles in 38:30. Prior to this time I was at 40:01 two days ago so I was so happy to finally be in the 30s! yay me! Then I walked 1.27miles to get the most of my evening.

    I'm SO happy I finished 2009 in this manner. Good bye 2009 you were good to me..welcome 2010!

    I CAN do this, I AM doing this! run, forest run!

    Now going to sign up for another run so I have another one scheduled on my list, probably see what i can find at least 1 month after my February 5k. :bigsmile:

    UPDATE: okay so there wasnt much to select from for 5k or 10k runs, so I ended up registering for a 1/2 marathon. I know its rather soon for me but hey, at least I know I can complete it by walking. I just want to get myself out there. And this will give me reason to continue with my goals.

    I registered for: 3rd Annual Angie's Half Crazy! Half Marathon April 11, 2010

    Great Job!! I want to do a half in November of this year. I have not got much running in since I did a 5K on December 18, but I am going to try to get outside at least once a week...in this cold Indiana weather. Keep up the great work!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Rainman, I'm posting my stats for you....I will weigh in again Saturday and Sunday this weekend to see the average. I had some foods last night that were not in the normal diet.

    216.4-- Current weight
    195.4--Goal in 90 days

    Challenge Goals
    #1 -- 180 cardio minutes per week
    #2-- XX days at or below calorie target
    #3-- XX days without late night snacking (nothing after 7PM)

    Thanks so much for your trouble, I'm am so excited! I will be doing P90X, elliptical, running, and rotating some addtional total body workouts in. I plan on getting my pictures taken tomorrow. I have them from the last round I did and even though there was not a lot of weight loss, I can see a difference in the photos, it is a good idea!
    Good luck everyone...lets put our minds to it and BRING IT!!!:bigsmile:
  • Rainman, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU! I have to say that you are the reason I know this group is going to stay strong for these 90 days, if not longer! It is comforting to know that we have someone like you to be willing to create these charts and keep everything organized. I've never been so SURE that I am about to be successful than I am at this moment. So, thank you thank you thank you!!
    That being said, here is my info. I'm quite upset this morning because I ended up packing 6 holiday pounds. I'm not all that surprised since I have a ridiculous amount of Christmas dinners and late night parties with friends, but I'm back on track!
    Current Weight: 190 lbs
    Goal Weight after 90 days: 165 lbs

    Goals to Track: 1. Days under or at caloric limit (including eating approx. half of my exercise calories)
    2. Days without snacking after 1930hrs
    3. Days at the gym (my current fitness goals - 30 Day Shred, C25K, and yoga - can all be done at home right
    now, so going to the gym is considered extra!)


    p.s. - my fiance just suggested we go out for Breakfast this morning, and I said "pft, no way! I'm starting HAL today!".. he was just like "huh"? haha

    pps - We finally have some beautiful snow!!! NOW it feels like Christmas lol
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Raymond (and all HAL friends!)-

    Current weight: 160.6 (the heaviest I've even been... hoping the holiday pounds come off as quickly as they went on!)
    Goal weight in 90 days: 146

    Weekly challenge goals:
    1. Number of days at or under calorie goal
    2. Number of miles ran
    3. Number of days completing cross/strength training

    I'm very excited to get started here! :bigsmile:

    Oh, and I took my before pictures today... it's not a pretty sight :sick:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    ok...here are my stats:

    current weight: 170.2

    90day goal weight: 155

    weekly challenge goals:
    1. Running Mileage
    2. Days under or at caloric limit (including eating most of my exercise calories)
    3. Hip measurement. Currently it is 43.5" I would like it down to 40" in 90 days. I don't know if this is a lofty goal or not, but I am going for it!

    I will take pictures either today or tomorrow.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    187.2 Current Weight
    174.7 Weight goal in 90 days (goal of losing 4.5 lbs per month for 2010)

    Challenge goals, up to 3
    18 Run miles per week ( I'd like to run 18 per week)
    5 Days at or below calorie target (my calorie target is 1700 and 57 fat grams per day)
    14 Current Pant size (I'd love to be in a size 7 at the END of this year)
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey everyone. I will be posting tomorrow because I usually weigh and measure on Saturday, Hope everyone is off to a good start for the new year.:flowerforyou:
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    First posting January 2nd
    181 lbs Current Weight
    169 lbs Weight goal in 90 days (i.e. 1 lb loss per week)

    Challenge goals for the next 90 days:
    1) at least 60 days at/under calorie target
    2) at least 03 hours exercise per week
    3) at most 01 day per week with carbs (= bread, pasta or rice)


    me in the early morning of New Years Day 2010.

    Little update:
    As of 1st January 2010 I am engaged!
    So the future wedding is the best motivation I will have :-)

    Good luck everyone for your weightloss in 2010!

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey peeps!

    Thanks everyone for the posting, they will work great. I decided to purge my addiction to diet soda this year too, and day one is down. All those chemicals can't help anything and water is a key ingredient to losing weight. I know so many people that have done this and not looked back. My coffee has to stay, no way is that going HA!

    Today it's a balmy -20 F this morning, YIKES. I am debating the treadmill or run outside. Either way, I will get a run in.

    Time for change, thanks for the kind comments. I'll be here in 90-days, and 180-days, and..... The truth will be in our collective results, that's what will make the difference and sustain the group. I am sooooo excited about that too! Who doesn't get pumped about changing lives, hopefully we'll have a few "champs" to lead the way and show what is possible. I also like that we have some veterans here too, that have made some HUGE progress. What a great mix.

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Congrats Hanni, what an awesome way to start the new year!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Congrats, Hanni. A wedding (especially your own:laugh: ) is a wonderful motivator. I was Maid of Honor in a wedding in June and it was SUCH a motivator and it's great to look back at the pictures now and like the way I looked.

    Although we haven't booked it yet :grumble: (but will SOON), my motivation for looking good and feeling good is our cruise on April 25th to Bermuda :love:

    My "before" pictures nearly made me cry, so I'm excited to create some awesome "after" pictures... do you want us to just hang on to our pictures for now, Raymond?

    * Oh, and Sir Samarui Scooper, my coffee must stay too. You don't want to p*ss off a Ninja Shoveler by taking away her coffee :devil:
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Here are my goals:

    CW: 214.4
    GOAL IN 90 DAYS: 195




  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Congratulations Hanni!!!!! That's so exciting!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Good Morning All! So here are my stats as of now

    current weight 235

    challeges to try and get to exercising again slowly (at least 30 mins a day)
    watch my food in take and log daily and stay at the calorie aloud
    start stretching the muscles that are hurt
    stay away from the chocolate( I crave it when I get hurt)

    So there it is, and here is an update on my condition: as of this morning it was the first night that I slept all night without pain, I woke up with some movement in my left arm, still have a little numbness, and soreness. The swelling is down in my neck area so I can move it around again. The painkillers and muscle relaxers are working and plus they put me on Lyrica for the nerves that are still pinched. All iin all I can say that I'm felling better so Monday i will ask about exercising and what i can and can not do. Keep fingers crossed for me to get back to normal. I finally have a little bit of hope on my side!

    Good luck to all and lets kick butt!

  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    One more thing, Rainman are you going to set up a new post or continue with this one?
  • Hanni
    Hanni Posts: 158 Member
    aaaaaaaah thanks everyone for your congratulations! :-D

    yes it is a great start to the new year.

    here is to us, fulfilling our goals and wishes.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!! xxx
    I'm getting married this year too!!!! The biggest motivator is DRESS SHOPPING. ahhh!!!!!!!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Congrats Hani! What a way to start the New Year off.

    Today is my run day, but Ive been running errands since 10am this morning (its now 5:45pm) and I'm beat. :yawn:

    Going to rest up, maybe squeeze in a power nap :drinker: then heading to the gym tonight for my run.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
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