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HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Thanks for the feedback stormchaser.

    I think I finally found something I like, at least it's a place to start.
    > This is broke into a 90-day interval so we can see a finish line on the horizon (compared to an entire year)
    > A "goal" weight was added at roughly 90-days
    > I am visual person, so I prefer charts to plain data
    > The data table can be customized to suit each person, tracking whatever will motivate you or keep you accountable. Some thoughts could be measurements (waist, etc..), dress size, calorie targets, run miles, work out cal's burned, etc.....
    > Each Saturday post the data in a simple layout and I will update the charts. Example of a weekly post for me would be:
    230lbs Current Weight
    6 hrs of fitness
    7 days under cal target
    5 nights w/o snacking
    31 miles running
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok Raymond, I getcha now about the snacking!!:tongue: I like the charts side-by-side. I like to see the visual progress as well. Am I correct in saying that you would like our official first week on Jan 2? And no...I didn't get the HAL 2010 thing. I am not a sci-fi person :wink: I did used to watch X-files and Star-Trek the Next Generation though.:tongue:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I was wondering what H A L stood for! I am no sci/fi person! As I posted above, I will start P90X on Monday January 4th to keep my day off as a Sunday but I will post my info when you tell me too! Thanks rainman Raymond! If the Holidays don't whiz by I will be up more than a pound or two!!! Yikes I have been a SUGAR addict!!!
  • Wow Rainman I LOVE the charts!! Thank goodness we have you!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Raymond, dare I say that I'll join? Actually, is there still room?

    I'll assume there is... but if not, let me know- no hard feelings! :flowerforyou:

    I know I NEED to join... but you're quite intimidating if I do say so myself :blushing: (in a good way, of course). I've joined other groups in the past, and often the groups fizzle out, which totally stinks. Who wants their support system to just drop off the face of the earth? But, knowing you from the Runners Club, I know that's not going to happen here! :bigsmile:

    I know that I need to become 100% accountable starting Jan. 1st if I'm going to run my first half on Oct. 9th. Also, I want to be in much better shape for our vacation at the end of April.

    1) Set your goals and share them
    I want to lose the 15 pounds I already lost once and keep them off for good. Plus, I'd like to lose an additional 5 pounds or so to be at about 135. I'm not sure of the exact numbers- I may have to re-evaluate when I get closer to my goal. Additionally, from a running perspective, I'd like to be ready and confident for the half in October. I'd like to be overall in better shape (more toned) and I *need* to do some cross training, and not stick to just running for exercise. I'd love to (money permitting) do some swimming.

    2) Share how you will get your goals (P90X, C25k, Insanity…whatever)
    A half marathon training program that I haven't picked out quite yet- I'm open to suggestions, actually. Also have not picked out an exact way of toning up. I'm kind of old fashioned just get down on the ground and DO IT- push ups, crunches, etc.- don't necessarily need a gym class or workout video. But, again, we'll see how things are going.

    3) Weekly check-in on updates, I may make a chart or something too
    Sounds great- I weigh myself regularly anyhow.

    4) Routine support and updates
    Will do! :wink:

    5) I’d like to do progress pics at 30-60-90 days
    LOVE the idea. I've taken pictures of myself once or twice, but deleted them, and now regret it. :grumble:
  • Hi Rainman,

    Was wondering if there was still space in your group. I am looking to get serious to start the new year. I used to be 275 lbs. and got myself down to 205 by running until a dreaded ACL tear. After the tear I had gained 50 lbs. back to go back up to 255. Recently I have been able to start some hard walking and have gotten back down to the 232 area but seem to have been stalle dthere for a while (mostly do do bad eating habits) Would love to join a serious group to get to my goal of being under 200 lbs. A weight I havent seen in many years.

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    You betcha!

    Kelynn, 2010 is going to be the year to define you as a runner. I am excited for you, really, and would love to help make it a success however I can.

    boggs68, Absolutely we'll take you onboard. A torn ACL is a tough setback and think this group can help. I LOVE to eat bad, it's really good stuff. So, we can work on that one togethor and find ways to enjoy eating healthy. 200-ish sounds really good to me too!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    We are at 12 now which is right at the limit to keep this group small. Thanks to everyone, and very pleased we had a good response. Please let me know if you are thinking about a different group/team before the end of the year so we can make adjustments. Thanks again for joining this group!!!

    iplayoutside 19
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Woo Hoo !!!!! 12 of us that are off to a new year and awesome transformation. Can't wait! Good luck everyone.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    You betcha!

    Kelynn, 2010 is going to be the year to define you as a runner. I am excited for you, really, and would love to help make it a success however I can.

    Thanks for the confidence. I'm SO looking forward to the progress I'll make this year, and I know that your help and support will make a huge impact on me! :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Rainman,

    Was wondering if there was still space in your group. I am looking to get serious to start the new year. I used to be 275 lbs. and got myself down to 205 by running until a dreaded ACL tear. After the tear I had gained 50 lbs. back to go back up to 255. Recently I have been able to start some hard walking and have gotten back down to the 232 area but seem to have been stalle dthere for a while (mostly do do bad eating habits) Would love to join a serious group to get to my goal of being under 200 lbs. A weight I havent seen in many years.


    Hi Jeff!! I am glad to see you joined us!!! Merry Christmas and may your New Years Challenge be achieved!!!
  • Thanks Verda I am looking forward to start the new year. I think it will be fun not doing it on my own and having that extra little motivation, thanks for tip,

  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Just checking in...

    Boy am I excited to get rolling here. I have not eaten well at all the last week or so, and my running has been seriously effected by the weather, and it's KILLING ME:explode: . I want desperately to just go for a comfortable run... is that too much to ask!?!?!? :laugh: Today for example, it's in the 12 degrees with 30 mph wind- absolutely brutal. The wind is blowing the snow around so badly that the ground is too slippery to run safely. Of course, there are plenty of workouts I could be doing indoors- I'm not going to make any excuses... I'm just plain lazy and unmotivated the last week or so.

    So, like I said, I can't wait to get started and really stop my slacking and get out of this stupid hole I've dug for myself the last few weeks.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday :flowerforyou: and I will "see" you all in a week or so when we start off 2010 with a bang :smile:
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Hi all! Its a great morning with the snow and sleet and all. NOT! It looks like we are so going to get hit AGAIN! Sorry about the complaining its just that when it snows life comes to a stand still and I loose motavation very quickly!

    I was just wondering, and yes I'm to lazy right now to go back through the pages of posts, if we have told where we are from? Just kind of wondering how far apart we all are? So anyway I'm from Hastings, Nebraska. I'm also 33.

    Have a great SNOW day all!:tongue:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hi all! Its a great morning with the snow and sleet and all. NOT! It looks like we are so going to get hit AGAIN! Sorry about the complaining its just that when it snows life comes to a stand still and I loose motavation very quickly!

    I was just wondering, and yes I'm to lazy right now to go back through the pages of posts, if we have told where we are from? Just kind of wondering how far apart we all are? So anyway I'm from Hastings, Nebraska. I'm also 33.

    Have a great SNOW day all!:tongue:

    I'm 25 and from Connecticut... good ol' cold, brisk, snowy New England :laugh: The snow certainly effects my motivation, too. But, I know that once we get all fired up here for the New Year my motivation will be through the roof :bigsmile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm 34, soon to be 35 and live in Oregon. No snow for us!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Looks like you are all babes to me! My name is Verda, I am from Montana,(it has been extrememly cold of -31* and now we have quite a little snow but I do Insanity inside while the weather is like this) and my age is ****50 will be 51 in March! Getting old sucks but I build my strength to fight it !!!
    I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Success in all your 2010 Challenges!
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Well it looks like I won't be going to the gym for a few days, we are getting tons of snow already, I guess that will be my exercise for the nest couple days, WOOOOHOOOOO scooping snow!

    I just want to say Merry Xmas to all and I'm glad we are starting this together!

    Tracy :happy:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Well it looks like I won't be going to the gym for a few days, we are getting tons of snow already, I guess that will be my exercise for the nest couple days, WOOOOHOOOOO scooping snow!

    I just want to say Merry Xmas to all and I'm glad we are starting this together!

    Tracy :happy:
    Sorry to read of your dire straights! We here in north east MT are getting dumped on today too! I am ONLY going out to shovel WHEN the wind QUITS blowing, which may not happen for a month or two! LOL
    Stay home and BE safe!
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