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HAL 2 0 1 0 Team (new small group)



  • You bet!

    I thought about it, and came to the conclusion it's best to start with a few extra folks and give it a few weeks to see how it will stabilize. We'll include bigtest, kellygirl, and jessica if you all still want to join? I'll be working on the roster and first chart this week and have it ready to post this weekend.

    For everyone, I will start a new board posting in the next couple days to provide a small greeting, posting formats, members of this post, and date/time to post information. That way I can highlight the group is full until we get to the 90 day mark and then we'll update the roster as needed.

    Any objections?


    Sounds great, I am looking forward to getting started in the new year.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA for awhile but I have bad news, I was out scooping snow xmas day and felt a huge pop inmy neck and have been in SEVERE pain, I have been to the chiro several times and I had a feeling something else was wrong since I wasn't getting better so I had an MRI done yesterday and it shows that I have 3 bulging discs in my neck. One is worse than the others and thats causeing me the pain, anyway I have an appointment with a neosurgen on Jan 13th. So I have to wait til then to see what he wants to do. I hate this I was so ready to get this started and now I have this HUGE set back. I really want to stay apart of this group cause I think I really need it since I can't exercise right now but I could use help with the food choices you know what I'm saying I have to stay focused on me but I don't want to slip up and gain back everything I have already lost.

    So I'm asking that you keep me in the group and help me with staying focused on the food so I can still do my part..

    Please let me know,

    :sad: :cry:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA for awhile but I have bad news, I was out scooping snow xmas day and felt a huge pop inmy neck and have been in SEVERE pain, I have been to the chiro several times and I had a feeling something else was wrong since I wasn't getting better so I had an MRI done yesterday and it shows that I have 3 bulging discs in my neck. One is worse than the others and thats causeing me the pain, anyway I have an appointment with a neosurgen on Jan 13th. So I have to wait til then to see what he wants to do. I hate this I was so ready to get this started and now I have this HUGE set back. I really want to stay apart of this group cause I think I really need it since I can't exercise right now but I could use help with the food choices you know what I'm saying I have to stay focused on me but I don't want to slip up and gain back everything I have already lost.

    So I'm asking that you keep me in the group and help me with staying focused on the food so I can still do my part..

    Please let me know,

    :sad: :cry:
    I am sooo sorry to read of this painfull set back!! Untill you have a Dr.'s release to get into any type of fitness please do not do anything that will cause pain now or in the future! I do not mind if you stay and hang out and I also ask that you join our FAB FOURS group. WE are very supporting & encouraging group. We set an attainable goal for that four weeks with daily challenges each week, we weigh on Tuesdays and ANYBODY may join at ANYTIME . I ask you please to join us, we would love to have ya!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I have been MIA for awhile but I have bad news, I was out scooping snow xmas day and felt a huge pop inmy neck and have been in SEVERE pain, I have been to the chiro several times and I had a feeling something else was wrong since I wasn't getting better so I had an MRI done yesterday and it shows that I have 3 bulging discs in my neck. One is worse than the others and thats causeing me the pain, anyway I have an appointment with a neosurgen on Jan 13th. So I have to wait til then to see what he wants to do. I hate this I was so ready to get this started and now I have this HUGE set back. I really want to stay apart of this group cause I think I really need it since I can't exercise right now but I could use help with the food choices you know what I'm saying I have to stay focused on me but I don't want to slip up and gain back everything I have already lost.

    So I'm asking that you keep me in the group and help me with staying focused on the food so I can still do my part..

    Please let me know,

    :sad: :cry:
    Storm chaser I was just thinking about you, I hope that you know you can count on me....any time, just send an email and keep posting! You can do it and I'll help if I can!:happy:
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member


    I've been waiting like a high schooler to see when the names would get posted!! i made it!!!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Stormchaser, that post made me grimmace and all I did was read it. So, so sorry for that. It helps me realize what a blessing it is just to be comfortable. I am proud of you to get medical advice and push to get it figured out. You are officially added to my prayer list and keep us posted. Your Jan 13th appt. seems like eternity away, or at least to me. Of course you can stay here too, and eventually you'll find ways to get back into an exercise routine once cleared by the doc.

    Jessica, lace em up girl, you are on the team and we are ready to GO! Another runner, woohoo. Seems like Texas has had some nasty weather too. I always love seeing snow in Texas as everyone panics like the world is ending.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    First posting January 1st or 2nd
    xx Current Weight
    xx Weight goal in 90 days

    Challenge goals, up to 3
    xx Run miles per week
    xx Walking time per week
    xx Days at or below calorie target
    xx Waist measurement, or dress size
    xx Days without late night snacking
    Or other items that can be measured to help you reach your goals. I have only listed some options. But, try to limit them to three to keep tracking simple.

    Also don't forget to take progress pics if you want to participate in that. No need to share yet, but we will find a way to get a blog set up for the 30-day show-off.

    I think Sunday's will work better for reporting Fitness activities. Weigh in can be Saturday or Sunday (or both if you are averaging). Our first official progress report will be January 10th, covering activity from Jan 4 to 10th (Jan 1-3 won't have fitness time tracked).

    Jan 10th report
    xx Current weight
    xx Fitness hours this week

    Challenge items (whatever you picked from above, mine are below)
    xx Days at/under cal target
    xx Days without late night snacking
    xx Run miles this week

    Any issues with this? Seems simple, but I can be complicated so let me know if you have questions. I'll repost the chart so you see what this will look like once compiled.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Stormchaser, that post made me grimmace and all I did was read it. So, so sorry for that. It helps me realize what a blessing it is just to be comfortable. I am proud of you to get medical advice and push to get it figured out. You are officially added to my prayer list and keep us posted. Your Jan 13th appt. seems like eternity away, or at least to me. Of course you can stay here too, and eventually you'll find ways to get back into an exercise routine once cleared by the doc.

    Jessica, lace em up girl, you are on the team and we are ready to GO! Another runner, woohoo. Seems like Texas has had some nasty weather too. I always love seeing snow in Texas as everyone panics like the world is ending.

    YOU BETCHA ! Most of us even got a SNOW Day with them humongous snow flurries we encountered recently.

    Everything looks great, I love the set up and love the idea on posting our photos. And great idea on doing a new post showing open enrollment has closed for 90 days.

    Okay..its 1am here so I better go to bed now.

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Looks Great Rainman!! Can't wait to get going, one last dinner to host and then back to "ME" time...:bigsmile:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Raymond, looks great! I'll be thinking about my goals today, and will be sure to post them tomorrow.

    Also, I'll take "before" pictures to document the start of this journey. I'm dreading them actually because I'm at my heaviest I've ever been right now :noway: But, that's why I'm here!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I like it! I am looking forward to it as well!

    Stormchaser....I am sooooo sorry to hear about your back! hang in there!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Me too.....been thinking about my goals and praying on it (what they should be) since last night. I should have them ready soon. I want to set goals that are what is going to be best for me.

    So anyway..Im currently doing some online research since there is so much to learn and Ive found some great goal setting web links! This is exciting and fun! This new knowledge is helping me to set up my main Yearly Goal and then break that down into 90 day intevals, then monthly, weekly and daily. So I should have something refined pretty soon.

    By when did you prefer to have our Chart Goals so you can set them up?
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    So anyway..Im currently doing some online research since there is so much to learn and Ive found some great goal setting web links! This is exciting and fun! This new knowledge is helping me to set up my main Yearly Goal and then break that down into 90 day intevals, then monthly, weekly and daily.

    Jessica, care to share the goal setting websites you found? I already have a solid idea about my goals for 2010, but it sounds interesting. I'd like to take a look.
  • I am so exc
  • This group sounds great. I am looking for some motivation, well lets face it, ALOT of motivation. I am also looking to inspire and motivate someone else. Looking forward to this! Can't wait to start..
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I would like the goals done by later on Saturdy, that's when I'll be working on the charts. The goal part is not a big deal for formatting, really. The most challenge is roster because each chart is customized per person. I manually set the high/low scale of weight and fitness hours. The most work is stabilizing the roster and one of the key reasons to not make running changes and keep the group small.

    Some thoughts about goals.....

    1) Choose something that will drive accountability for decisions during the week. For me, each time I open the fridge at 1:00 AM I will think about that chart, every time I go off plan and decide to eat pizza I will think about the chart.... and hence... mission accomplished.
    2) If you pick a measurement (waist size for example) it may help with that evil scale that will make you furious some weeks. All that is needed is progress reports. Mapping where you expect/plan to be each week is not needed, it would be far too difficult. BUT it can be intoxicating to see inches melting.
    3) If you pick some fitness activity to track, like running miles, it will be cool to see the trend progressing upward with fitness level. Often times we can't see it day to day, but over 90 days you'll see a trend.

    Hope it helps... now off for a fun evening with family to wrap up 2009.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    So anyway..Im currently doing some online research since there is so much to learn and Ive found some great goal setting web links! This is exciting and fun! This new knowledge is helping me to set up my main Yearly Goal and then break that down into 90 day intevals, then monthly, weekly and daily.

    Jessica, care to share the goal setting websites you found? I already have a solid idea about my goals for 2010, but it sounds interesting. I'd like to take a look.

    Here was the first link I read on goal setting.


    Then I sort of went from there to working on my running goals which directed me to learning about how to improve your "base" to improve my running. But I cant find the web now I was at work this morning looking it up. I printed it out though so I could read it here at home. So my main purpose this 2010 year is to lose weight so I'm healthier and to improve my running time.

    So, I would like to track my pant size instead of inches, Miles run in a week, and calories under.
    And of course our weight loss/gain progress is a given.

    PS..these sites are basically helping me get an idea on how to figure out what is "realistic" to set as my goals. ie how many miles to run in a week, how many pounds to try and lose in a month etc.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    First posting January 1st or 2nd
    188.2 Current Weight
    174.7 Weight goal in 90 days ( goal of losing 4.5 lbs per month for 2010)

    Challenge goals, up to 3
    xx Run miles per week ( I'd like to run 18 per week)
    xx Days at or below calorie target (my calorie target is 1700 and 57 fat grams per day)
    xx Pant size (I'd love to be in a size 7 at the end of this year)

    Sorry, I know its early..but just checking to see if this is similar to what we need to be posting. I did include my High's incase you want to show a progress on any, or just one like the miles. Or none..what ever your chart has room for so its not too complicated works for me! I appreciate all that you are doing to keep us organized.
  • betoGod
    betoGod Posts: 30
    Hey THANKS for lettng me join. I am taking my Christmas vacation this weekend, visting my Mom in Az and Sis in CA. Probably won't get much time to post until Thursday the 7th. I'll try to get my first post done on Monday. I won't really have internet access until then. Look forward to being part of a positive, reinforcing, and encouraging group. GO TEAM!!!
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