Body Envy /rant



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Body envy is a huge problem, but it is something that can be changed to your advantage, molded into a positive. You can look at and appreciate other bodies, distance yourself from them and appreciate them like works of art. Every time you see a woman and think, "I wish I looked like that," change it too, "she is a beautiful woman," and leave it at that, or better yet, add, "and so am I." There is beauty in so many shapes/looks. Obviously, no one woman can be them all.

    One thing I love love love love is seeing women who are not only comfortable in their own skin, but embrace and love their bodies with utter abandon. Have you ever been to a burlesque show? Now there is some body confidence.

    No I haven't. I have been to drag shows though. Those are loads of fun and filled with very confident people. :D
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    you can still be like them.. all you need to do is once you've hit your goal weight.. change your training to maintaining it and shaping and toning.. :) you can do it babe

    I don't think with my Germanic build I can become thin and perfect like the Korean women.

    Ironically, there are Korean women saying they can't be as perfect as you. You will always look like you, not like someone that is built completely different from you.

    Weird, huh? Who would have thought that we are all perfect in some way? :P
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I would be more concered that you are watching k-pop.

    ...Some of it is catchy, and I like fun beats. But I guess you're only allowed to like the music from your own country of origin right? :P

    Therei s NOTHING wrong with K-Pop, or J-Pop, or even J-Rock. I love the catchy tunes, I don't care if I can't understand the words, I can actually FEEL their music compared to Lady Gaga where it sounds like someone fell on a drum set with epilepsy. Her old stuff was good, her new stuff is just so... blah.

    But I 100% feel ya... but it's the media. But think about it this way, when you hit your goal, some one out there is going to look at you and be like "wow I wish I had that body" might even be a skinny Korean girl. Not EVERYONE wants to be a stick thin person. Just be fit :) Besides, German builds are awesome! It'll give you more curves with the more you lose, your hips will stand out!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I would be more concered that you are watching k-pop.

    ...Some of it is catchy, and I like fun beats. But I guess you're only allowed to like the music from your own country of origin right? :P

    Therei s NOTHING wrong with K-Pop, or J-Pop, or even J-Rock. I love the catchy tunes, I don't care if I can't understand the words, I can actually FEEL their music compared to Lady Gaga where it sounds like someone fell on a drum set with epilepsy. Her old stuff was good, her new stuff is just so... blah.

    But I 100% feel ya... but it's the media. But think about it this way, when you hit your goal, some one out there is going to look at you and be like "wow I wish I had that body" might even be a skinny Korean girl. Not EVERYONE wants to be a stick thin person. Just be fit :) Besides, German builds are awesome! It'll give you more curves with the more you lose, your hips will stand out!

    It's true. I find that American artists just don't have the beat or passion in their music anymore. They just wanna make money and don't care if they peddle crap. I like some American artists but not as many as before.

    My hips are starting to stand out a little already, which is new for me. I'm just glad to finally have a defined waistline. I'll have to accept my hourglass and realize I'm never gonna be super tiny and that's just fine. I don't think my bf would like me really tiny anyway. He's a big boy and he would be scared of breaking me.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    you can still be like them.. all you need to do is once you've hit your goal weight.. change your training to maintaining it and shaping and toning.. :) you can do it babe

    I don't think with my Germanic build I can become thin and perfect like the Korean women.

    Ironically, there are Korean women saying they can't be as perfect as you. You will always look like you, not like someone that is built completely different from you.

    Weird, huh? Who would have thought that we are all perfect in some way? :P

    I've heard that wide Western eyes and creased eyelids are something certain Asian subcultures become jealous of. You see them going to extremes to get the blonde hair you already have... No kidding, the grass is always greener elsewhere. When I was somewhat recently in Japan, most of the teenage/20-something girls were wearing sky-high heels all the time, and it was very obvious that some of them already had ankle problems because of it. Just to look a little taller? They're sometimes gorgeous, sometimes very flawed, just like everyone else.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I've heard that wide Western eyes and creased eyelids are something certain Asian subcultures become jealous of. You see them going to extremes to get the blonde hair you already have... No kidding, the grass is always greener elsewhere. When I was somewhat recently in Japan, most of the teenage/20-something girls were wearing sky-high heels all the time, and it was very obvious that some of them already had ankle problems because of it. Just to look a little taller? They're sometimes gorgeous, sometimes very flawed, just like everyone else.

    I guess so. I'm too clumsy for any heel above 2 3/4" high. Maybe someday I'll venture up to a 3" but I don't see myself going much higher than that. XD
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The problem with envy is that it causes people to end up being mean towards the people that trigger the envy, and then they feel justified in trying to tear that person down. Even though the person did nothing except to have a different genetic configuration, and that person has surely had to struggle with her own challenges in life and body issues. Everyone has body issues (well, most people do), but the healthy way to deal with that is to learn to accept and love ourselves for who we are, and not to compare ourselves to others. I can see the beauty in my body and I can see the beauty in all the other women's bodies. I eat right and exercise so that I can be healthy and improve in my strength and my dancing and to enjoy life. Whatever result that has in my appearance is welcome, but some things I will never be able to change. If people have a problem with my body, that's their problem, not mine. I'm going to set a good example for my daughters. I am modeling that I have a healthy body image, so that as they grow and mature and see their body looking like mine, they will love themselves for who they are and not place the importance on how they look. I did not have a healthy upbringing like that. But, I am an adult. I am a mother. It is my responsibility to be healthy for myself and for my children.

    As women, we should be relating to each other as human beings, not as "bodies" pitted against one another.