Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sandy I tried but the web cam just was not worked correctly. Sorry! Next time!

    DeeDee keep at it! You are doing fine! Don't worry about a pound every now and then.

    Gayla have a good day!

    Barb thanks for the update!

    Marie you sound a lot better! Did you cheer for the Colts?

    GO COLTS! Whoo Hoo! Super Bowl here we come!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening to all. Another TV marathon. First we watched the curling, awesome game, then we went on to tennis which was also excellent and while that was on I switched over to the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. The skating was good but was disappointed in the broadcast, they squeezed everything into about an hour. How disappointing for those young people who work so hard not to be included. It seems to me that they only showed the top3. It is such a big sport here that we get hours of coverage. I do know that it was a big weekend for sports so that may have had something to do with it. However, I am now in TV overload. Neil is watching bowling and enjoying it.

    Marie -- I just wanted to post about the broth. Does Kay throw in the bones that people have eaten from?? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me, especially if she doesn't bring it to a boil. Dave tells me I am a bit Obsessive-Compulsive in the germ area. Glad your broth turned out well. It is so nice to have it in the freezer and not have to rely on store-bought where you can't control the ingredients.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    One out of two is not bad huh Jeff?? Vikings had it but blew it, glad your Colts won they looked great!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Well ****************it was a very intersting game. I love the fact that New Orleans have never been to the super Bowl and aow have a chance. but I hate it that Brett for hurt and he look like he was getting around about like me at the end. They both gave us a good game.
    Colts*************** played a great game. and derseve to go to the Super Bowl.

    Gala, I did not pit the bones off the plate in mine. I too thought that was sort of gross. I cut up a bunch of veggies ready to go into another batch.My mother never did make it so I never have either. She didn't eat chicken so I guess that is why. My grandmother did not either. but I like it as long as it is the white meat. Jerry like the dark meat so it work out fine for us.

    Good night all. I missed barbiecat tucking us in at night,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    If you read the 50+ women's thread and have already seen my story, you can skip this as it is a "rerun.":bigsmile:

    I certainly spent Sunday evening differently than I expected to.

    THE PLAN: Since I didn't feel well this morning and didn't go to Mass, I decided that if I felt well enough to go to Costco, I could go to church tonight instead. There is a later service at a church in Portland on Sunday nights, so I put the VCR on for the 2nd half of the New Orleans/Minnesota game, and headed to Costco just before they closed. The rest of "THE PLAN" was buy gas at Costco and then head to Portland.

    WHAT HAPPENED: I got as far as shopping and loading my car, but in my attempt to be a good citizen, I ended up being done in by a shopping cart. :noway:

    It was raining and I didn't want to leave my cart in the middle of the parking area. Since there was a cart collection point not far away, I walked toward it with the cart, and when I got within 15 feet of the rack, I gave the cart a good shove. As I turned to go back to my car, I realized, the cart had a mind of its own and had bounced off the edge of the rack and was headed straight for the side of a brand new minivan:sick: --so new not even sure if it had license plates yet. Anyway, since the vehicle was about 3 parking spaces over from the collection rack, my INTENTION was to sprint toward it and intercept it BEFORE it wiped out the side of the van.

    As we all know, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." In my case, the road to hell is paved with asphalt--hard, wet, COLD asphalt. Along about my second step forward, I slipped and couldn't regain my balance. My momentum carried me forward--VERY QUICKLY. I had just enough time to put my hands out in front of me and did a real "face plant" with my nose and chin. As I lay there with the wind knocked out of me, I was very thankful the driver of a car I had seen driving toward me had SEEN me and stopped, since it was after 6p and already dark.

    The woman got out and asked me if I was alright. I remember thinking this must be what Brett Favre's head must feel like after getting sacked. I told her I didn't think I was. I laid there on that cold, wet, asphalt, while my sweater, slacks and leather coat soaked up all the rain they could. About the time some other people came to help, I suddenly realized I couldn't see, and had the sensation that I was driving. My last thought was " Oh h3ll, I can't feel my feet or arms and I can't see and I am going to kill someone!!"

    The fire department paramedics showed up, and about this time I came to and rejoined "the party." Someone asked me if there was anyone they could phone. I tried to reach one friend, but got voice mail. Since my "bell was rung," the only other thing I could think of to do was call my mom. They wanted to make the call for me, but I was afraid she would have a conniption if a stranger called and told her I was laying in a wet, bloody heap in the Costco parking lot. So I made the call, explained that I was more or less alright but needed her to talk to someone else.

    I told the paramedics that I had blacked out. As a precaution, they put a cervical collar on me and used a backboard to transport me. Someone asked me how I had fallen, and I replied "Because I am a clumsy idiot who was outsmarted by a shopping cart!! That actually caused the fire dept guys to laugh.

    I was transported by ambulance to the ER of the same hospital that I was in a year ago for my surgery. They checked me over, decided I had a concussion, and gave me instructions about what to do if certain things happened to indicate a head injury. They gave me a tetanus shot and let me go home.

    THE AFTERMATH: My nose looks like I have been out on a "bender" , red and swollen, but NOT broken, thank goodness!! I have a cut below my lower lip but above my chin. I also have two lacerations inside my lower lip, so eating is going to be interesting for the next few days. I have already discovered that drinking low sodium tomato juice has to be done C - A - R - E - F - U - L - L - Y:laugh: My hands have road rash on them, and my knees are a little scraped up too. My eyeglasses have noticeable scratches on one lens, so that will have to be replaced.

    By the time I got out of the hospital, anyone that I could have asked for a ride would have been up past their bedtime, so I took a cab back to my car,and drove home. I got very enthusiastic greetings from the "three little pigs" upon arrival. I hopped into the hottest bath water I could stand, and as soon as I was out, I ate some soup (and the tomato juice --ouch!!) and and some bread.

    Since it doesn't look like I am sleepy yet, decided to bring you all up to date. I am thankful that I am much lighter than this time last year, and in much better shape. I could have easily broken a bone.

    Oh, and remember the friend I couldn't reach earlier? I tried her again while I was laying there in the ER, waiting for them to decide I could go home, and her evening turned out much differently than planned also. A friend of her son's spent the weekend, after his family visited our town on Friday, and he decided to stay over for a longer visit.

    THE PLAN: Visitor spends the weekend, gets put on the evening train back to Seattle (about 160 miles NORTH) of here) and my friend continues on to her office to put in a little paperwork catch up time.

    WHAT HAPPENED: The arrive at the station. A train was there. He got on the train. She waved bye bye, and suddenly wondered, "Why is that train going EAST toward the Columbia Gorge instead of NORTH toward Seattle?" She went inside the station and asked someone, "Isn't that the train to Seattle that just pulled out." " Oh no, ma'am, the Seattle train is LATE. THAT was the Spokane train. It was early!!":noway:

    I am sure whatever she said next I can't place in this post.:laugh: The person who took his ticket didn't check the destination, so this fourteen year old fellow who has never taken the train alone in his life is heading AWAY from his destination instead of toward it.:noway: After determining the next station was in a town about 50 miles east of here, she called his cell phone and explained to him that he was on the wrong train. He did not take it well, she said.

    THE AFTERMATH: She drove to the other town, picked him up, and brought him back to our town, where he will stay with her and her son another night, and go home on the RIGHT train on Monday morning. He gets to miss a day of school,:drinker: :drinker: so I imagine it won't seem so bad to him after all, once he thinks about it!!!:laugh:

    I spoke to her after she picked him up, and the final insult is the weather. It was snowing like crazy up there, and icy too. Quite different than here where it is 43 F and raining. That is the Gorge in the winter. It can become a completely different world just by driving as little as 25 miles east.

    Well, gee. I didn't mean to write a book, :embarassed: but guess I did.

    Rose wished everyone an "uneventful week." Much as I appreciate the thought, I afraid it is already TOOOO LATE for that!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I am safe at home, so as long as nothing happens between my chair and my bed, I imagine I will be on here tomorrow. I already cancelled the dinner I had planned for tomorrow night for mom's birthday. Maybe next weekend.

    Good night.

  • viliberty
    Wow! What a day you had! I hope you get all healed up quickly. God Bless.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    What a way to brighten our Monday morning Barb.:laugh: Seriously, I hope you are feeling better today although I am going to think that you are probably more sore today than yesterday.:cry: What an incredible story and it was so well written, you should think about writing; you are a natural. :bigsmile: As you know my son lives in Portland (suburb of) and although it is beautiful there it rains way to much for me. I can handle snow better than rain, but most of you who live in Portland handle the rain quite well. I am hoping you were able to take the day off today to get some much needed rest. By the way did the cart ever hit the car that you know of?

    Today is an exercise day for me, at least I hope I get myself motivated. :love: It was an active weekend and I am tired but if I want to lose I have to push myself. My weight is up and down a pound here a pound there, but I am going to post a pound lost since it seems to be staying there most often. :tongue:

    It was too rainy and cold yesterday to remove outside decorations but I am going to give it a try today. :bigsmile:

    Have a good and SAFE Monday!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Barbs what a time that was and all by yourself. I would have been teriffied.

    Sandy Good for that Lb lost.

    Got to get lunch**************

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I just had some homemade soup on a cold and snowy day. We were supposed to go to the Dr. for our immunization today and his receptionist called to cancel the appt. from her home. They can't get into the office as the streets are so plugged with snow. The buses aren't even running. I talked to my oldest son last night and he was shoveling out the back alley so that he could get his car out of the garage. Hmm, he may want to invest in a snow blower although it is very good exercise. We do have a snow blower and it still took Dave a few hours to clean our driveway and ours and the neighbours front street. My youngest has followed a good example and keeps his front street and the elderly neighbours on either side of them cleaned (with a shovel. He said he spent a couple of hours last night and will do it all over again tonight. The wind has died down and it looks very nice outside in the bright and snowy way.

    Barb -- So sorry you had such a bad spill. I am sure you are sore today. I have had several falls and I know they leave lasting reminders so take it easy for a few days.

    Sandy -- Yahoo on the pound lost. Now don't you go finding it!!

    Marie -- Are you feeling better? Hope you are done doctoring for awhile.

    Thinking of you all. take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!Gayla sounds like winter is there. I'm glad it s you and not us.. However I would enjoy a good snow for once and be gone the next day. At least Jerry don't have to get out and shovel snow here. And I would just hole up till it got warm again. \

    i got my seed catalog the other day. Thinking abour ordering some Blueberries That can be grown in a container.

    Don't know how much longer I will be going to these Doctors. I am going to try to get them all skipped the month of Feb. I have one more thearpy Wed Can't say that it help my back any. But I am walking much better

    .Everybody have a good day.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Once again, if you read the 50+ women's thread, this is a "rerun" up to the *******below. It is just easier to copy and paste when the information is the same;

    Well Mark Twain best summed up the way I feel today. After being mistakenly listed among the dead resulting from a boiler explosion on a riverboat, he wrote a letter to the local paper, stating (among other things), "Reports of my death have been grossly exaggerated." :laugh: :laugh:

    I actually DIDN'T ache from head to toe when I woke up this morning. My nose is still sore, but not quite as tender as it was last night. I don't seem to have any facial bruising, or the black eyes that I feared would appear. So far so good. The sorest place on my whole body is my HANDS. The part of the palm that is just below where the thumb connects to the hand HURTS noticeably. I can still use my hands, but I am acutely aware of anything that I do!!! Fortunately, it doesn't' hurt too much to post, so I guess you will just have to put up with my ramblings.:laugh:

    In a touch of irony, the television news just said that today is considered to be the most depressing day of the year--due to the holidays being over, decorations gone. gray weather, Christmas bills starting to hit mailboxes. They didn't mention people sitting in their living rooms the morning after falling on their face coming to terms that it is going to cost $$ to replace damaged eyeglasses!!!:grumble: :ohwell:

    I cancelled my dental cleaning appointment this morning, so I don't have to go anywhere until about 3p, when I have an appointment with my primary care doctor. She will be very surprised to hear my story of "oops."

    The friend I mentioned, who had to race 50 miles up the river to retrieve the boy who got on the wrong train, managed to get him on the RIGHT train this morning!!:bigsmile:

    Thank you to everyone for your kind words about my writing. I am told I can find humour in almost any situation, especially if it is at my own expense (ouch!!):laugh: And, of course, thank you for your expressions of concern and sympathy. God was watching out for me. I was able to eat breakfast without much difficulty, so I don't think the "face plant diet" is going to be particularly effective at stopping me from eating completely--just spicy, or citrus, or other potentially "stinging" items.

    Since I didn't get much to eat yesterday, I thought I would get weighed, and happily, I am still at my lowest weight, so there is a sliver lining in this cloud!!:drinker: :drinker: There is another positive. A couple of hours ago I got a call from Costco. The employees of the store where I fell filled out the required company forms for an accident report on their property. The woman that called me said they followup on all reports where a customer is injured. We had a nice conversation, and then she told me she would be mailing me a "Cash Card" which is usable in the store. I was very impressed with their quick response at the time of my fall and again today.

    This afternoon, the rain is gone and it is mostly sunny and in the 50's (F)--a perfect day for taking doggies for a walk, but I am not sure I am up for it quite yet. Since they are not clamoring to go out, I am leaving well enough alone for now.
    Marie, the scariest part of the whole experience was when I blacked out. It was the strangest sensation to be able to hear voices but not be able to see. I had enough cognition to be very concerned that it was going to be "lights out" forever. You can bet I didn't forget my prayers last night!!!

    Gayla, Thank you for your kind words. I hope to find something less "personal" to write about next. I have had all the excitement I need for a while.

    Sandy, You asked what became of the car that I was trying to "protect" from the wicked shopping cart? I don't know what happened. I was already on my face by the time it would have reached the side of the van, so I didn't actually see it hit. By the time I looked in that direction again, the van was gone, so whoever it is probably has no idea that I took a header while trying to "save" their car.:laugh: :ohwell:

    Viliberty- Thanks for your thoughts and for "friending" me. Keep up the fight!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I have to go get ready to go out for my doctor's appointment in a couple of hours. Don't want to have to rush.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbs you are welcome to join us on the JRT thread. we love to hear doggies stories. And with 3 you have plenty to talk about.
    Marie glad to see you there.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    Quiet here today. Resting up from the ball game yesterday! Not a lot to report on. Everyone is pretty good. I will write more later. Just wanted you to all know that I was thinking of you and wanted to say hello!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    HEY THAT WAS TIRESOME WATCHING to see whose go to the Super Bowl.

    I have one more thearpy sesson. Unless the doctor says more. I really love the water. Fill no pain in there. But feel like I weight a ton when I get out.

    Everyone have a good night:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. this week is starting ut crazy but not too bad. My friend has finally returned from Iraq and is on his way back to VA.
    So here is a question...I put in all my excercise this morning and I have a problem... there is no way in the world I can manage to eat (without eating junkfood) all the excercise calories...I put my food calories down to 1200 a couple weeks ago and I added my excercise for the day and I am sitting at 1189 excercise calories... its insane. Any suggestions on high caloric good for you foods? Oh I forgot to add this... I plan on doing this 3 times a week (same excercises) and on Thrusday nights I add yoga to the mix for even more calories burned.
    More later time to get to work
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    Man did it get cold here! A little snow, and a lot of wind! It has been quiet here again and I am loving it! I am going today to pick up my new spinning bike! I found one at an estate sale for $20! It is a Schwinn and is brand new! I can't wait! Outside of that just working!

    Marie glad you are feeling better. Good luck with the therapy! Water workouts are great.

    Beth here is something that might help a bit for your caloric intake. Eat dried fruit and walnuts for a snack. I eat raisins and apricots with walnuts. The apricots are especially high in calories, but good for you! Lots of good stuff including fiber. So be warned! LOL From what you have written that should be enough to bring you up enough. You can also increase your carbs a little. Beans and rice! Good protein here too. Just stay away from the high fat stuff.

    Best wishes to one and all!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good Morning,

    We have Jeff's weather cold and snowy. Luckily I managed to get the outside decorations down, labeled and put away. :love:

    Today is my card day and we are playing early but wanted to check in.

    Beth, I wish I had your problem with extra calories that high. I did get 500 extra calories in yesterday but I like a glass of wine each day and that takes care of those extra calories along with a skinny cow dipper. :laugh:

    Have a warm day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hI all - happy Tuesday! I've been babysitting at 6am the past 2 mornings and this morning I met with the accountant after that - so i haven't been able to post.

    BARB - omg - thank GOD you weren't hurt any worse than you were! I'm worried by today you may be pretty sore though. And i agree with everyone - i think you could write an Erma Bombeck type book. You're writing is so great and you CAN find humor in any situation! Your poor Mom must have freaked out! And good thing that kid finally made it HOME! :ohwell:

    Beth - raw, unsalted nuts. You can also put a small handfull of bittersweet chocolate chips in there for a REAL treat! I wish i had your problem!:laugh: bet everyone is saying that!

    Hi Sandy - I'm with you, i can't stand the rain - it totally freaks me out! Everything gets WET!!!!!!!!!! Give me the snow any day! UMMMMM a glass of wine - i'm also with you on that. That's where some of my extra calories go as well. Hope you have a good card day!

    This Friday my dil will have her birthday as well as be 12 weeks pregnant!!!!!!! VERY exciting! I'm hoping to go see them the following weekend. This weekend is also my younger boys b-day and his g/f is a few days later.

    Hi Marie - how are you feeling? I always liked working out in the water. It was a great pregnancy work out way back then!

    Gayla - when do you leave? How's Neil? Is he excited about the cruise!

    I've been stalling making my annual appointment with my pa just 'cause i don't want to but i'm about to run out of cholesterol med (how crazy is that? i haven't eaten meat in almost 37 years........) so i'm going to have to go. ugh. I'm feeling "bad" 'cause i've gained weight too.:grumble: nobody's fault but my own.

    Everyone have a great day!

    :heart: elli
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am posting in spite of Pepper's "help":laugh:

    Beth, I will suggest peanut butter or almond butter on whole grain bread that has some fiber. The butter is calorie dense and has good fat, and fiber is always a good thing. If you have calories to burn, you can add some fruit spread.

    Jeffrey, Sounds like you hit the jackpot at that estate sale. Happy spinning!!

    Sandy, Is Daisy is having fun in the snow? Or is the wind keeping her inside?

    Elli, Thank you for your kind words about my writing. Yours is not the only favorable comment I have had. I haven't done a lot of writing as an adult, but did a lot in school. Being on this website has definitely got me back in the habit, so maybe I will have to figure out if there is a book in this scrambled old melon of mine. I am not sure what might have gotten knocked out of it last Sunday. Guess I might have to go back to Costco and check the parking lot!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    As for your prediction of soreness...unfortunately, you are RIGHT!! I am spent some quality time this morning with my good friend "Epsom Salts" and followed that with a visit from my buddy " I B Profen." I wish I had managed to get the license number of that truck that must have run over me during the night!!!:laugh:

    Pepper decided to abandon his quest to bother me and has been replaced by Bradley. I had to stop the post so I could properly accept a couple of "Bradley kisses.":heart: Now he has settled down and is snoring. I wish I could fall asleep like that. Lately (before my unscheduled stop on the asphalt) I couldn't seem to sleep more than about 4 hours at a time. Then I wake up for a couple of hours and go back to sleep again. This is not conducive to being awake all day, so I am trying to figure out what is causing it.

    Everyone have a good day. I am going to leave in a bit to get the piglets out for a walk before it gets too late.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just a quick Hi to you all. I do have to tell you, Marie, that I thought of your today when we were driving in the city. Following the blizzard parking lots and streets are being plowed and there were a couple of piles of snow that were over 12 feet. I said to Dave "I should take a picture of that for Marie, she loves snow". He offered to circle around the block but I told him we could do it next time we were in the city. It will likely be dirty and yucky by then but today it was sparkly white. Our winter mountains on the prairies. The streets in the city are terrible but the highway is fine. Our little town clears the streets immediately but only the main streets in the city get cleared. It will go away eventually.

    elli -- We still have a few weeks before we go. I was trying on bathing suits today. I think it is worse than going to the dentist and I really hate that.

    Barb -- Sorry you are so sore today but it sounds like you are doing a good job of taking care of yourself.

    Beth -- always nice to hear from you and yes, I, too wish I had your problem.

    Jeff -- enjoy your bargain!

    Sandy -- good luck at cards today! I know you will have fun.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: