Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you
    We're home from Phoenix where we spent five days not recording either food or exercise and eating more restaurant meals than I was cleanse day so I hope the sodium is all gone......I haven't read any of the the posts, just wanted to say that I missed you all while we were gone and disconnected.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    It's Wednesday!

    Half way point! We had a little issue last night with Day's mom but again, such is life... She is very hurtful and nasty to Day and I. It is ok for me, but Day does everything possible and then some for her. Why is it that way? Just venting!

    Spoke with both girls yesterday and they are fine. We are going Sunday to hear Sam's Honor Recital. 4 hour drive each way. Great to hear and see Sam but the drive sucks. It will be our last one. Kind of sad in that regard. Man I have got to get out of this frame of mind! LOL

    I have still been training hard. I think that I am going to do my first triathlon in June. There is one the next county to the west in Warsaw, Indiana the last of June. I got on my new bike yesterday and rode a bit. It works great but my butt is sore from the riding. I didn't think that it would be an issue but it was! I will have to get my bike shorts out. They have a padded seat. My
    "natural" padding is not what it used to be before the weight loss! My time was good averaging about 19 miles per hour for 7 miles. I have also upped my weight and reps for my strength training. My shoulders, arms and abs really feel it today. Keith, the guy I am training, and training with, has now lost 14 pounds in just under 3 weeks! He is doing great. He should plateu very soon and then it will become more diet work than physical work. Oh to be that age (27) again! LOL Yoga tonight! The knee is hurting again. I am going to try a few things here myself before going back to the doctor again. Chair height, posture, etc.

    Vil glad to have you as a new friend! Ask anything at any time!

    Marie it won't be too long before its gardening time for you southeners!

    Barbie and Jake glad you are back safe and sound!

    Gayla! No snow and warm temps are just a cruise away!

    Sandy arn't you about ready for a casino trip? Day and I get pretty much 100% comped at Blue Chip. I think we are going soon.

    Barb I hope the soreness is short lived!

    Elli I am glad that the family is doing well. That makes me smile! Any new dead critters around??? LOL

    That is about it from Columbia City for now. One last thing. Joe the cat got into a bowl of M&M's. He will live but I am sure he does not think so right now! The vet said he would be fine, miserable for a while, but fine. That guy gets into everything from my coffee to the fresh flowers on the table. Fresh flowers are a favorite of mine, they are a happy thing! Day gets some every now and then at Krogers. I truly see the beauty, they seem peaceful.

    Everyone have a great day and hug yourself! You have earned it!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday,

    Busy Morning with having to get to my DIL house to sit for Marisa who just got out of bed so her mom could go to a school breakfast.
    Brought Daisy with so she could have a play date with their dog.:laugh: Once I got home I can't tell you where the time went, but here it is afternoon and I feel I didn't accomplish a thing. :frown: Soon it iis time to pick up my other granddaughter for dance and then tonight is bingo night. :bigsmile: Time goes so fast when we get older doesn't it?

    Jeffrey, sorry your MIL gets nasty with you and Day, did you mention how old she is and if she suffers from dementia? It is hard to watch those we love not enjoy life, deep down inside I am sure she loves you and Day and inwardly feels bad when she hurts either of you. I remember how much my MIL loved me but when she got really sick and had dementia she got really mean to me. She used to think I was my husband's first wife and would say some really bad things. It did hurt but I knew that wasn't the lady who loved me so much. Sad isn't it? :brokenheart:

    Barbie and Jake, welcome back. Again, nice to know you are human and ate without recording and even some restaurant food.:drinker: No worries about the two of you getting back on track, I would bet you didn't even gain an ounce. :laugh:

    Gayla, I couldn't agree with you more, trying on swim suits is worse than the dentist. Is there something wrong with the mirrors in those fitting rooms? There are areas of my body no one should see not even me.:laugh: All kidding aside what does it matter as long as you have a good time and get to enjoy some warm weather? No one really does look at us, we just think they are.:tongue:
    Hope Neil is doing better and is getting ready for his trip.:flowerforyou:

    Marie, you are well loved not only on this site but on face book. :heart:

    Time to get a little r and r before leaving to get Bryanna.

    Talk to you soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    Sandy you are the nicest gal around. Thank you.

    By the way I have started a Jack Russell Fan Club and would like for Daisy to come and visit us and show her off. Barbs has already dropped by and been telling us funny things about the 3 piggies. You too barbie and welcome back home your 2 beauitful standard poodles. and Jefrey and Joe.. Come by anybody and share your pets.

    Be looking for you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    For what it is worth, Barbiecat has two Standard Poodles, not Cocker Spaniels, but they have plenty of escapades. They didn't get to be "The Naughties" by being well-behaved!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thanks barbs you keep me up to date. When you get my age you have that right to make mistakes. Keep me honest.
    I have grown very fond of you. and your piggies.

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Hi Everyone. It is always nice to read all your posts and see what is up with everyone. We each have our own lives but the thread of seeking weight loss and a healty lifestyle runs through us all. Everyone have a great Thursday! DeeDee
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Just checking in this fine morning. And hoping all of you have a wonderful day.
    I am off to the eye docotor this morning. And I will be thru with dctors this month. Am trying to keep all Dr. appt. away during the month of Feb. I do have one already tithe bone doctor. I will keep that one.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday, the sun is shining but the temperature is only 8 degrees. :glasses: I had a good night at bingo winning three games for a total of $113, not bad huh? The funny thing is last week my granddaughter said win at bingo tonight grandma and I didn't, so this week she said don't win at bingo and I did, go figure. :laugh:

    Instead of bringing any junk food to bingo I brought a veggie plate with dip and a melon fruit bowl. We are all dieting so it was appreciated. :blushing: Those couple of wines weren't good, but it is my night out. :cry: Will see if I can get in a good exercise today to make up for those extra calories. :happy:

    Good luck at the eye doctor Marie, normal check-up? It is that time of year again to get a check-up and all the tests that go with it.
    I better schedule that today so I can get it all over with and enjoy the warm weather when it does come. Most important is my knees since they are really bothering me lately. I need to get those shots to lubricate the cartilage, they really help. I think one day I will need knee replacement but I just can't get myself to do that yet. :ohwell:

    Enjoy your day, take care of yourself before anyone else. :heart:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hello Everyone!

    Just got back from the dentist. He must have a house payment due or kids in college. I have 5 teeth that they are working on. I should be done with this go around mid February. I have lost track of all my root canals and crowns. I think 12 root canals and 13 or 14 crowns. Well at least they are sitll original equipment!

    It has been quite hectic lately. One of our friends had a heart attack and my MIL's lawyer died. The lawyer is also my MIL's ex SIL. She was 88 and still practicing! I really liked her. Sharpest personal attorney I had ever met. She will be well received.

    Training was good last night with the yoga. Feel great today. The knee is not quite as bad. Joe the cat is feeling better. The M&M's has been put away. Today he has spent his day watching the birds at the feeder. He loves that show.

    We had a little snow about 2" which made the roads very slick. We are also having high winds that are really blowing it around. And it is cold!

    That is about it for now. Everyone have a great day!

    Sandy would you loan me $113.00?

    Marie I hope the eve doctor goes well.

    DeeDee good to hear from you!

    Everyone else have a great day! Stay warm!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Thursday Afternoon everyone! Hope you're all having a great day!

    Oh Jeffrey - I'm SO sorry about your teeth!!!!!!! I definitely feel your pain. Sorry Gayla and Sandy - i have to disagree - NOTHING is worse than going to the dentist!!!!!!!!! Give me labor and delivery anytime! :laugh: And no - no dead critters to report! This is a GOOD thing! Poor Joe! Glad he's recuperating from the m&m fiasco! Yoga always helps stuff doesn't it? I'm headed back to hot yoga tomorrow evening. I'm a little nervous - but i HAVE to get back to it! I went on a blind date last night, set up by a mutual friend, and the man said to me "you eat hot yoghurt????????":laugh: :laugh: umm, nooooo - i DO hot YOGA!

    Sandy - congratulations on a good night at bingo AND bringing healthy snacks! GOOD JOB!

    Hi Marie - hope your eye appointment goes well. It will be good to be done with docs for a little while! I get started next month:sick: ugh. I'm not crazy about docs but i'm going to run out of cholesterol med.........DARN. So now i hafta do all the "routine" stuff too. :grumble:

    Aw Barb - i didn't WANT to be right about you being more sore the second day - i just know that's always the case for me. Sounds like you're managing the aches pretty well though with your "friends":wink: Hope you're feeling better today!

    Barbie and Jake - welcome home! How did the naughties (and you KNOW i say that with LOVE!) do in your absense???? I'm sure you did fine even without keeping track of everything. There are some days that are just like that. You do AMAZING almost all of the time!

    Beth - i'm so glad your b/f is back from Iraq! Hope you're getting some time together! I bet he thinks you look gorgeous!!!!!!

    OK - i better get back to work! Gotta run to town to do some banking OH!!!!!! I almost forgot! My younger boy called last night and told me he's getting a tax refund SOOOOOOOOOOO - he went and put some money down on an engagement ring!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::flowerforyou: :drinker: I couldn't BE more thrilled!!!!!!! I love his g/f - they've been together for 6 years already - i'm SO SO SO SO happy!!!!!!!

    :heart: elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Elli! Keep us all posted!

    Nice guy? Does he speak well of his mother? Can he move furniture? Did he open the door for you? did he pay? Tall, short, bald, young, old? Can he cook? Kids? Local person? Got a picture? Another date set? Where you going? Does he like animals?


    I am just asking for all the others that are way too polite to ask!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeffrey - oh GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!! You're worse than both my dils!!!!!! They're both been shotting me questions all day long!!!!!!!! And YES to almost all the questions!!!!!! We didn't get around to moving any furniture (YET!)

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Just a quick note... Thanks for all the ideas on what to eat but I am way past help at this point I am allowed 1200 a day for my calories and today I added over 1368 more with excercise... May I suggest not going to PT for 60 minutes than taking a 60 minutes spinning class (my lunch) and after I leave here in a few I have a 60 minutes yoga class... PT was all cardio so my suggestion to you is just dont do it... there is no way in the world to eat all those calories!!! Maybe its why I am stuck and havent lost I am not eating enough but heck at this rate I would be stuffing my face all day.
    More later when I can answer you all... I need to catch up on Elli's date evidently :)
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Between Jeffrey and Beth i get work out just READING about their workouts!!!!!!!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. It is warmer and the machines are out clearing all the snow from last week. Tonight is our live theater night and we always go out for dinner first. I am looking forward to our girl's night out. Neil has been struggling with seizures and we are again seeing some behavior issues. I think it is again med. related so I will try to get in touch with his neurologist this afternoon. Last time I emailed him he responded in seconds so will give that another try. I am struggling to get back on track. I haven't been terrible but not as good as I should be.

    Way to go Sandy!! Do you bingo with the same people you play cards with?

    Jeffrey -- You handle the inquisition well, it sounds like you have had some experience.

    elli -- I hope the new guy brings you happiness. How nice to be getting another dil. My youngest has been with his girlfriend for about seven years but has not taken the plunge. I am not sure what he is waiting for. She is a wonderful girl and loves him so much.

    marie -- How did the eye appt. go? These docs really keep you on your toes!

    beth -- Maybe you should chat with a dietician. It does seem odd that you aren't dropping any weight. Do you still need to lose or are you at your goal?

    Barb-- How are you doing?

    Barbie and Jake -- Glad you are home. I am sure you did fine in the eating department. You are like well oiled machines.

    take care everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    High everyone, sorry, I don't know where the time goes. It is 3 weeks today since I got sick and I am still only at about 80 percent.

    During this bronchitis I have lost 12-14 pounds in this short time. Actually I thought that I must really be really really sick to be losing weight. I figured that I was going to blow my head off coughing and pull every muscle out of my body! ... Today I used my 3 hours of energy pushing furniture around the living room and putting some sliders on the bottom of the T.V. Okay that is it for the day I will need to finish up tomorrow. The thing that blew my mind is that i was not dieting!

    I am sorry I have not kept up on all of you and I hope you are all doing well and everything is all right. Keep safe and take care you cute group of golden sneakers! How many of you have a pair of golden sneakers?
  • viliberty
    Great posts. What a fun bunch you are. I'm glad I found you! :laugh:
  • viliberty
    This may sound silly to those of you who have everything under control. little great granddaughter "begged" to go to McDonald's to get ice cream and french fries this afternoon (She dips the fries in the ice cream). Now, I ask you, how could I turn down the sweetest child in Spokane?

    So my husband and I took her there. It was about a half hour before my dinner time.................and there were huge pictures everywhere of the most beautiful food you can imagine! My husband:devil: said, "Why don't you just get something here and you won' t have to cook when we get home." I wavered.............I stumbled...............I almost blew it.............BUT I came to my senses and just ordered coffee, then had a nutritious dinner when I got home.:smile:

    One battle won! It feels good! Besides I had a big tasty dinner with fewer calories and better nutrients than a burger.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    I just had to check back in to see if Elli had read my post! I laughed all day about that!

    Elli good for you! I have had as much fun with the questions as you had on the date! Nah, bet I am wrong!

    Beth be sure your protein is not going too high. It can mess things up if it does. If you are still having trouble with not getting enough calories try a little ice cream, just don't over do it. I have had to up my calories in advance of my workouts by 24 hours so I have enough fuel. It has increased my performance dramitically. I have a copy of a white paper that I will try to send you. It deals with nutrition for endurance athletes. It was done by Nestle and is pretty darn good.

    Gayla, just send me your questions for Elli and I will ask them! LOL I don't have a lick of sense! I have raised 2 girls and I will ask ANYTHING! And I have! I scare the crap out of those young boys! LOL One of my favorite things to do!

    Viliberty I was wondering where you were! Good for you on the McDonalds it is tough! Just stick some trail mix in your purse for those kind of emergencies. Proud of you kid!

    Sandi glad to see you back and that you are feeling better. Do not get dehyrated! Sports drinks help with that!

    Tonights workout was good! I am beat! I am down about 1900 calories for the day with an average of negative 2050 daily for the week. I have been eating but working it off and then some. I am going to go and have a snack.

    Marie where you at girl? How did the eye doc trip go?

    Night all!

    Jeffrey the Aggitator