Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i'm pretty sure Jeffrey is roflhaf!!!!!!!! It wasn't SAM who ate the m & m's - that's his DAUGHTER!!!!!!! It was Joe - the cat!!!!!!!!! Iknow - i have a hard time with all the names as well. Yes yes - i too, do not condone drug use, but the burning of the weed really IS too funny. I was out there about an hour ago checking to see if it's DRY enough to burn and yes it is! Waiting for my friend Jodi to come over and help. Too scary to do by myself:noway:

    Hot yoga is 90 minutes of intense poses in a room that's 100 degrees and like 40% humidity. LOTS of sweating goes on. It was HARD last night 'cause i haven't done it in a few months. I can REALLY tell i need to get back to it! Hopefully will make it again tomorrow. I like to do it 2 or 3 times a week, the gym 2 or 3 times and keep on walking the dogs. That's when i feel like i'm in my best shape. You can look up hot yoga online - it's actually called Bikram Yoga.

    Barbie - welcome home - i know it's so hard to get caught up! Is Haifa doing all right on his half dose? Yes - you're SO right. One day at a time! No expectations, no writing any story before it happens!!!!!

    Have a happy day everyone. I'm off to burn weed!!!!:laugh:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon to you all! You miss a day here and there is a lot of catch up. Everyone is so busy which is a very good thing. I am not sure if I told you that most of the positional head dizzyness has gone. I sometimes am caught by surprise but being a little careful all is good. I did email Neil's Doc. and he emailed right back to go ahead and make the med. change. It seems too good to be real but his seizures yesterday and so far today are almost none. (What a sentence) Anyway, med. change or not I will take it and be happy for now!! He went to the local bar last night to hear a band and visit friends. He enjoyed the band but came home early as there is a man (drunk) that goes there and bothers Neil endlessly, an easy target I guess. Neil does not like anyone in his personal space and this man violates that so Neil got angry and came home. He obsessed about it until I told him I didn't want to hear about it again. The easy solution is don't go to the bar. It doesn't seem fair but that is the way it is. I don't like that some man touches him no matter where it is!! From the time Neil was very young we taught him this is your space and this is my space, your don't go in to my space and I don't go in to your space. Glad to see it took!! Of course he likes a hug from us but that is different and he gets that. There you have it, my story for the day. Back to the Dr., he told me to call the neurosurgeon and set up an appointment so I will do that on Monday.

    It is a lovely sunny day today. It is only 6F but it looks nice from the window. I have to confess that once again my diet has hit a rough patch, no excuses, it is what it is. I had such a laaugh with Elli burning weed. I wonder if it is a family thing, do you do it with the man friend or is it a solitary experience. Whatever, enjoy!!

    I can't begin to respond to everyone but I did want to tell you, Marie, that I have a strange treatment for dry eye syndrome which I developed after my cataract surgery. My eyes were getting infected all the time. I am sure you remember it. My opthomologist suggested that I wash my eyes with Johnson's Baby Shampoo every day and if that didn't work he may have to do the tear duct surgery. For me it was like a miracle. If I forget for a few days I know it. It stings only mildly. I just put it along the lids and wash it out in shower with lukewarm water. I wouldn't go ahead without asking your Dr. first as everyone's eyes are different. Just a thought. I still use drops but not regularly anymore.

    Barb -- I hope you are recovering.

    Glad to see Barbie and Jake back. Congratulations on reaching your goal, Barbie. I know you will be successul on maintanence.

    Everyone else, thinking of you. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    I had to pop back in and tell Jeffrey I am so sorry for the confusion, but it made me laugh even more. :laugh: Tell Sam if she wants to eat M&M's and raisins it is ok with me as long she isn't allergic.:laugh:

    Gayla, so happy about Neils seizures, let's pray they hold off for a while and you can all enjoy your cruise. :heart: I wish I lived near you so I could go to the bar with Neil and put that drunk in his place. What is wrong with people who love to hassle other people, challenged or not. grrrrrrrrr!!!!

    I am on day two of really watching my calories recording as I go along. I rode the stationary bike for one hour getting an extra 260 calories so I feel good today. :love: Barbie reaching her goal has really motivated me, I hope I keep this up. :blushing:

    Keep happy!!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - I'm on day 2 also! We can DO This!!!!!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hmmmmmmmmmmm interesting about Jphnson baby sampoo. Will check with my doctor.

    i 'm glad Neil has more sense than that drunk. The bar tender should have kick the drunk out.. I am glad Neil's sizire in doing so much better. I guess all of your family is getting excited about the trip. I would be. But not really. I guess I am getting too old. I remember going up to see Bruce and Sally, my son and DIL in St. Louis and we went down the Mississippi River for 4 hours and i didn't like it not being able to get off that big ship. I was still young then at least 25 years ago. Alice always wanted me to take a cruise to Alaska but not me. Fianally her husband took her a couple years ago. My Mother took one with a Chuch group and she enjoy it very much and she was in he 80's also she took a trip to Hawaii in her 8o's.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi everyone, hope your weekend is going well, rain or shine, snow or whatever.
    we are home today and tomorrow. Just getting started on the pc. Got to check out audiobooks from the library, then download them, then it will be back to dinner preps(vegetable plates) and laundry. Tomorrow I will venture out to the store for necessaries.
    I cannot begin to read all of the posts. I am glad you are keeping this site active.
    Marie, you take care, you do plenty enough without a cruise. I have never had the desire to venture on the sea myself.., but I would love a long trip down the great Mississippi River.
    Gayla, I second Marie, the bartender, especially if he is friends with Neil, should step up and show the drunkard out the door.. after all, he would not be missed.
    take care all, and stay safe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Hey there you are home. But going to be leaving too soon.

    We are a busy bunch here and you know I just love it. Just one big happy family. Even with a big brother to most of you . A son to me.
    Love all of new menbers vilberty. Sandi Not new but just started posting again., all of you new ones who may have been MIA some, We would welcome you back.

    Have a happy weekend
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Hey there you are home. But going to be leaving too soon.

    We are a busy bunch here and you know I just love it. Just one big happy family. Even with a big brother to most of you . A son to me.
    Love all of new menbers vilberty. Sandi Not new but just started posting again., all of you new ones who may have been MIA some, We would welcome you back.

    Have a happy weekend
  • viliberty
    Another week almost they are flying by. I have my great granddaughter Mariah tonight and for Sunday School tomorrow. At the moment she is watching (and I am listening to) Jungle Book for the gazillionth time. :yawn:

    I went to the doctor(s) this week. I had lost a little since last time, but the good thing is that I am bringing other numbers down, especially my A1c.

    I did a litle sewing today. I need to get some fabric valentines finished by tomorrow for a swap. I had never heard of them before, but I looked online for directions. They are turning out OK.

    Everybody have a good evening. I enjoy the posts. God Bless. Irene
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Sandy I am roflmao! Way too funny! Have you been helping Elli? Get it?

    I am beat. I will tell you all about my Saturday tomorrow.

    Take care!

    Jeffrey AKA Father of Sam and Amanda, Husband of Dayanne, and Human of Joe the Cat! roflmao! (still...) LOL

    Beth did you get my email?
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all, just a drive by to see what you all did in the last 24 hours...busy, busy!

    Sad to say that I am really back 100percent and my sugar cravings are back too! It was so nice that I did not want to eat while I was sick!

    Today Vicki and I rearranged the living room and it looks really nice but not a project for a 71 oops I mean 59 year old to do. We had to drag the T.V. and the stand 19 feet to the other side of the room, over berber carpet. Yes, I was able to put the sliders on but the cabinet had a V shaped legs and did not want to slide in one direction...I sat on the floor and pushed with my feet...then I pushed and pulled and the T.V. almost went over! It is a 50' and is bolted to the stand, otherwise, I would have lost it! Does this count as exercise? lol

    Back to Curves on Tuesday and I got Leslie Sansone's new 2 mile walking tape with the strength cords. Several years ago I did her brisk walk at least 5 times a week for 2 years and am hoping that I can get back into the habit!

    Everyone here is sooo funny and it is a real treat to be part of this group!

    You guys have a wonderful Sunday!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We upgraded our cell phones and have been spending a lot of time learning to use them. the new one doesn't have a step counter and i really miss Omron step counter doesn't count motion on the exercise bike or many of the steps in line dance and Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home"......I transferred all my music and some of my pictures to the new phone and learned to set the alarm and do some other stuff......I know I'll love the new phone as soon as I get better at using it......we got a 200 text a month plan so Jake and I have been sending each other texts from one room to the other:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I am very excited about having reached my goal weight and probably won't do much different except things like putiing parmesan on my cauliflower.....I upped my calories by 50 and will see how that works before adding any more.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I'm proud of you for saying no at McDonald's......staying focused on what you want the most is one of the keys to success

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, I am ROFLMAO at the image of you sitting on the floor moving that TV across the room

    :flowerforyou: Marie, thanks for keeping us all on track......will you be starting a new thread for February?

    It's late for me and I'm tired so I'll write more tomorrow.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Sandy I am roflmao! Way too funny! Have you been helping Elli? Get it?

    I am beat. I will tell you all about my Saturday tomorrow.

    Take care!

    Jeffrey AKA Father of Sam and Amanda, Husband of Dayanne, and Human of Joe the Cat! roflmao! (still...) LOL

    Stop it Jeffrey, you are going to kill me by making me laugh myself to death!!:laugh: Yes, I get it, I might be old but I am still sharp!!

    Is Joe laughing as hard as you are????
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeffrey - i KNEW you'd get a good laugh out of Sandy confusing names!:laugh:

    Well, i got done burning weed for now! We managed to keep the fire confined to the garden so that's a GREAT thing! We've had so much moisture this winter - i didn't REALLY think it would be a problem, but i always get nervous around fire!

    Today is my "baby's" 23rd birthday so he and g/f (soon to be fiance!!!!!:bigsmile: ) are coming over later for dinner. Her birthday is Wednesday. So i'm making them a carrot cake, but cutting the recipe in half. My plan is to have half a piece, and send all the leftover HOME with them! I'll let you all know how that works out!

    OK - I'm off to hot yoga again this morning. Wow, it feels good to be back on track!

    Have a wonderful Sunday all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Barbiecat I will change to Febuary tonight if I don't forget. Thanks for reminding me. I will change it around 9:00 pm our time.
    Glad to hear yyou updated your phone, enjoy it. I don't have a cell phone now. I really didn't used mine all that much. Except for long distant calls to my son in in St. Louis One of these days I may get it again.

    Hello all of you young at heart seniors. Have a wonderful day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member

    So let me tell you what I just did. I wrote a post and thought that maybe I mixed some people up so I went back and wrote down all your names, your ages and where you are from. I was so wrong on some things I said and I am glad I caught it before Elli and Jeffrey started laughing their you know what off and started rolling on the floor.

    Elli, tell your son happy birthday. My baby son is 38 and single, I don't think he will ever get married but who knows. I am so proud of you, you really are on track. I too, am being faithful to the program, we went to Buona after Mass last night and I had the small beef which is about 300 calories so with my exercise I did stay under my calories by 50. :tongue: I am going to drink more water since I have been lacking in that department. Hopefully, by summer we will fulfill our goals. :heart: Do you realize that Barbie lost 70 pounds in a year and we can't lose a lousy 10?? But we will now, since we are determined. :heart:

    I think Jeffrey is still laughing!! They are going to visit the moms today so to keep himself happy he should think about my comment and just smile through any negative words that are said to him and Day. (at least I got his wife's name right) :laugh:

    Barbie, what kind of phones did you and Jake get? In February I am hoping to get an IPhone from my step son's business. They are kind enough to supply us with phones and gas for our vehicles.:love: I do more texting than phoning so we have unlimited text messaging. I am the cool grandma!!!:laugh:

    Phoebe, glad you checked in and although you are only home for a short time it must feel good. Stay safe on the next road trip. :flowerforyou:

    Sandi, fess up, your profile says 56 yrs old, you said 59 in your post and feeling like 71???? Glad you are feeling better but stop moving heavy furniture, that is why we have men. :laugh:

    Where is our writer? Her job is interfering with her keeping us entertained. :laugh: How is that boy Bradley doing? He and Daisy would be a pair together although she is 75 pounds she loves little dogs. :tongue:

    Marie, hope you are having a nice relaxing Sunday morning cuddling with Jerry. :heart:

    Deedee, you are doing great with the program keep up the good work. How is your weather, are the palm trees blowing in the wind? Is the ocean calm or good for surfing. *sniff all I am doing in making myself jealous. :laugh:

    For those I have not mentioned forgive me, my brain can only remember so many posts, but I hope you check in and keep us posted with your progress and anything else that you would like to share with us.:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy it is such a pleasure in reading your post. So heart warming. Daisy weigh 75 lbs now . Wow. She is still growing too. Juat a baby.

    Good morning to all of you.

    It is really a pleasure to read all of your post. Keep up the good

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Trying to get the day started. I came home last night and read posts, but was too tired to compose one. I have worked 5 hours a day Thurs- Sat, on advice of my doctor, and I am hoping my stamina returns by Tuesday, because 8 hrs feels like a tall mountain right now.

    I have been having a problem with going to bed, sleeping for 1-3 hours and then waking up and staying that way for 2-3 hours. It is annoying, and I think I have narrowed down the cause, so I am trying an experiment today and tomorrow to see if I am right.


    You wondered where I was. Well I sent out a search party for Jeffrey and Elli's missing behinds, since from reading I understand they were laughed off recently!!:noway: :laugh:

    As for Bradley, he hasn't been able to get into too much trouble lately, as I have pretty much outfoxed him on where I store food, so he can't "raid" the cupboards when I am gone. Now that the kitchen garbage can "lives" in the bathroom off the kitchen, the door is easily shut when I leave, so that temptation is no longer available.

    He did do something funny last night, however, with a little help from Mai Li. Of late, Mai Li has been such a good little girl, I am wondering what is wrong with her.:noway: :bigsmile: She now asks to be put up on the bed with the others at night, and though she never spends the whole night, she does seem to enjoy her "snuggles.":smile:

    Last night, I brought her up in the bed, and she laid down beside Bradley. I heard a little "doggie noise" and realized, it was Bradley--curling his lip back and growling very quietly. "Hey, you are in MY PERSONAL SPACE, get lost!!" Mai Li growled right back at him, of course!! Not wanting to be in the midst of a bout "bedtime bedlam," I relocated Mai Li, so her back was turned to Bradley, who then turned his back on her, so "peace with honor" :flowerforyou: was accomplished.

    During all this, Pepper sat off to one side, and looked at me. "Gee mom, can't we all just GET ALONG?":laugh: :laugh: Being a "momma" to three little piglets means being adept at diplomacy!!:bigsmile:

    I am trying to get myself together to go to a late Mass today. My backup plan will be the 5:30pm tonight. Hopefully, I will have a less eventful Sunday than last week. :wink:


    Welcome home. Hope you have time to relax between all those chores that seem to pile up while you are on the road.

    I am not ignoring anyone, just have to get a going if this day is going to get started.

    Happy Sunday to all!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - GREAT idea to write down everyone's names and information! It's HARD to keep track of the whole gang!

    Barb! Thank you SO much for sending out the search party! That body part (of mine, neway) has successfully been found and reattached now! I KNOW it has 'cause i'm really FEELING it after doing hot yoga:tongue: Oh your little piggies are so funny! When my older kids come with the 3 grandpuppies we kind of have bedlam in the house. Hercky REALLY wants to boss everyone around! Addie is their "baby" at 80 pounds.....she's a redbone coonhound but thinks she's little like her terrier and doxie brothers. It's craziness while they're here and i find myself craving my peace, but then when they leave i'm ohso sad:embarassed: go figure!

    Sandy - thank you for the encouragement. It really DOES feel great to be back on track. I KNOW - i've thought the same thing about Barbiecat - she's lost her 70 in a year and you and i are messing around with our 3,5, and now my huge 11!!!!!!! Sheesh! Oh well - as long as we keep coming back - 2010 will be our year ok??????

    I'm having fun cooking today - i'm making them a salad with roasted vegetables and fresh mozzeralla, roast chicken, fettucine alfredo and carrot cake. They should have LOTS to take home! Oh yea, homemade bread too. OK! i better get busy! Tomorrow and Tuesday i babysit at 6, but i should be around later on!

    Happy Sunday!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    p.s. (i seem to be doing this a lot lately........a little brain freeze or alzheimers or SOMETHING!)

    Barb - i always wake up in the night also. I can usually read a page or 2 in whatever book i'm reading and then i'm back to sleep. Of course, i have to RE read what i read - but it still puts me back to sleep!
