Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    First time on here today. Went back to work for part of the day this afternoon.

    This morning I had to take my car for an oil change, and since it is one of the Toyotas affected by the recall that is all over the news, I had a little chat about that situation. Lucky me--NOT. I DO have one of the recalled accelerator pedals. I have had no problems, and my car only has about 13,000 miles on it.

    They have figured out the problem seems to be caused by wear, and there are symptoms that occur before the pedal will actually stick. I feel a little better about driving than I did before. I already knew the car was able to shift into neutral without applying the brakes, since I have had a couple of instances where doggies got excited and bumped the console shifter while I was driving!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    In the next few weeks, the dealers will be receiving parts and instructions for solving the problem. I am just glad they have figured it out and that it was not an onboard computer problem. Anybody remember "HAL" the computer in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey? I didn't want to drive around worrying that "HAL" was hiding under my hood waiting to take over!!!:noway: :laugh:

    My body aches are pretty well gone, but my hands (palms) still hurt, and so does my nose!! As I said before, the nose as a shock absorber does NOT work well!!:laugh:

    BTW, I have talked to Jake since he and Barbie got back from Phoenix, and I think they are very busy right now with things related to their business. so although they are thinking of us, Barbie is probably too busy to post as much as she was before they took that trip.


    EDIT-- I also lost another pound, but forgot to do check in before posting, so it will appear shortly. Can't believe I am almost to 55 lbs. down.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    You Golden Sneakers have been busy today. :laugh: Jeffrey, I loved all your questions to Ellie and you are right, if you hadn't asked them we would have, after all she is our baby sister. :love:

    Marie must have had her eyes dilated and took a break from the computer, I am sure she will be back in the morning.:happy:

    Sandi, sorry you have been sick and that isn't the best way to lose weight but it sounds like you are on the road to recovery. :flowerforyou:

    Viliberty, I think it was great of you to take your granddaughter to Mickey Dee's and have such restraint. You should be proud of yourself for making smart choices, I know that we are proud of you.:drinker:

    Barb, sorry about the recall on your car, but sure is better to be safe than sorry. I drive a Lexus which is made by Toyota but no word on any problems. I am planning on getting a new one is Spring so I hope all is fixed by then.

    Elli, I am so happy you had a good time on your date, should we plan a bridal shower for both you and Birdie, although she hasn't mentioned her friend lately. :laugh: You are having a big year with becoming a grandma and a new engagement for your son, congratulations.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Beth, since Jeffrey is also training for a marathon he is probably the best person to listen to as far as adding calories. I again, wish I had that problem, I am thrilled if I get an extra 200 when exercising. :tongue:

    It is getting late here and time for beddy bye so will check-in in the morning.

  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Tomorrow I weigh in. I look forward to Fridays, because it is a day for me to evaluate my progress. YES to progress. YES to confidence. YES to doing what I can each day to lose weight and develop good habits.
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    I have finally had time to sit down and read everything... (OK I am at work waiting on the contractor to do his part till than I am dead in the water)
    I only have a run planned today...I HOPE to get it in before the snow hits... you have no clue how bad people in VA drive in snow conditions...heck I will take the crazy Texans (Not Marie) driving in the snow before these crazy people. It’s only a mile and a half timed run tonight my 5 mile trail run will be in the morning dependent upon the snow. For all of those who wish they had the calorie problem… remember this… I get paid to work out, for lack of a better way to put that but 3 days a week I am given almost 2 hours to work out 30-60 minutes of that is with the squadron and then I am on my own as long as I get to work by roll call…Also I am allowed to take classes during lunch provided I eat at my desk, all my work is done and I have my jobsites under control. The running I do on my own and try and run 3-5 times a week…so the calories are earned by a lot of hard work but also a lot of time from work.

    Marie – How is the therapy going? Have you looked into going to water aerobics? I loved the classes I took a couple years ago…

    Vliberty - I am so proud of your McD’s restraint that is an awesome battle you won

    Gayla – I have an Aunt who has said the same thing… except she is a dietician and she tells me it’s time to see if I have thyroid issues. She tore apart my diet and also told me to eat more to lose more. Eat more protein and fiber

    Elli – So spill about the blind date…though him thinking you were eating hot yogurt (icky by the way) is kind of funny…so do you like the hot yoga? There is a studio down the road and I want to try but have avoided it so far.

    Sandi – Sorry about the bronchitis…that is a no joke sickness that seems to effect everything in your life till its taken care of.

    Sandy – Did the decorations come down? Mine are down and have been for 3 dang weeks BUT…they still have not made it back into the garage… I so need to get that done this week

    Dee Dee – good luck on the weigh in I love your attitude

    Jeffery – you remind me of a friend of mine named Gordon… he will ask anyone anything  AS for the sheet if you can send it that would be great my email address is this name at
    I have been keeping track and I think I am not taking in enough protein but we shall see I have someone looking into that as we type. Hope Joe is better he sounds like he is part goat.

    Enjoy your weekend all... I am going to sit down and map my classes for the next week :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I am still around. My eyes are doing fine as expected. Having problems with dry eyes and need to increase tear drops. He is going to put a temporary tear duck in on my next visit in 4 months and if it works he will put a permament one in. He would have done it yesterday but with the drops he already used he couldn't do it and t he insurance would not pay for it after all the test he alrady done.

    Today is a rest day aftter almost a solid month of going to the docs and thearpy. during the month of Jan.

    Hey elli, big brother looking out for you. I really thinks he is looking out for all of us. He is such a sweetheart.

    Tis time to get my home exercise in. They have me using one of those big balls and rolling my hips from side to side, rolling my knees up to my chest. and pushing my butt up with my leg on the ball. I do all of this in my bed. Then I have some chair exercise to do. I will get the Cd's that Phoebe sent me for Seniors. I really like it. Thanks Phoebe.

    I have read all of your post and I couldn't be prouder of you all. Keep up the good work.

    Love Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning All,

    There is nothing wrong w/Marie's eyesight. Thanks to her "eagle eyes" she saw the post quoted below on another thread from our friend BARBIECAT:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am officially announcing that I reached my goal this morning .:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've lowered my goal twice since I started and this is the real plan for maintenance is to increase my calories by 100 this week and see what happens, then add 100 more next week and so on until I think it's right.......

    Congratulations for one of the most inspiring members on this thread. You have been a source of information and inspiration, and even though you may not be able to post as often as you did in the past. The story of your success will live on to help others strive to avoid straying from the "straight and narrow" path toward the goal to better health and a trimmer waistline.

    I don't usually put words in the mouths of others, despite the fact that I have many to give:laugh: :laugh: but today, I think I can speak for everyone when I say:

    :flowerforyou: CONGRATULATIONS BARBIECAT!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WAY TO GO!!!:bigsmile: We hope you will continue to drop in and inspire us from time to time now that you have reached maintenance.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Friday Everyone! And can i just say one thing? I love you guys!:heart: You make me smile!:bigsmile:

    Gayla! How's Neil doing? You were saying the other day he was having more seizures and some behavior stuff....I hope it all gets resolved before the cruise!!!!!!! Will you be able to keep in touch with us while you're cruising??? WOW - 7 years is a long time! How old is your youngest son? Dakota will be 23 on Sunday - it amazes me they've been together as long as they have for as young as they are! Makes me happy though. I adore Katie and could not have hand picked a better girl for Kota! I can't WAIT for him to ask her!!!!!

    Sandi - WOW! NOT a good way to lose weight! make sure you rest and get completely well before you start moving too much more furniture around!!!!!! Or get some HELP!

    Viliberty! Way to GO at Mickey D's! Pretty soon you're not even going to think that food looks good! It would be VERY hard to resist the little ggranddaughter though...........

    Beth - i'm a little envious right now. I wish Jeffrey were suggesting I eat some ice most FAVORITE thing in the world. :ohwell: no no - step AWAY from the ice cream (me, not YOU!) Yes - i do hot yoga (Bikram Yoga) and i LOVE it. They say it burns between 600 and 1200 calories during the 90 minute class - depending on how hard you work. I'm going this afternoon! Of course, with all the calories you burn alREADY, it may not be a great idea for right now. I feel like of all the different work outs i've done this is the MOST beneficial, in every way. OH - i remember driving in ice storms in TX when i used to drive truck. I totally agree with the people driving in weather they're not used to driving in (no, of COURSE not Marie!!!!!!!!) SO scary!

    Barb - congratulations on ANOTHER pound lost! You are doing AMAZING! Getting right up there with Jeffrey, Barbie, Beth, Birdie.........our BIG loosers.........ohhhhhhhh, hope i didn't 4get ne1!!!!!!!!! SORRY if i did!:embarassed: Bummer about the car - i sure hope they get that thing figured out soon. My Dad's wife drives a camry - I haven't asked them yet what they're going to do about it....It's going to effect SO many people!

    Jeffrey, Sandy, Gayla, Thanks for checking up on me! I haven't gotten back together with the blind date - we tentatively have plans for next week. Hopefully he liked me as much as i liked him! We'll see though. He sure did like my little Hercky dog!:bigsmile: That's a good thing right? Oh and btw Jeffrey - you ARE kind of agitator you know!:bigsmile: in a good way though!

    Um Sandy? let's hold off on the shower how 'bout it?:laugh: My dil said "is he cute? are you seeing him again? do you love him?" OY!:tongue: funny people!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you on the congrats for my big year!!!!!!! Today my dil is 12 weeks along! I feel like we can all relax a bit! SO exciting!!!!!!!!

    Hey Marie - i'm so GLAD you're getting a break from the doctors! Sounds like the exercises on the fit ball will be good! I really like those things. I use them sometimes for women in labor!

    Well - tomorrow i'm burning weeds, Sunday is Kota's birthday so don't know if i'll be on over the weekend. If not - i hope you all have a GREAT one (well, hope you have a great one if i DO get to post also:laugh: silly me!) Wish me luck at yoga tonight - it's been awhile. I'm excited about getting back to it though! I'm doing better on food - no weight loss yet, but it'll happen..........

    :heart: & hugs. elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    P.S. BARBIECAT!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! WAY TO GO:drinker: (i wish we had smileys with fireworks for right now!) You ROCK!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    P.P.S. did anyone check out Katie Spotz at:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Family!

    Elli! Burning weed? Is that legal there? Man go on a date and you go crazy! ROFLMAO!

    Marie I am so glad to read that you are back. Sounds good on the eyes! Anything fun for the weekend?

    Barb nice post!

    Barbie congrats!

    Sandy you doing better today?

    Gayla whats up this weekend?

    Beth I will get that to you.

    Everyone else post something for me to do an analysis on!

    We are going to see the Mom's tomorrow then back home. Sunday we are going to hear Sam sing. Tonight doing my taxes! Please pray for all of the above!

    Take care everyone!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeffrey - well, you KNOW, it's been kind of a long time between dates! What do you expect?!?!?! Of COURSE I've gone a little crazy!:tongue: Problem with burning Weed???????????:laugh: Just pray we don't burn the whole place down!:noway:

    Will one of you wonderful, computer wise people please tell me how to post the goals and stuff down below the ticker?

    Thanks! And happy weekend! I'm off to hot yoghurt!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    You are all so funny I can't even respond....I am laughing too hard. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Jeffrey and Elli you are cracking me up.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    What a fun bunch today. they crack me up too, Sandy.

    but seriously Barbiecat I am so proud of you and Jake.You made a It. In just a year time.
    Now who is the next one.? Now we know us deniors can do it...............Love Marie
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Did you ever find out what dastardly villain snuck those m&ms in your house?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli , I am not noe Pc whiz but I think I can get you thru that. Just click on community And to the right of topic you will see signature click on it . It will take you to a box with your weight , In the same box type what you want and click on save changes. That ahould do it.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - thank you! I will do that for my Feb goals!

    Just got home from hot yoga - omg.........sure can tell i haven't done it in awhile. Kicked my butt!:sad: The good news is - i went and DID it!

    OK, i'm going to BED! Hopefully it'll be dry enough tomorrow for me to be burning weed:laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :sad: I am so far behind in chores and paperwork that posting has taken a back seat to everything else. I decided not to post on a thread until I had read all the posts I missed so I posted on another thread before the Senior Golden I've read all the posts and my brain is overstuffed with all your adventures.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, poor Joe, the cat.......what a terrible shock for him to eat all those M&Ms.....I'm glad to hear that he'll be OK

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I've made chicken soup for years......I start with a whole chicken or the carcass from a turkey.....I stay away from the ones the store cooks because of the sodium and read the label on the chicken or turkey that I buy to be sure there is no sodium added.......I boil the bird with enough water to cover, then cool, remove the meat from the bones to add to the soup later, discard the bones, skin, the broth overnight so I can skim off the fat and discard it, then simmer the broth with onions, carrots, celery, and parsnips. I serve the soup with the meat and veggies and matzo balls or brown rice or egg noodles.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad to hear that things worked out about your cruise....I agree with you about buying a bathing suit.....the last one I bought was mail order and I'm sure it doesn't fit any more and I don't look forward to shopping for a new one....I know that you'll make the cruise wonderful for Neil

    :flowerforyou: I had my regular appointment to have my teeth cleaned yesterday
    they did a very deep cleaning that included numbing half my mouth.....I was so tired that I slept through most of it and the hygienist kept having to wake me to tell me to open my mouth wider or turn my head:laugh: :laugh:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: .congrats on losing another pound

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The weather in Phoenix was no great improvement on NW Washington but we spent the weekend with the most remarkable people and learned so much about health and good eating so that my brain could hardly contain it all..........we brought our blender and protein shake mix and meal bars so most of our meals were just like night we ended up at California Pizza where we ordered vegetarian pizza and salad with dressing on the side but I'm sure it had about a million mgs of sodium.:laugh: The hotel charged $14.95 a day for wifi in the room but the fitness center was free so we spent a lot of time on the elliptical, exercise bike, and treadmill......I watched part of the last football playoff game on the TV on treadmill.

    :flowerforyou: The dogs spent the weekend being boarded at the vet where they usually go.....the cats went to The Cat's Pajamas where Jan took care of Haifa's insulin and feeding needs.

    :flowerforyou: Haifa spent Thursday at the vet for an insulin curve and the news is that he has now had his dose cut in half, now he gets insulin only in the morning and will go back in two weeks for more testing.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad Jeffrey asked all those nosy questions.......but I know you'll just take your life one day at a time and not write the end of the story :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I laughed my head off thinking of Daisy having her own page on Facebook.

    This is all I remember but I send you all big hugs and thanks for all your support.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hieveryone, I am in hopes that you are all having a good weekend and keeping out of the big storm!

    Jeffrey, i also am not fond of dentists. All the work you are having done is really overwhelming! I am not sure what I would do in that situation but I think a bridge or two would pop right into my mind! Good luck and we are proud of you helping those kids with their education!lol

    Alli, Sounds like you are having fun with going on blind dates….and do you eat hot yogurt? Well I would have lost it so badly that I would not have been able to answer him! Have loads of fun!

    Barb, just read your post about your accident…it was so descriptive that I felt like I was right there watching it happen! You poor thing I hope you are feeling better!

    Viliberty, you did do a good job taking your great granddaughter to fast food and then making the choice not to eat. good for you, you go girl!

    Barb, we have one of the problem cars also! Last night we went to and looked at a video telling you what to do. I love our toyota's but I am disappointed in the company in that they are not really accepting responsibility…20 deaths and 200 run away cars. We have several family members that have dealerships but have not had an in depth conversation with them as yet!

    Barbiecat, congratulations on reaching your goal!

    Marie, glad you are all right and that you don't have so many doctor appointments to go to. the exercises for seniors sounds interesting!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good Morning,

    Still cold here but not as bad as some of your weather. :flowerforyou: It is always so nice to wake up and read all the interesting posts, what a great bunch of people we have. We all seem to have a sense of humor and leave the bad stuff behind. :happy:

    Elli, what exactly is hot yoga, are you doing yoga in a steam room or do they just turn the heat up high? Keep thinking about Jeff and his comment about burning weed being legal in your state, just thought that was soooo funny. I do not condone drugs but you have to admit that was a very funny remark. :laugh:

    Barbie, let me also congratulate you on reaching your goal and you look fantastic!!! Jake you also reached your goal but I see you changed it like Barbie did, that last pound will be gone by the end of the weekend knowing you.:drinker: It is great that you are now helping others to reach their goals and helping them get healthy. :love:

    Marie, I am so proud of you that you keep up with those exercises with the ball. You are a good listener and do what your doctor tells you to do. I think we will all feel much better when we get some warm weather on our bones. :flowerforyou:

    Jeffrey, I forgot to comment on the M&M's and I am so happy that Sam is better. A lot of people don't know that chocolate and raisins are really bad for animals. As Jake asked who sneaked those M&M's into your house, surely it wasn't you??
    Will be thinking of you over the weekend while you visit both mothers. Remember those hurtful words are only words and try to let them just slide by, deep inside love is there. :heart:

    I think I finally have a day to stay home and do what I want. I will exercise to make up for my lazy week and then go to 5:00 Mass.
    I am recording my food again so I know how many calories I am taking in, I was guesstimating and that doesn't work if you want to follow this program the right way.:tongue: I want all of you to be able to congratulate me as you have with Barbie when I reach my goal, it should have been done six months ago. :sad: I will not beat myself up though, I still have kept most of the weight I lost off and for that I am proud. :bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful day, you are amazing people.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    So good to hear from you.. It will be interesting to hear how you handle maintance. You get it all work out for us.
    70 pounds that is a lot/ So Proud of you. Thanks for telling me how to you do your chicken soup. Keep giving us tips. We need all the help we can get. and we look forward to your daily chatter.
    Love Marie