Jack Russell Fan Club



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :love: :love: :love:

    Sammy is a happy boy. He got to go to the post office with Jerry this morning.

  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Lexie is good, she was sad this morning because i had to go to work, but all in all she was happy!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Mine are super happy...mommy had to come home during lunch for yesterday and today. My hubby is usually at home but he's not able to be at the house for most of this weeks work week so...mommy comes home to let them out and play for 45 minutes. :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good evening . Wolf, wolf calling all Jack Russell. sammy is lonesome.

    Marie and Sammy
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good evening . Wolf, wolf calling all Jack Russell. sammy is lonesome.

    Marie and Sammy

    Tell Sammy me and Lolo say Hi!! And Hi to everyone else!

    We felt bad for Lo last night because her daddy didn't have any time to play with her because of school work and I had class until 10PM. He threw her ball for just a little bit but it wasn't enough for her. Poor girl. I really want to get a treadmill for her!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Good morning!
    I'm sure Lexie...like my pups are not liking the weather today. All three of mine took a step out onto the porch this morning and then turned right around and came back in. Spolied pups won't go potty in the rain. I had to let them out front (the covered porch) and wait while they went under it to go (only the jack and the jack/chi mix went-rotten doxie refuses to put her nether regions in wet grass...but she does ride quite low to the ground).
    How are Lolo and Sammy?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    We have a nice sunny day here after a storm went roaring by last night. Sammy and i plan on a nice walk this morning. I have already di dmy exercise in the house this morning.

    Sammy did not like the storm last night at all.

    Marie and Sammy
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Lexie definately does not like rain...but she is very happy because she is visiting with her Grammie and Poppa (my mom and dad) for the next few days. Grammie and Poppa really missed their granddog and although I miss her too...its nice for her to get to go grammies and play with her aunts and uncles. Plus my parents have 20 acres out in the country so Lexie loves to run around and chase things..Lol :happy: She is coming home on Saturday, so my house is lonesome until then.....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    now if Lexie sure is a lucky Jack Russell. All that room and plenty of others to play with. And to get to visit grammie and pappa all her aunt and uncles. I prsumed the are all JRT
    Lucky dog.
    It was so nice out today and We seen a couple girls walking with the Jack russell and a dashhound dog. This Jack Russell was black and white . Firt time I seen on with black marking. Sammy wanted to go play but they wouldn't slow down.. But it was nice outside.

    Marie and Sammy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart: :cry:

    These Jack Russell are pretty quite today. It is drizz;ing rain all day and Sammy is catching up on his sleep. Didn' get a walk in.
    but he goes out and get under the picnic table.Sleep tight boys and girls.

  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    its rainy and nasty today....and Lexie isnt coming home until this afternoon, she was having so much fun at Grammie and Poppas I let her stay another night...Lexie's aunts and uncles are actually all beagles...and sometimes they get annoyed with her because she is young and hyper....they are all older dogs, but they still love her just the same! have a good day sammy, lo lo, and all other JRTs!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart:

    Well sammy had a rought night. She had an accident on the carpet. Dh got up this morning nd step in it. But come to find out it was his doings. Fell to take the door off off of his doggie door. before we went to bed. Had close it to keep Sammy out while he vacum and mopped the floors yesterday. If he let him stay in he tries to attack the vacum and the mopped. So every Sat. he gets shut out and he does not like that one bit.

    But everything fine now.

    Marie and Sammy
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Hello everyone! Sorry we missed you all at the end of last week and the weekend. I was not at work and my computer at home only works when it feels like it! :laugh: Lolo had a good day/night Saturday. Got to play with her cousin, Roxy. She was EXHAUSTED all day yesterday. She didn't leave the couch all day until we went up the road to see her friends Plunger and Boomer (Labs). This morning she was wound up because her and her daddy saw a mouse!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Sorry to hear about Sammy's accident. I know Lolo feels bad if that happens to her.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    While I was out of the office last week, one of our vendors sent me an email about a puppy that their friend had found abandoned at a local park. I wish I knew how to post pictures here because I would share with you. They said the pup appears to be about 8 or 9 weeks old, female, yellow lab/huskey mix... missing right front leg. This pup is absolutely adorable! Has such a sweet little face. I think she would be a good friend for Lois. I emailed the person back and asked if the pup had found a home yet - she is still available. DH and I always throw around the idea of getting a sister for Lois but we just don't know if it would be the best choice. We love Lolo so much and we would have to share that love with another girl. And, would Lois love us as much if she was distracted by another dog? Would they be constant, non-stop playing and rough-housing? Would all 4 of us be able to snuggle in bed? Can we afford vet costs and more food? It's so fun to think about a new puppy but you really have to stop and think about it first. Just thought I would share with my fellow dog-lovers.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I know how you feel, I have thought about getting Lexie a brother or sister, but she is way too spoiled for that. She is also jealous and territorial too. I think she would get used to it but those first few weeks would be he$%. Good luck on your decision I know you will make the right one.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hello all of your JRT. Sounds like you all had a great weekend. Sammy has been trying to get me to go outside with him, but the wind is blowing us up anothe storms later this week. So I am going to go take a break and see if He will take a nap.
    I think that would be nice that lolo has a buddy. We had an older dog when we got Sammy. They didn't fight but really was not the best of friends either Both love all the attentions Angel had a bed in here by the computer and Sammy would just come in and stand in front of her and the sweet dog that Angel was would get up and let Sammy have the bed. And the same thing about her pallet outside. Angel would get up and come back in the house.
    She got so old and could not walk or see ,We had to put her down. Like to have broke my heart.

    See you gus later
    Marie and Sammy.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    While I was out of the office last week, one of our vendors sent me an email about a puppy that their friend had found abandoned at a local park. I wish I knew how to post pictures here because I would share with you. They said the pup appears to be about 8 or 9 weeks old, female, yellow lab/huskey mix... missing right front leg. This pup is absolutely adorable! Has such a sweet little face. I think she would be a good friend for Lois. I emailed the person back and asked if the pup had found a home yet - she is still available. DH and I always throw around the idea of getting a sister for Lois but we just don't know if it would be the best choice. We love Lolo so much and we would have to share that love with another girl. And, would Lois love us as much if she was distracted by another dog? Would they be constant, non-stop playing and rough-housing? Would all 4 of us be able to snuggle in bed? Can we afford vet costs and more food? It's so fun to think about a new puppy but you really have to stop and think about it first. Just thought I would share with my fellow dog-lovers.

    Hi there, I am not a Jack Russell owner, but I do have THREE dogs. Everyone's situation is different, but if your dog is reasonably well- socialized around other dogs, not hyper-territorial, and the dog you are bringing into your family is not overly aggressive or territorial, it can work well.

    I started out with a Shih tzu who was an "only child" for the first 7 years of his life. He is pictured in my ticker. My in-laws had an older full sized dachshund, who hated my puppy on sight. We used to leave him home to keep peace in the family. When my father in law became ill, my husband was spending more time at their home, and one weekend, when I was out of town, he took our dog with him, and instead of just walking in the front door with him, he put his mom's dog in another room, brought our dog inside, and THEN let their dog come in. The meeting was completely different. It was like since our dog was in the room when she entered it, he must "belong" there, so she accepted him

    They became the best of friends. That doxie would let my little guy get away with murder when they played and they kept my mother in law very entertained. She loved to "doggie sit" for us.

    Later, I moved out of the home my husband and I shared and the Shih tzu came with me. He had some separation anxiety problems, so I got a female Lhasa Apso, (also in ticker and in avatar) who had been in a one dog household. They met in a private area of the animal shelter where the Lhasa was staying, and seemed to hit it off, so she came home with us.

    They got along like brother and sister--lots of noise but no violence.:bigsmile: I used to say that the Lhasa thought she was in charge, the Shih tzu frequently reminded her that he was there FIRST, therefore HE was in charge, and "momma" (me:bigsmile: ) had to often remind BOTH of them that (theoretically) SHE was in charge!!:laugh:

    We were a "glee-some threesome" for about 5 years, until the little grey Shih tzu died of cancer in August of 2008--about broke my heart. The Lhasa was getting to be a very spoiled little "only girl" by Christmas when the same friends I got the first Shih tzu from gave me another as a Christmas present. I arranged a meeting a few weeks ahead of my taking him, and everything seemed to go well. The Shih tzu is a very acquiescent fellow, so he puts up with "Diva Girl" when she gets in a "mood."

    We were a threesome again, and then fate intervened. I didn't PLAN on having three dogs, but as a result of my friends mother in law passing away, she became the caregiver of THREE Yorkies. Two of them are 15 year old geriatric special needs dogs, and litter mates of my friend's Yorkie, who also has some limitations. The third, a very spry "young gentleman" of 13, joined us in October. I had a meeting in a neutral place, a park, where everyone seemed to do ok together.

    The day I brought him home, I left the other two at home and picked him up. When I arrived, I brought bedding in so the other two could get his scent. Then I took the other two outside, took the new one out of the car, and all of us went for a walk. When we returned, everyone came in the house together, had some treats and it was a relatively smooth transition.

    I soon discovered that I had a "Yorkshire Terror":laugh: He would not let the Lhasa boss him around, and as a result, my current Shih tzu (the black one in my profile pics) had become emboldened, so the balance of power has shifted a bit.. The Yorkie has a propensity for finding and eating food that he is not supposed to have. Since the pirate always "shares" his booty, the Lhasa tolerates him better than she did at first. Collectively, they are known as "The Three Little Pigs.":laugh: :laugh:

    Just posted to let you know that "blended" doggie families CAN work. As for the cost. That is for you to decide. I didn't think I could afford three, but so far I am doing ok.

    Good luck!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    While I was out of the office last week, one of our vendors sent me an email about a puppy that their friend had found abandoned at a local park. I wish I knew how to post pictures here because I would share with you. They said the pup appears to be about 8 or 9 weeks old, female, yellow lab/huskey mix... missing right front leg. This pup is absolutely adorable! Has such a sweet little face. I think she would be a good friend for Lois. I emailed the person back and asked if the pup had found a home yet - she is still available. DH and I always throw around the idea of getting a sister for Lois but we just don't know if it would be the best choice. We love Lolo so much and we would have to share that love with another girl. And, would Lois love us as much if she was distracted by another dog? Would they be constant, non-stop playing and rough-housing? Would all 4 of us be able to snuggle in bed? Can we afford vet costs and more food? It's so fun to think about a new puppy but you really have to stop and think about it first. Just thought I would share with my fellow dog-lovers.

    Hi there, I am not a Jack Russell owner, but I do have THREE dogs. Everyone's situation is different, but if your dog is reasonably well- socialized around other dogs, not hyper-territorial, and the dog you are bringing into your family is not overly aggressive or territorial, it can work well.

    I started out with a Shih tzu who was an "only child" for the first 7 years of his life. He is pictured in my ticker. My in-laws had an older full sized dachshund, who hated my puppy on sight. We used to leave him home to keep peace in the family. When my father in law became ill, my husband was spending more time at their home, and one weekend, when I was out of town, he took our dog with him, and instead of just walking in the front door with him, he put his mom's dog in another room, brought our dog inside, and THEN let their dog come in. The meeting was completely different. It was like since our dog was in the room when she entered it, he must "belong" there, so she accepted him

    They became the best of friends. That doxie would let my little guy get away with murder when they played and they kept my mother in law very entertained. She loved to "doggie sit" for us.

    Later, I moved out of the home my husband and I shared and the Shih tzu came with me. He had some separation anxiety problems, so I got a female Lhasa Apso, (also in ticker and in avatar) who had been in a one dog household. They met in a private area of the animal shelter where the Lhasa was staying, and seemed to hit it off, so she came home with us.

    They got along like brother and sister--lots of noise but no violence.:bigsmile: I used to say that the Lhasa thought she was in charge, the Shih tzu frequently reminded her that he was there FIRST, therefore HE was in charge, and "momma" (me:bigsmile: ) had to often remind BOTH of them that (theoretically) SHE was in charge!!:laugh:

    We were a "glee-some threesome" for about 5 years, until the little grey Shih tzu died of cancer in August of 2008--about broke my heart. The Lhasa was getting to be a very spoiled little "only girl" by Christmas when the same friends I got the first Shih tzu from gave me another as a Christmas present. I arranged a meeting a few weeks ahead of my taking him, and everything seemed to go well. The Shih tzu is a very acquiescent fellow, so he puts up with "Diva Girl" when she gets in a "mood."

    We were a threesome again, and then fate intervened. I didn't PLAN on having three dogs, but as a result of my friends mother in law passing away, she became the caregiver of THREE Yorkies. Two of them are 15 year old geriatric special needs dogs, and litter mates of my friend's Yorkie, who also has some limitations. The third, a very spry "young gentleman" of 13, joined us in October. I had a meeting in a neutral place, a park, where everyone seemed to do ok together.

    The day I brought him home, I left the other two at home and picked him up. When I arrived, I brought bedding in so the other two could get his scent. Then I took the other two outside, took the new one out of the car, and all of us went for a walk. When we returned, everyone came in the house together, had some treats and it was a relatively smooth transition.

    I soon discovered that I had a "Yorkshire Terror":laugh: He would not let the Lhasa boss him around, and as a result, my current Shih tzu (the black one in my profile pics) had become emboldened, so the balance of power has shifted a bit.. The Yorkie has a propensity for finding and eating food that he is not supposed to have. Since the pirate always "shares" his booty, the Lhasa tolerates him better than she did at first. Collectively, they are known as "The Three Little Pigs.":laugh: :laugh:

    Just posted to let you know that "blended" doggie families CAN work. As for the cost. That is for you to decide. I didn't think I could afford three, but so far I am doing ok.

    Good luck!!!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Weaklink - Thank you for sharing your story. I think we will still consider a friend for Lois, but, the one I received the email about has already found her new home, so that makes me happy.

    Marie, that's a sweet story about Angel & Sammy.

    I think I will talk to Hubby about a sister for Lois again tonight. Have a nice evening everyone! :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hello Barbs [weaklink } Enjoy reading your story. Also glad to have one of my Senior buddie to drop in. Do drop in again. Never get tired of hearing about doggies stories. And you are a wonderful story teller. See you on the Senior Golden Sneakers. later. Love ya. Marie