Jack Russell Fan Club



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks, Marie, for your kind words, here and in the Golden Sneakers thread about my post.

    Maybe we should start a thread for:heart: "Spoiled Rotten Pesky Little Doggies":heart: regardless of breed!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    AwMyLoLo- Good luck in your quest for another canine family member. Depending upon how much interaction your dog has with others, you might want to spend some time at a dog park, if this isn't something you have been doing already, to see how "Lois" responds to other dogs.

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Thanks, Marie, for your kind words, here and in the Golden Sneakers thread about my post.

    Maybe we should start a thread for:heart: "Spoiled Rotten Pesky Little Doggies":heart: regardless of breed!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    AwMyLoLo- Good luck in your quest for another canine family member. Depending upon how much interaction your dog has with others, you might want to spend some time at a dog park, if this isn't something you have been doing already, to see how "Lois" responds to other dogs.


    Oh, I know Lois loves other dogs! She has lots of friends! :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: ,

    Good morning LoLo, Lexie and all the other lovely little pooches and big pooches too. we love them all.

    Barbs good seeing you again. Always enjoy to hear what the three little pigs are into now. Hope you are feeling better after that fall in the parking lot.

    LOLO--- How do your Mommie keep you so trim??

    Be ariound later
    Marie and Sammy
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning Sammy, Lo Lo, and all other pups! Lexie FINALLY came home last night after a Loooong stay at Grammie and Poppa's (the weather was so bad Sunday that I wasnt able to go get her) she was exhausted and excited to see her Mom and Dad! Only bad thing is while Mom and Dad went to the gym last night, she ate a dryer sheet :laugh: and got sick:sad: :sad: . But she was only sick for a few minutes....for some reason she has a fascination with dryer sheets and wants to eat them. I try to keep them away from her but she had been out of the house so long I forgot to put the laundry basket with freshly dried clothes out of her reach! Anyway, Lexie is hanging with her Dad today because Mom is at work.....hope all other pups have a great day!

    :heart: :heart:

    Ginny and Lexie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ginny that is so cute Lexie going to spend the weekend with with her grammie and poppa and all the other little guys.

    Sammy has a fascinations with vasoiline, cream of any kind, Medicine that creamy. Any kind of creamy food.He has never got a whole of a dryer sheets but would probable like it too. Loves cheese

    Marie & Sammy
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Awww poor Lexie! I wonder if she learned a lesson... Lois likes to eat Q-Tips, just nibble the cotton off the ends. She's learned pretty well that she's not allowed to have them but she sneaks sometimes. Lois and Sammy have something in common! I have to close her out of the room to put any lotion on or she will try to lick it all off.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I just saw something advertised that might solve the "dryer sheet temptation" problem. Bounce makes a bar that has an adhesive on one side. The bar attaches to the drum of your dryer and is supposed to provide fabric softener to every load for about 4 months. Don't know the exact product name or the price, but unless your dog likes to climb IN the dryer, this might solve your problem.

    Bradley, my "Yorkshire Terror" likes to get into my Orowheat Sandwich Thins. If I forget to put my work tote bag out of reach when I come home, he will "raid" it, chew a hole in the bag and consume every crumb. He once ate all EIGHT of the buns in one sitting!! :noway: Oink oink!! He also has a thing for Trader Joe's Soy and Flax Tortilla chips. He has actually knocked a package off the kitchen counter and chewed a hole in the bag and killed off about half of them. He seems to like them just fine without guacamole or salsa!!:laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbs has Bradley put on any weight since you have had him.? He is a little pig.
    Glad you are feeling OK. I drove the car today , the first time since last fall. I went to Walmart and walk around a lot., I am going to dust the dust off of my pedometor and start my walking soon. Spring is just around the corner. However we are in for some cold rainy weather later this week.

    Lexie , little girl have you settle down being home with your Mommie and Daddie. I know you enjoy your visit. with your grandparents and all of your playmates.
    Sammy enjoy going to class when he was younger so he could play with all the puppies. The only thing he learn was NO! NO! He has that down pretty good..I am glad for that keeps him from running off chasing cats.

    I read an article in a Mag. at the doctor office today. where one family share thier dog with another family. It said he was happy wherever he was at. He has a bed in each home. They first let him stay when she had to spend a lot of time taking care of her mother in another city. this other family fell in love with the doggie and kept asking to let him come over. It reminded me of Lexie.
    So sweet.

    Marie & Sammy
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Marie!! Fancy meeting you here!!:laugh:

    Bradley is a piglet for sure. When I weighed him at the vet's within a couple of days of his arrival, he weighed 14 lbs. and his ribs were more noticeable than I thought they should be. My friend had tried to place him in another home before I took him, and since he was stressed, he was not eating very well. We definitely have overcome THAT problem!!:laugh:

    The last time he weighed, the reading was 16 lbs. Funny part is, his middle doesn't have a lot of meat on it, but on either side of his tale, he seems to have developed some little "doggie saddlebags" :noway: :laugh: that weren't there before. He can still easily jump from the floor to the bed, and he can walk for an hour at a time without any problem. Due to his size, I have a theory that he might have some Silky Terrier in him. My sweet little piglet boy is the BIGGEST Yorkie,:noway: I have ever seen.:bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbs, I am looking forward to seeing Bradley.He must be a little darling. I'm glad you got him and he is over his stress and eating so well.
    Sammy too would eat all the time if we let him. He likes to lick my Ricotta Sundae bowl I have before bedtime.. Thats to keep my blood sugar in check so I want wake up with a low during the night. We need to get Daisy Mae over here She is such a darling.

    Take care of the three little pigs.Sammy is all tuck in and getting some ZZZZZZZZZZ in.
    Take care LoLo, Lexie, Bandit, Princess,, I know there is some more out running around but cannot think of their names.
    Marie & Sammy

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Marie, Lois keeps slim by running around like crazy so much. She doesn't get a lot of snacks. She does love popcorn as much as her mom and dad and will eat it right out of the bowl with us. She usually gets some of daddy's bacon on Saturday morning. But that's about it. She likes ice cubes for a treat too! Calorie free!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Lexie loves ice cubes too! Everytime she hears the ice maker when I am getting ice she comes sprinting into the kitchen to ask for a piece lol :) Lexie stays trim by running around like a manic too. I am ashamed to say that she probably eats just as much people food as she does dog food ( I am a pushover) :blushing:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart:

    I guess sammy should have been a girl. He sleeps a lot. Chase the postman from window to window, and the big trucks going by. Like UPS ,Trash man. , But if he is outside he runs to the front door or gate.

    Oh by the way I invited some of the seniors to drop by and let us see their puupies. and Big Joe the cat.

    Marie & Sammy
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Sorry that I haven't posted in a while-tragedy struck.
    My birthday was on Monday (it should have been a great day).
    First my car needs a new serpentine belt-it split in two (still need to get my emissions done and tag renewed)...so for the moment I'm using my hubbys car.
    Second-My neighborhood has been putting in pipes (we have a creek that runs though and I guess the pipes are old). The water was supposed to be turned off between noon and six. I asked my daughter to check to see it the water had been turned back on around 9 pm...it was not. She tried to turn it on in the bathroom...well since it wasn't working she didn't actually turn it off-left it on at full blast. Well, the water came back on sometime after midnight and it flooded her bedroom, our guest bedroom, the hallway, part of the livingroom, and the bathroom. I was awoken at 5:30 am by my hubby who was yelling about the flood. We called our insurance company-now we're just waiting to hear from the adjuster. We're staying at my in-laws house and at least we can have our dogs there with us (they go over there every weekend anyway). Needless to say...my birthday wasn't that great this year.
    Hope all of you have been having a better time that I have.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Hello ladies!
    Sorry that I haven't posted in a while-tragedy struck.
    My birthday was on Monday (it should have been a great day).
    First my car needs a new serpentine belt-it split in two (still need to get my emissions done and tag renewed)...so for the moment I'm using my hubbys car.
    Second-My neighborhood has been putting in pipes (we have a creek that runs though and I guess the pipes are old). The water was supposed to be turned off between noon and six. I asked my daughter to check to see it the water had been turned back on around 9 pm...it was not. She tried to turn it on in the bathroom...well since it wasn't working she didn't actually turn it off-left it on at full blast. Well, the water came back on sometime after midnight and it flooded her bedroom, our guest bedroom, the hallway, part of the livingroom, and the bathroom. I was awoken at 5:30 am by my hubby who was yelling about the flood. We called our insurance company-now we're just waiting to hear from the adjuster. We're staying at my in-laws house and at least we can have our dogs there with us (they go over there every weekend anyway). Needless to say...my birthday wasn't that great this year.
    Hope all of you have been having a better time that I have.

    Man! I am so sorry to hear that! I can imagine how you felt! My parents live at "the end of the line" for the sewer service on their road. Well, there have been 4 separate times where we have had a big storm where the power goes out and the sewer system stops pumping, therefore causing everyone on the road's sewage to back up into their lower level toilet. Literally, everyone's POOP floating around over the ENTIRE lower level of my parents house, which is not just a basement, it is 2200 square feet of living space. The sewer dept has installed a generator to "solve" the problem, which has failed on at least one occasion. I don't really remember all the details, all I know is that within the past 13 years of them living at this house, their downstairs has been filled with other people's poop 4 different times! It's horrifying, to say the least, to not only deal with poop floating through your house, but having to deal with insurance, and trying to hold the sewer dept accountable... it's been quite the battle.

    Hope everything works out for you with the insurance. Sorry your b-day was less than extravagant! :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Oh boy what a mess Maid. Hope you get it all fix up soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Maybe next year will be a beter one for you.

    Lolo Oh Horrible thought waking up and find the whole neighberhood poop flating around in your house. Lolo would have a fit if she was around at the time.

    Rain is a coming today and tomorrow and will get colder for a few days. I hope not as cold as last time. We are off to the eye doctor this morning. Sammy will have to stay home all by hisself and he wont like that.

    I have invited some of the seniors to drop by for a visit and play with our pooches. The are all so cute. Little Dasiy Mae is the our baby of the group. so precious. But she is not little no more . She is going on 1 year and would out weigh Sammy, Lolo. and lexie combine.

    they are beginning to get dogies park in around Dallas. but none close enought to us.. But I sure hope they do. Put one in here soon.

    See you all later. Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Maid of A--What a lousy way to spend your birthday!! I hope NEXT year is MUCH better.

    Your story reminds me of something that happened to my parents when they still lived in the house I grew up in. They returned from a trip that took them out of town for overnight. They knew something was wrong when they pulled in the driveway and found water running out from underneath the garage door.:noway: Turns out a water line broke underneath the kitchen sink. The house was on two levels, and the kitchen was upstairs, so water ran all over upstairs and leaked into the finished basement. They ended up with new carpet in the whole upstairs, and new ceiling in the basement. I had things stored in the basement. What a mess!!!

    I just had to referee an altercation between Bradley and Mai Li. They each have their own food dishes, but both decided they needed to use the same dish at the same time. No blood was spilled but there were some stern words dished out to both as each one was trying to outdue the other in terms of escalating behaviour. All is quiet on the western front now!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Marie, I've said it before but I want to say it again: You are my favorite person on MFP! You always make me smile! I'm glad you invited your other friends here. How is Sammy today?

    Lolo was a bed HOG last night!! She gets to stay out with Daddy until 1:30 today and then I get home around 4:30. Easy day for her. Too bad Mom's at work tired due to lack of sleep!! :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words...made me feel much better.

    We're expecting snow again...this is Georgia...we are not supposed to have snow. I love living in the south, it's supposed to be nice and warm. We'll probably still be at my in-laws for the next week or so...the dogs will be happy. 9 dogs and 6 humans, it's a little crazy.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Maid- I totally feel you, whats up with all this snow???? and being as we are closer to the metro we will get mostly ice and freezing rain, atleast snow is pretty....and it was like 60 degrees yesterday! I have always said if you dont like the weather in GA, wait a minute and it will change! so sorry to hear about your birthday woes, hope things start looking up for you soon!

    Woof, Woof...Lexie says hello to all the JRT's and other breeds on the board! She is very happy today spending time with her daddy and big brother No Name. Everyone have a great weekend!