Jack Russell Fan Club



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I can't believe you have a dog named No Name. That's :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Reminds me of the joke about the 3 dogs who were talking:

    First Dog: What's your name?

    Second Dog: "No" What's yours?

    First Dog: "Get off the couch"

    Third Dog: Nice to meet you both. My name is "Quiet Down"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I can't believe you have a dog named No Name. That's :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    When DBF and I got together, the first time I went to his house I went to pet his dog in the back yard and asked what his name was..his response was " he doesn't have a name, he is really not my dog my dad left him here supposedly for a week and that was 3 years ago....he chewed up the siding on my house so I got mad and never named him... I kept him because he barks and keeps the burglars away...." I thought that was awful so I just started calling him No Name, I guess its better than calling him "the dog outback" which is how DBF used to refer to him lol... DBF has since learned to love him and Lexie loves him too!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I can't believe you have a dog named No Name. That's :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    When DBF and I got together, the first time I went to his house I went to pet his dog in the back yard and asked what his name was..his response was " he doesn't have a name, he is really not my dog my dad left him here supposedly for a week and that was 3 years ago....he chewed up the siding on my house so I got mad and never named him... I kept him because he barks and keeps the burglars away...." I thought that was awful so I just started calling him No Name, I guess its better than calling him "the dog outback" which is how DBF used to refer to him lol... DBF has since learned to love him and Lexie loves him too!

    Awwwww! I'm bet No Name loves you to death for that! What kind of dog is he?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    He is a chow mix his mom is chow..not sure what his dad was...he is brown and black and just a big ole baby!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good morning Lolo. Lexie and all the other pooches, Bradley too.

    I think i did not post yesterday but did read your post. Had to to see what you are up too.
    And it was a lot. Hello No Name. Glad to meet you and. take care of Lexie.
    Sammy had his sweater on and had a nice walk with his Daddy. Cold out there.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I am ready for spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how.

    See you guys later
    Marie and Sammy
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just had to stopped in and say Hi to all of the pooches
    Hope you all haveing a wonderful time with your families.
    See you tomorrow.
    Your adopted grandma
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Good morning ya'll!
    We still haven't been able to move back into our house yet....we're hoping that we can by this weekend. Of course the dogs don't mind they get to play with their aunts and cousins all the time now.
    How is everyone doing?
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Morning all....it is cold today and Lexie and I are ready for spring! Sorry to hear that you havent been able to move back yet Maid, praying things get better for you and your fam soon!

    Lexie says hi to Sammy, Lo Lo and other puppies on the board. She is playing with no name today and then going to the farm with daddy to play with the goats and chickens....pretty good day over all for her. Hope everyone has a great day! :heart: :heart:

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Ginny and Lexie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning.

    I have a Shih tzu passed out on the ottoman, :yawn: a Yorkie trying to get him to move so there is room for two up there:heart: , and a Lhasa Apso, snoring away on the floor,:yawn: ignoring all of us.

    Just another day in the "Pacific Northwet"--where if it isn't raining, that means it just stopped or is about to start again:ohwell: Even though we actually never got below freezing in January, I am still READY for Spring!!!:flowerforyou:

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Weaklink, your doggies made me tired... :yawn:

    I think I may have found a sister for Lois! If we get her she will actually be Lois's older sis. She is a 5 year old Jack Russell named Penny. She has the same markings as Lois on her face. My first JRT was all white and her name was Penny. That poor girl was still a baby when she found her way out to the road and didn't come back :frown: :brokenheart: :sad: Soooo sad. I only had her for about 8 months before my now DH and I moved into an apartment where we couldn't take her. One of my mom's friends wanted to give her a good home with other doggies but right before we left to take her there she was hit by a car. Makes me want to cry just thinking about it. We have an underground electric fence for Lois at our house and even a real wooden fence now but we still use the electric just to be safe. She knows her boundaries so she won't leave her yard unless we take her.

    ANYWAY -- This 5 year old girl needs a new home because her mommy inherited her mother's 2 dogs and her apartment only allows 2 dogs. I think maybe an *older* sister would be the best thing for Lois. Now I just have to convince DH of that! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bad news first had a bad news telephone call this morning. My brother is in the hosppital with Prostate cancer and they gave him 2 days to 2 weeks to live. So I have been at the hospital the biggest part of the day. We knew he was getting worse, but I don't think you are ever ready for it. They are getting Hotpice line up and will take him home. For there is nothing else to do for him. It has reach his brain.

    Well it certainly look like all the pooches had a nice weekend.
    Lexie may get an older sister. How wonderful! I wouldn't know what to do with two Sammies. Oh boy.
    Lolo busy little girl today.
    The three piggies are up to michief.
    Maid group of pooches having a ball being away from home.

    woops its nightime. Didn't realized that
    See you all in the morning.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    So sorry to hear about your brother, Marie. :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks LOLO my brother did pass away about 3:00 AM this morning.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Thanks LOLO my brother did pass away about 3:00 AM this morning.

    I am so sorry for your loss, you'll be in my prayers. What was his name? I'll send out an e-mail to the church I attend so we can all send up some prayers. :brokenheart: :cry:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maid his name is Charlie McWhorter And thank you for your kind words that would be nice. Thank you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where did all the pooches go??????????? Staying in out of the rain and cold. I know Sammy is
    The city is working on the water line in front of the house. Replacing all the old pipes and the noise and trucks and all the guys is didturbing him. Haven't had a good nap yet So he will sleep all evening after they leave.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Just had to drop in to tell a "Doggie Story." What better place than here?:bigsmile:

    A couple of days ago I was eating a banana and Bradley came and started giving me that "please share" look with the big expressive brown Yorkie eyes, so I put a little on my finger, and he about bit it off scarfing down the banana. About this time, Pepper came long with his big brown Shih tzu eyes, and gave me the "Hey mom, why does Bradley get all the goodies?" look, so I put a little more on my finger and he inhaled it. Both returned immediately for more, and were quite disappointed that there were limits to how much of my breakfast they would get to share!!:laugh:

    Forward to yesterday morning, another banana--only this time part of it broke off, and fell on the floor. I attempted to retrieve it, but little Bradley the "Terror" swooped in and grabbed it, and when I tried to recapture it, he growled at me,:noway: and ran into the living room--with Pepper in hot pursuit!! They made short work of that banana, and I found something else to complete my breakfast!!:laugh:

    So I guess I have a couple of "Banana Hounds." As for Mai Li, my Lhasa Apso--she was given an opportunity to partake of banana, but gave it a sniff, and walked away in absolute disinterest--surprising for her as she never met a calorie she didn't like--much like her momma!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Take care all.

    Barb and "the Pesties"
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Just had to drop in to tell a "Doggie Story." What better place than here?:bigsmile:

    A couple of days ago I was eating a banana and Bradley came and started giving me that "please share" look with the big expressive brown Yorkie eyes, so I put a little on my finger, and he about bit it off scarfing down the banana. About this time, Pepper came long with his big brown Shih tzu eyes, and gave me the "Hey mom, why does Bradley get all the goodies?" look, so I put a little more on my finger and he inhaled it. Both returned immediately for more, and were quite disappointed that there were limits to how much of my breakfast they would get to share!!:laugh:

    Forward to yesterday morning, another banana--only this time part of it broke off, and fell on the floor. I attempted to retrieve it, but little Bradley the "Terror" swooped in and grabbed it, and when I tried to recapture it, he growled at me,:noway: and ran into the living room--with Pepper in hot pursuit!! They made short work of that banana, and I found something else to complete my breakfast!!:laugh:

    So I guess I have a couple of "Banana Hounds." As for Mai Li, my Lhasa Apso--she was given an opportunity to partake of banana, but gave it a sniff, and walked away in absolute disinterest--surprising for her as she never met a calorie she didn't like--much like her momma!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Take care all.

    Barb and "the Pesties"

    Good story, and I was eating a banana as I was reading it! Lois :heart: :heart: :heart: my yogurt. She really wants a sister now, we have been talking about it. I keep trying to find one to adopt but no luck yet. Have a great day!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    Just had to drop in to tell a "Doggie Story." What better place than here?:bigsmile:

    A couple of days ago I was eating a banana and Bradley came and started giving me that "please share" look with the big expressive brown Yorkie eyes, so I put a little on my finger, and he about bit it off scarfing down the banana. About this time, Pepper came long with his big brown Shih tzu eyes, and gave me the "Hey mom, why does Bradley get all the goodies?" look, so I put a little more on my finger and he inhaled it. Both returned immediately for more, and were quite disappointed that there were limits to how much of my breakfast they would get to share!!:laugh:

    Forward to yesterday morning, another banana--only this time part of it broke off, and fell on the floor. I attempted to retrieve it, but little Bradley the "Terror" swooped in and grabbed it, and when I tried to recapture it, he growled at me,:noway: and ran into the living room--with Pepper in hot pursuit!! They made short work of that banana, and I found something else to complete my breakfast!!:laugh:

    So I guess I have a couple of "Banana Hounds." As for Mai Li, my Lhasa Apso--she was given an opportunity to partake of banana, but gave it a sniff, and walked away in absolute disinterest--surprising for her as she never met a calorie she didn't like--much like her momma!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Take care all.

    Barb and "the Pesties"

    LOL :bigsmile: . We have what we call the PBHs-Peanut Butter Hounds. They will sit and watch as you get the PB from the fridge and start drooling. They also love veggies-carrots, bellpeppers, celery, and spinich. They are such weirdos.