May Day Challenge! Take 2!



  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Love to read all of your posts, but I don't have time to respond individually right now. I just got home from swimming with my new goggles - loved them! I picked up my grandsons after work, so I haven't started dinner yet. I had better go get busy. I think that I am making a casserole with ham, sweet potatoes and pineapple. New recipe, so hope it's a winner. Catch up with you all later. Here's to smart choices!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I "found" a great dip that I really like.I'm still tweaking the recipe, but it shouldn't be TOO bad on calories:laugh: Basically, it is diced red, orange and yellow peppers, diced black olives, diced de-seeded jalapenos, cumin, chili powder, corn, and cream cheese. I am not usually a big pepper eater, so I don't usually have these in the house. We saw at the store a bag with 1 each of the peppers, so I bought that. I wasgoing to take this to Bible study this weekend, but I noticed today that the yellow pepper was starting to get brown spots. Figured that wasn't good, so I started dicing. Got the colored peppers done, then discovered that I was missing a few things!:ohwell: I thought we still had a jalapeno, but turns out DH ate it (big shocker there:wink: ). Apparently I forgot to get the olives when we were at the store:grumble: So I mixed all the rest together except the cream cheese, and will get the other ingredients tomorrow. I'm hopeful that my try at this will turn out as good as the original that I tried.:happy: I haven't done the NI on it yet, but the cream cheese and the olives are the big offenders. I'm using FFCC, so that will help. I've thought about using sour cream instead of CC. Maybe on the next batch.

    Just had to share my discovery!:bigsmile: If you want the NI once I figure it out, let me know!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I "found" a great dip that I really like.I'm still tweaking the recipe, but it shouldn't be TOO bad on calories:laugh: Basically, it is diced red, orange and yellow peppers, diced black olives, diced de-seeded jalapenos, cumin, chili powder, corn, and cream cheese. I am not usually a big pepper eater, so I don't usually have these in the house. We saw at the store a bag with 1 each of the peppers, so I bought that. I wasgoing to take this to Bible study this weekend, but I noticed today that the yellow pepper was starting to get brown spots. Figured that wasn't good, so I started dicing. Got the colored peppers done, then discovered that I was missing a few things!:ohwell: I thought we still had a jalapeno, but turns out DH ate it (big shocker there:wink: ). Apparently I forgot to get the olives when we were at the store:grumble: So I mixed all the rest together except the cream cheese, and will get the other ingredients tomorrow. I'm hopeful that my try at this will turn out as good as the original that I tried.:happy: I haven't done the NI on it yet, but the cream cheese and the olives are the big offenders. I'm using FFCC, so that will help. I've thought about using sour cream instead of CC. Maybe on the next batch.

    Just had to share my discovery!:bigsmile: If you want the NI once I figure it out, let me know!

    Ooh, that sounds yummy!

    Another alternative to cream cheese and sour cream is plain fat free greek yogurt. It's thick and creamy with the same tartness as sour cream, and a TON of protein (like 24 grams) all for about 150 cals in 8 oz!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    hello all- :wink: glad to find you on the new thread.

    i am doing ok with workouts this week, although i didn't get my weight training done today. (gonna have to try to add it to my day tomorrow).

    we went out to a really, really good barbeque place tonight. :tongue: so, although my calories are ok for the day, my sodium is way over. i did get in my 8 glasses of water, but i guess i should try to finish another 16oz before bed to help with the extra sodium.

    the best new recipe we tried this week was a hearty casserole with pork, kale, shiitake mushrooms and wild rice. Very tasty and satisfying- 285 calories a serving.:bigsmile:

    welcome new folks- remember we can do this, one choice at a time. :flowerforyou: -katie
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I would like to announce that I completed the entire 58 minutes of the Plyometrics dvd of the P90X series and I AM VERY PROUD of myself. I was a bit intimidated about taking on the task b/c I have a bad right knee BUT I did what I could and modified anything that I thought was going to be to strenuous on the knee and I feel great. While I'm sure my quads will be mad at me tomorrow I feel absolutely great at the moment.

    I will continue reviewing all the dvds but I think I'm going to begin the entire P90X series next week. I'll start slow and w/lighter weights so that I don't overdo it and gradually build. When I think about it like that the program seems totally doable. Between my bad knee and arthritic lower back I'm sure I'll have to modify but I think i'm ready for the challenge.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    Drumroll, please..........................

    I got off of my butt and worked out yesterday! Yippee!

    I am wearing my pedometer today, will try to rack up the steps.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Well, I needed some motivation this week, and I got it! I've got two pairs of dress pants that I haven't worn in 3 1/2 years. I found them in a box under my bed a few months ago, and took them out so I could try them on every now and then, and hopefully eventually be able to wear them again. Well, I tried them on last night and THEY FIT!!! They are size 10's, which is 3 whole sizes smaller than what I wore 4 months ago! I was so excited, so of course, I'm wearing them today, and telling everyone I see!!!:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Cranberry, glad to learn you've gotten off your bootie and got your workout in yesterday, didn't you feel a sense of accomplishment?

    Amboardman, congratulations on that weight loss....3 dress sizes in 4 months is AWESOME!!!!! I would be struttin my stuff too so shake what ur momma gave u girl.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Oh, I am pretty new to this, but I just wanted to say that I love the siggie from "Ourgang":

    "I've given up on the weight goals!!!! NEW GOALS!!!!
    To stop eating when I am full
    To get up and move every day
    Not eating when I'm bored or tired "

    This needs to be my motto, too. Get up and move, and don't eat when bored. This website helps alot because I have to be accountable for what I put in my mouth, and I think I will like what I see when I finally get this exercise going, and see the results on "paper". But, mostly, even if I don't lose a thing, I am still focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

    So glad you can relate to my goals... I have really been struggling with the weight loss, but have seen great improvement in my lifestyle changes!!!!! I remind myself these 3 ideas daily!!!

    God Bless
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Missed my workout yesterday due to visiting our sick kitty at the vet -- but he'll hopefully be coming home tonight, and I should be able to get back to my regular exercise schedule tomorrow.

    Been eating well -- did horrible on the water yesterday though -- barely got in 6 cups (distracted at work and ran around all evening). Today will be better. I'm more focused.

    Hope everyone is having a decent week!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Well Well, I must say that today started AWESOME!!!!! I have been really dilagent with my cal intake and backed up my exercise just a bit... and I was down another 3 lbs today!!! I know we don't weigh in until Friday, but I haven't been seeing the scale move in so long I just had to post it to my ticker... NO MORE 220"s for me baby :flowerforyou: :love: :bigsmile: :drinker: :happy:

    Then I got to work, Audited AGAIN!!! :grumble: Staff showed up unprepared and we opened late with an auditor here. :angry: Now I have to put the hammer down on my staff, hate being the bad guy, but I have no choice!!! Needed to get out for Lunch. Hubby came and took me to Chili's, I didn't do too bad, pulled pork with a wheat bun and only a few chips and salsa, I didn't exercise this AM, but will need to put in 40 min's when I get home so I can have a grilled chix salad for diner!!!!

    Happy Hump Day!!!! is it Friday yet?????

    God Bless
  • OliveCulona
    Hello everyone! I'm here to lose some weight and get healthy!!! It's wednesday so only 2 more days until another weigh-in... keep up the great work!
  • crmldlyte
    Bump to read after work!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am having a really hard time with snacking this week. I want to eat ALL the time. I started TOM today so I know that has something to do with it but I have never been this out of control. I am going to have to do some serious work today to work off what I have eaten today.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member

    So glad you can relate to my goals... I have really been struggling with the weight loss, but have seen great improvement in my lifestyle changes!!!!! I remind myself these 3 ideas daily!!!

    God Bless

    I am on our wellness committee at work, and I am all about lifestyle changes!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    amboardman- :wink: i think your drop in sizes is amazing, congratulations. it feels terrific to see all the hard work paying off.

    today is 5 months that i have been dieting, started Aug. 27. :bigsmile: And as you can see by my ticker, i am now down 73 lbs. i also try to take measurements once a month to see how much things have changed. i have lost 10 inches in my waist. :drinker:

    Woohoo! so to celebrate today, i went to water aerobics and worked my tail off. :laugh: -katie
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    amboardman- :wink: i think your drop in sizes is amazing, congratulations. it feels terrific to see all the hard work paying off.

    today is 5 months that i have been dieting, started Aug. 27. :bigsmile: And as you can see by my ticker, i am now down 73 lbs. i also try to take measurements once a month to see how much things have changed. i have lost 10 inches in my waist. :drinker:

    Woohoo! so to celebrate today, i went to water aerobics and worked my tail off. :laugh: -katie

    O my gosh! You lost 73 lbs. in 5 months?!?! That is AMAZING!! How did you do it- anything in particular or just diligently counting calories? You should be SO PROUD!!!!!!!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Ok so I previewed the original posts and since Friday is my weigh in day in my day planner I want to be in! I was doing weigh ins every day but it was making me obsessed so now on Tuesdays and Fridays only for me! I suppose it really isn't Friday yet, but my personal challenge is to drink more water. Since logging my foods and such, I realize that I really only drink coffee, tea, diet coke, and juice. I blame working nightshifts and school for my high caffeine intake.... better to have something to blame then myself :)! So for this week it is water water water and more water. I will keep you all posted and check in Friday morning for my weigh in.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    thank you annerssju- i am pretty delighted with myself these days.

    i was on the brink of diabetes, and having visited with my doctor, my diet has been stricter than mfp suggests. according to mfp i should eat 1230 calories daily, not including exercise. i have been eating 1000, and i do not eat calories i exercise.

    i am exercising to increase my weight loss. So far, i have not had problems with my body halting weight loss, so for now i do not plan to eat calories earned through exercise. i do an hour of water aerobics 3 times a week for weight loss. And on 3 of the days not in the pool, i do weight training (to build & tone muscle). And i got a wii fit plus for Christmas. i am trying to get in at least 2 hours a week with it too.

    i see my doctor in 2 weeks, he may want me to continue dieting this way, or he may want me to slow down- add back that 200 calories a day. We'll see. i think even if the doctor wants me to slow my rate of losing, i've got a real good chance of being down 100 lbs by May & that will make me very happy indeed. -katie
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I got my workout in today, which made me really happy!

    See my doctor tomorrow a.m. because of seasonal allergies. I've never had them so bad that I've needed to see a doctor, but this year is just really bad. I take claritin, which doesn't really do anything for me - so I don't know what more the doctor can do, but I'll find out tomorrow I suppose.

    Also, did better on my water today -- almost 14 cups! (Just a few more sips before bed and I should be golden!)