Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello team...I need some advice. I went to and found Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam for the same price. Anybody tried both and have a preference? Thanks.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Hi friends,

    Our kiddos got to head outside today. Thank you Lord. It was best for all of us if we could get some fresh air and it really has been a lovely weekend.

    Was not looking forward to the scale this morning. Had an awful day with food yesterday. I knew it wouldn't be good, but now I know what I need to do this week before Wednesday morning. TOM is here with a vengeance and I'd really like to just curl up into the fetal position and pass out until next week.

    Gotta post and run. Wish I could respond to everyone, but not in the cards tonight - so it's a very broad H-E-L-L-O!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I had such a busy weekend, I really have to get back on track. I'm not totally off, yet not totally on either. I'm riding somewhere in between. I have to admit, it's been nice to not think about any of it but I know the scale will not be good if I continue to not think about it for too long. Time to get back on I suppose.
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you all SOOOOO much for your kind words!!! Today was a much much better day!!!!!!!! NO CHIPS :) And I have decided that I need to get off of them slowly...none for this challenge week but, after that, I want to get away from them....they are running me!!! That damn vending machine!!!!!! Half of the coins in my piggy bank are because of the change from that dollar......this is going to be a new woman!! I am also back to my 40 pounds lost!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! So, today I am feeling proud!!!! :0) Love you guys!!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I had such a busy weekend, I really have to get back on track. I'm not totally off, yet not totally on either. I'm riding somewhere in between. I have to admit, it's been nice to not think about any of it but I know the scale will not be good if I continue to not think about it for too long. Time to get back on I suppose.

    Kinda like my weekend-- did very well yesterday until Applebees-- did rather well today, in spite of my lunch out-- but, still not "on" and I wanted to run today, but had to of course pay my family penance for daring to have an afternoon out-- sheesh-- I come home to hell-- so, running didn't happen.

    Actually-- I was just thinking I need to do a "mind over matter," kinda thing here and play a trick on me-- I've been so nutty about losing "my last 10 pounds," instead of just imagining I'm a person who "only has 10 pounds to lose."

    Rather proud of my 40 pounds ticker lost, I've been reluctant to change it-- but, I think I'm gonna-- take a different mind approach and see what happens.

    Yeah, I know-- women are nutty this way. Why should it matter what my mind thinks I'm doing? I don't know-- but, if it works, it's all good.

    Yeah, I'm blathering-- wanta make somethin' of it?

    Heading to bed-- zzzzzzzzzz-- nytol.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    As you wander off to bed, my little ones were getting me up!! We have snow (not predicted) and the 2 youngest have spent 30 minutes running round screaming 'it's a snow day' - I hope not :mad: :mad:

    Weighed myself this am - 165.8. The lbs are slowly leaving, but so nice to see :smile:

    Well just a quicky before I have to get the boys sorted and gagged, heheheh have a good day and I'll be back later xx
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    POsted original message twice - can you tell I have been up for ages urgh!!!!!!!!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Ok, I have just ordered the 30 day shred dvd, please can someone advise me how to use this - should it be done everyday? every other day? as well as going on the exercise bike/rowing machine?

    Thank you in advance :happy:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I had such a busy weekend, I really have to get back on track. I'm not totally off, yet not totally on either. I'm riding somewhere in between. I have to admit, it's been nice to not think about any of it but I know the scale will not be good if I continue to not think about it for too long. Time to get back on I suppose.

    Kinda like my weekend-- did very well yesterday until Applebees-- did rather well today, in spite of my lunch out-- but, still not "on" and I wanted to run today, but had to of course pay my family penance for daring to have an afternoon out-- sheesh-- I come home to hell-- so, running didn't happen.

    Actually-- I was just thinking I need to do a "mind over matter," kinda thing here and play a trick on me-- I've been so nutty about losing "my last 10 pounds," instead of just imagining I'm a person who "only has 10 pounds to lose."

    Rather proud of my 40 pounds ticker lost, I've been reluctant to change it-- but, I think I'm gonna-- take a different mind approach and see what happens.

    Yeah, I know-- women are nutty this way. Why should it matter what my mind thinks I'm doing? I don't know-- but, if it works, it's all good.

    Yeah, I'm blathering-- wanta make somethin' of it?

    Heading to bed-- zzzzzzzzzz-- nytol.

    Yeah, I haven't been on the scale since last Wednesday or Thursday. Me. The scale addict. My nonchalant attitude showed when I stepped on this morning. I was expecting to be around my last weigh in weight, 153ish.... instead 155ish. :noway: I gasped. Out loud. That's what not paying attention gets you.

    I think I like your idea. I'm not a person who lost 50 (at one point, don't look at the ticker right now) and still needs to lose 10 more, the last dreaded 10 that refuse to leave. I'm a person who is within normal weight range who could lose 10 more if I so desire. Hmmmm, just maybe it would work. I'm with you though, it's hard to take away my ticker showing my progress.

    No gym today. Sick one. Headed to the doctor, had to cancel my dentist appointment. Life with kids. Fun.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Ok, I have just ordered the 30 day shred dvd, please can someone advise me how to use this - should it be done everyday? every other day? as well as going on the exercise bike/rowing machine?

    Thank you in advance :happy:

    Hi Tanya,

    Just my opinion, and I'm sure there will be others. I have the Shred video, but I don't use it as the 30-day program (which I think has you do every day). I use it as an alternative to other exercises. This probably explains why I have never progressed off Level 1, but there you have it.

    See how you like it. It seemed really hard to me at first - I was really unfit - but got more tolerable as I did it more times. There is enough change up of exercises that doing it everyday wouldn't really be a problem, if you choose to go that route.


    All others - sorry I can't call out to all. Still trying to get all my work done from my trip. Need that winning lottery ticket - like now.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks for the well wishes. Day 9 of the worst flu in my life:embarassed:

    AND>................I GAINED 2 pounds:noway: :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    Must be the sodium in the cold meds.........but still:grumble: :grumble:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Monday morning...In a hurry like always. Kids had a 2 hour delay so I'm getting a very late start. I'll try to check in later. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks for the well wishes. Day 9 of the worst flu in my life:embarassed:

    AND>................I GAINED 2 pounds:noway: :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    Must be the sodium in the cold meds.........but still:grumble: :grumble:

    Take care our sweet Jeannie!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks for the well wishes. Day 9 of the worst flu in my life:embarassed:

    AND>................I GAINED 2 pounds:noway: :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    Must be the sodium in the cold meds.........but still:grumble: :grumble:

    Booo! Take care...hope you're feeling better soon! *hugs*
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Have to post and run for now, but just wanted to pop in and say hi. I had to do all these productive and grown-up things during my, the fun stuff got pushed back. Hope everyone is well!!

  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Wanted to wish everyone good luck this week...I have the cold and its kicking my a**, but I did not let it keep me down this morning...I got up and did wk 2 day 1 of C25K program...drinking lots of water, but not much of an appetite, but still eating so I don't hit a wall...:sick:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Leslie and Jeannie...I hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie...I have been meaning to ask, what type of work do you do from home?
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dont have time to chat..just stoppoing by to say hi , worked all weekend was pretty good...have agreat day
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    seems we have all been sick with colds and what not.............I got a stomach bug from the grandkids.........pushing the fluids like everyone else.:drinker:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Hey everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Just stopping by with an update on this challenge...

    I did eat out for lunch twice...both were healthy choices and one meal actually was enough for two lunches! As for cardio...I'm on day 4!!! Will having my strength training session, and possibly get in another precor workout!!!

    I hope all of you are happy and healthy!!! :heart: