Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Morning everyone. Sorry I didnt get to check in yesterday, so Im going to try and catch up from Friday. I apologize if I have forgotten anyone...

    Jeannie-- Im so glad to hear that your starting to feel better, we sure miss your encouragment and kind words when your not around. Your a wonderful woman:flowerforyou:

    Tanya-- Ive seen you mention biltong twice now so this time I have to ask...what is biltong?:blushing:

    Tammy-- I havent been to a Monster Truck show since my oldest son (hes 20 now) was about 5!! I remember that he really loved it and had a great time. As for me, I must not have enjoyed it very much because I dont remember much about it:laugh: Im glad your little guy enjoyed it!

    Donna-- Im so sorry about your incident. I hope the pedestrian continues to make good progress and that you are able to relax and find some peace with it soon:heart:

    Bryanna-- Step away from those chips!!:laugh: You know, chips have been my weakness since forever. It was my biggest challenge in getting healthy. It wasnt something that I could even enjoy in moderation so as not to deny myself anything. I knew that I couldnt just have 1 serving and leave them alone, I would have 4 or 5 I knew it. SO I just had to leave them alone totally. Then I discovered Baked Doritos and Lays Light. Girl, they have truly saved me!! They taste great and are so much "healthier" than regular chips. I still cant go crazy eating them, but I no longer have to deny myself that ever-present craving for chips. Try them, I think you will find them to be a great substitute:smile:

    Marla-- It sounds like you had a wonderful Proud Mama night. I love those:heart: I have to ask you...did you cry? I always cry at things like that, my kids have such fun teasing me about it:blushing: :laugh: By the way, that ticker is looking good lady! Im really happy for you:flowerforyou:

    Jan-- Love your new AV...sooo adorable!:heart:

    Shuntae-- Its wonderful news that your BF's dad is recovering well. Prayers that he continues to do so:flowerforyou:

    Lori-- I hope your 11 hours of soccer just zooms by for you today! Try and stay warm and remember to eat out of your packed kitchen and not the concession stand:smile::wink:

    Kati-- Glad the kiddos are feeling better! Were they able to go out and play in the snow for a little while? Well, its Sunday and I hope that scale is nice to you, you did a great job staying off of it:flowerforyou: By the way, I love your new AV...what a little cutie:heart:

    I hope I didnt forget anything, but I have a feeling I did. So hello to everyone else!!

    Im going to hit the gym today even though its my rest day. I have a few things to do tomorrow morning so that will be my day off instead. I cant go to the gym in the evenings...I have tried and it just doesnt work for me. I tend to get lazier as the day goes by and theres no way I could make myself go work out:ohwell:

    I did want to mention though that yesterday at the gym I was able to change the weight on the assisted pullup/dip machine. I am now able to do 1 set of 10 pull ups (and 5 of another set) with it set to lifting 85 lbs of my body weight!:drinker: Man, those things are incredibly HARD:ohwell:

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone. I will try to check back a little later.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Wow cathching up on everyone :flowerforyou: Life is sure a roller coaster. I have been thinking about you zippy.........the world is sure strange.........I guess I would call my insurance agent........:flowerforyou:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Roni - Biltong is a kind of cured meat that originated in South Africa, in my case I am eating Beef, but you can also get other meat varieties. It is similar to beef jerky in that they are both spiced, dried meats, but differ in their typical ingredients, taste and production process. The word biltong is from the Dutch bil ("rump") and tong ("strip" or "tongue").

    We went to South Africa on holiday last easter, for a friends 40th birthday party (he is south african but lives in the UK), and I first tried it there. Rob (dh) has since found a south african supermarket on his route home from london, and I am now addicted :blushing:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning all. I woke up an hour ago... already wishing for a nap. Yesterday was absolutely exhausting. It was cold, it was windy, it was LONG. We got to the fields at 8:15, left at 7:00. The temps dropped throughout the day, the sun never came out, the wind was brutal and bitter. I had on 2 sweatshirts, a thick Columbia ski jacket, hat, 2 pair of gloves, covered and wrapped in 3 thick comforters and I was still cold. Misery. The temps hovered in the low 50's in the morning and by the time we left it was 42 degrees. Brrr, brrr and more brrrr.

    By the time I got home my face was windburnt, my lips were so chapped, my eyes looked and felt horrid from the wind, they were burning so bad by bedtime I couldn't even keep them open anymore. DH and I were laughing this AM, we were more wiped out than the kids who played 4 games! It was exhausting. DH said shivering all day takes a lot out of you. Who schedules a day long soccer tournament for January 30th anyway? Just because we live in Florida doesn't always mean it's warm!

    Plans to get some things accomplished today, although right now I'm thinking about running back and joining DH in the WARM bed, since he's never made it out. He got hooked on DIY network.... I believe it's Holmes on Holmes. LOL. We love those shows! It's dangerous for me though, they give me ideas!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Roni - Biltong is a kind of cured meat that originated in South Africa, in my case I am eating Beef, but you can also get other meat varieties. It is similar to beef jerky in that they are both spiced, dried meats, but differ in their typical ingredients, taste and production process. The word biltong is from the Dutch bil ("rump") and tong ("strip" or "tongue").

    We went to South Africa on holiday last easter, for a friends 40th birthday party (he is south african but lives in the UK), and I first tried it there. Rob (dh) has since found a south african supermarket on his route home from london, and I am now addicted :blushing:

    Sounds like what us Americans call Jerky. Here you also can get all kinds of meats. Does it come in pieces?
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Sunday all...Church is cancelled and I'm snowed in. My husband has a 4 x 4 truck, which I drove to the Monster Jam yesterday, and somehow I totally killed the battery. I had to get it jumped off when we left the show yesterday and drove 45 minutes home and the battery still wasn't charged. Will have to get a new one tomorrow when DH is off, but it sure would come in handy today. I have no intentions of trying to drive my Saturn wagon anywhere today. Might as well get some work done. Have a great day.

    Roni...Congrats on the pull ups. That is a really neat machine.

    Marla...Congrats on the great night with your girls. Sounds like you have a very talented family!

    Lori...Glad your freezing soccer day is over. My oldest has played soccer since he was 4 but this year he has decided to run track. It will be a new experience for us. My youngest plays soccer sometimes but he never really loved it like my oldest. On some Saturdays, DH would be working and I would have to be at one field at 9:00 and then in a totally different city by lunch time for the other game! Now my youngest bowls and if he has to miss we can go pre-bowl before Saturday. Makes it much easier on me!

    Tanya...Biltong sounds delish. My husband makes his own venison jerky and it is really good.

    Bry...Don't beat yourself up over the chips. Today is a new day. I finished my day yesterday under cals and fat and then sat down to watch TV. Uh-oh, there went the rest of that key lime cake. Oh well, now it is gone and I won't buy another one!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Today is weigh in day for me and I thought it might be a good one but NOPE gained a pound! whattayagonnado? I can't be to disappointed if you look at my ticker I have jogged almost 70 miles. I think I might hop on the treadmill for those 3 miles so I can say I jogged 70 miles for the month of january.

    Have a great day all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Roni-- you missed it-- I indeed confessed above--

    Cried like a baby
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Samantha - it does come in pieces but is cut differently to jerky (so dh tells me!)

    Lori - sorry that you burnt and so cold yesterday, I am amazed that these events are organised for this time of year. My boys do karate and ds2 has just joined sea scouts from cubs, so mostly indoors based which is a blessing, will just have to see what happens with the younger 2

    Tammy - sorry that you are snowed in again, 4x4 are lovely especially in this horrid weather mine is my saviour :wink:

    Roni - congrats on the pull ups

    Howdy to everyone else
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    New kinda sick today:frown:

    Holy cannoli, when will it end??:sick:

    All week I have forced myself to eat. I crave carbs and bad fats. think noodles and butter:love: bread and butter:love: crackers and cheese:love:

    i have lost a few pounds but KNOW it will be right back on once I start to exercise and eat right again. Patrick bought a lot of fruit and juices........been forcing down peaches and oranges and bananas.......

    I cannot remember the last time I was this sick for this long. :ohwell:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Poor Jeannie. Get better gilr.

    Tammy, 2 of ours did track last year. It was almost more painful than soccer. Meets were after school but I would sit for 3 hours to watch them run around the track a few laps, all for 1 event. Enjoy. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Tanya- I guess when they planned this soccer tournamnet they were hoping for good weather. It COULD have been low 70's and sunny.... but it wasn't! I'm still cold this morning.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Sorry Lori, living in the UK the weather is always cold and horrid in January (and February and March in fact most of the year the weather is pants :sad: )...... haven't been to florida so have no idea what the weather is like over there (at all).
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sorry Lori, living in the UK the weather is always cold and horrid in January (and February and March in fact most of the year the weather is pants :sad: )...... haven't been to florida so have no idea what the weather is like over there (at all).

    Fl is usually between 50 and 60's this time of year. starting march though I bet it will go up and Tanya the summers are awful. upper 90's to 100's with LOTS and LOTS of humidity. at least that is how upper east florida is. Jeannie, Lori your parts?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Just saying hi and I still love the black team!! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey gang-- hangin' in here--

    Had a lovely lunch at an old classmate's house (from high school) with only 5 of us old classmates altogether-- small and lovely.

    Mimosas, quiche, roast beef wrap, chocolate fondue-- oh my gosh.

    I was a good girl-- left before having any cheesecake, but had a pretzel rod and two cookies dipped in the chocolate fondue, a small piece of low-fat quiche, and 1/2 a roast beef wrap. And a mimosa, which was lovely.

    Nice day out-- now I'm typing the file from hell-- radio transmission during the Apollo 13 flight-- blech.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so this is kinda cool, gotta admit--

    Read above-- what I'm transcribing--

    I just transcribed these actual words--

    "Houston, we've had a problem."

    How cool is that-- the actual radio transmission from Jim Lovell after the onboard explosion during the Apollo 13 mission--

    So, yeah, this job can be kinda cool--

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Okay-- so this is kinda cool, gotta admit--

    Read above-- what I'm transcribing--

    I just transcribed these actual words--

    "Houston, we've had a problem."

    How cool is that-- the actual radio transmission from Jim Lovell after the onboard explosion during the Apollo 13 mission--

    So, yeah, this job can be kinda cool--


    Marla~ that is SO cool!!!!!!

    well we just saved ourselves 50 dollars! hubs has to do a side job tomorrow and I have school in the morning so my mom was going to come over but now he doesn't have to leave until 11:30. and tuesday I start my wiltons cake classes and not enough people signed up so they postponed it until next week. I hope they don't cancel! 50 dollars saved on a check we don't have enough to pay the bills on anyways so YAY US!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey everyone--

    Incredible night-- my 18 and 16 year old daughters, Sarah and Faith, sang in the high school variety show. I am an incredible proud mama-- I'll be posting clips on facebook, and see if I can add a link here or something-- they were beautiful. I cried like a baby. The harmony, the joy-- oh, my gosh--

    Faith sang "Memory" from Cats, and then they sang two duets, "Sisters," an old Rosemary Clooney number, first featured in White Christmas, and "There Can be Miracles," from The Prince of Egypt.

    Oh em gee-- just fabulous-- truly.

    We then took all 5 of our girls, and two of their friends to Applebees for some 1/2 prize appetizers-- so I nibbled some tonight-- but, what a night. Sighhhhhhh--

    Later, my friends--

    Glad you had such a great evening. Such a great feeling to see what great people your kids are turning in to. Makes it all worth while. =)
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Super fricken LONG day at work!!!!!!!! Retail can be SOOOOOOO hard sometimes and all I wanted to do was eat when I got home....and look at me...I ate chips.....the ONE stupid fricken thing that I told myself I wasn't going to do this week and I didn't make it through the weekend......I am so disappointed in myself and realize why I am here with a weight problem!! GGRR!! I know that I shouldn't be so hard on myself but, I just get so mad that I have this addiction with food.....I understand how people can be addicted to drugs and things like that because I have been battling with food for YEARS!!!!!! Anyway, I am just rambling now...thanks for listening!!!


    don't kill yourself Bry,

    Retail can make you do lots of things. Believe me I know. lol eating chips is pretty harmless. lol

    No chips tommorow ok?
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Black Team,

    Feb is going to be a quiet month for me. Tommorow begins inventory, so my hours get longer and weirder. I will definately still track the results and keep things in order but I may not be the chatty kathy you are all used too. lol Going to get to bed in a few gotta be up early lol. Have a great night everyone!


    Jeannie- I hope you feel better soon.