Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I got back on track today with food. Gym had to be skipped. Kid with bronchitis that needed to go to doctor trumped gym. I feel good about getting back on track I suppose, but more than anything I feel...... hungry. :grumble: I just ate a wad of BBQ chicken, a sweet potato, squash and mushrooms. I shouldn't still feel hungry, but I do.

    I recognized I have not been drinking. Saturday when we were out at the soccer fields the only thing I drank all day, ALL DAY was 2 tiny hot chocolates. Granted, the outdoor bathrooms when I was already freezing were quite unappealing, but that's not enough to drink. Yesterday and today weren't much better. Gotta be conscious of the liquid intake tomorrow!

    I'm contemplating hitting the elliptical for a 30 minute workout right now. I NEVER do that at night, but it's been too many days exercise free and I really need it.

    Hope the black team is on the mend and all the sickness is on the way O-U-T.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Leslie and Jeannie...I hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie...I have been meaning to ask, what type of work do you do from home?

    Thanks Tam..........I think (fingers crossed) I am on the mend.

    I work in insurance.:flowerforyou:

    dodges rotten tomatoes:ohwell:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Evening my team--

    Had a nice 5k run tonight-- beautiful out. Not terribly cold--

    I'm going on a "vegetable juice fast" beginning tomorrow for a week. Been reading online about different psoriasis approaches (psoriasis being the root cause of my arthritis symptoms) and I'm grasping at anything right now. Reports are that folks who have tried this were psoriasis free shortly after their fast-- hell, I'll try it.

    So, I'll be here and weighing in on Wednesday-- sodium from yesterday's chili gave me fits and some bloat, so I don't know what the scale shall behold this Wednesday, but Lord willing come next week I'll weigh less after a week of vegetable juice.

    I'll keep y'all posted-- heading to work-- later!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    sure hope the fast works, that skin condition is very uncomfortable:flowerforyou: wish I had some more ideas....
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!:flowerforyou: Sorry I haven’t been in touch in a few days. Thanks to all you for keeping me in check. I’m back to eating though it was nice to see 3 pounds come off the scale. I doubt it will remain for tomorrow’s weigh in:grumble:
    Leslie and Jeannie and Richie- Hope you are on your way back to full speed soon. Your energies are much needed.:flowerforyou:
    Marla - I never commented on the girls family variety show. How proud you must have been. I love those moments….and Memories? OMG I could cry thinking about it. Sounds like you had a great weekend topped off with your HS buddies..and I hope your veggie juice fast works for you.

    Tanya- I imagine with 4 boys you must have quite a household…especially on a snow day. My daughter is heading over to the UK at the end of March with a group from school. I have to get you the details.

    Had a nice run this morning. Looking forward to tonight! I’m very torn since I’ve been watching BL for the first time but LOST – THE FINAL SEASON!!!!! YAYAYAAYAYAYA!!!! You would think it is SuperBowl Tuesday in my household. DH and Ds15 will be missing it as they are going sking up to Blue Mountain with the Alternative sports club at school. They will have to deal.

    Happy last day of exercise before weigh in! Good Luck Everyone!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just have time to stop in and say hello:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone thats been ill are feeling better, Im so glad nothing has invaded my home yet...:noway:

    Have a great Last Chance workout everyone, I will try to check back in later!:smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Seems like today the bug is gone. Please God. :flowerforyou:

    I don't know how I feel about exercise this soon. I have always felt the reason we get SO sick and STAY sick for so long is we go back to work............dont give our bodies the time to heal. Although I am feeling better, I know there are still germs and blood cells still fighting it out for my system!!

    So I think I will go into the office and freak everyone out when I cough:wink:

    Have a good day Black Team:glasses:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Evening my team--

    Had a nice 5k run tonight-- beautiful out. Not terribly cold--

    I'm going on a "vegetable juice fast" beginning tomorrow for a week. Been reading online about different psoriasis approaches (psoriasis being the root cause of my arthritis symptoms) and I'm grasping at anything right now. Reports are that folks who have tried this were psoriasis free shortly after their fast-- hell, I'll try it.

    So, I'll be here and weighing in on Wednesday-- sodium from yesterday's chili gave me fits and some bloat, so I don't know what the scale shall behold this Wednesday, but Lord willing come next week I'll weigh less after a week of vegetable juice.

    I'll keep y'all posted-- heading to work-- later!

    Prayers that this is an answer for you, Marla. At the very least it will clean your system out, right?:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!:flowerforyou: Sorry I haven’t been in touch in a few days. Thanks to all you for keeping me in check. I’m back to eating though it was nice to see 3 pounds come off the scale. I doubt it will remain for tomorrow’s weigh in:grumble:
    Leslie and Jeannie and Richie- Hope you are on your way back to full speed soon. Your energies are much needed.:flowerforyou:
    Marla - I never commented on the girls family variety show. How proud you must have been. I love those moments….and Memories? OMG I could cry thinking about it. Sounds like you had a great weekend topped off with your HS buddies..and I hope your veggie juice fast works for you.

    Tanya- I imagine with 4 boys you must have quite a household…especially on a snow day. My daughter is heading over to the UK at the end of March with a group from school. I have to get you the details.

    Had a nice run this morning. Looking forward to tonight! I’m very torn since I’ve been watching BL for the first time but LOST – THE FINAL SEASON!!!!! YAYAYAAYAYAYA!!!! You would think it is SuperBowl Tuesday in my household. DH and Ds15 will be missing it as they are going sking up to Blue Mountain with the Alternative sports club at school. They will have to deal.

    Happy last day of exercise before weigh in! Good Luck Everyone!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Biggest Loser is available to watch online, it just takes them a week to get it on the site, I have no idea why, most other shows are up and running the next day. I missed last week and will watch it today since it will be available. Sadly we just got DirecTv and a DVR and I forget to use that darn thing! Actually, soccer again tonight.... should set that darn DVR right now!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Have to get started typing. I seem to get later and later. Today is gym day so hopefully I can misplace at least a pound this week. I say misplace because I keep finding it again:laugh:

    Jeannie...Glad you are feeling better.

    Marla...Hope your juice fast works.

    Donna...Glad you are getting back into your routine.

    It is raining here and we are having homemade baked potato soup, first time for this recipe so fingers crossed. Have a great day!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good morning all...Have to get started typing. I seem to get later and later. Today is gym day so hopefully I can misplace at least a pound this week. I say misplace because I keep finding it again:laugh:

    Jeannie...Glad you are feeling better.

    Marla...Hope your juice fast works.

    Donna...Glad you are getting back into your routine.

    It is raining here and we are having homemade baked potato soup, first time for this recipe so fingers crossed. Have a great day!

    HMM.Homemade baked potato soup sounds'll have to share if it comes out good.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Ok, I have just ordered the 30 day shred dvd, please can someone advise me how to use this - should it be done everyday? every other day? as well as going on the exercise bike/rowing machine?

    Thank you in advance :happy:

    Hi Tanya ! I did it every day. You can start with level one and stay there until you are ready to move up to level two and so on. A lot of people like to do 10 days at Level one, 10 days on level two and then 10 days on level three.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back. This weekend was one that I hope I never have to live through again, at least not for a long time. When we bought this house 25 yrs ago, I wanted more storage in the kitchen. Due to money always being tight I never got it until this past weekend. Well, the guy that was supposed to work with Jim on them was here on Saturday. Yay ! Got the framing up and I was Banane21.gif. They had to go get the rest of the materials, guy tells Jim I'll go and be back. Hmmmm never came back. Calls oh I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm disappointed but okay life goes on. He calls Sunday morning. Oh I'm not feeling well, I'll be there later this afternoon or tomorrow. Umm Jim says later this afternoon, really want to get them done. Well he comes by later that afternoon and drops off the rest of the material and leaves. Jim is pissed. I'm ready to blow my top. He just left Jim hanging there. So my loving hubby who hasn't had a lot of experience with doing this type of thing, does what anyone in his position would do. He does it himself. Now true, there are quirks to the finished product that some might not like or would have made them redo. I see those quirks as love. He tried so hard, and to me they look WONDERFUL ! I got to help too ! Now before I type this keep your minds out of the gutter. I got to hold the wood. Yeah , see, where did your minds go:laugh: I also got to swing a hammer a couple of times and ooooo I loved that. I have pics on FB.

    Sorry I rambled on like that, but I am so proud of my sweetie :heart: and so pleased with my new storage I just had to share.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back. This weekend was one that I hope I never have to live through again, at least not for a long time. When we bought this house 25 yrs ago, I wanted more storage in the kitchen. Due to money always being tight I never got it until this past weekend. Well, the guy that was supposed to work with Jim on them was here on Saturday. Yay ! Got the framing up and I was Banane21.gif. They had to go get the rest of the materials, guy tells Jim I'll go and be back. Hmmmm never came back. Calls oh I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm disappointed but okay life goes on. He calls Sunday morning. Oh I'm not feeling well, I'll be there later this afternoon or tomorrow. Umm Jim says later this afternoon, really want to get them done. Well he comes by later that afternoon and drops off the rest of the material and leaves. Jim is pissed. I'm ready to blow my top. He just left Jim hanging there. So my loving hubby who hasn't had a lot of experience with doing this type of thing, does what anyone in his position would do. He does it himself. Now true, there are quirks to the finished product that some might not like or would have made them redo. I see those quirks as love. He tried so hard, and to me they look WONDERFUL ! I got to help too ! Now before I type this keep your minds out of the gutter. I got to hold the wood. Yeah , see, where did your minds go:laugh: I also got to swing a hammer a couple of times and ooooo I loved that. I have pics on FB.

    Sorry I rambled on like that, but I am so proud of my sweetie :heart: and so pleased with my new storage I just had to share.

    Bobbi, I love your outlook on the project.

    DH and I love doing things around the house together. We are both pretty handy and together he says we know enough to be dangerous. :laugh: Our next project is pot lights in the kitchen and I can't WAIT. I have the darkest kitchen ever. The supplies are in the garage and I'm ready! Currently I have bright blue thumb tacks sticking out of the ceiling letting him know where I want them. Hint, hint!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Ok, I have just ordered the 30 day shred dvd, please can someone advise me how to use this - should it be done everyday? every other day? as well as going on the exercise bike/rowing machine?

    Thank you in advance :happy:

    Hi Tanya ! I did it every day. You can start with level one and stay there until you are ready to move up to level two and so on. A lot of people like to do 10 days at Level one, 10 days on level two and then 10 days on level three.

    Hi Tanya, I did it every day as well. Moved up to Level 2 as I felt I could. Good luck!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back. This weekend was one that I hope I never have to live through again, at least not for a long time. When we bought this house 25 yrs ago, I wanted more storage in the kitchen. Due to money always being tight I never got it until this past weekend. Well, the guy that was supposed to work with Jim on them was here on Saturday. Yay ! Got the framing up and I was Banane21.gif. They had to go get the rest of the materials, guy tells Jim I'll go and be back. Hmmmm never came back. Calls oh I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm disappointed but okay life goes on. He calls Sunday morning. Oh I'm not feeling well, I'll be there later this afternoon or tomorrow. Umm Jim says later this afternoon, really want to get them done. Well he comes by later that afternoon and drops off the rest of the material and leaves. Jim is pissed. I'm ready to blow my top. He just left Jim hanging there. So my loving hubby who hasn't had a lot of experience with doing this type of thing, does what anyone in his position would do. He does it himself. Now true, there are quirks to the finished product that some might not like or would have made them redo. I see those quirks as love. He tried so hard, and to me they look WONDERFUL ! I got to help too ! Now before I type this keep your minds out of the gutter. I got to hold the wood. Yeah , see, where did your minds go:laugh: I also got to swing a hammer a couple of times and ooooo I loved that. I have pics on FB.

    Sorry I rambled on like that, but I am so proud of my sweetie :heart: and so pleased with my new storage I just had to share.

    Bobbi, I love your outlook on the project.

    DH and I love doing things around the house together. We are both pretty handy and together he says we know enough to be dangerous. :laugh: Our next project is pot lights in the kitchen and I can't WAIT. I have the darkest kitchen ever. The supplies are in the garage and I'm ready! Currently I have bright blue thumb tacks sticking out of the ceiling letting him know where I want them. Hint, hint!

    Thanks Lori ! There are more things I want done around here but I think I'll wait awhile. Hopefully it won't take 25 more years to get them done. :laugh:

    Oh Lori's hubby...she's hint hint hinting !!:bigsmile:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Jim got his HRM Friday and while he was working yesterday it said he did over 5 miles in steps. No but his arms did with the sawing and drilling and hammering.

  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Sorry that I haven't responded, I haven't been very well it appears that I have got a tummy bug from somewhere and it is really getting to me. Just wanted to say a big thank you for your responses about the dvd and I can't wait for it to arrive and get started.

    Hello to everyone, and sorry this is brief - got to run urgh!!!!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back. This weekend was one that I hope I never have to live through again, at least not for a long time. When we bought this house 25 yrs ago, I wanted more storage in the kitchen. Due to money always being tight I never got it until this past weekend. Well, the guy that was supposed to work with Jim on them was here on Saturday. Yay ! Got the framing up and I was Banane21.gif. They had to go get the rest of the materials, guy tells Jim I'll go and be back. Hmmmm never came back. Calls oh I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'm disappointed but okay life goes on. He calls Sunday morning. Oh I'm not feeling well, I'll be there later this afternoon or tomorrow. Umm Jim says later this afternoon, really want to get them done. Well he comes by later that afternoon and drops off the rest of the material and leaves. Jim is pissed. I'm ready to blow my top. He just left Jim hanging there. So my loving hubby who hasn't had a lot of experience with doing this type of thing, does what anyone in his position would do. He does it himself. Now true, there are quirks to the finished product that some might not like or would have made them redo. I see those quirks as love. He tried so hard, and to me they look WONDERFUL ! I got to help too ! Now before I type this keep your minds out of the gutter. I got to hold the wood. Yeah , see, where did your minds go:laugh: I also got to swing a hammer a couple of times and ooooo I loved that. I have pics on FB.

    Sorry I rambled on like that, but I am so proud of my sweetie :heart: and so pleased with my new storage I just had to share.

    Bobbi - It's so nice to be proud of your sweetie. My mind wasn't in the gutter at all:devil: my dh and I like to think we contribute to the economy by hiring others to do work. We can barely find a hammer in my house!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Been thinking every since I read Bobbi's post. How wonderful it is to see the good in what was done. Is it the glass half empty/ half full debate? I'm a half empty person. I want to be a half full one.

    I'm not a total gloom and doom kinda person, but nor am I positive Polly, not even close. I grumble. I let things get on my nerves that shouldn't. I let people get on my nerves that shouldn't. I forget to see the good sometimes because I'm too busy grumbling about the stuff I don't like.

    I need to work on that. I'll add it to my list of things to improve to make me a better person. :bigsmile:

    MPF is so much more than a weight loss site, it's like therapy, soul searching, adult interaction, advice, kicks in the *kitten* when needed, encouragement.... I could keep going. I've had a lot of realization moments from this little Black Team message board. I appreciate it.