Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone,

    kids are on thier 5th day off school today due to snow...I am always at work when they are off. So since I was off today I decided it was all about them. I woke up this morning and did 1035 calories at the gym as I knew I would eat where they wanted to eat. toco bell for lunch and starbucks for snack...Took them swimming at the YMCA for 1.5 hours,and wrestled with my 12 yr old in the pool, I am sure I burned some calories that way we kept dunking each other. Was gonna take the bowling, but was like I could spend 35 dollars on taking them bowling or 35 dollars on a new bathing suit that I could use all season....


    yeah I know I wore a white t shirt over it and I always will

    We are planning on taking them to chuck e cheese and then to dollar scoop night at baskin robins and let me tell you I plan on eating at both..I plan on going back to the gym for another 1000 calories burned...I should have a 2 pound lost this week, so I am good.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Just got back in from our C25K, looks like we are moving on to week 2. After the asthma attack, we wanted to see how I did. Flying colors. Onward.....
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    so the past week i have been snacking on chex mix (60% less fat) and having a chocolate chip cookie here and there/ so im giving one up bye bye chocolate chip cookies ill miss you but i can't have both. and well working out at least 4 times a week at least for 30 minutes/ that is my challenge wish me luck/
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Been thinking every since I read Bobbi's post. How wonderful it is to see the good in what was done. Is it the glass half empty/ half full debate? I'm a half empty person. I want to be a half full one.

    I'm not a total gloom and doom kinda person, but nor am I positive Polly, not even close. I grumble. I let things get on my nerves that shouldn't. I let people get on my nerves that shouldn't. I forget to see the good sometimes because I'm too busy grumbling about the stuff I don't like.

    I need to work on that. I'll add it to my list of things to improve to make me a better person. :bigsmile:

    MPF is so much more than a weight loss site, it's like therapy, soul searching, adult interaction, advice, kicks in the *kitten* when needed, encouragement.... I could keep going. I've had a lot of realization moments from this little Black Team message board. I appreciate it.

    Lori-- I :heart: you--

    You're awesome--

    Just thought you should know--

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Hey everyone,

    kids are on thier 5th day off school today due to snow...I am always at work when they are off. So since I was off today I decided it was all about them. I woke up this morning and did 1035 calories at the gym as I knew I would eat where they wanted to eat. toco bell for lunch and starbucks for snack...Took them swimming at the YMCA for 1.5 hours,and wrestled with my 12 yr old in the pool, I am sure I burned some calories that way we kept dunking each other. Was gonna take the bowling, but was like I could spend 35 dollars on taking them bowling or 35 dollars on a new bathing suit that I could use all season....


    yeah I know I wore a white t shirt over it and I always will

    We are planning on taking them to chuck e cheese and then to dollar scoop night at baskin robins and let me tell you I plan on eating at both..I plan on going back to the gym for another 1000 calories burned...I should have a 2 pound lost this week, so I am good.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hey everyone,

    kids are on thier 5th day off school today due to snow...I am always at work when they are off. So since I was off today I decided it was all about them. I woke up this morning and did 1035 calories at the gym as I knew I would eat where they wanted to eat. toco bell for lunch and starbucks for snack...Took them swimming at the YMCA for 1.5 hours,and wrestled with my 12 yr old in the pool, I am sure I burned some calories that way we kept dunking each other. Was gonna take the bowling, but was like I could spend 35 dollars on taking them bowling or 35 dollars on a new bathing suit that I could use all season....


    yeah I know I wore a white t shirt over it and I always will

    We are planning on taking them to chuck e cheese and then to dollar scoop night at baskin robins and let me tell you I plan on eating at both..I plan on going back to the gym for another 1000 calories burned...I should have a 2 pound lost this week, so I am good.

    Sounds like a wonderful family day. I hope you had a great time!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, that bacon baked potato soup was great. Next time I will cook it a little less, I had to add back some milk because it got kinda pasty. I used Jenni-O turkey bacon (.0.5 g fat per slice) and regular cheese (didn't have any FF) . You can really make it into a healthy dish. I got the recipe off of if anyone is interested. I have found a lot of good recipes on there, especially for the crock pot. See ya'll tomorrow.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey my friends-- stupidly wandered into the other threads for a bit. Aarrrgghhhhhh-- 'nuff said.

    I've a brief moment to sit a spell and say howdydoo-- slow day today. Went to Aaron's basketball game-- he won, and played well enough. Rebekah and Sarah went to Rebekah's game, Hope had basketball practice, Faith had play rehearsals at school-- and this is our slow day, my team. Wow.

    Pinkpena-- way to go on the cookie--

    Bobbi-- your shelves look wonderful, so proud of your handyman-- way to go, Mr. Jim. And woot-woot on the C25k.

    Tamara-- a 2 piece? H-O-T mama-- congratulations!

    Donna-- glad to see you're feeling better after the accident-- hope everything stays copasetic.

    Tanya-- sorry you've been felled by the tummy bug. I heard today there's one wandering around my kids' school-- yipes. So far, we've only a head cold here and there.

    Tammy-- baked potato soup sounds lovely-- I'm bloating already, though, thinking of the sodium!!

    Kati-- you're doing great on your triathlon, sweetie-- so proud!

    Jeannie-- glad you're feeling better, my friend !!

    Sam-- I totally didn't follow the $50 savings story-- but yay for saving money just the same!! Woot woot !!

    Andrew-- hang in there, my friend-- we appreciate your leadership this year, truly-- but we know you've many other responsibilities-- no worries, beloved Batman.

    Bryanna-- way to go fighting the chips. We are stronger than the food, my friends--

    Janie-- glad to see you posting-- and a loss is a loss, so be happy for your .08 pounds--

    Shuntae-- hello, my running friend-- hope all is well!

    Roni-- your ticker is beautiful-- so proud of you!

    Beth-- so how nutty are you going this week gearing up for your interview? This is so exciting!

    Leslie-- hope you're feeling better, too-- how's your daughter?

    Richie-- grandkids and tummy bugs-- perfect together, eh? Hope you're feeling better.

    Theresa-- way to go on the wise lunch choices--

    Amanda-- you always make me worry about you when you go silent. Report in, my friend-- let us help you through the struggles-- we miss you.

    Jan-- haven't seen you in a while-- hope all is well.

    Lori-- as usual, I seem to want to mirror your sentiments. This team/site has helped me in so many areas of my life, not just fitness and weight. You people are the best.

    Sara, Sara, Jessica, Tiff/Terry, Audrey-- and all-- sorry if I missed anyone-- I'm rather amazed I did this well. Not bad for an old lady.

    Heading to either run or turbo tonight-- waiting for Aaron to call for a ride, then heading to some cardio and then work tonight.

    Sending love to all-- you raise me up, people.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam-- I totally didn't follow the $50 savings story-- but yay for saving money just the same!! Woot woot !!

    Hahaha!!!! just we ended up not needed a kid sitter and saved ourselves!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Been thinking every since I read Bobbi's post. How wonderful it is to see the good in what was done. Is it the glass half empty/ half full debate? I'm a half empty person. I want to be a half full one.

    I'm not a total gloom and doom kinda person, but nor am I positive Polly, not even close. I grumble. I let things get on my nerves that shouldn't. I let people get on my nerves that shouldn't. I forget to see the good sometimes because I'm too busy grumbling about the stuff I don't like.

    I need to work on that. I'll add it to my list of things to improve to make me a better person. :bigsmile:

    MPF is so much more than a weight loss site, it's like therapy, soul searching, adult interaction, advice, kicks in the *kitten* when needed, encouragement.... I could keep going. I've had a lot of realization moments from this little Black Team message board. I appreciate it.

    Lori-- I :heart: you--

    You're awesome--

    Just thought you should know--


    Thanks Marla. It's good to know these things. Right back at ya!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: first week without a little happens....Guess I will bump up the exercise and watch what I eat better on the weekend. Hugs Richie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Been thinking every since I read Bobbi's post. How wonderful it is to see the good in what was done. Is it the glass half empty/ half full debate? I'm a half empty person. I want to be a half full one.

    I'm not a total gloom and doom kinda person, but nor am I positive Polly, not even close. I grumble. I let things get on my nerves that shouldn't. I let people get on my nerves that shouldn't. I forget to see the good sometimes because I'm too busy grumbling about the stuff I don't like.

    I need to work on that. I'll add it to my list of things to improve to make me a better person. :bigsmile:

    MPF is so much more than a weight loss site, it's like therapy, soul searching, adult interaction, advice, kicks in the *kitten* when needed, encouragement.... I could keep going. I've had a lot of realization moments from this little Black Team message board. I appreciate it.

    Lori-- I :heart: you--

    You're awesome--

    Just thought you should know--


    Thanks Marla. It's good to know these things. Right back at ya!

    Me too sis, me too!