Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lstpaul: I love the new profile pic! He's sooo adorable.
    thanks - he is a sweety ... my daughter (turning 16 tomorrow) has been on the swim team for a few years and swims for high school now as well as the YWCA in the off-season, but this is my son's (9) first year swimming with the YWCA and it's awfully cute watching him compete. He is ecstatic and scared because yesterday at the sectional meet his relay qualified for the state meet (the top 3 relay finishers make it to state ... his relay was 3rd (out of 3 I think)). Unfortunately they will likely be last at state because it is an event for 12 and under boys and two on his relay team are only 9 so are slower than the others ... but it will still be exciting. My daughter didn't qualify yesterday in any of her events, but might still make it in as a 'wild card' based on her time, she's old enough to be in the 18 and under category so is tougher competition this year. She's ready to be done swimming this year, but I still hope she makes it to state so both my kids can be there.
    She had a rough weekend, was in a silly fight with her friends so ignored their invitations to join them for get-togethers and sleepovers over the long weekend (they had Friday off). Unfortunately it's her birthday tomorrow so I hope she makes up with her friends so we can plan a party soon! She didn't even want to talk about it over the weekend. Sixteen is a tough age. But I probably worry about her more than I need to. Hopefully the fight will be over by tonight.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall and Cris, how sad!!! I am so sorry to hear about these terrible things. 2 families in so much pain right now. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. Know that you both as well as the 2 families will be in my prayers.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Jenn, you are so right. My 16 yo is pretty good about realizing that exercise is good for you even when you are thin. It is my 12 yo who is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo very thin, that is the one I have to always inform that exercise is important. She is very active but does not think of playing volleyball, soccer, riding her scooter or bike as exercise. So when ever I say you need to go out and get some exercise she says why? I am skinny. I tell her So!!! Do you have a heart? Then you need to go out and get some exercise for it.

    lstpaul, it is nice to see you. Our girls are only about 6 months apart. My girl turned 16 in Sept. They are at a difficult age. It could be worse I think you and I have pretty good responsible 16 yo.... Your little boys pic is cute!! He looks so determined!!

    hajohnson, You are doing so well!!! I think you are going to show that guy up in the biggest loser competition. Keep it up.

    bluenote, I would have eaten the cake too. You had enough cals. :heart: zingers:heart: Oh, sorry I got side tracked.

    Lisa, congrats on your son getting married. I would not beat myself up too much about yesterday. I know I am not beating myself up about my sunday eating:embarassed:

    I will let everyone know how our Yoga went today. I have a Yoga workout for weight loss then just a general Yoga for dummies.:embarassed: and pilates. Between all 3 workouts it is going to be an hour. Then I am taking my (jog) walk as my husband refers to it this evening. Saturday he took me for a walk to a shopping center, getting there and back takes an hour then he made me walk around there for an hour. So we were out and about on our feet for 2 hours I was tired when I got home. Anyways hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Jenn, you are so right. My 16 yo is pretty good about realizing that exercise is good for you even when you are thin. It is my 12 yo who is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo very thin, that is the one I have to always inform that exercise is important. She is very active but does not think of playing volleyball, soccer, riding her scooter or bike as exercise. So when ever I say you need to go out and get some exercise she says why? I am skinny. I tell her So!!! Do you have a heart? Then you need to go out and get some exercise for it.

    lstpaul, it is nice to see you. Our girls are only about 6 months apart. My girl turned 16 in Sept. They are at a difficult age. It could be worse I think you and I have pretty good responsible 16 yo.... Your little boys pic is cute!! He looks so determined!!

    hajohnson, You are doing so well!!! I think you are going to show that guy up in the biggest loser competition. Keep it up.

    bluenote, I would have eaten the cake too. You had enough cals. :heart: zingers:heart: Oh, sorry I got side tracked.

    Lisa, congrats on your son getting married. I would not beat myself up too much about yesterday. I know I am not beating myself up about my sunday eating:embarassed:

    I will let everyone know how our Yoga went today. I have a Yoga workout for weight loss then just a general Yoga for dummies.:embarassed: and pilates. Between all 3 workouts it is going to be an hour. Then I am taking my (jog) walk as my husband refers to it this evening. Saturday he took me for a walk to a shopping center, getting there and back takes an hour then he made me walk around there for an hour. So we were out and about on our feet for 2 hours I was tired when I got home. Anyways hope everyone has a great day!!!

    I am talking my daughter into trying yoga and/or pilates after she is done with swimming for the winter. She has terrible posture (I think somewhat inherited from my husband's mother - she is very hunched over, and so is my niece who is a year younger than my daughter). I think yoga would help her with better posture, I actually think swimming might hurt as she has such big shoulders that she kind of 'hunches' them over. I worry about my kids with stressing the need for lifelong exercise, severe obesity runs in my family and I would love it to stop at my generation.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, I am now obese obviously. But I was thin growing up. I was a thin teenager (110-115) and a normal sized adult. Then I met my husband. He was "normal" sized. He played hockey and was very athletic and looked very good. Then I met his sister, mother, and aunts. They were all obese. After I had our first daughter. I began to eat like them (not that it is their fault I made the choice) and now I am obese. I worry so much for my daughters especially. His side of the family's women are "fat" (even some of the kids). Mine, not so much. I try to help my kids make good choices so they won't have the types of issues his family has. Besides the fact that due to my weight I have High blood pressure and I do not want my children to go through all that. So I understand wanting to push the exercise. I most worried about my 8yo because she is an eater. She is not skinny!! She is actually on the high side of the normal weight range for her age and to top it all off she is lazy. I was going to put her basketball because she loves it and they did not advertise the day to sign up and we missed the sign up day. Now I am trying to push her out the door everyday to play. I do not want to ever make her feel bad about her body so I try to be careful how I say things. If she wants something unhealthy for a snack I say NO have an apple or an orange. She says no I say okay have a banana she says no I say you are not very hungry then. Next thing I know she will be eating a pc. of fruit. As mothers we want to stop the bad habits before they start. I think the fact that you and I are exercising and eating better is the best way to teach them. They will be fine!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    checking in


    went a bit over on the calories (bday celebration for my sons 17th bday) and yes I had cake..
    Water.. ok
    Exercise 65 mins
    proud I got my tail moving and did not sit all day

    I just got done exercising for an hour. both my husband with the knee and daughter cold are home today.. I have some serious marketing to get done today so, I will be spending most of the day in the office.. Oh joy!

    Cris and awestfal so very sorry to hear the news! My thoughts and prayers will be with those families!

    Well.. I will check back in later..

    Take care and have a great day ladies!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris and awestfall -- I'm so so so sorry to hear about your losses. It's been a bad weekend for a lot of folks, it seems. My coworker's mom passed away yesterday and my great-uncle died Saturday. I wasn't close with him but he was my gramma's only brother. But at the impressive age of 91, death is to be expected... not so young like your friends. :frown:

    On a much happier note, I just finished my taxes. I was a little nervous because one of my jobs is a contract position and I've never filed as a self-employed contractor before. I was so scared I was going to owe money. Thank goodness for oodles of interest paid on my mortgage! :laugh: And I'm getting a really nice State tax return -- seems like it's a couple hundred more than usual. I went back and double checked everything for accuracy and it was all correct, so YAY!! Me thinks I may buy a Wii & Wii fit! (Because you're supposed to blow your tax return on something frivolous, right?) Or, maybe save it to buy a new wardrobe in 7 or 8 months. Or... maybe both. :devil:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jlb123: good news on your taxes! I think you should find a good sale on the wii & wii fit AND have some left for a new wardrobe! Congrats! Unfortunately I will owe big on taxes this year- when my Aunt passed away in the fall I inherited a piece of her life insurance policy and savings accounts ... and I used the money to pay off some debts, but now in the spring I will have to come up with the taxes. Plus I would rather have my Aunt living than any of the inheritance - so I feel guilty on top of grief ... but that is a whole other topic!

    Momma2four: I too was thin in high school ... but I stayed that way with some very bad eating habits - anorexic some days and eating fatty foods the next, then in college I alternated between anorexia and bolemia (because everyone on my floor was doing it ... gross!), and probably over-exercising too... and then finally I gave up and stopped exercising completely and ate horribly for many years until I had gained about 150 pounds. I know if I had concentrated on eating healthy and exercising sensibly I wouldn't be in the situation I am now with having to try to lose so much ... I just hope I can help my kids make better choices with food and exercise, but I know some of the time I haven't been that great of an example. But I can change things now. It's so hard to get that balance though of not talking too much about diet so that they are obsessing, but wanting to make sure they are making good choices.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    jlb123: good news on your taxes! I think you should find a good sale on the wii & wii fit AND have some left for a new wardrobe! Congrats! Unfortunately I will owe big on taxes this year- when my Aunt passed away in the fall I inherited a piece of her life insurance policy and savings accounts ... and I used the money to pay off some debts, but now in the spring I will have to come up with the taxes. Plus I would rather have my Aunt living than any of the inheritance - so I feel guilty on top of grief ... but that is a whole other topic!

    Momma2four: I too was thin in high school ... but I stayed that way with some very bad eating habits - anorexic some days and eating fatty foods the next, then in college I alternated between anorexia and bolemia (because everyone on my floor was doing it ... gross!), and probably over-exercising too... and then finally I gave up and stopped exercising completely and ate horribly for many years until I had gained about 150 pounds. I know if I had concentrated on eating healthy and exercising sensibly I wouldn't be in the situation I am now with having to try to lose so much ... I just hope I can help my kids make better choices with food and exercise, but I know some of the time I haven't been that great of an example. But I can change things now. It's so hard to get that balance though of not talking too much about diet so that they are obsessing, but wanting to make sure they are making good choices.

    Oh how can I relate to that. That fine line between obsessing and not caring at all about weight. We can do this and at least we know that we can lean on each other through this whole thing.

    I also understand how you feel about the money. You would rather have her than it. But that was so sweet of her to take care of you like this after she is gone. She would really be happy that it helped you and your family pay off some debt. I know you still miss her!! I am sorry for your hurt.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks momma2four :flowerforyou: (and everyone else here) ... it's so nice to have your support and being able to chat about these things with people who understand. Have a great evening everyone!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstpaul: I love the new profile pic! He's sooo adorable.
    thanks - he is a sweety ... my daughter (turning 16 tomorrow) has been on the swim team for a few years and swims for high school now as well as the YWCA in the off-season, but this is my son's (9) first year swimming with the YWCA and it's awfully cute watching him compete. He is ecstatic and scared because yesterday at the sectional meet his relay qualified for the state meet (the top 3 relay finishers make it to state ... his relay was 3rd (out of 3 I think)). Unfortunately they will likely be last at state because it is an event for 12 and under boys and two on his relay team are only 9 so are slower than the others ... but it will still be exciting. My daughter didn't qualify yesterday in any of her events, but might still make it in as a 'wild card' based on her time, she's old enough to be in the 18 and under category so is tougher competition this year. She's ready to be done swimming this year, but I still hope she makes it to state so both my kids can be there.
    She had a rough weekend, was in a silly fight with her friends so ignored their invitations to join them for get-togethers and sleepovers over the long weekend (they had Friday off). Unfortunately it's her birthday tomorrow so I hope she makes up with her friends so we can plan a party soon! She didn't even want to talk about it over the weekend. Sixteen is a tough age. But I probably worry about her more than I need to. Hopefully the fight will be over by tonight.

    1stPaul - OMG YOU GAVE BIRTH TO HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!:glasses:

    Chris and Awestfall - I'm so sorry! It's stunning how much devastation can come from a moment of emotional overload. My thoughts are with you two as you cope - I'm keeping their families in my thoughts too. :cry:

    Colorado Girl - it's nice to hear you had a good weekend with a birthday party! I hope your patients are behaving!:ohwell:

    jlb123 - I hope we come out on the right side of the taxes! It seems like no two years are the same! Yes PLEASE spend your return - the economy depends on you :flowerforyou:

    Momma - hope the workout went well! 60 minutes of yoga - you're brave!

    So far today I've been pretty good - I slept 8 hours, had two snacks, I've been walking the stairs (three times so far) and I plan on getting in an hour of exercise tonight when I get home even though I'm having to work late. AND I'll stretch out!

    I haven't technically weighed myself... I had a co-worker write down how much I weigh on a slip of paper so I can enter in my daily weights on Friday! Even our Biggest Loser contest I told her to just tell me if I'm over or under last week's weight but not by how much (that's on Wednesday). My sodium is OK but not great... We'll see how the marinade is when I make the chicken tonight! Maybe I'll just use some lemon and garlic!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. I know the family really needs them now

    here is my check in:
    calories- under by too much
    water- yes
    excercise- no
    sodium- 1655
    proud- that i took this tragic event and reminded myself how important it is to be healthy for my son's sake! he needs me for a long time and i WILL dance at his wedding

    good night,

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    check in:

    Calories: under! need about 600 more
    Water: good
    Exercise: 20 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes housework. Woo!

    Proud: I put on a pair of 22 pants and they fit perfectly! Hooray! Its been a while...
  • madgoth
    That is very good, daughter. Now If I could do that too!

    I can't find my scale. I guess its time to get one so I can see if all this exercise is doing any good.

    Ate supper at Applebee's I had the peppercorn Asiago steak with steamd veggies and new potatoes. It was good, but hard to believe it was just 550 calories as they claim. Tomorrow I have to eat at Cheddars with some friends. It seems they have no info online about nutrition, so I will have to choose boring salad or maybe a bit of salmon. But at least there is something to pick.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good evening all!

    So sorry for the heartache of losing friends in your lives. My heart breaks for the the kids left without their mothers.

    Momma2four: I wanted to mention that I love the baby picture, is that Ryan? So precious with the butterfly. I love the song Butterfly Kisses sung by Kenny Loggins. I have such a soft spot in my heart for babies.

    Today has been a great day meeting goals:
    Calories: yes @1400
    Water: yes finishing now
    Exercise: yes
    Sodium: yes 2008 (MFP allotted me 2500 for the day is that about the same for everyone else?)
    Proud: I choose an apple at the grocery store instead of something from the bakery.

    Good night all.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. so today has been good.. got my marketing campaign launched for the month.. did some data entry, and other paper work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, took care of my sick daughter and husband, dogs.. well you all get the picture.. Work, mom, wife.. pretty much a normal day around here!

    Check in
    Calories.. did well sodium was under 2000.. that is harder to do than I though..
    Water.. still working on it.. might be a little short
    Exercise.. 1 hour
    Proud.. I stayed busy, got lots done and am heading in a good direction!

    Night all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1368
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike; couch25k week 8 day 1 (28 minute run, 10 minutes of warm up/cool down walk)
    Water: 96oz
    Sodium: 1766mg
    Proud: I didn't let sore knees & a twisted ankle keep me from running! It would've been sooooo easy to make that excuse tonight.

    I managed to not peek at the scale this morning but I got on it this evening. :embarassed: I still don't know where I am because, of course, evening weight can vary so much.

    I slipped on ice in the parking lot at work this morning. :embarassed: I tried to break my fall with my hands but I landed mostly on my knees -- my left knee hit the concrete. All kinds of scrapes and bruises. Luckily when I was running tonight, my left knee stopped hurting after about 5 minutes. My right ankle, however, started hurting quite a bit toward the end of my run. It still hurts. So, I guess I twisted it on the way down. Gravity and I have always been at odds. :laugh: Suffice it to say I've never had cat's grace. :ohwell: Hopefully the twisted ankle, bruised knees and hurt pride are the extent of my injuries. :tongue: I don't run again until Thursday so I'm sure I'll feel better by then. At least I did it at work (and filed an incident report because my supervisor made me) so if some major issue does result from my little spill I'm covered by Worker's Comp. Benefits Counselor filing for worker's comp. I'm sure that looks good. :ohwell:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am so sorry to hear, cris & awestfall, of you both losing dear friends so tragically. My prayers are with you and their families.
    jlb - ice those injuries and stay off of them tomorrow if you can. I hope you're feeling better!
    madgoth - good for you for planning ahead with those calories. I rarely do it but feels so good when I do!
    mari - woohoo 22!!!
    lstpaul - your son is adorable! That is a great pic!
    momma - yay for you for doing the yoga with your non-fat 16 y.o. - She sounds like a latte when I type it that way! :laugh:

    I was very hungry all day today. I think it may have been my first day since November when I started that I just couldn't get enough to eat. Hmmm. I went to the top of my calories plus exercise limit again. I almost feel like it is time for TOM, but TOM hasn't visited in eight or so months!!??!?! I'm also crying at the drop of a hat! :grumble:

    check in:

    cals: too high for my liking
    water: over 64 (constantly thirsty)
    exercise: forced myself to do my 40 mins - not in the mood at all (which is weird)
    proud: I wore my black jeans that are too big now and they kept falling off my butt! (didn't do laundry) I walked down the hall holding onto them, and one of the secretaries later on said to me, "Wow, you are looking great! I noticed you have a new confident walk!" And I said, "It's not a new confident walk, it's me holding up my pants!" :laugh: Two other colleagues commented to me throughout the day today that I am looking good! :bigsmile:
    sodium: over by 792. Wow this challenge is kicking my butt. I am really trying, ladies! 792 is way better than the last two days!
    scale: no peekie!!! :tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OMG how can it be 11:20 PM!!!

    Calories - 1150 ish
    Water - oops
    Exercise - oops
    Sodium 1500
    scale - No Peekie!

    Proud - uhm... that I got in both snacks, didn't peak at the scale, had 8 hours sleep last night and that's it.

    Really disappointed I didn't exercise or stretch! I worked until after 8 so I didn't get home until after nine, I cooked a healthy yummy dinner and now it's 11. Going to bed have to be at work at 7:30 which means I have to be out the door by 6;30 which means I'll exercise and go to work with wet hair!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    good morning ladies... I have a fairly busy day again today.. 3 clients, take son to job interview, stop and look at a sectional on craigslist, take my honey to the NEW diabetic Dr. Then come home and do my wifely, motherly duties.. well.. at least I won't be board today!

    Snowflakes.. MFP also recommends 2500 for me also on the Sodium... not sure about the rest of the ladies.