Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Check in:
    Calories: under
    Water: getting better!
    exercise: none

    I can not wait til the weather warms up so I can start going on walks with my kids! Its just too cold to take them outside.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Calories: 1129
    Water: not quite
    Exercise: no
    Sodium: 1665
    Scale: NO
    Proud: Have done well on this weeks challenge!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
    OK OK OK OK I weighed myself! :glasses: I am the guilty one! LOL :tongue: I am part of a challenge on MFP that weighs in on Tuesdays, and I had every intention of NOT weighing in (even told them about this challenge and how I was doing GREAT at not weighing myself this week!) but I caved. :grumble: Actually, I know this is sooo wrong, but I weighed myself to prove to myself that I couldn't eat as much as I did over the weekend without gaining, but it backfired! I lost! Sorry girls! I blew the challenge this week! :ohwell: Please forgive me and someone get me out of (or join me in) this doghouse - 'fess up, sisters! :huh:

    momma - I honestly thought your baby pic was a pic from a baby magazine that you thought was so cute you posted it on your pic! That baby is adorable with that butterfly resting on his little precious cheek!
    lildeb - am so glad you saw the counselor. Things will get better!
    awestfall - :heart: hugs from St. Louis :heart:
    mari - 100th post? How can you tell? (I am clueless LOL)
    mstahl - good luck with your meeting. I am proud of you for standing by your beliefs and opinions. Any boss should be THRILLED to have you on his/her team!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    ooops forgot to check in:

    calories: not enough - going to eat some P-B before bed
    water: over 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike, plus dancing with students (primary's show is coming up - beware I will start getting way stressed!)
    proud: I danced with my classes today and did not get out of breath!
    sodium: 1K over - o u c h!!!
    scale: uhm,,,,peekie peekie cause I'm weakie? :embarassed:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    CHeck in -

    Cals - 1305
    Water - I am being soo bad about this I need to get back on it
    exercise - nada
    Proud - I am proud that I am way under my sodium today, under 1500 (i never get that low,never). I was actually suprised. Also I was saying dang i am hungry i thought i was going to be over but nope under..probably cause my dinner was under 300 calories.

    I confess I am not doing well ont he scale challenge..i am soo addicted to my scale it is like 2nd nature i don't think about it till i am on it.

    Well off to bed another fun filled day of work...and work oh yay!!!! I was pleasently suprised to be awoken by the alarm clock at 6 and not my 3 yr old...we will see if we can make it 2 days in a row.

    Oh yes...my 3 yr old is moving up to a big girl class. SHe is doing great going to the potty, i am soo proud of her...it is like overnight she just did great and now goes in, she has some accidents but she really tries. They tried to take her to the pre-school class today and she threw a fit. They are going to try tomorrow and let her pick her class (there is like 3 or 4 ) i think. I think she is just scared about going to something new, she kept telling me she wanted to be with her teacher in her class now..I know she will do great once she gets in there...so we will see.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning gals :0

    I just read the new challenge on the old thread "part 4" watch sodium and don't weigh myself until friday...i have not seen that darn scale since friday..

    I have not tracked my calories and i have not exercises since friday..i have to get back on track. there was a problem with our oil heater on friday...it blows cold air..hubby decided to "take a look" at it and well lets say a small problem became a really big problem. he took the whole motor apart..to diagnose th problem..a clueless look and well we had to call a professional..some took a look at it as said..can't help..hubby put it back together and someone came out yesterday and today we finally have heat...why can't some men call a professional then "doing it themselves" it will save us a lot of money...ugh

    on a lighter note, i am back on track, i will post my check in either today evening or tomorrow..

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • Solandra
    Sorry I've been away - my nephew was born on Friday, so it's been a whirlwind of BABY and grandparents, and my brother and SIL, and BABY, and cooking for a horde and still working the day job and BABY!!

    I started my day with indulgence (OK, I actually bribed my husband with McDonalds to take me to work), but the rest of the day will be well behaved.

    SO! For the past few days:
    Calories - mostly on the money, or ... BABY!
    Water - a little under
    Exercise - Lots of housework, BABY!, lots of cooking, BABY! lots of shopping and walking and... BABY!

    Thing that I'm proud of - you guessed it - the BABY!

    mstahl - I'm glad you liked the blog!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    GUILTY OF LOOKING AT THE SCALE!!!! I WONT LIE!!!! :bigsmile: :blushing: :grumble: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Haven't had a chance to catch up on posts yet. Checking in for yesterday.
    Calories: 1,240
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: 10 cups
    Sodium: 1797
    Proud: I got like.. almost 8 entire hours of sleep Monday night. I was SO tired and sore from busting my butt. Went to bed before 11 and woke up at 4.30am rarin' to go -- my body couldn't comprehend what was going on. :laugh: Over 6 hours of sleep? What's going on? I don't think I ever really go back to sleep before my alarm went off at 6.45.

    I didn't peek yesterday, either (but I did today :embarassed:).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris: I like the Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice frozen meals as well, but they're loaded with sodium so I've been avoiding them lately. Too bad because they are so easy and good! Just make sure you're getting your water to flush out the excess sodium and you should be fine.

    I dont know why everyone keeps saying Lean Cuisine is loaded with sodium. the ones I've been eating have anywhere from 10-12% of your daily value of sodum. and I dont eat alot of salt at dinner, so why is that bad?

    They normally have around 400-700mg of sodium. It's not as bad as it used to be because they substitute potassium chloride for a lot of the sodium chloride (table salt) they used to use.
    I'll grab a lean cuisine or 2 when they're on sale & save them for whenever I'm running late for work but the bottom line is THEY'RE NOT REAL FOOD! Look at the ingredients. So much overly processed crap. EW. And that's why I would never recommend eating them regularly. Every week or two when it's your best option, maybe. And then it's still just kind of like how 5 cigarettes once a week is better than smoking 5 cigarettes every day.

    Basically, I just want to make sure you're not fooling yourselves into thinking frozen dinners are good for you. They're not. End of story.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- Thanks for your input, sheeesh on the bluntness. I dont think any kind of frozen meal is good for you, maybe in moderation, like you said. I think the reason I do use them is because I like the convenience of knowing proper portion size, and what nutritionally (calories, fat, sodium) is going into my body. I have always had a hard time sticking to a plan if its not layed out in a neat little package for me. Most of the days that I havent done well, were days were I was not able to eat my frozen meals. I am just not ready or educated enough in the topic to make proper decisions on my own. Something that I think is 'healthy' for me ends up blowing my whole day. I am working on learning more and more about healthy eating (from scratch) but in the mean time I am perfectly content with my frozen meals, and they are working!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Well, if thats what you think jlb, thats fine. But there's no feasable way I can take low calorie lunches that are homemade every day. I work 40 hours and go to school full time too, I usualy dont even have time to cook myself dinner. Pepole keep saying they're so high in sodium but I looked, and they're not. I guess when I go to lunch I'll read the ingredient list, but frankly, theres no other way to get my lunch in that's cheaper and something I could keep doing without giving up. :indifferent:

    I'm with you cris, I've always had those troubles too. I enjoy a fresh meal, yes, but I usualy save that (and most of my calories) for dinner. Its hard for someone like me to prepare every one of my meals and do everything else I do. Maybe stay at home moms can do it, but I can't.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well, if thats what you think jlb, thats fine. But there's no feasable way I can take low calorie lunches that are homemade every day. I work 40 hours and go to school full time too, I usualy dont even have time to cook myself dinner. Pepole keep saying they're so high in sodium but I looked, and they're not. I guess when I go to lunch I'll read the ingredient list, but frankly, theres no other way to get my lunch in that's cheaper and something I could keep doing without giving up. :indifferent:

    I'm with you cris, I've always had those troubles too. I enjoy a fresh meal, yes, but I usualy save that (and most of my calories) for dinner. Its hard for someone like me to prepare every one of my meals and do everything else I do. Maybe stay at home moms can do it, but I can't.

    Ditto!!! When I am not at work I am taking care of my family. I get off work, pick up my lil man, get home, feed him dinner, give him a bath, paly with him for about 30mins, put him to bed, then make my bf and I dinner then clean up, by the time I get to sit down its around 8-830 and Im exhausted. Last thing I want to do is make lunches. :sad: :embarassed:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well, if thats what you think jlb, thats fine. But there's no feasable way I can take low calorie lunches that are homemade every day. I work 40 hours and go to school full time too, I usualy dont even have time to cook myself dinner. Pepole keep saying they're so high in sodium but I looked, and they're not. I guess when I go to lunch I'll read the ingredient list, but frankly, theres no other way to get my lunch in that's cheaper and something I could keep doing without giving up. :indifferent:

    I'm with you cris, I've always had those troubles too. I enjoy a fresh meal, yes, but I usualy save that (and most of my calories) for dinner. Its hard for someone like me to prepare every one of my meals and do everything else I do. Maybe stay at home moms can do it, but I can't.

    Ditto!!! When I am not at work I am taking care of my family. I get off work, pick up my lil man, get home, feed him dinner, give him a bath, paly with him for about 30mins, put him to bed, then make my bf and I dinner then clean up, by the time I get to sit down its around 8-830 and Im exhausted. Last thing I want to do is make lunches. :sad: :embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh I wasn't trying to be harsh about it. I guess I should've used some smilies, huh? :laugh:
    But, you know, it just is what it is.

    Mari -- I understand being busy and working full time and going to school full time. I did that. I get it. But to be VERY honest with you, I had a lot more time then than I do now... working 3 jobs (60-70 hours most weeks). I just find time to make my own health a priority. There's always some good life excuse to fall back on. No one's going to judge you because you eat frozen dinners! :wink: I choose to eat them, too. It doesn't make your awesome effort to get healthy any less awesome!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    mstahl - I have a checksheet too of my weights and its killing me to not get on the scale! But I'm hoping to be rewarded next friday. :bigsmile: I hope your meeting goes well today, the job market is pretty rough. So good luck, work can suck so hard sometimes. :explode:

    bluenote - theres a thing under everyones avatar that tells how many posts you have put up on the site. My ticker said 100 after I made that post, so it was my 100th.

    Solandra - Congrats on the nephew! :drinker:

    jlb - Everyone's different I suppose. I'm concerned for my health but I'm also pretty sure that a burger and fries with the coworkers isn't as healthy as a frozen dinner. I'm taking what I can get at this point because I want to get there, and to me right now this is the only way I can make my journey happen.

    Wow reading through everything..there's so much going on. I'll be back later tonight to check in, hopefully! This is my second week of exercising for three days, so we'll see how I do. i've already noticed an increase in stamina. :smokin:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Solandra , Congrats on that new nephew. I am really happy for you. Hopefully you are burning a ton of calories cooking for everyone and taking care of all of them:tongue: I wish you and your family all the best...:heart:

    Positively_Me , men are such.........:noway: , well you know. But we love them and can't live without them. At least yours tries to fix something. Mine won't even try. I usually have to call my brother to come help us....:laugh:

    Lildeb, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: YAY for the sweet 3 yo, I am so proud of her:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: I hope everything went well with the counselor for the 6 yo. I know things are going to start looking up. kids are wonderful people and they adapt and improve every day.....

    bluenote, good job on the dancing with the kids! Doesn't it feel good to do something and know we are stronger now, you scale peeking cheat:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You know I am kidding I :heart: you!!!!

    snowflakes, Hi lady!!!! You need to eat more calories. 1200 sister 1200!!!!!!

    tiger12gal , Just keep working on that water it will get better. Good for you for trying to keep it up. Water is soooo good and I too am guilty of not always getting it all in

    ColoradoGirl, glad your hubby has a new doctor. Hope all goes well with it.

    mstahl, I bet your in-laws love you. You eat their adventurous food. Good job on not looking at the scale.

    Marisama, good job on not looking at that scale. We understand that you are a busy lady! Working and going to school is a lot on ones plate (no pun intended) I think jlb is just wanting to let you know what is in the meals. I think if this is what is working for you right now, then this is better than fast food. Make sure you bring some fruit with you on the run just to balance it all out. I think you are doing great and I hope you keep it up:flowerforyou:

    Cris, I am glad that you confessed that you are a scaleaholic. that is the first step to recovery:tongue: We are here to help you!!!:flowerforyou:

    Okay ladies, I think I have everyone!!!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Marisama, good job on not looking at that scale. We understand that you are a busy lady! Working and going to school is a lot on ones plate (no pun intended) I think jlb is just wanting to let you know what is in the meals. I think if this is what is working for you right now, then this is better than fast food. Make sure you bring some fruit with you on the run just to balance it all out. I think you are doing great and I hope you keep it up:flowerforyou:

    Yes, this is what I said. I think my intentions are being misunderstood. :ohwell:
    I read a post about not understanding why they're bad... so I explained why they're bad and that there are alternatives. :indifferent:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    WAIT.......................................................Good luck on the job prospects mstahl, and I hope all goes well with the other work related issue!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Marisama, good job on not looking at that scale. We understand that you are a busy lady! Working and going to school is a lot on ones plate (no pun intended) I think jlb is just wanting to let you know what is in the meals. I think if this is what is working for you right now, then this is better than fast food. Make sure you bring some fruit with you on the run just to balance it all out. I think you are doing great and I hope you keep it up:flowerforyou:

    Yes, this is what I said. I think my intentions are being misunderstood. :ohwell:
    I read a post about not understanding why they're bad... so I explained why they're bad and that there are alternatives. :indifferent:

    JLB, not taking it offensively, I guess we were both jsut trying to explain why choosing a frozen meal was the lesser of two evils. I for one was eating fast food every single day for lunch. So I was jsut trying to explain that frozen meals has been my solution I suppose to the problem of not having time to make a lunch, I can jsut grab n go. Ok so enough of that!!

    I started the C25K program yesterday. I am using the podcast and it made it really easy to know when to run and when to walk, but I really am not a fan of the music. I can put up with it for 30mins though. My legs are so so so sore, I cant imagine running longer than the 60sec intervals!! I might be stuck at week 1 for quite some time ladies. BF was beaming when I told him about the C25K program and that eventually Id like to run a real 5k to celebrate my efforts. Seeing him be so proud of me gave me that extra boost I needed to keep going! :blushing: :heart:

    Momma2four- Hi my name is Cris and I'm a scaleaholic :blushing: :tongue: :laugh: