Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Snowflakes.. MFP also recommends 2500 for me also on the Sodium... not sure about the rest of the ladies.

    I'm 99% sure it recommends 2500mg no matter what your calories are. I think the reason for this is the minimize sodium related water retention. I've noticed I retain water if I eat 2500mg so I try to keep mine under 2000mg. It's not "unhealthy" to eat over 2500mg if you have no health problems that would be magnified with high sodium intake. Don't quote me on this, but I think a healthy adult can regularly consume upwards of 4000-5000mg sodium daily with no direct ill effects.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I posted a few of the pictures of my son and his new bride, the little girl is there baby (my granddaughter). Isn't she just absolutely gorgeous!?

    I am having such a HARD time getting back in the swing of things!!!:sad: :sad: I haven't posted anything since last Thursday. HELP!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lisa - take a few minutes and go back and enter your food from yesterday best you can - enter your food from today - it will take a few minutes and you'll feel SO MUCH BETTER when you're done!

    Then go for a walk over lunch!

    I'm at work so I'm going to climb the stairs a few times today!

    Good luck!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: bad - about 1000 calories over ... did a backslide last night and didn't really curb what I was eating at all ... not sure why - feeling sorry for myself because it was Monday I guess
    exercise: nothing
    water: bad
    proud: just that I'm still here I guess
    scale: forgot and stepped on the scale at the Y ... wasn't good, I forgot to look at sodium (just went back and looked at sodium for yesterday and I was at 3999 ... pretty bad, no wonder the scale showed a gain for 3 pounds ... hopefully I can lose it by Friday)

    mstahl: I'll tell my son that you think he looks like Harry Potter - he will be thrilled ... he and his best friend (Katharine) hope to be like Harry and Hermione and stay friends forever.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    I guess I am not good at this checking in thing! Sorry I am still new to the website!

    Calories: under
    water: not enough for what I would like to take in
    exercise: none

    does anyone have an easy/quit low calorie meals they would like to share with me?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning ladies, I did the yoga and pilates yesterday. Oh how good I felt when I was all done. I really am starting to notice a change in my body if not the pounds but the inches.

    There was a question of sodium. 2500 daily max is recommended for ALL people. It is not just for a certain weight but everyone. I am not sure if someone already answered that question. We should also be careful not to reduce sodium by too much because it can also be bad for us. I would ask a doctor before getting too extreme on that. But keeping it 2500 or a little less is fine.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I am busy today!!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good evening all!

    So sorry for the heartache of losing friends in your lives. My heart breaks for the the kids left without their mothers.

    Momma2four: I wanted to mention that I love the baby picture, is that Ryan? So precious with the butterfly. I love the song Butterfly Kisses sung by Kenny Loggins. I have such a soft spot in my heart for babies.

    Today has been a great day meeting goals:
    Calories: yes @1400
    Water: yes finishing now
    Exercise: yes
    Sodium: yes 2008 (MFP allotted me 2500 for the day is that about the same for everyone else?)
    Proud: I choose an apple at the grocery store instead of something from the bakery.

    Good night all.

    Thank you!! Yes that is my Ryan. He was 4 weeks old. His older sister was holding this beautiful butterfly and it was so docile. She put it on his cheek and it just sat there for ever. We actually had to take it off of his face it would not leave. All kinds of people were taking pics on their cell phone. I even had an evangelist e-mail me and ask if he could use this photo for his power point presentation at different revivals. His wife e-mailed me and said everytime this photo comes up you can hear the whole church say "aaaaawwwwwwe" Can you tell I am proud of my little guy:blushing:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I posted a few of the pictures of my son and his new bride, the little girl is there baby (my granddaughter). Isn't she just absolutely gorgeous!?

    I am having such a HARD time getting back in the swing of things!!!:sad: :sad: I haven't posted anything since last Thursday. HELP!!!!

    Cute granddaughter!!! I went and checked out your pics. Grandma is cute too:flowerforyou:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good evening all!

    So sorry for the heartache of losing friends in your lives. My heart breaks for the the kids left without their mothers.

    Momma2four: I wanted to mention that I love the baby picture, is that Ryan? So precious with the butterfly. I love the song Butterfly Kisses sung by Kenny Loggins. I have such a soft spot in my heart for babies.

    Today has been a great day meeting goals:
    Calories: yes @1400
    Water: yes finishing now
    Exercise: yes
    Sodium: yes 2008 (MFP allotted me 2500 for the day is that about the same for everyone else?)
    Proud: I choose an apple at the grocery store instead of something from the bakery.

    Good night all.

    Thank you!! Yes that is my Ryan. He was 4 weeks old. His older sister was holding this beautiful butterfly and it was so docile. She put it on his cheek and it just sat there for ever. We actually had to take it off of his face it would not leave. All kinds of people were taking pics on their cell phone. I even had an evangelist e-mail me and ask if he could use this photo for his power point presentation at different revivals. His wife e-mailed me and said everytime this photo comes up you can hear the whole church say "aaaaawwwwwwe" Can you tell I am proud of my little guy:blushing:

    You have all the bragging rights to be proud of such a sweet little bundle. I LOVE that is a real butterfly, I thought that maybe it was super-imposed. You need to submit that to every baby magazine there is, I see a national front page cover shot in that photo.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I posted a few of the pictures of my son and his new bride, the little girl is there baby (my granddaughter). Isn't she just absolutely gorgeous!?

    I am having such a HARD time getting back in the swing of things!!!:sad: :sad: I haven't posted anything since last Thursday. HELP!!!!

    Cute granddaughter!!! I went and checked out your pics. Grandma is cute too:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Momma2four, you are so sweet!:blushing:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks for your responses on the sodium.

    So I reluctantly took my measurements on New Years Day and I have to say that I am glad that I did. One month later I have lost an inch here and there. Now if I could start to tell my body where to reshape itself.:noway: We can do this ladies. Every day is a choice to be good to yourself, to eat healthy, to drink your water and to LOG everything. (I saw my husband on here last night logging...) He has been King of guesstimating. He has lost and is looking good.:heart::love: :smooched: He is so good to me. Sorry I got side tracked.

    llowry: Yes you are right on a darn gorgeous granddaughter. You too have bragging rights! :bigsmile: You can do this, start forward NOW. A celebration is wonderful and a time enjoy the moment,:drinker: even a few days worth, but now it's time to get back at it. (Said with my Army boots ready to engage a swift kick in the posterior.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    tigergal: Baked Salmon 15 mins. with veggie of your choice and green salad. Can be sitting at the table in 20 mins. Love the crock pot, just fix it and forget it for the day. Countless possibilities. I will slice fresh apples and oranges wedges as a side. For $4.99 we have a few delis that sell whole rotisserie chickens and I make chicken salad, chicken taco soup, chicken enchiladas, chicken pot pie, at times I will buy two and take all the meat off the bone and freeze it for later in the month. When I have extra time I love to freeze meals ahead of time. I have several soups that freeze well, I will put them into individual containers for lunches. Hope these ideas help you. mmm Now I'm hungry.:tongue:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lisa - take a few minutes and go back and enter your food from yesterday best you can - enter your food from today - it will take a few minutes and you'll feel SO MUCH BETTER when you're done!

    Then go for a walk over lunch!

    I'm at work so I'm going to climb the stairs a few times today!

    Good luck!

    Thanks mstahl, I'm doing much better today! I'm at work also, so I'll have to work on my foods from yesterday when I get home tonight! That's gonna take alot of deep thinking!:laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    . We should also be careful not to reduce sodium by too much because it can also be bad for us. I would ask a doctor before getting too extreme on that.

    Good point. My understanding is that the adult human body *needs* (requires) 250mg-500mg of sodium daily just to maintain basic body functions. If you're exercising (or moving at all, really) you'll need more. I think most experts recommend no less than 1000mg daily.

  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    llowry: Yes you are right on a darn gorgeous granddaughter. You too have bragging rights! :bigsmile: You can do this, start forward NOW. A celebration is wonderful and a time enjoy the moment,:drinker: even a few days worth, but now it's time to get back at it. (Said with my Army boots ready to engage a swift kick in the posterior.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    :laugh: I probably needed the army boot yesterday, but I am doing pretty good today. But, thanks anyway!:laugh: :laugh: And Thank you for the compliment on my granddaughter.:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Checking in for yesterday 2/1/10:
    Calories: Under by 478
    Water: 40 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 900 :-( This one is so hard because they slip sodium into EVERYTHING!
    Proud: When the boyfriend wanted a snack last night, I convinced him to go with the veggie tray!

    Yesterday was pretty uneventful, other than the snow falling all of yesterday through this morning. The commute was horrendous, taking twice the normal time, which made me late this morning. Boo! Tonight I REALLY need to get myself into gear and get a workout in. I've been slacking on the exercising.

    At least night's weigh-in, I showed a 3 lb. (evening) weight loss from last week. Hopefully this pushed me up in the ranks for the competition!

    Have a great day,
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thank you!! Yes that is my Ryan. He was 4 weeks old. His older sister was holding this beautiful butterfly and it was so docile. She put it on his cheek and it just sat there for ever. We actually had to take it off of his face it would not leave. All kinds of people were taking pics on their cell phone. I even had an evangelist e-mail me and ask if he could use this photo for his power point presentation at different revivals. His wife e-mailed me and said everytime this photo comes up you can hear the whole church say "aaaaawwwwwwe" Can you tell I am proud of my little guy:blushing:
    Wow ... what a great picture ... I had assumed it was taken professionally with a fake butterfly or added on digitally or something ...that is really cool, and a beautiful baby of course!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thank you!! Yes that is my Ryan. He was 4 weeks old. His older sister was holding this beautiful butterfly and it was so docile. She put it on his cheek and it just sat there for ever. We actually had to take it off of his face it would not leave. All kinds of people were taking pics on their cell phone. I even had an evangelist e-mail me and ask if he could use this photo for his power point presentation at different revivals. His wife e-mailed me and said everytime this photo comes up you can hear the whole church say "aaaaawwwwwwe" Can you tell I am proud of my little guy:blushing:
    Wow ... what a great picture ... I had assumed it was taken professionally with a fake butterfly or added on digitally or something ...that is really cool, and a beautiful baby of course!

    Nope, that picture was taken on a cell phone and e-mailed to me. I was the only one without a picture. I started calling all the people who were taking pics of him (I knew all of them) and said hey you all have that pic of my baby and I don't. So my friend sent me this directly from her phone and I have had it in my computer. I have tried to print it and it does not print to well. So I am really dissappointed. I would like a hard copy to frame and put in my house.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Tiger- I am not sure how 'healthy' they really are but I have been eating the weight watchers smarts ones for lunch everyday. Im sure I could find time to make myself a lunch but I much prefer grabbing a frozen meal that tells me the exact nutritional content (and is already in the food diary counter). My routine lately has been slim fast and a fruit for bfast, a smart one for lunc, will usually have a snack that is either a fruit or a special K cereal bar, then dinner Ill eat whatever Im making for the family but in smaller portions. Sometimes I make mine separate so I can measure out the amount of things I put in.

    Hope that helps,


    **edited to say- I also try lean cusine and healthy choice...the food is surprisingly good and if you sign up online they send you loads of coupons which makes it affordable too!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I love being a mom. I was cleaning and it was very quiet, so I went looking for my little guy and look what I found

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...i have been out of it for a few days....sad to say this weekend was not a good eating weekend, but its okay just got to get back on the wagon....I have got on the scale and I am up but i am sure it is water....TOM is finally leaving so that is good

    Awestfall and chris - I am sooo sorry about your friends. I will pray for you and their familes. So sad.

    We have our 1st appt with the conselor yesterday, it was just me and hubby and her. Next week my daughter will start going. She wants us to take her to a psyc. also to be tested for add/adhd to either rule it out or get her some help combined with therapy. I hope this goes well...good news is my insurance is pretty good and can have unlimited sessions and are like 8 bucks a time...Lot better than i was thinking.

    Also got scheduled my 3 yr old more speech screening tests...
    I did my taxes too,, i was glad we will get about 4k back, but have a bad feeling it is going to pay the mortage on my rent house as we still have no renters :(

    I didn't put cals in yesterday but i think they are on target, back in the swing of things today. We went to sames this weekend and we have like 10lb of chicken, we got to get it all packaged up and to be froze..but got some meat for a while :)