Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    mstahl, NAW, YOU? RED WINE? :laugh:

    I had a terrible day today. I found out at my morning meeting that I am losing my partner teacher because of budget cuts. I have NO idea how the admin will do this, because there are too many classes in my school for me to handle by myself - she has always taught classes at the same time as me so that we could get the classes in for the week. Pretty much this means I will be teaching double classes. How stupid and inefficient and inconsiderate, not to mention probably illegal. :mad:
    THEN I discovered at 3:15pm that a student stole something off of my desk. I went berserk. I ran down the hall trying to find the boy, waving my hands like a crazy woman. :ohwell: I missed him and he went home. I'm mad at myself for not noticing it was gone until 3:15pm, when he took it at 11:00am. He took a small toy that I had promised another little boy I would keep for him because, as I so prophetically assured him, "Someone might take that from you, so let me hold on to it for you until the end of the day." :angry: Now I have to face the angry parent of the boy whose toy was stolen; a parent, mind you, who does not care too much for me (I reported her son last year bullying another student and her son was suspended so she hates me for it). Can't wait. Happy happy joy joy.

    The GOOD news is that I have discovered tonight that VODKA HAS NO SODIUM.

    check in:

    calories: good
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike
    proud: I didn't cry when my boss told me that my partner teacher was being canned.
    sodium: stayed under!
    scale: no peekie today!!! :noway:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in
    excercise-bowling on the wii for an hour
    scale-yes, I HAD to look this morning!

    I just do not do good with my calories when I'm not at work. My husband wanted to eat breakfast at Denny's this morning so, that is what we done. One meal and 1100 calories later didn't eat again until 5:00 and by then I was really hungry. Summimg it all up I ate enough calories for today and tomorrow!:sad: :sad: I just have NO control:sad:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry I have not been around. After I was sick, my daughter Ava (3 1/2) caught it. Poor thing is super sick. She had diarrhea for a week, and has now been throwing up for 4 days. We ended up in the ER last night, she was dehydrated and throwing up blood after waiting around 5 hours there they sent us home because we got her to pee once...so they said she wasn't that dehydrated. She is keeping down water now, but if we try and feed her anything (toast, applesauce etc) she throws it up right away. I just wish I could make her feel better. And since I am an emotional/stress eater, I wouldn't doubt I gained this week. I have been busy taking care of her, so I have been shoving convenience food in mouth when I have a chance, and haven't been drinking my water. I will get back on track when she is better, but things are just stressful!

    Wishing both of you well! I remember those days!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Calories: under
    water: still needs work :frown:
    exercise: zero... still waiting for the cold to go away
    proud: that I did so well today I was able to have a bowl of icecream tonight after dinner!
    scale: waiting for Friday morning! I hope I can make it one more day!

    Jenn: Im sorry you lil one is sick! I cant beleive they sent you home just bc she peed once.. I hope she gets better soon!

    mstahl: sorry your day has been bad... maybe that parent will get on to the kid for bringing it to school to begin with?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    check in for today 2/3/10:
    calories-under, but only by 74!!!:drinker:
    excercise-not much but did elliptical for 18 mins and then went grocery shopping and chased my 1yr old around
    sodium-over - only by like 100 I think...booo:angry:
    scale-I already admitted to my 'problem' :grumble: :blushing:

    good night ladies!!


    ps- I feel like I didnt lose anything this week :explode: :grumble:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sorry I have not been around. After I was sick, my daughter Ava (3 1/2) caught it. Poor thing is super sick. She had diarrhea for a week, and has now been throwing up for 4 days. We ended up in the ER last night, she was dehydrated and throwing up blood after waiting around 5 hours there they sent us home because we got her to pee once...so they said she wasn't that dehydrated. She is keeping down water now, but if we try and feed her anything (toast, applesauce etc) she throws it up right away. I just wish I could make her feel better. And since I am an emotional/stress eater, I wouldn't doubt I gained this week. I have been busy taking care of her, so I have been shoving convenience food in mouth when I have a chance, and haven't been drinking my water. I will get back on track when she is better, but things are just stressful!

    Oh No!!! I am so sorry to hear that. Poor baby. I hate for a little one to be sick. By the way I LOOOOOVE that name Ava. sooo cute. I hope she gets better
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jenn - sorry your little girl is so sick :frown:

    Bluenote - so sorry about that little boy thief :grumble: and your loss of help :angry: that just stinks!

    Chris - your losses will come! Eat all your calories, drink your water (like I'm one to talk) and try not to read the scale changes as much other than a reflection of your sodium intake :smile:

    I was able to stay on track last night. I ended up not getting sushi, instead I ate the calories in hot from the oven bread with a little butter Yuuuuuum:love: And I got to bed about 15 minutes late but I don't mind because I was waiting for a marshmallow to toast over the fire:laugh: One of my FAVORITE 30 calorie desserts! (damn - there went the 'no processed sugars and corn syrups!):huh:

    I stopped taking a water pill (lasix) I've been on for a few years. I tend to get troll legs from water, but now that I'm losing weight it's been much better. I also have high blood pressure so I was interested in how much the lasix helped with that... I am guessing I'll gain weight this week but that's OK because I know I haven't eaten an extra pound's worth of calories:ohwell:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Cris: I like the Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice frozen meals as well, but they're loaded with sodium so I've been avoiding them lately. Too bad because they are so easy and good! Just make sure you're getting your water to flush out the excess sodium and you should be fine.

    I dont know why everyone keeps saying Lean Cuisine is loaded with sodium. the ones I've been eating have anywhere from 10-12% of your daily value of sodum. and I dont eat alot of salt at dinner, so why is that bad?

    They normally have around 400-700mg of sodium. It's not as bad as it used to be because they substitute potassium chloride for a lot of the sodium chloride (table salt) they used to use.
    I'll grab a lean cuisine or 2 when they're on sale & save them for whenever I'm running late for work but the bottom line is THEY'RE NOT REAL FOOD! Look at the ingredients. So much overly processed crap. EW. And that's why I would never recommend eating them regularly. Every week or two when it's your best option, maybe. And then it's still just kind of like how 5 cigarettes once a week is better than smoking 5 cigarettes every day.

    Basically, I just want to make sure you're not fooling yourselves into thinking frozen dinners are good for you. They're not. End of story.
    I am backing JBL up on this information.She is right its not real food and its not really good for you.Enough said!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh I wasn't trying to be harsh about it. I guess I should've used some smilies, huh? :laugh:
    But, you know, it just is what it is.

    Mari -- I understand being busy and working full time and going to school full time. I did that. I get it. But to be VERY honest with you, I had a lot more time then than I do now... working 3 jobs (60-70 hours most weeks). I just find time to make my own health a priority. There's always some good life excuse to fall back on. No one's going to judge you because you eat frozen dinners! :wink: I choose to eat them, too. It doesn't make your awesome effort to get healthy any less awesome!
    Well put JBL!!! Mari how much sodium are you consuming in a day?Just curious!!! I too used to eat frozen meals until I saw how much sodium I was consuming a day without eating a frozen meal and I decided if I wanted to be able to eat more food during the day that I would have to cut those meals out because I keep my sodium between 1500mg-1900mg a day but this is just me.Whatever is working for you keep doing it?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Checking in for yesterday 2/3/2010:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 24 oz. (I think, but maybe I forgot a serving?)
    Exercise: None
    Sodium: Way over
    Scale: I peeked this morning, but at least I've lost the 2lbs. of pasta bloat.
    Proud: That I've already logged all of today's food and can still have my Carbou coffee tonight!

    So Super Bowl Sunday is approaching quickly. My boyfriend and I are going to his friend's house for beer, appetizers and chili. At least I know the chili can't be that bad and I'm bringing my own beer, so I can plan the calories a little bit. Jlb, I'm with you that light beers are not very good, other than Yuengling and I actually like the Bud Lite Wheat. I tend to drink Blue Moon most often because it's so refreshing. Otherwise, Guiness is filling and only has 140 calories per 12 oz and because it's so filling, I tend not to drink as many.

    This weekend, I'm working on burning the calories so I can eat more on Sunday and not feel guilty. I'll try to really behave on Saturday so the two days will average. On Saturday, we're going to be walking around the motorcycle show for a few hours and then we'll be snowshoeing in the evening for a few hours. I may also try to get a C25K workout in on Saturday morning. On Sunday, we're considering spending the morning/early afternoon snowshoeing to gain 700 or so calories (1 hour of snowshoeing).

    Good luck to you all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1227
    Exercise: 30 min. stationary bike
    Water: 11 cups
    Sodium: 1637
    Scale: I looked. I like having a record of my daily weight and I don't have a problem with seeing daily fluctuations. Now I'm kind of mad at myself that I didn't weigh Sunday-Tuesday. Oh well.
    Proud: That I didn't eat the 6 cheese pizza that was hot out of the oven at work. The customer wasn't in our delivery area so we transferred his order to the store closer to him but his pizza had already been made. For a split second I thought about grabbing it & running but instead I cut it, and then yelled "Hey guys, bad order here!" Then I sadly watched a very overweight girl (bigger than I ever was, even at over 270) eat the entire thing with tons of garlic butter by herself. :frown:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Holy cow I am sore.. at 4:30 yesterday I started moveing furniture.
    Love seat with two recliners in it (Heavy)
    Couch with two relincers in it (Heavy)
    Small recliner moved downstairs
    Overstuffed Chair moved downstairs
    Ottoman moved downstairs
    Rearranged the basement
    Took part two HUGE relcliners and moved them upstairs (4 pieces)
    Moved side table upstairs
    Moved Recliner pieces and table into the other guys vehicle
    Moved two Chaises and the sectional from their house to our vehicle and then into our living room
    Rearranged the living room
    Of course then you have to clean everything!
    All done by 9:00
    We trade two large recliners and a side table for a beautiful chocolate brown (microfiber) sectional with two chaises! It is lovely!
    Needless to say.. I am counting that as my exercise for yesterday
    Calories .. good
    water.. lacking a bit
    Proud I was able to move all that, yes, I broke a sweat but, it was a good sweat. 4 months ago, it would have taken me days.

    Today my sister is going in for her Physiology evaluation. If they do not admit her, her and her BF will be coming over for dinner. I am a bit nervous as I don't want to say something that makes her go off the deep end. Wish me luck!

    Well. I had better get my tail moving. Gotta get to work and need to go grocery shopping later today!

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over by 22 ... I'm happy with that
    exercise: none
    water: bad - about 32 oz
    proud: that I was very close on calories, and on a non-exercise day
    sodium: 3000 again

    Have a good day all!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jenn- So sorry your daughter is sick!!! I hope she gets well soon.
    Jbl- Great Job on skipping the pizza but so sorry to hear about that girl eating a whole pizza to herself.
    Momma-Glad to see you are doing well.
    Bluenote-You peeked at the scale OH WELL GREAT JOB ON YOUR LOSS .Even though you blew the challenge I still got love for you:heart:
    Mstahl-Keep going girl you are doing an amazing job.
    Mari-I know your schedule must be difficult but remember to make time for yourself and if what you are doing is working then stick with it.
    Cris-Glad to hear about your loss too.Did everyone cheat this week?
    I will say I did sneak a peak today but I haven't all week until this morning because I wanted to see if my weigh had gone back down from TOM visiting and it hasn't gone back completely just yet so maybe a loss next week for me.
    Istpaul-Love the new profile pic and you are still going strong
    Colorado Girl-Wow go you moving all that furniture I bet you had a big calorie burn
    Hajohnson-2 pounds WAY TO GO !!!
    Glad we are still moving along !! I ran for 1 hour straight on my elliptical.LET me say that again!!! I RAN FOR 1 HOUR STRAIGHT WITHOUT STOPPING.I am so proud of myself.I burnt over 1000 calories.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    I thought the Super Bowl was over! ??? ROFL Pretty much sums up how much I watch it! HEY, don't shoot the...er..musician!!!

    LOL! yes, don't shoot the musician! :laugh:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    check in for today 2/3/10:
    calories-under, but only by 74!!!:drinker:
    excercise-not much but did elliptical for 18 mins and then went grocery shopping and chased my 1yr old around
    sodium-over - only by like 100 I think...booo:angry:
    scale-I already admitted to my 'problem' :grumble: :blushing:

    good night ladies!!


    ps- I feel like I didnt lose anything this week :explode: :grumble:

    but be rpoud... you DID exercise and you DID stay under calories!!! You remind me of me... could we be too hard on ourselves sometimes??!?! :smile:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    jennbarrette - sending healing thoughts to your daughter... it's the hardest thing in the world to watch someone beloved suffer and not be able to fix it!
    bluenote - wow I'm sorry you are losing your teaching partner! It's another side effect of budget cuts, not just adds to unemployement but everyone I know who is employed is working double hard... the bad part is that for a TEACHER that effects future generations and makes it bad for everyone. Very ill considered move, if you ask me. Hope it works out for the best some how but I am shaking my head with disbelief on the stupidity of it!
    llowry - I love love love Denny's breakfast. And yes they are super extra calories... that would be hard!!!

    Check in
    Calories under
    Exercise - a whole bunch, 20 minute walk, 60 minutes of belly dance drills (with a little bhangra thrown in for aerobics) and a full vocal practice of an hour
    Why am I alternating? I do well one day and badly the next... well... last night after dance class I just had a feeling of being on the right path...
    Water - under... note to self: I am dehydrating self. Not sure why, but I think it has to do with bathroom issues. How to address?
    Proud - wow I was singing good last night. But dance class kicked my butt. I have been walking but not stretching and every part of myself was tight particularly upper body which I hadn't worked at all for two weeks. But I'm proud I went and I'm proud that I encouraged teacher to do some bhangra. It was her birthday and she was down... I was trying to figure out what she needed and an inspiration came to me to ask her to show us some bhangra and it is really, really cheered her up. She loves that dance. She deserves it... she is a dancer, a teacher, and a massage therapist... and a healer.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I looked at the scale today. First time since last Friday. My reason I peeked. Hubby wants Chinese for his birthday which is today. So Even if I stay within my cals I will be up a couple tomorrow just because of water weight. So I wanted to record my weight loss before my temporary water gain.:smile:

    HOpe you all have a wonderful day.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Oh I wasn't trying to be harsh about it. I guess I should've used some smilies, huh? :laugh:
    But, you know, it just is what it is.

    Mari -- I understand being busy and working full time and going to school full time. I did that. I get it. But to be VERY honest with you, I had a lot more time then than I do now... working 3 jobs (60-70 hours most weeks). I just find time to make my own health a priority. There's always some good life excuse to fall back on. No one's going to judge you because you eat frozen dinners! :wink: I choose to eat them, too. It doesn't make your awesome effort to get healthy any less awesome!
    Well put JBL!!! Mari how much sodium are you consuming in a day?Just curious!!! I too used to eat frozen meals until I saw how much sodium I was consuming a day without eating a frozen meal and I decided if I wanted to be able to eat more food during the day that I would have to cut those meals out because I keep my sodium between 1500mg-1900mg a day but this is just me.Whatever is working for you keep doing it?

    Its better than eating what the others here eat for lunch. Transfats, multiple servings of meat, grease, empty calories..need I go on? *Shrug* I dont care if it has preservatives, so does every other food you buy, be it in a restaurant or a store. its helping me now so that's what I'm going to stick to.

    I dont know my sodium intake, i dont really track it since my blood pressure is always outstanding and my doctor has never said anything about it to me. The lunch I had today had 590mg, and the breakfast I ate had 240mg. that leaves me 670 for a homemade dinner and a snack, according to your plan. according to normal daily value, I'll have 1570mg of sodium left for dinner. I think that's plenty.

    The only thing that I'm reading about sodium is water weight and heart health. My doctor says I have a very healthy heart and I've never had any trouble with it, and my choleserol is even in a good range. I've never in my life had a bad blood pressure reading. So I dont see why it matters that much, especially as I progress from worse eating habits steadily into better eating habits. I'm not going to eat these for lunch for the rest of my life. When I'm maintaining I'll be able to have better optoins. But for now they're what work for me the absolute best to keep up my weightloss and I'm going to continue eating them.

    And nowhere did I claim that frozen food is "real food".

    Blah! on another note, I dont remember if I checked in yesterday so here we go:

    Calories: Right on
    Water: Great
    Exercise: 10 minutes treadmill, 10 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes weight training, feeling amazing
    Proud: I stuck it out at the gym even though there were like 50 idiots in there hogging my machines..how dare them! :explode:

    I also have a question for you ladies. I've been having trouble cooking some long grain brown rice...I have a rice cooker, but I can also do it in a pot. i like my rice fluffy and al-dente...do any of you know how to cook perfect brown rice? I really want it with my homemade chicken cacciatore tonight. The last batch didnt work out and I had cacciatore soup the other night. :frown: Its really good, simple, cheap and easy if you guys want the recipe. :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Oh I wasn't trying to be harsh about it. I guess I should've used some smilies, huh? :laugh:
    But, you know, it just is what it is.

    Mari -- I understand being busy and working full time and going to school full time. I did that. I get it. But to be VERY honest with you, I had a lot more time then than I do now... working 3 jobs (60-70 hours most weeks). I just find time to make my own health a priority. There's always some good life excuse to fall back on. No one's going to judge you because you eat frozen dinners! :wink: I choose to eat them, too. It doesn't make your awesome effort to get healthy any less awesome!
    Well put JBL!!! Mari how much sodium are you consuming in a day?Just curious!!! I too used to eat frozen meals until I saw how much sodium I was consuming a day without eating a frozen meal and I decided if I wanted to be able to eat more food during the day that I would have to cut those meals out because I keep my sodium between 1500mg-1900mg a day but this is just me.Whatever is working for you keep doing it?

    Its better than eating what the others here eat for lunch. Transfats, multiple servings of meat, grease, empty calories..need I go on? *Shrug* I dont care if it has preservatives, so does every other food you buy, be it in a restaurant or a store. its helping me now so that's what I'm going to stick to.

    I dont know my sodium intake, i dont really track it since my blood pressure is always outstanding and my doctor has never said anything about it to me. The lunch I had today had 590mg, and the breakfast I ate had 240mg. that leaves me 670 for a homemade dinner and a snack, according to your plan. according to normal daily value, I'll have 1570mg of sodium left for dinner. I think that's plenty.

    The only thing that I'm reading about sodium is water weight and heart health. My doctor says I have a very healthy heart and I've never had any trouble with it, and my choleserol is even in a good range. I've never in my life had a bad blood pressure reading. So I dont see why it matters that much, especially as I progress from worse eating habits steadily into better eating habits. I'm not going to eat these for lunch for the rest of my life. When I'm maintaining I'll be able to have better optoins. But for now they're what work for me the absolute best to keep up my weightloss and I'm going to continue eating them.

    And nowhere did I claim that frozen food is "real food".

    Blah! on another note, I dont remember if I checked in yesterday so here we go:

    Calories: Right on
    Water: Great
    Exercise: 10 minutes treadmill, 10 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes weight training, feeling amazing
    Proud: I stuck it out at the gym even though there were like 50 idiots in there hogging my machines..how dare them! :explode:

    I also have a question for you ladies. I've been having trouble cooking some long grain brown rice...I have a rice cooker, but I can also do it in a pot. i like my rice fluffy and al-dente...do any of you know how to cook perfect brown rice? I really want it with my homemade chicken cacciatore tonight. The last batch didnt work out and I had cacciatore soup the other night. :frown: Its really good, simple, cheap and easy if you guys want the recipe. :bigsmile:
    Like I said previously if it works for you then do it!!! Sorry if you took what I said to be harsh or insensitive to your lifestyle.I was only providing information.and that was all.Again I am sorry if you felt offend by my comments thats not what it was intended for.