Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Positively_Me , men are such.........:noway: , well you know. But we love them and can't live without them. At least yours tries to fix something. Mine won't even try. I usually have to call my brother to come help us....:laugh:

    Momma, he means well...but what he tried to fix was what he broke from the begining..and we ended up back to square one...the first problem..why is the heater blowing cold air??... he does a lot of fixing around the house..he tied the whole downstairs with marble ties (living room), wood floors ( dining room), and ceramic tiles( family room), backslash on the kitchen walls.installed the dishwasher...and renovated 2 bathrooms with ceramic walls and floors...the list goes on and on...
    But sometimes..if you are unsure of what to do...call someone..ask for help..the damage he created cost us 200 dollars....and that is w/o fixing the original problem...and that cost us 500 dollors...i would have been happy to pay 500 dollars than 700 dollars...but yes, i love him and can't live w/o him and at least he tried. :)

    Checkin 2/3/10
    calories: yup
    water: not quite...but showing some effort...in trying to get my 8 cups:drinker:
    exercise: yup, elliptical for 40 minutes..i have to go back to c25k...i love that program
    proud: that i am back on and didn't quite
    sodium: with in range...1556
    scale: didn't look today..i wanted to see the damage i have done but i didn't peek!...i will wait until Friday

    Hve a great day!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I really am not a fan of the music. I can put up with it for 30mins though.
    I hated the music of the first couple of podcasts I downloaded, too. I could tolerate Nichole Blum's podcasts a lot more (though I still didn't love them) so you may want to check hers out. http://gonicoleyourself.blogspot.com/2008/06/couch-to-5k-podcast-page.html

    Congratulations on starting Couch25K! It's going to be challenging but really rewarding. :happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good ...even with going out to dinner for my daughter's 16th birthday
    exercise: good - an hour of step in the morning at the Y .. it's just a matter of time before they cancel this class ... there were a whopping 3 of us there yesterday (I was the only one again last Thursday) ... but I'm going to faithfully keep going until they cancel it ... then I will panic about trying to find something else
    water: not doing well with water still ... probably about 48 oz.
    proud: of my beautiful 16 year old

    :ohwell: just to put in my 2 cents about frozen lunches ... I used to eat them all the time, but I find that when I do I'm never as satisfied as I am with 'real' food like when I have time to pack a tuna or ham sandwich, or pita with lettuce, onion and avacado, or whatever leftovers are I have... but sometimes there is no alternative, so I keep a few frozen meals on hand for emergencies ... because having to find something at the cafeteria or a restaurant for lunch is usually a bad choice for me (and I've been doing waaaay too much of that lately). I always thought frozen meals were higher in sodium too, but never checked. I've been trying to buy Amy's frozen meals - they are a little higher in calories but seem a little 'heartier' and maybe 'healthier' ... but who knows? I have been surprised to find out this week with tracking sodium that diet pepsi isn't as high in sodium as I always thought (unless you consider that it is high for something with no nutritional value)... it is still a bad habit that I wish I could break. Whenever I have been successful with quitting I feel better, but trying to change everything at once is too hard and asking for failure ... so I'll keep that bad habit for now while I work on changing others. I've also been surprised this week with how much over on sugar I am every day ... I usually don't pay attention to anything but calories - but I should probably be watching all that stuff if I want to eat healthier.

    jlb123: you are soooo right that what it comes down to is finding the time to make our weight loss and health a priority to us ... when I was more in that frame of mind I was having a lot more success, lately that hasn't been the case and the scale has moved in the wrong direction. It is so easy to put everything else in front of our own health and happiness. You have really been able to keep up your motivation and are a great inspiration, I value your advice and opinions! :flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just went back and checked on my sodium for yesterday and I was at 3000 again ... and my Amy's pot pie at lunch was pretty high with 630. But my 1/2 a calzone at dinner was really bad with 950.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have been surprised to find out this week with tracking sodium that diet pepsi isn't as high in sodium as I always thought (unless you consider that it is high for something with no nutritional value)... it is still a bad habit that I wish I could break. Whenever I have been successful with quitting I feel better, but trying to change everything at once is too hard and asking for failure ... so I'll keep that bad habit for now while I work on changing others.

    Oh yeah, diet soda is definitely one of those bad choices I make on a daily basis. I probably drink less than 20oz of it a day, but still the thought of giving it up even for a week makes me want to cling to a bottle of it! Like a freakin' diet soda junkie. :ohwell:
    At least I'm able to recognize denial and passing the buck aren't going to help me reach my goals. Isn't the first step admitting you have a problem? :smile: Anyway, that's what I've heard.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- thanks for the link, I'll def check it out! Do they tell you when to run and when to walk? I heard some podcast dont actually tell you, they jsut change the music and you are suppsoed to know that means walk/run. lol, I literally need someone to tell me Ok you are supposed to run right NOW.

    lstpaul- I totally agree with you that quitting too many bad habits at once can set you up for failure. I'll admit right now in front of you guys that I am a smoker. I was able to quit when I got pregnant but picked up the habit shortly after my son was born (dont worry I dont smoke anywhere near him or where he will be). I really want to quit but the thought of doing this lifestyle change plus quitting smoking at the same time is too daunting. I hope that once I start increasing my excercise that I will want to quit so that I am not as out of breath and feel like dying! I do hope to quit soon though! And yea, I also started tracking sugar recently and I tend to go over. Mostly I go over on protein and sugar but neither one by much. Sodium I tend to stay between 1600-2000 but I never even knew what the healthy range was, so I am so glad to be on this site and learning so much


  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Congrats on starting C25K! I think you'll like it. Oh, and I'm also a scaleaholic!

    To the diet soda junkies: I'm with you! I've weaned myself from "regular" soda to diet and even the diet I am consuming an average of 12 oz. per day. But, I'm just not ready to give it up completely. There are some things that honestly taste better with soda, such as Chinese and pizza (when I'm not having beer). It's so completely naughty and has no nutritional value but it's so satisfying.

    To the frozen dinner junkies: I used to eat one for lunch everyday and one for dinner half of the week. They helped me lose weight because they were convenient and NOT McDonald's. I still eat them occasionally if I need something quick. However, since I started using the Herbalife protein shakes for two meals per day, I don't need the frozen meals as much because I have my shakes for breakfast and lunch and eat almost anything I want for dinner. If I weren't doing the protein shakes, I'd probably still be hooked on frozen dinners simply because they're easy and I hate to cook, even when I have the time to do it!

    Okay, all that being said, here are my stats for yesterday 2/2/2010:
    Calories: Under by 48
    Water: 48 oz.
    Sodium: over by 1300...yikes!
    Exercise: C25K, W7D1
    Proud: That I got myself on the treadmill and managed to distract myself so I didn't look at the display during the running portion. As long as I keep my mind off the time, my legs don't even get tired!
    Scale: I peeked, but am pretending I didn't because I'm bloated from last night's pasta dinner. Looks like I'll have to swear off pasta for a while again :-(

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Momma2four- Hi my name is Cris and I'm a scaleaholic :blushing: :tongue: :laugh:

    You have taken the first step and boy am I proud:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Sorry I keep posting every 5 mins but work is really really slow today!

    Here's whats on my mind:
    Super Bowl Sunday. My family is HUGE into Football and of course Super Bowl Sunday is a big event with lots of food and booze. BF and I used to go to a bullroast every year with all you can eat buffet, all you can drink draft...you get the picture. Now, I had already promised myself that I would allow my self a few beers for the game (havent had one sip since Jan 2nd) but I am worried that I will over indulge. My plan as of right now is that eat a little under on Saturday, workout Sunday morning for like an hour and then plan out my meal for sunday including in my beer in take. I hope this will deminish any kind of damage I do to my weight loss.

    What are y'all doing for Super Bowl? Any hints, tips, etc??

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just stopping by for a little love :blushing:

    The first employee went through her "complaint" process and came out sobbing:sad: . YIKES!!! I just hope I can hold it together!:indifferent:

    An evil co-worker convinced me to go out for lunch and leave my yummy tilapia and brown rice left overs here in the office. We had Indian and it was FABULOUS! I will have to figure out how to account for it since I don't know the names of the dishes I ate - but chicken curry and lentils and chicken curry and a wee bit of rice, and three pieces naan *sigh*

    Speaking of which - an idea for a FAST healthy lunch- get good Tupperware (stuff- I have never actually had that brand) and put a nice portion of dinner in one before you eat at night and poke it into your freezer. divvy up the rest of dinner to you and your family and in the morning you're good to go. Mix and match so you don't eat the left overs the day after you had the meal. And they really aren't left overs if you take it out FIRST are they :wink: :wink:

    Make a bunch of good soups on a weekend and freeze them in lunch sized containers. Buy healthy foods from a non- fast food place and freeze them yourself - lots of ways to get good food into your day!

    My healthy breakfasts are FAST and simple because my husband is in charge of them and he thinks it's a great effort to fry an egg (not complaining just sayin!). I usually have cottage cheese with fruit on top (today black berries, often frozen blue berries or pineapple chunks, or equal parts cottage cheese and pumpkin with spenda and cinnamon) or yogurt with FiberOne original mixed into it, or a soft boiled egg on high fiber toast, or a hard boiled egg... Occasionally it's a egg mcmuffin when Ken runs out to get gas in my car (yes - I have a house elf!)

    Chris - I hear that the 5K101 has better music - but of course "better" is relative LOL! and jlb checked it out for me and said it was a much more aggressive pace... I've decided to try the C25K for that reason... I'm a wimp!

    As for bad habits... I'm sure you will all be shocked to hear this but... I have a thing for :heart: red:heart: wine. NO it's TRUE I really do! :love: I same up calories so I can have a glass but the fire at night! I have cut back to 3 times a week now but only because of calories not lack of love! If there were an alcohol free red wine that tastes like real red wine I'd go for it but so far even the "gold award against wine with alcohol" stuff STINKS!:grumble: I have read all the pro and con reports - there's a correlation between red wine drinkers and good health but we all know that correlations don't prove cause and effect. Of course I'll take it as that *evil laughter*:drinker: I could give up "drinking" but I can't imagine enjoying a great meal without a glass of wine. That's one reason I hate going to nice restaurants for lunch! (ok MONEY is the real reason but second to money is wine).

    I had my six month follow up with the Oncologist OBGYN - I only have a mutant gene I never had cancer so it's weird going into the cancer hospital for my appointments - I feel like a fraud (weird guilt issues!). Anyway he said I look good and that he wants me to use the his Oncologist Nurse Practitioner as my "well visit" OBGYN from now on because I'm still higher risk than a non-mutant with ovaries. yeah :huh: :huh: :huh: Me with no ovaries has a > risk of cancer than another 40 yr old WITH her ovaries but without the mutant gene.

    I'm still waiting to find out what super powers come with this mutant baby! Common! I should get big slasher claws out of my fists, or wings out of my back, or massive flame throwers! SOMETHING! So far it just seems to be my amazing good looks:blushing: and phenomenal intelligence:bigsmile: and of course my humility:huh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Sorry I keep posting every 5 mins but work is really really slow today!

    Here's whats on my mind:
    Super Bowl Sunday. My family is HUGE into Football and of course Super Bowl Sunday is a big event with lots of food and booze. BF and I used to go to a bullroast every year with all you can eat buffet, all you can drink draft...you get the picture. Now, I had already promised myself that I would allow my self a few beers for the game (haven't had one sip since Jan 2nd) but I am worried that I will over indulge. My plan as of right now is that eat a little under on Saturday, workout Sunday morning for like an hour and then plan out my meal for sunday including in my beer in take. I hope this will deminish any kind of damage I do to my weight loss.

    What are y'all doing for Super Bowl? Any hints, tips, etc??

    :drinker: Can you eat apples? A medium crunch (that part is important) apple eaten off the core (whole) will put volume in your stomach and the chunks (because since you change diapers - you know we humans don't chew all that well LOL) break down slowly so you don't have much room in your gut and the slow release of sugars keep you from feeling famished!

    :flowerforyou: If you can, take a few apples with you and eat one before you start anything (food or drink) then eat one about an hour in... keep putting a full sized apple in your stomach and you won't have room for chips and junk and beer. It's been a life saver for me!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Honestly, I am planning super bowl Sunday as a cheat day. I will be careful but I think I will try to stay around maintenance cals even if I go over a tid. I plan to enjoy the day and besides I do not drink at all so I will be drinking diet pepsi, that will save me quite a bit of cals in itself. I am also planning one of my jog/walks with my husband early in the day. I will be strict on Sat and Mond. I hope all goes as planned
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What are y'all doing for Super Bowl? Any hints, tips, etc??

    All you can drink? I'd be in trouble! I really can't hold my alcohol very well but I seem to always forget that fact after about 3 beers. It's nothing short of a miracle I haven't gotten sick from drinking too much since May 5th, 2005 (well, actually May 6th...). Damn Cinco de Mayo/friend's birthday parties and their tequila! :sick:

    I guess my tip is to alternate a glass of water with every alcoholic drink. It helps you pace yourself and will keep you hydrated (preventing hangover). My friends and I have started getting together every Sunday. We all love beer/wine and food so those things are always there. I bring a healthy snack so I can have a good amount of it and then I just take tiny samples of everything else I want to try. If there's one thing I really love, I'll have a little more of it. I also take light beer with me (the only one I've tried that I can stand is Yuengling Light -- 99 calories/12oz). This past weekend I also took a 16.9oz bottle of water and drank it all before I started with beer. Then I drank a beer & filled up the bottle of water again & drank it all. Then drank another beer & another bottle of water. Sure, I peed more than anybody ever should have to pee, but it worked! I only drank 2 beers which is probably 50% less than I've EVER drank in one visit to that house in the entire 4 years my friend has lived there. :laugh:

    So, Superbowl Sunday I'm going to his house with the same plans I have every week. Bring healthy food (but food that's good enough for everyone else to want to eat, too), drink lots of water, and if you want to splurge a little more on the food, working out a little extra beforehand is always a good option.

    Edit: And Nichole Blum's podcasts countdown when it's time to start running or start walking. It doesn't tell you which you're supposed to be doing but I used my amazing common sense to figure out if I was walking when I heard the countdown (5-4-3-2-1-0), I should start running and if I was running then I should start walking. :laugh: I've read some people complain about it but to me it wasn't a big deal. I never got confused or anything.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    I am not any help with Super Bowl Sunday. I watched last year because the AZ Cardinals made it all the way to it! YAY! but they didn't this year so I lost interest. More of a basketball fan! But even then might not watch finals if The Suns don't make it....

    Frozen dinners -- I get the health food kind. They are more expensive but have fewer of the things i don't want, plus I can't eat corn (food sensitivity) so I have to read ingrediants. My favorite brands are Amy's and Ethnic Gourmet. They are tasty. And I don't think as bad as regular frozen meals.

    That said, I also do freeze dinners in tupperware as was also mentioned. Partly because I live alone too... it becomes too hard to cook constantly so I often just cook once or twice a week, a couple of meals and freeze a lot. Only problem is freezer getting full while I get bored with what I have and cook more things. :embarassed:

    I am always looking out for healthy, easy to fix things to have on hand like protein bars of various sorts, healthy no-sugar added yogurts, etc. I love healthy yogurt with some blueberries and stevia for instance. I go on kicks for various easy healthy treat like foods at time, maybe that's not a good thing, I don't know, but it is better than I was before with a whole bag of candy or a whole pie or whatever. :laugh:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in
    Calories Over last night, fatigue and sinus headaches seem to be contributing to me having food problems
    Exercise - the same, no exercise, fatigue and headache
    Water - low
    Proud - that I called the dentist. I have a recurring problem with my tooth. It is two root canals that were botched and the nerve was left, a bit of it, under the tooth. It gets reinfected from time to time. My options are to re=do the root canals or have expensiver surgery. the surgery is laser surgery and is less invasive and easy to heal from but insurance doesnt cover it and I haven't completely repaired my credit since my divorce and so.... the insurance covers the root canals but last year I had used up my insurance so even that wasn't very good... so now I called the dentist asking for a referal and antibiotics... no call back yet...

    Also I walked 20 minutes today
    and am going to dance class tonight!
    Calories are okay so far but I make no promises.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi I will read all the posts later.

    Calories: yes 1458 (momma pats me on the back:)
    Water: yes
    Execise: yes
    Sodium: 2200
    Scale: no (this is a challenge of will power)
    Proud: That I have you ladies to check in with daily, to help me be accountable everyday. Thank you.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Since I haven't gotten to bed on time yet this week, I'm checking in now and I'll amend this if I go astray of my plan :wink:

    Calories - good, I'll eat all of my exercise calories but I'm OK with that:happy:
    Water - doing great! NOw that I realize I've been counting 16 oz as 8 oz I realize I've been doing pretty good!
    Exercise - I got 35 minutes on the elliptical this AM and another 35 minutes on the treadmill tonight - just fast enough to sweat all over and feel gross:ohwell:
    Sodium - I had Indian for lunch so OVER OVER OVER:noway:
    Corn Syrup - so far so good!
    Snacks - only this am but that's because I has such a ginormous lunch.

    Proud - I didn't cry in my meeting (I did tear up at the end and not be able to really talk but otherwise I didn't cry). I actually felt sorry for the HR rep because I think she knows my VP and my Manager are wrong and making our work place miserable (can you say TURNOVER) but she had to pretty much go along with what he was saying. I was frustrated. I'll move on but I really love the organization more than any I've ever worked at! I took a pay cut to work for them - then the guy who hired me left and it's been downhill ever since. I really breaks my heart to see such a GREAT group of people leaving... It only takes one toxic manager to eff up an entire department!

    Sorry for the rant.

    Tomorrow I interview for a boring corp. job - the mission statement is something like "to increase shareholder value by maximising asset growth" not quite the same as "we save babies" (not really our mission statement but kinda our battle cry!)

    MY DH is building me a fire and pouring some wine (so much for no wine tonight) and I'm going to have a little of his freshly baked bread! He put two heads of roasted garlic in it and some :heart: rosemary:heart: - OH YEAH!:bigsmile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    you scale peeking cheat:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You know I am kidding I :heart: you!!!!

    Cris, I am glad that you confessed that you are a scaleaholic. that is the first step to recovery:tongue: We are here to help you!!!:flowerforyou:

    ROFL!!!!!! I have been called MANY things, but never a "scale peeking cheat!" ROFLMAO!!!

    Cris is in da dawghouse with bluesie! Alriiiiiiiight!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sorry I keep posting every 5 mins but work is really really slow today!

    Here's whats on my mind:
    Super Bowl Sunday. My family is HUGE into Football and of course Super Bowl Sunday is a big event with lots of food and booze. BF and I used to go to a bullroast every year with all you can eat buffet, all you can drink draft...you get the picture. Now, I had already promised myself that I would allow my self a few beers for the game (havent had one sip since Jan 2nd) but I am worried that I will over indulge. My plan as of right now is that eat a little under on Saturday, workout Sunday morning for like an hour and then plan out my meal for sunday including in my beer in take. I hope this will deminish any kind of damage I do to my weight loss.

    What are y'all doing for Super Bowl? Any hints, tips, etc??

    I thought the Super Bowl was over! ??? ROFL Pretty much sums up how much I watch it! HEY, don't shoot the...er..musician!!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Sorry I have not been around. After I was sick, my daughter Ava (3 1/2) caught it. Poor thing is super sick. She had diarrhea for a week, and has now been throwing up for 4 days. We ended up in the ER last night, she was dehydrated and throwing up blood after waiting around 5 hours there they sent us home because we got her to pee once...so they said she wasn't that dehydrated. She is keeping down water now, but if we try and feed her anything (toast, applesauce etc) she throws it up right away. I just wish I could make her feel better. And since I am an emotional/stress eater, I wouldn't doubt I gained this week. I have been busy taking care of her, so I have been shoving convenience food in mouth when I have a chance, and haven't been drinking my water. I will get back on track when she is better, but things are just stressful!