Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I love being a mom. I was cleaning and it was very quiet, so I went looking for my little guy and look what I found


    Soooo cute!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I like the Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice frozen meals as well, but they're loaded with sodium so I've been avoiding them lately. Too bad because they are so easy and good! Just make sure you're getting your water to flush out the excess sodium and you should be fine.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Cris: I like the Smart Ones, Lean Cuisines and Healthy Choice frozen meals as well, but they're loaded with sodium so I've been avoiding them lately. Too bad because they are so easy and good! Just make sure you're getting your water to flush out the excess sodium and you should be fine.

    I dont know why everyone keeps saying Lean Cuisine is loaded with sodium. the ones I've been eating have anywhere from 10-12% of your daily value of sodum. and I dont eat alot of salt at dinner, so why is that bad?
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I love being a mom. I was cleaning and it was very quiet, so I went looking for my little guy and look what I found


    AHHH! What a cutie!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Snowflakes.. MFP also recommends 2500 for me also on the Sodium... not sure about the rest of the ladies.

    I'm 99% sure it recommends 2500mg no matter what your calories are. I think the reason for this is the minimize sodium related water retention. I've noticed I retain water if I eat 2500mg so I try to keep mine under 2000mg. It's not "unhealthy" to eat over 2500mg if you have no health problems that would be magnified with high sodium intake. Don't quote me on this, but I think a healthy adult can regularly consume upwards of 4000-5000mg sodium daily with no direct ill effects.
    The average American eats twice the amount of sodium that is recommended by the American Heart Association.You should have no more than 2500mg of sodium a day.Doctors actually say it is better if you can keep your sodium between 1500mg and 2000mg.because this is a healthy range.You need sodium but not too much.I can give websites if you guys need more information on this
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    . We should also be careful not to reduce sodium by too much because it can also be bad for us. I would ask a doctor before getting too extreme on that.

    Good point. My understanding is that the adult human body *needs* (requires) 250mg-500mg of sodium daily just to maintain basic body functions. If you're exercising (or moving at all, really) you'll need more. I think most experts recommend no less than 1000mg daily.

    You are correct on this JBL !! YOU should not eat less than 1000mg of sodium I keep mine right at 1500 or a smidge above.This is so I don't retain water and my doctor said this is a healthy range between 1500-1900mg daily.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I love being a mom. I was cleaning and it was very quiet, so I went looking for my little guy and look what I found


    What a sweety - that made me smile ...I really miss those days ....my oldest turned 16 today ... oh my gosh how time flies.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in today
    Calories -way under I am just not that hungry today.Still kind of sad from everything going on
    Exercise -going to go do an hour to make myself feel better
    Water 32 ounces so far
    Proud that even though I had a tragic loss in my life that I didn't eat my way to feel better.
    One thing I love about myself is my personality
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I posted a few of the pictures of my son and his new bride, the little girl is there baby (my granddaughter). Isn't she just absolutely gorgeous!?

    I am having such a HARD time getting back in the swing of things!!!:sad: :sad: I haven't posted anything since last Thursday. HELP!!!!
    llowry: You yelled help and I came a runnin' okay I came a trottin'. Glad that I didn't need to use the boots.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lildebbie: so happy that you are making progress for you daughter. $8 co-pay is unheard of on our insurance. Run with that before it changes.

    coloradogirl: Did you have a good experience with the new diabetes Dr.? I have thought about you today. You are wonder women keeping up with all the demands, your family is lucky to have you.

    Today is mid week when I want to weigh and see if I'm on track. Having will power not to weigh. Friday here we come....
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I love being a mom. I was cleaning and it was very quiet, so I went looking for my little guy and look what I found


    aaaawwwwwwwwwwwe! Still has the same effect.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mother is stressing me out. I did her taxes for her and she forgot a form so I had to amend it and amend it quick because she was panicking. I fixed it, but now I am stressed!!!! I am going to go do my Yoga:indifferent:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks momma...actually our insurance isn't too bad, we just have to pay 15% of negotiated rate. Our rx's are like that too..sometime i go and pay like .52 for a rx...feel stupid paying with a cc, but i don't carry cash usally at all...Of course others are much higher, but i will take what i can get.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in - sorry it's been a busy weekend and week plus sinus headaches galore

    Caloires was over Sat and Sun by alot
    was under Monday
    Exercise - none Sat and Sun
    20 minutes of walkies Monday
    Water - good on Sat and Sun
    Good on Monday
    Proud -
    was kind to myself Sat and Sun even though I had sinus headache bad, did get some work done anyway, got back on food trail on Monday, and got groceries Monday night

    tonight I'm divided between going and getting a present for Dance teacher as it is her birthday Wednesday or just going home because my headache is acting up again...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    My check in for today 2/2/10:

    calories- under by 14! getting better!!!:drinker:
    water- yes
    excercise- YES! C25k wk1 and 15 mins on the bike
    sodium- 2583 ---ooops!:embarassed:
    scale- failing miserably
    proud- that I went to the gym and started my c25k, and I ran when I was supposed to without quitting. I am sore though

    Have a great night everyone,

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have not weighed myself since Friday. AM I the only one???????? Start fessing up girls. I see all kinds of girls who have lost weight in the last few days. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am proud of you losers, but it is time to step away from the scale and put it away until FRIDAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:laugh: :laugh:
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in
    proud-back in the groove (almost) excercise is next

    I did weigh Sunday after we came home on Saturday night and I had gained 3 pounds. I have faith that it will come off by weigh in on friday.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I posted a few of the pictures of my son and his new bride, the little girl is there baby (my granddaughter). Isn't she just absolutely gorgeous!?

    I am having such a HARD time getting back in the swing of things!!!:sad: :sad: I haven't posted anything since last Thursday. HELP!!!!
    llowry: You yelled help and I came a runnin' okay I came a trottin'. Glad that I didn't need to use the boots.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lildebbie: so happy that you are making progress for you daughter. $8 co-pay is unheard of on our insurance. Run with that before it changes.

    coloradogirl: Did you have a good experience with the new diabetes Dr.? I have thought about you today. You are wonder women keeping up with all the demands, your family is lucky to have you.

    Today is mid week when I want to weigh and see if I'm on track. Having will power not to weigh. Friday here we come....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for being there for me!:laugh: :laugh:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Momma - I only weighed on saturday, and that was before i read the challenge! I've been very proud that I've been able to step away from the scales. And good for you too! :flowerforyou:

    Check in:

    Calories: Right on
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: No
    Proud: I avoided eating out to cook my own, healthy dinner. I wanted to weigh this morning, but I didn't.

    By the way, does anyone know how to cook brown rice? The stuff I made for my cacciatore didn't cook and it was in the pot for an hour. :grumble:

    Edit: WOOHOO 100th POST! :drinker:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello.. just checking in

    Calories.. ok
    water.. still working on it
    exercise.. did not do so great today as I ended up working a little more than I originally planned
    Proud.. I even though I did not get my exercise in I still did ok on my calories and did not go hog wild like I really wanted to today.

    Mama.. I have not weighed myself since Sunday.. (I really want to though)

    update on the diabetic Dr. All went well today! We told the new Dr what happened with the EVIL lady Dr we had the encounter with last week and the new Dr. (Mindy) was appalled as well. My husband has a few appointments set up over the next few weeks and months from PT, follow up on surgery to diabetic. So, there will be some extra time spent in the Dr. offices. My husband goes back to work tomorrow and I am pretty sure he is looking forward to it (cabin fever).

    Nothing new to report right now so, I will say good night for tonight! See you all tomorrow!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Dinner at the in-laws! God love them, they're in their 90s and still active, taking care of their home and very independent... But they are survivors of the Great Depression and food can be "adventurous" at times. Remember the National Lampoon Christmas? With cat food in the jello? Yeah. Pretty close.

    Calories - 500 over (from lovely not worth it things like cat food in the jello)
    Water - I've been doing fine! Just realized the 8 oz bottle I've been using is actually 16 oz! Dough!
    Exercise - 35 minutes on the elliptical machine this morning and TEN trips up the stairs at work! (831 "up" steps!)
    Sodium - over by about 300
    Sleep - short :(

    Proud - that I kept going back for more stairs! EDITED TO ADD-> I haven't looked at the scales yet this week! Since I track my weight every week day and I can't stand the idea of having a weeks data missing from my spreadsheet, I've had a co-worker write down my weight every day and she'll give me the numbers next week! She's even going to weigh me for our Biggest loser tomorrow and just tell me if I'm up or down :) Nice eh?

    Worried - tomorrow is the day I meet with HR, the VP and my manager to discuss my complaint for being written up in December. Management will win but I am right and I want to at least make my case and have some dignity! I've got an interview Thursday for a different company and the job I want at the hospital just posted so I'll put in for that. The HR rep said I have a good reputation at the hospital and my write up won't hurt my chances of getting another spot. I don't want to leave the hospital because I LOVE :heart: LOVE:heart: LOVE:heart: LOVE:heart: the hospital/organization - it's just my management team (two above me) that causes me so much grief!!!