Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 5



  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    No guys I'm not offended! Its okay. I'm just trying really hard to be healthy and I know I'm being healthy, even though some things I do people dont agree with. I just want to justify my choices.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    No guys I'm not offended! Its okay. I'm just trying really hard to be healthy and I know I'm being healthy, even though some things I do people dont agree with. I just want to justify my choices.
    Well thats great !!! Just know we are here to help if you need it without judgement of how you decide to do things.You have to do what works best for you and seems to me like you know that already.Good Luck and we will be here if you need us for anything.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Brown rice - I make it in a rice maker but my husband prefers a pot on the stove. Mine is a little more "sticky rice" style his is more al dente... He we both add fat (olive oil) rather than just water.

    If you're making it on the stove top let the water come to a rolling boil before you add the rice, and turn it down to a simmer - maybe a bit hotter than you last tried? If it is still too soupy try it with less water.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    So I feel a little stupid... The cup I have been using for water while at work is 16oz... so I have been meeting my water intake. :tongue:

    My husband kinda hurt my feelings last night :frown: He laughed at me bc I measured out the icecream... and told me I was being rediculous about it. I guess he doesnt get it since he is extremely tall and thin...
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    My manager asked me if I was free for lunch. With out looking up from my monitor (I was on a job hunting site - oops) I asked if he was buying. He said "yeah, sure" (this is the first time he's taken anyone to lunch in the two years I've been here). So I agreed (free food - I mean yeah... but FREE FOOD!)

    We went to Panera (OMG - Hello SODIUM!:noway: ) and ordered the same thing (kinda funny) and he basically said he wanted to call a truce. He asked if I would be able to put the past behind us, and I told him that since I have the attention span of a cocker spaniel puppy that shouldn't be a problem... We shall see.:huh:

    I told him that considering every thing that had happened I wasn't going to pretend that I'm not looking for a job - he said that he was looking too. Over all an interesting lunch.

    Pumpkin and Cottage cheese for breakfast and Panera's for lunch (soup and half sandwich) so my sodium is through the roof!

    I'm making spaghetti for dinner tonight - I'm guessing that between all this sodium and my stopping the water pill I'll have a BIG GAIN tomorrow.

    btw- I really :heart: love you guys!:smooched:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mari -- it may be the brand of rice you bought. I've tried some that just stay rock hard no matter how long I cook them. I don't know what's up with that.

    I'm really not sure of the brand I normally get, but most brands I've tried have been fine. So, what I do, is like mstahl says, bring the right amount of water (according to the package) to a rolling boil, then add the rice, then turn my burner (I have a gas range) as low as it goes, cover, and let sit there for about 45-50 minutes. I'm not sure if you're supposed to, but I always have to stir it after about 20 minutes & then keep a good eye on it for the rest of the time, stirring occasionally otherwise the rice on the bottom will burn (could just be an issue with my cheap range). It's firm but very far from crunchy. If you wanted it even softer, you could probably add some extra water & shove it in the microwave for a few minutes. Maybe.

    I've had brown rice that after 50 minutes on the stove it was still too hard and I had to add more water & cook it 10 or 15 minutes longer.

    I don't know if it's a brand-to-brand variance or if it's just a variance in brown rice in general but I've definitely had bags that cooked perfectly and bags that I pretty much just had to throw away.

    FALAFEL and tzatziki-- it's what's for dinner! I'm so excited.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My husband kinda hurt my feelings last night :frown: He laughed at me bc I measured out the icecream... and told me I was being rediculous about it. I guess he doesnt get it since he is extremely tall and thin...

    Just ignore him! That's what I do. My boyfriend and I had a huge fight (like completely massive for us because we very rarely fight) over putting or not putting a freaking tablespoon of olive oil on some pasta the week after I started this whole thing. He asked me if he could put the oil on, and I said "no, just put it on your portion" and then he started to do it anyway and I kind of flipped out about it. Okay, so it wasn't so much about the oil as it was about him being completely unsupportive & disrespectful at that point, but of course he's a man so he didn't understand the whole rest of my problem with what he was doing and he's like "why the eff are you freaking out about olive oil blah blah blah."

    Long story short (yeah right), I explained to him that I have a good reason for being a little "obsessive" (which really just means "focused") right now and I'd really appreciate it if he could be supportive of what I'm doing. So, now he doesn't question me. He gives me an occasional strange look & then moves on. :laugh: Anyway, so maybe a little heart-to-heart is in order?
    I wish I had talked to my bf about it isntead of letting it fester to the point of exploding over olive oil (which I'm not trying to insinuate is bad for you -- it's actually really good for you, it's just calorie packed which was my issue with it for that particular meal).
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have had to explain to my husband that from a calorie standpoint, an oz. of cheese, a TB of Olive Oil, a chunk of bread and a glass of wine is DINNER. If I make that 2 glasses of wine I have to give up the oive oil.

    Last night he asked if I wanted another glass of wine and I said, "sure, but I'll be on the treadmill for awhile longer tonight"

    slowly getting it... slowly...
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    thanks jlb and mstahl..I'll try putting the rice on with more water for a longer time. No more rice cooker..it got burned bad in there! I'll let you know how it comes out.

    jlb I'm so jealous! falafel is one of my favorites and I NEVER get to have it!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    After reading the stories some of you shared about training the men in your lives to understand the calorie counting in such, I am even more grateful for my boyfriend who "gets" it. He's also trying to lose weight, so we count calories together and try to burn certain numbers of calories when we workout together. Though, sometimes I do have to push him when it comes to cardio (which he hates).

    I wish you gals the best of luck because I know what it's like. I've been there! Just gave me a giggle and made me appreciate my man a little more...
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So I feel a little stupid... The cup I have been using for water while at work is 16oz... so I have been meeting my water intake. :tongue:

    My husband kinda hurt my feelings last night :frown: He laughed at me bc I measured out the icecream... and told me I was being rediculous about it. I guess he doesnt get it since he is extremely tall and thin...
    Just ignore him!! you are doing the right things to make yourself healthier and you should be proud of yourself for that!! Keep it up!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I RAN I RAN I RAN AGAIN for another 30 minutes straight.Thats a whole 90 minutes of running today for me and I feel good.I hope I can keep up with it because I need the boost.I think I can I think I can .LOL
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK, I can't remember who said they thought chili wasn't too bad (it was like three pages ago - a post from yesterday or today, we have so many!), but whoever it was, I encourage you to take a gander at the calories, fat, etc., from one cup of chili. I learned the hard way! I thought, hey it's like soup, can't be bad - yikes! :noway: VERY high in cals, but OH SOOOO GOOD! Enjoy!

    The thief drama at work was a disaster today. :ohwell: Everyone lost, including me. What a mess. Just know that, given the parameters of this particular kid's situation (which I did NOT know until after I found out he was the actual thief), :cry: I should have thought twice about hunting down & reporting him. Ah well, you live and learn. Some things are more important than the truth. :indifferent:

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 64
    exercise: do tears count?
    proud: Wow. Tough one today. I'm more ashamed than anything else.
    scale: didn't look, don't want to

    I'll be better tomorrow, I promise! Plus, we may actually have a snow day tomorrow. I need some serious sleep!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in for today 2/4/2010
    Calories-under by 64 woooo whooo! finally!
    sodium-over by 16
    proud-that I am under on my calories today
    scales-having a really hard time with this one
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Had the viewing tonight for my friend, it was tough. Had some friends come in from out of town for it too so spent most of the day with them. I didnt eat enough calories and I am sitting here enjoying a miller lite as type this. Dont really feel like checking in, but just wanted to say im still here

    good night

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OK, I can't remember who said they thought chili wasn't too bad (it was like three pages ago - a post from yesterday or today, we have so many!), but whoever it was, I encourage you to take a gander at the calories, fat, etc., from one cup of chili. I learned the hard way! I thought, hey it's like soup, can't be bad - yikes! :noway: VERY high in cals, but OH SOOOO GOOD! Enjoy!

    Well this, of course, depends on what you put in the chili! I make a very good very low fat/low calorie chili. I'm making it Saturday, actually. It's under 300 calories a (generous) serving (and yes, I even use beef the majority of the time!). I use no salt added tomato sauce & low sodium or reconstituted dry beans and keep the sodium amount per serving super low, too. Yum!! So much protein & so much fiber! So good for you!

    I'll figure up the nutrition info for whatever chili I'm going to make Saturday & post here if you want. I don't think I ever make a pot of chili the same way twice.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1352 (yay!!)
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike; C25k week 8 day 2+
    Water: 11 cups
    Sodium: 1757mg even with falafel
    Proud: Ran my 28 minutes for w8d2 at 4.0 (this is a pretty fast pace for me -- I'm short) then, I pumped up the treadmill to 6mph! That's like almost a full sprint for my short little legs -- it felt so good. Until I almost puked. :laugh: And then I stopped & started my cool down walk. I'm excited about going through C25K again at 2 different run speeds. I can hardly wait to be able to run 30 minutes at 5mph or faster! My goal for my first 5k in May -- to finish in around 36 minutes. If I *ran* a 5k right now I'd be willing to bet it'd take me at least 42 minutes to finish if I gave it *everything*. According to the stats I've seen for the races around here, I wouldn't be finishing last with that time, but I'd be darn close (and surrounded by 7 and 70 year olds at the back of the pack :laugh: ). Ugh, I'm rambling.

    Also, I'm proud that I tried on my boyfriend's jeans today and they FIT! ha! So, 'splain to me how a 5'11" 201 pound man and a (not even) 5'4" 218 pound woman can wear the same size pants. Yes, of course the pants were tighter on me in the hip/thigh area but they weren't tight at all. I was really surprised they fit.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Glad that it is bed time.

    Calories: yes 1247 under by 3 calories, really missing the exercise calories today.
    Water: close
    Exercise: no
    Scale: no
    Sodium: 1990
    Proud: I have been really hunger today between meals, but found things to distract myself to stay out of the kitchen.

    May the scales speak kindly in the morning...
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    check in for 2/4
    calories: under
    exercise: none
    proud: that I didnt give into Taco Bell when my coworker asked me if I wanted something!

    weight this morning: 2.8lbs down! :bigsmile: Yay me! I didnt know that cutting out cokes and fast food would make such a difference!

    I was just looking at all the different exercises on here and it has cleaning listed.... I was shocked when I saw it. Do you really think it burns that amount of calories?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    tiger - I haven't used the cleaning exercise option because when I clean I don't do it with the vengeance that keeps my heart rate up. If you scrub a floor and really get into it and sweating I think it's accurate - same with sweeping or anything else - if you get your heart rate up there!

    I use my heart rate monitor to calculate my calories burned and so far I'm over the pre-entered numbers for walking and way under the pre-entered numbers for the elliptical. On the elliptical I'm working out in the upper range of my heart rate and sweating like a fool! My average seems to be about 100 calories for every ten minutes of working out. This morning including warm up cool down, I was on the elliptical about 35 minutes and I burned 348 calories according to my HRM, the elliptical machine calculated it at less than half that (156). MFP estimated it WAY over what my HRM said.

    :drinker: SUPER BOWL APPETIZER - last night I stopped at the grocery closest to work. It's a Fresh Market which is like a slightly less expensive Whole Foods and much smaller. I picked up a pint of "whipped" cottage cheese to try out a recipe I read on the boards. I sauteed a chopped onion and mixed it with a pack of thawed chopped spinach (a freezer box size) and about half the cottage cheese (a cup?). Seasoned it with salt and a little pepper and sprinkled grated parmesan cheese on top. My oven had bread in it so I microwaved it on 50% power for 3 minutes, then 2 minutes on full power and I put it out with tortilla chips and Veggy chips as a dip. - It was really pretty good! I used a TB of olive oil to cook the onion and a cup of the cottage cheese had 160 calories, not sure what the chopped spinach had and the 2 TB of grated parm wouldn't be more than 200 calories... we had six adults dipping into it and one toddler (who can guess what a kid will eat?) It was pretty good - def needed the salt but yummy! You wouldn't need whipped cottage cheese, the only real benefit was that it disguised it from cottage cheese haters:wink: You could probably do the same thing by putting it in a blender.

    This morning I had my pumpkin and cottage cheese - I changed the ratio to 3/4 cup pumpkin and 1/4 cup cottage cheese (plus a packet of sweetener and lots of cinnamon) and I like it better this way! If you don't like to use artificial sweetener a tsp of real maple syrup works great!

    jlb123 - when ever I tell my horror stories about work I feel badly for you and lildebbie since you two work in HR - I know employees in situations like mine make your days difficult:frown: For what it's worth, I think my HR rep is doing the best she can with a $#itty situation.:happy: