Black Team Challenge Week Six!!!!!



  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning all from a slightly low UK member, didn't enjoy the scales this am:frown: , but I knew that the weight loss last week was due to the tummy bug hey ho.......

    Great idea this week, which I am definately going to do as am doing the shred dvd. Have been up since 4.45 am, hubs has to go to Paris, France for work today, so had to get up for the 5.30am train from Sunbury in London to catch the eurostar. So instead of loafing around, I set the 2 little ones up with cheerios and I have done 10 minutes on the rowing machine followed by level 1 of the shred:bigsmile: . I feel good, and have planned most of my meals for the day, so that hopefully I can get an early night in with hubs away until at least tomorrow!! and its only 0740!

    Tammy - my thoughts are with you and your hubs

    Marla - great run and love your mantra
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    tammy, sorry to hear about your husband hope everything goes ok. No weight loss again this week..............that's cool. I can handle it.:wink: Richie
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    My weight is down this week. Normally, I'd discredit it b/c I've been sick for two days, but I'm not so sure. My measurments are also down this week so I'm hoping it is for realsies. :bigsmile:

    Janie - WOOT! I was actually thinking about that yesterday when you were so sad. I've had battery problems with mine. Sure would be nice if it came with a low-battery light or something. :grumble: SO happy for you, lady!

    Tammy - Keeping your husband in my prayers. I hope all goes well & he has a successful surgery & quick recovery!

    Marla - Amazing, my dear. Simply amazing. *whispers* I would have flipped him off through my mittens. :bigsmile:

    Lori - That's what got me in this position. I stopped getting on the stupid scale, then I stopped logging my food. I was still exercising like a crazy person, but I was shoveling food into my head at the speed of light. I applaud people like you for being able to ignore the scale & still stay on track! *hugs*

    Sam - WOOT! Glad you enjoyed the break from the scale & woo hoo for no gain!

    Richie - Good attitude!


    Tanya - Did warming up on the rowing machine help with the jumping portion? I hope so!!

    Howdy everyone else! :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    This recovering scale addict actually had dreams about getting on the scale today. Nightmares, maybe. This scale addiction is a tricky thing to overcome.

    The good side of me has come to terms this week with accepting where I am.
    The bad side knows when I step on that scale everything I came to terms with will go right out the window. If there is a gain I'll be ticked and I'll have to start over on coming to terms again. I also know if I do post a loss that I'll be floating on cloud 9, which totally defeats the 'accepting where I am and being ok with it' mantra and sets me up for disappointment the next week when it shows back up again. I'm trying to figure out where staying the same comes into play, it will probably leave me feeling a little defeated feeling, I won't lie.

    Maybe I need a new mantra. Happy where I am. Content to stay the same. Losses, while not expected, will be happily accepted. Gains, just part of it, won't let them get me down.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    This recovering scale addict actually had dreams about getting on the scale today. Nightmares, maybe. This scale addiction is a tricky thing to overcome.

    The good side of me has come to terms this week with accepting where I am.
    The bad side knows when I step on that scale everything I came to terms with will go right out the window. If there is a gain I'll be ticked and I'll have to start over on coming to terms again. I also know if I do post a loss that I'll be floating on cloud 9, which totally defeats the 'accepting where I am and being ok with it' mantra and sets me up for disappointment the next week when it shows back up again. I'm trying to figure out where staying the same comes into play, it will probably leave me feeling a little defeated feeling, I won't lie.

    Maybe I need a new mantra. Happy where I am. Content to stay the same. Losses, while not expected, will be happily accepted. Gains, just part of it, won't let them get me down.

    *hugs* Whatever happens, we're here for you! :heart: That's one heck of a long mantra!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good Morning!

    Home again due to bad was definitely nice to sleep in again. Got a pleasant surprise today when I weighed this morning...even with minimal exercise and questionable food choices (see Monday's giant brownie covered in ice cream and yesterday's cupcake)...down 2.2 from last week and only 0.8 up from what my ticker says. Whoo hoo!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning!

    Home again due to bad was definitely nice to sleep in again. Got a pleasant surprise today when I weighed this morning...even with minimal exercise and questionable food choices (see Monday's giant brownie covered in ice cream and yesterday's cupcake)...down 2.2 from last week and only 0.8 up from what my ticker says. Whoo hoo!

    Freakin' winter storms! I'm glad you're able to stay home, Shuntae! YAY for a pleasant surprise! WOOHOO!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hello my wonderful black team--

    What a lovely run had I this day!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ventured out just as the snow began to spit. Nothing major, just a very, very light fall. 31 degrees, very little wind, about 8pm-- oh em gee-- it was breathtaking.

    Hubs had already run earlier, so off I went SOLO!!!!!!!!! I took a new route-- 3.5 miles, with one long section that had a very steady uphill portion. Here I am, huffing and puffing, and puffing and huffing-- I get halfway up and I'm dying.

    And here's my praise, my beloved team-- as I'm panting and gasping and dying to walk , this thought came into my head-- "Sherrard's stop. Brown's don't stop!!!!!!"

    Sherrard's are the family into which I was born, for any newbies-- as a general rule, they are a wicked, whiny, excuse making bunch, obese bunch whose only exercise is running to and from the Old Country Buffet.

    Brown's are my family-- the family I'm raising with my husband who taught me to STOP MAKING EXCUSES, and taught me the thrill of conquering the things I never thought I could-- woot out to my husband.

    But, then-- it gets better, my peeps-- my running mantra soon altered slightly....."Brown's don't stop-- Brown's don't stop-- Black team doesn't stop-- Black team doesn't stop."

    I kid you not-- with each step, I'd repeat those words until I reached the peak of the hill, and cruised down-- YOU RAISE ME UP, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

    So euphoric was I that I didn't even mind the jerk who honked at me towards the end of my third mile. And this wasn't a cute, little, "honk, honk, how ya doin', cutie" honk. This was a, "HONK, hey, lard butt, get out of the street," kinda honk. Apparently the guy was miffed that I was running on the side of HIS street. Jerk.

    I considered briefly flipping him the bird-- ha. But, two things went through my head very quickly. (I think a lot when I run, people)

    * I'm a Christian-- fruits of the spirit, "love, joy, peace, patience--" and all that jazz-- no can do.
    * I'm wearing mittens. Bloody lot of good it woulda done flipping him the bird wearing mittens-- (Tanya, I said bloody!!!!)

    The high school has already been closed for tomorrow, so the house is abuzz right now-- I had to return my cruddy file for tonight, which is rather nice from a relaxation standpoint-- will my company ever learn to check the sound files they send out for quality?????

    Anyway-- okay, yeah, I'm done rambling. Still euphoric over my lovely run-- still euphoric over my lovely team--

    :heart: you all-- hit the floor tonight, my friends.


    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    You are my inspiration Marla <<hugs>>

    thanks for the Woots Marla and Sara - it means a lot to me.

    Tammy - thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your husband

    Amanda - AMANDA!!!!! good to see you girl...

    Everyone else - stay warm and safe..

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Can I get a WOOT WOOT!!!

    Woot Out for Janie !!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I braved the scale, I actually had butterflies, I was happy. I'm not getting on again til next Wednesday, the benefits all week of the no scale stress far outweigh the stress of being completely clueless as to what it's going to say.

    I thought a lot about it at the gym. My 'ok weight' is going to be 149-153. As long as I'm in there, I will not allow myself to be upset. If it's lower, great, if it's higher, I need to step it up. Weight fluctuates, it is not worth getting upset when that fluctuation happens.

    For real, I say it all the time, the mental part of this is freaking draining, far harder than the physical part.

    Uh crud, need a shower and to head to the grocery store.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Evening team...I have to have hubby at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow. They moved his surgery up to 8:00 a.m. instead of 10:30. My oldest has to get the youngest ready for school and deliver him. This ought to be interesting. They are used to me doing things for them. Hope everybody has a good weigh in. I weighed today since I will be up and running so early tomorrow and no change for me. I am going to have to get serious this week!

    Andrew...Thanks for the challenge!

    Prayers for your hubby and hugs for you. Please let us know how it goes. :heart:
    I'll be thinking of you!

    Thinking of you !
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Andrew.. Great challenge, thank you !
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I braved the scale, I actually had butterflies, I was happy. I'm not getting on again til next Wednesday, the benefits all week of the no scale stress far outweigh the stress of being completely clueless as to what it's going to say.

    I thought a lot about it at the gym. My 'ok weight' is going to be 149-153. As long as I'm in there, I will not allow myself to be upset. If it's lower, great, if it's higher, I need to step it up. Weight fluctuates, it is not worth getting upset when that fluctuation happens.

    For real, I say it all the time, the mental part of this is freaking draining, far harder than the physical part.

    Uh crud, need a shower and to head to the grocery store.

    *highfive* I'm very proud of you, Lori! The mental part is exhausting, I totally agree.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I braved the scale, I actually had butterflies, I was happy. I'm not getting on again til next Wednesday, the benefits all week of the no scale stress far outweigh the stress of being completely clueless as to what it's going to say.

    I thought a lot about it at the gym. My 'ok weight' is going to be 149-153. As long as I'm in there, I will not allow myself to be upset. If it's lower, great, if it's higher, I need to step it up. Weight fluctuates, it is not worth getting upset when that fluctuation happens.

    For real, I say it all the time, the mental part of this is freaking draining, far harder than the physical part.

    Uh crud, need a shower and to head to the grocery store.

    Way to go! It's such a relief to find that 'happy range' and not have that stress.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey all-- 168 today, which is 1.5 down from last Wednesday-- 1.5 up from my lowest veggie juice fast weigh-in (which was lovely but not at all realistic)

    I'm happy with it.

    Hubs and I just ventured out in this lovely blizzard to the local diner for breakfast-- it's gorgeous out.

    Kids want to go sledding with some friends of ours, who have 8 kids, and want to do it here this time. They went over there on Saturday and don't think it polite to impose a second time. (plus they went over for the Super Bowl) Last thing I want today is 8 more kids in my house, but need to be nice mommy--

    So, we'll see what happens--

    Have a great day all!!!!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    hey all-- 168 today, which is 1.5 down from last Wednesday-- 1.5 up from my lowest veggie juice fast weigh-in (which was lovely but not at all realistic)

    I'm happy with it.

    Hubs and I just ventured out in this lovely blizzard to the local diner for breakfast-- it's gorgeous out.

    Kids want to go sledding with some friends of ours, who have 8 kids, and want to do it here this time. They went over there on Saturday and don't think it polite to impose a second time. (plus they went over for the Super Bowl) Last thing I want today is 8 more kids in my house, but need to be nice mommy--

    So, we'll see what happens--

    Have a great day all!!!!!!!!

    Sixteen kids, Marla? SIXTEEN?! thud.gif Brave woman! WTG on the lost weight!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I braved the scale, I actually had butterflies, I was happy. I'm not getting on again til next Wednesday, the benefits all week of the no scale stress far outweigh the stress of being completely clueless as to what it's going to say.

    I thought a lot about it at the gym. My 'ok weight' is going to be 149-153. As long as I'm in there, I will not allow myself to be upset. If it's lower, great, if it's higher, I need to step it up. Weight fluctuates, it is not worth getting upset when that fluctuation happens.

    For real, I say it all the time, the mental part of this is freaking draining, far harder than the physical part.

    Uh crud, need a shower and to head to the grocery store.

    Way to go! It's such a relief to find that 'happy range' and not have that stress.

    LOL... I said 'ok weight' not 'happy weight'. There's a difference! :wink:

    But regardless, I feel much less stressed. I've been bouncing in that range for quite some time, get excited to lose a few, then see those few again and get discouraged, lose, gain, lose, gain. It's all good and it's far more appealing than gain, gain, gain, gain.

    So I figure if it's going to work that way, then by golly, I'm making it my ok range and stopping the neverending up and down of emotions that go along with it. As long as the scale is in that range I will be content.

    Funny that my ticker says 10 pounds to go though...... can't decide whether to leave it or make it disappear. It's wishful (hopeful) thinking.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Wow Marla, 16 children and I thought 10 was enough (how many that can be in my house with mine and the minded are all here!), enjoy the snow. None here yet but even when it does arrive we don't usually get that much

    Lori, congrats on the head stuff. I can't see me getting there for a while but that is me

    Well had a bit of a grotty day, have been given notice for one of the children that I look after. The family are so lovely and the mum has said that we will stay in touch, but well life happens and people move on. Now need to try to fill the space that they have opened and haven't even told dh yet, as he's working in Paris and I don't want to distract him from his job.
    Feel like I should go out on the bike to get rid of the stress that I feel ,but have a headache and am so tired...... going to wait for the tumble dryer to finish and then I think I will go off to bed. Will say Good night all, and hope for a better day tomorrow

    Tammy - you and your hubs are in my thoughts xx
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    sigh of relief-- the mother of the 8 children was not about to venture out in the continuing blizzard conditions to bring her kids over.

    My husband, on the other hand, LOVES driving in this crap, so off he went with 6 of mine to their house-- with chili dip and tortilla chips to boot.

    I'm left with Caleb and Aaron--

    need to get typing-- gonna be late.

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,936 Member
    Great challenge this week Andrew and Marla!

    The scale was not my friend this morning. Didn't know what I expected. I deserved it.

    Got a half day of work in today. Tenley is still really sick. Had to pick them up from daycare. This afternoon should prove to be rotten with the eating. My head is pounding. Took 4 Tylenol. Aye yi yi.

    Sorry. I know, I'm whining. I'll stop.