Black Team Challenge Week Six!!!!!



  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: All shoveled out! I guess another storm is coming........Wishing all of you wonderful holiday weekend:heart:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!!

    Tammy-- Im sorry to hear that your husband is still in so much pain. I hope he feels better today:flowerforyou:

    Kati-- Sounds like you may have succeeded in getting that bug out of your house! Glad Tenley is better:heart: We make our own "healthified" taco salads too. I use ground turkey and loads of fresh veggies and instead of the taco shell bowl, I put Baked Tostitos in the bottom of a bowl and its delicious!! One of my favorite dinners:heart:

    Shuntae-- Thats fantastic!! I am so proud of you girl!:drinker: I know you will do terrific!:flowerforyou:

    Tamara-- Hope you had a good morning at the gym. I still dont get how you can get there and work out so early:noway: I never get there before 8am. That is dedication, I admire that:flowerforyou: Good luck with your son at the Dr next week!:heart:

    Marla-- Yes, today is a new day. And I wish a beautiful and better day for you my friend:heart::flowerforyou:

    I have an appointment this morning with my orthopedic Dr. My wrist has been giving me fits for the past 2 weeks and hasnt let up yet. It flares up on occasion, the last time was over the summer when I was playing so much tennis. But it's never hurt this much for this long:frown: I have my Mom and a few other "non-doctors" telling me its carputunnel (sp) or arthritis. I just want to find out what it is and get it taken care of.

    Im pretty sure it was the pushups and pullups that caused the flare up this time. Thats the only thing that I was doing different in my workouts that could have aggravated it. Ive been laying off of those for the past week, but the wrist is still screaming:cry: I guess I will have some answers this morning.:ohwell:

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Morning all. IT's freaking cold in sunny Florida. 36 degrees and pouring rain. Brrr! I went to the gym. Now I'm home and chilled. I am headed for a hot bath. I wanted to go get a pedicure today, but no way in heck am I venturing out there in flip flops. My toes would have ice on them. It was my Valentine present to me. I was thinking about a getting my hair trimmed, a mani and a pedi. Honestly, I'm not leaving the house again til I gotta. I even cleaned yesterday so I wouldn't have to do it today so I could have a me day. So much for me. Me is happy INSIDE.

    Instead I think I'll watch all the tax return that was deposited last night disappear from our account as I pay bills. I told hubby to look at the bank account a few times last night, it wouldn't look like that for long. I guess regardless of how fast it goes, it 's nice to have the extra, if only for a short time.

    Alright, later peeps, I'm freezing!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Roni, I hope that your appointment went well, and that its not your exercise that have caused the flare up.

    Marla, I like house as well, but will sit throught the program analysing everything that is happening...... I am sad :laugh:

    Shuntae, go girl. I am amzed at all the wonderful people on here that keep talking baout running. It is not something that I can use in my training (have no space for a running machine and theres no way am I paying a sitter so that I can go for a run :huh: ). A friend of mine ran the NYC marathon last year, and might have a space in the london marathon in april.

    Tammy, I hope that your dh is more comfortable today, and that he comes home soon.

    Tamara, I would love to do my exercises first thing in the morning, but the bike sometimes makes a real racket and I don't think the neighbours will be impressed as its in the lend to on the back of the house :devil:

    Kati - I wish the bug had gone from my home. I had a tummy bug 2 weeks ago and now I have the 2 little ones ill and again I have the lurgy.

    Horrid day here, I have only eaten toast all day and can just about stomach water, and constantly feel like I need to go to the bathroom! I have a house full of whiney children that are either ill or sickening for something, and dh can't get home from work urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To top it all I feel bad as I haven't exercised - I think I have formed an addiction to exercise :laugh:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Tanya - Get well soon.

    Tammy - Hope DH gets to feeling better soon!

    Lori & Sam- Are you supposed to get snow today? Can't remember how far North you both are.

    We had a dusting of snow this morning early and we're in for some tomorrow evening through Sunday. Yippee Skippee. But I can't complain when our snowfall looks like a dusting compared to D.C. and north of there. Yikes!

    Had a potato bar potluck today at work. Did okay for lunch but we had two different kinds of dessert. Should have stuck with the angel food cake and left the brownie alone. Oh well.

    Took the stairs today. 96 steps up.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Tanya - Get well soon.

    Tammy - Hope DH gets to feeling better soon!

    Lori & Sam- Are you supposed to get snow today? Can't remember how far North you both are.

    We had a dusting of snow this morning early and we're in for some tomorrow evening through Sunday. Yippee Skippee. But I can't complain when our snowfall looks like a dusting compared to D.C. and north of there. Yikes!

    Had a potato bar potluck today at work. Did okay for lunch but we had two different kinds of dessert. Should have stuck with the angel food cake and left the brownie alone. Oh well.

    Took the stairs today. 96 steps up.

    Lori might but I'm to far east to get it. It's just raing like the ****ens out though and cold.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I have started over. Due to the different scales and therefore different weights, I changed my starting weight to what I weighed this morning. Wipes out on my ticker all the weight I have lost since 10-08. It's a fresh start from here on out.

    I did that when I came back in January. Kinda felt good. :bigsmile:

    Yes..Yes it does !:wink:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone - Haven't checked in lately....but don't worry, I've been stalking everyday!:flowerforyou:

    Tamara - I hope you son's appt goes well. I had a friend who's daughter had something similiar who wanted to play baseball. She had to sign all kinds of waivers for liability because the league didn't want to be responsible if a ball came and hit her straight on. Good wishes coming your way.

    So I tried to figure out how to post a picture...even read Marla's post on technical topics from a few years ago. I'm clueless. don't know what an img is. where it resides on the resides on my server in a was a beautifull picture taken during our snowstorm with dh and me...very picturesque

    I have such cabin fever -not being able to get out there and run with my peeps in the AM. I brought my work out clothes to work today. There is a little gym in the basement. Did the trick. Of course coming back to the office with a bright red face (takes awhile for this Irish skin to tone down) Finally able to log some miles and burn some calories so I can stay under goal for a change! Got on the scale in the locker would take that! Much more generous than my scale at home. Not going to count it though...but can't wait to see that number for real at home.

    taking ds(12) and his peeps to see the opening of Percy Jackson & the Olympian: The lightening Thief. He is so funny. He made me read the book so I can follow along with him. They are so cute! They are all so excited. Of course we are going to the 10:30 pm show!:sad: :sad: I'm usually sleeping by then...don't know how I will stay up!

    got my abs done today! did the bicycle ones too!

    Happy :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: to all this weekend! Hope your someone specials treat you well........with low calorie treats that is:laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Tanya - Get well soon.

    Tammy - Hope DH gets to feeling better soon!

    Lori & Sam- Are you supposed to get snow today? Can't remember how far North you both are.

    We had a dusting of snow this morning early and we're in for some tomorrow evening through Sunday. Yippee Skippee. But I can't complain when our snowfall looks like a dusting compared to D.C. and north of there. Yikes!

    Had a potato bar potluck today at work. Did okay for lunch but we had two different kinds of dessert. Should have stuck with the angel food cake and left the brownie alone. Oh well.

    Took the stairs today. 96 steps up.

    We saw flurries for about a 30 minutes!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    a little small!!! How do I get it bigger?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    a little small!!! How do I get it bigger?

    Rub it-- oh, wait-- what are we talking about?
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    For everyone who is doing their abs workout you must try this workout, It just about killed me but well worth it, dont know how many I did, but know tomorrow I will be oh so sore!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...Hubby got to come home this evening and I am pooped. I finally got everything put away, most of the laundry done and the house cleaned up. I have not exercised since Tuesday night except I did take the stairs to the 7th floor of the hospital about 4 times a day. Today is the first day that I didn't log anything in my food diary since I started in November, but tomorrow I will be back on track. It is snowing in SC, already about 4 inches which is very unusual for us. I'm sure I'll have to take the boys sledding tomorrow since DH can't. It is killing him. He just loves playing in the snow:cry: Hope everyone is warm and safe this weekend. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. It looks like DH is on the road to recovery:happy:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Hanging Leg Lifts:

    There's this one:


    and this one:


    I have tried them similar to the first pic...but being a petite just wasn't trainer sets up arm straps from a bar...then I step onto a bench to get my arms into them...hang...and do them from there...and so far I'm not advanced enough to take me legs straight out, I bring my knees towards my chest and then lower them about half a shorter range of motion.....

    ....basically I hang from the ceiling and look like a bada$$....:smokin:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Tammy - Glad to hear that your DH got to come home tonight. Kudos to you for taking the stairs to the 7th floor, 4 times nonetheless! Prayers still heading your way!

    Tamara - Oh em Gee! I did that video. Don't mind the screaming you'll hear in the morning. That'll just be me trying to get out of bed. Yowzers! Burn baby burn! That outta help with the treats I indulged in today.

    Tomorrow won't be much better as far as treats are concerned. V-Day party for Girl Scouts, 2 B-day parties and one will be with pizza. I better get in those jumping balloons with the kids at the first b-day party to burn some calories!

    Abs are double done! And, i left work with my dress shoes on. I had to go all the way back upstairs for my snow boots. Extra, extra, extra stairs today, but not as many as Tammy.

    Nite my friends!